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Name : (B) If you buy these clothes, you’ll

Class : popular.
Subject : English Language and (C) Your closet’s too full already.
Day/Date : 4. Which two techniques used in the zed
ENGLISH MIDTERM TEST (A) Association (If shop at Zed, I’ll be
cool like these people)
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (B) Repetition (The ad seems to say “Zed”
a lot)
1. Hurly :“Why do we have certain age to (C) Price claims (Zed has “guilt-free
be considered an adult?” prices” and “start at $22.99”)
IIyas : “I don’t know. Let me think.”
Hurly :”….” 5. Where do you expect to see this
To talk about possibilities, the best expres advertisement?
sion (A) Sport magazine.
to fill the gap is …. (B) Kids fashion magazine.
(A) Is it possible for people older than (C) Teenager fashion magazine.
adult (D) Game magazine
age to still think like children?
(B) Do you think we are capable of doing 6. Rose : “We failed the contest. You’re
this job? not doing your share.”
(C) Can we stop doing our homework? Sara : “…….”
If Sara admits her fault, she may say ….
2. Diana : “Can I talk to you for a sec?” (A) You’re the one who’s wrong.
Earl : “Well, I am afraid I am busy now.” (B) That’s easy to say in hindsight.
Diana tries to …. (C) I am fully responsible.
(A) show her curiosity.
(B) talk about possibilities. 7. Jim : “You are very smart, but you
(C) start a discussion. really need to improve your English.”
Sister B : “What do you mean?”
From the conversation above, Jim is trying
to express ….
(A) criticism.
(B) compliment.
(C) blame.

8. Situation : Your friend is presenting in

of the class. He seems nervous and he
speak clearly.
To criticize him, you may say the
except ….
(A) Next time you may want to brush up
Question number :13-15. your presentation skill before standing
in front of the class.
3. What is ad trying to get you to think? (B) Your presentation was awful.
(A) You look good in yellow. (C) I should have known better.

This following a story above to answer Santi : Oh, poor you ......?
question 9-11 a. Can I get you some aspirin
Once upon a time there was a b. May I come to your house
beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with
her stepsister and stepmother. They were very c. Could you come to my house
bossy. She had to do all the housework. d. Can you do me a favour
One day an invitation to the ball came e. Can you help me
to the ball came to the family. Her stepsister
did not let her go, so Cinderella was very sad. 14. Joan: “No doubt. She is at home.”
The stepsister went to the ball without her. Kyle: “How do you know that?”
Fortunately, the fairy good other came Joan: “Well, I just feel it.”
and helped her to get the ball. At the ball,
Based on the conversation above, Joan....
Cinderella danced with the prince. The prince
fell in love with her then he married her. They (A)is making an assessment.
lived happily ever after. (B)is making a prediction.
(C)is making a speculation.
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE
according to the text? 15. If you want to make an assessment you
(A) Cinderella lived with her stepsisters. may
(B) Cinderella felt annoyed with her say the followings except....
stepsisters. (A)I must say that your spaghetti is gross.
(C) Cinderella was helped by her (B)I think you are very good at writing.
stepsisters to do all the housework? (C)I agree with the budget

10. the communicative purpose of this text 16.Leon :“I wish I hadn’t forgotton to feed
is to .. my fish.”
(A)entertain the reader with a fairy Maya : “I am sorry to hear that.” Leon
tale expresses....
(B) describe how Cinderella went to the (A)persuasion.
ball (B)hope.
(C) explain to the readers why Cinderella’s (C)regret.
stepsisters hated her so much.
17. Sister A :“Did you wear my dress
11. “They were very bossy”. (paragraph 1) again ?
The word “bossy” means … You must ask for permission
(A) furious before you borrow things from other
(B) arrogant people.”
(C) sensitive Sister B : “I am sorry. I swear I will not do
that again.”
12. If you want to make a prediction, you According to the conversation above,sister
may B is ....
say … (A)expressing her hope.
(A) Our farmers grow rice (B)making a promise.
(B) Our farmers will become factory (C)encouraging her sister.
workers in the future
(C) Our farmers’ wealth have increased 18. Student : “I faild again.Oh I am not
significantly compared to the last 15 good at Math.”
years. Math Teacher : “Don’t give up.I was slow
when I first studied Mathematics.”
13. Santi: Hi, Nina! Whhat’s up? Why do The teacher is ....
you look so sad? (A)giving encouragement to his/her
Nina : I’ve got a terrible headache. student.

(B)regretting something.
(C)making a promise

19.Cynthia :”Can you help me to clean my

room ?”
Daniel :”I can’t, story.”
Cynthia :”....”
Cynthia can say all the following to
Daniel,except .... Match the Part A to Part B with the
(A)Just this once.
correct answers (write the
(B)Not even for me?
(C)I hope that you live a good life. alphabetically)

No PART A Answers
20. You : “Good afternoon, …….
Yesterday you delivered my 1 discussion text (…………)
laundry to my house, but you 2 explanation text (…………)
forgot my shirt.” 3 Narrative text (…………)
The person : “All right, could you fill out 4 Social function of (…………)
this narrative text
form? We will get back to you 5 Communicative (…………)
soon.” purpose of discussion
The best expression to fill in the blank is text
(A) I am here to complain about your
(B) I was wrong
(C) I don’t know


a. an imaginative story to
entertain people
b. Fable, folktale, and
c. a text describes a
particular things, places,
d. to present information
and opinions about more
than one side of an issue
e. a text that explain how
or why something
f. to amuse listener or
reader with the story
g. text which served the
information such as the
opinion or public view
about the natural or
social phenomena

6. What is an explanation text? Explain briefly!
7. Change the following sentences below to positive, negative, and interrogative sentences.
a. The tour guide guides us on this trip.
b. We represent our school to traditional dance competition at the hall.
8. Change the following sentences below to positive, negative, and interrogative sentences.
a. On Sunday night, we went to convention hall
b. The Scientists had predicted about the formed rainbow process.

This Vacancy advertisement is for questions 9-10


A fast progressing foreign company is looking for a male or female typist for
its branch in Jakarta. Applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

a. Good command of English

b. Minimum typing speed: 45 words per minute
c. Last Education: SMA
d. Age: Between 20-30

Letter with complete personal data and references should be sent to


9. What kind of job is offered in this advertisement?

10. Who has a better opportunity to get that position?

Be honest guys! No one watches you, but

the God always stares at you all the time

****Best of Luck***

Adapted by: Elmy-IAIN P.Raya

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