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Accelerated and
Projectile Motion
Most Essential Learning
Describe the horizontal and
vertical motions of a projectile
An object is moving in an equal
distance in an equal amount of
time, does not speed up nor slow
down as time goes by.
If an object maintains a constant
change in its velocity in a given
time interval
UAM: Describing and Predicting
An object is said to be under
uniformly accelerated motion if it
maintains a continuous change in
velocity in a given interval of
Positive Uniform Acceleration
If an object is experiencing a
positive uniform
acceleration, then the effects
are further increase in
velocity and distance
Negative Uniform Acceleration
Will continuously decrease
the velocity and distance
covered by the object at a
given time interval, until
such, the object will stop
UAM: Projectile Motion
A projectile motion is a motion by
which an object is thrown and
mainly manifests both horizontal
and vertical motion. By ignoring air
resistance, the only force acting on
the object is gravity. The object
being thrown is called a projectile.
There are 5 variables in the UAM
vi = initial velocity
vf = final velocity
a = acceleration
Δx = displacement or distance
Δt = change in time
Sample Problem 1
A bus accelerates uniformly from
18.5 m/s to 46.1 m/s in 2.47
seconds. Determine the
acceleration of the car and the
displacement or distance
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Vertical Dimension (Free Fall)
Things thrown upward, downward, or
dropped have an acceleration due to
the gravity of g = -9.8 m/s2. This means
that the velocity of an object in free fall
changes by 9.8 m/s every second of fall.
Consider a stone dropped from a cliff as
shown in figure 3.
There are 5 variables in the UAM
vi = initial velocity
vf = final velocity
a = acceleration
Δy = displacement or distance
along the y axis
Δt = change in time
Sample Problem 2

A stone was dropped from a

cliff, neglecting air resistance,
determining the displacement
by the stone after 3.5
Sample Problem 3
A rock was thrown upward
with an initial velocity of
22m/s. How much time it will
take for the rock to reach the
maximum height? What is the
maximum height?

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