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Question Answer

Where is the Manila Business College located? Location: Manila, Philippines.

Who is the instructor for Human Behavior in Organization at Ms. Jiebeth G. Bueno.
Manila Business College?

What are the main components of attitudes? Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive components.

What is the difference between espoused and enacted Espoused values are the ones that an individual or organization claims to believe in,
values? while enacted values are the values that are exhibited through actions.

What are the factors associated with job satisfaction? Work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, opportunities for
promotion, and pay.

What is the most important attitude in the workplace? Job satisfaction.

What does a company imply when it advertises that its milk It implies that the products are of good quality.
products come from contented cows?

Why is job satisfaction an important concern for both Job satisfaction is important for employers as it can lead to higher productivity, lower
employers and employees? turnover, and better employee retention. For employees, job satisfaction is crucial for
their overall well-being, motivation, and engagement in their work.

What is the relationship between values, attitudes, and job They are all interconnected aspects of human behavior in organizations.

How do values, attitudes, and job satisfaction impact They influence how individuals perceive and engage with their work environment.
human behavior in organizations?

What role do values play in shaping job satisfaction? Values guide individuals' preferences and priorities, impacting their satisfaction with
their job.

What are individual versus organizational values? Individual values are personal beliefs and principles, while organizational values are
the guiding principles of the company.

How do espoused values differ from enacted values? Espoused values are the stated values of an organization, while enacted values are
the values that are actually practiced within the organization.

What are the main components of attitudes? The main components of attitudes are cognitive, affective, and behavioral.

What is the most important attitude in the workplace? Job satisfaction is considered the most important attitude in the workplace.

What factors are associated with job satisfaction? Factors such as work environment, relationships with colleagues, and recognition
contribute to job satisfaction.

What are some theories of motivation related to job Theories like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory are
satisfaction? linked to job satisfaction.

What is the definition of values in the context of human Importance of a person attaches to things or ideas that serve as a guide to actions.

What are values in the context of human behavior in Enduring beliefs that one’s mode of conduct is better than the opposite mode of
organization? conduct.

What is the role of modeling in the learning of values? Modeling plays a significant role in the learning of values.

How does communication influence attitudes? Communication of attitudes can influence the formation of attitudes.

What is an unstated but implied attitude? An unstated but implied attitude is an attitude that is not explicitly expressed but can be
inferred from behavior or communication.

How does religion impact people's values and attitudes? Religion can significantly impact people's values and attitudes.

What is Achievement as a type of value? It pertains to getting things done and working hard to accomplish goals.

What is the value that refers to a person's concern with Helping and concern for others.
other people and providing assistance to those who need

What does the value of honesty indicate? It indicates a person's concern for telling the truth and doing what he thinks is right.

What is the value that indicates a person's concern for Fairness.

impartiality and fairness for all concerned?

What is the value that indicates a person's concern for Fairness.

impartiality and fairness for all concerned?
Question Answer

What are individual values? Personal beliefs and principles that guide an individual's behavior and decision-making.

What are organizational values? Beliefs and principles that guide the behavior and decision-making of an organization
as a whole.

What are espoused values in an organization? They are what the members of the organization say they value.

How are enacted values reflected in an organization? They are reflected in the actual behavior of the individual members of the organization.

What do Terminal Values represent? The goals that a person would like to achieve in his lifetime.

What do Instrumental Values refer to? Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving the terminal values.

What are attitudes in the context of human behavior in an Feelings and beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their
organization? environment, commit themselves to intended actions, and ultimately behave.

What are the main components of attitudes? Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral segments.

What does the cognitive segment of an attitude involve? Opinion or belief.

What is the affective segment of an attitude related to? Emotional or feeling.

What is the behavioral segment of an attitude about? Intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.

What are the differences in personal disposition? Differences in personal disposition refer to variations in individuals' inherent traits,
characteristics, and temperaments.

What is Positive Affectivity in the context of human behavior Personal characteristics of employees that incline them to be predisposed to be
in the organization? satisfied at work.

What is Negative Affectivity in the context of human Personal characteristics of employees that incline them to be predisposed to be
behavior in the organization? dissatisfied at work.

How are attitudes formed? Attitudes are formed through a combination of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral
intentions towards a particular object, person, or situation.

What is the most important attitude in the workplace? Job satisfaction.

What refers to the extent to which an employee identifies Job involvement.

with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers
his or her performance important to self-worth?

What is the psychological and emotional attachment that an Organizational commitment.

employee has towards the organization?

What is the focus of the course 'Human Behavior in The effects of employees' attitudes on job performance.
Organization' at Manila Business College?

What are positive job attitudes? Favorable beliefs and feelings about the job and the workplace.

What are negative job attitudes? Unfavorable beliefs and feelings about the job and the workplace.

What are the main components of employee attitudes? Positive employee attitudes, negative job involvement, organizational commitment, job
satisfaction, and job dissatisfaction.

What is the most important attitude in the workplace? Job satisfaction.

What factors are associated with job satisfaction? Positive employee attitudes, organizational commitment, and high job involvement.

What are some factors associated with job satisfaction? Salary, Work Itself, Promotion, Opportunity, Quality of Supervision, Relationships with
co-workers, Working Conditions, Job Security.

What are the ways of measuring job satisfaction? The single global rating method and the summation score method.

What is the single global rating method? An approach where individuals are asked to respond to a single question, such as
'How satisfied are you with your job?'

What is the Summation Score method? An approach where individuals indicate their feelings regarding each key factor of their

What is the purpose of the questionnaire? To measure satisfaction in various factors related to work.
Question Answer

What does the blank space in '_____ 1. work itself' It indicates the level of satisfaction with the work itself.

What does the blank space in '_____ 2. Salary' indicate? It indicates the level of satisfaction with the salary.

What are the three dimensions of commitment in Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment.

What is motivation? The process of activating behavior, sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular

What are the elements of motivation? Intensity, direction, persistence.

What are the theories of motivation covered in the course? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, ERG Theory by Clayton Alderfer, Acquired Needs
Theory of David McClelland.

Who proposed the Hierarchy of Needs theory? Abraham Maslow.

What are the three categories in the ERG Theory by Existence, Relatedness, Growth.
Clayton Alderfer?

Who developed the Acquired Needs Theory? David McClelland.

Who proposed the Two Factor Theory of Motivation? Frederick Herzberg.

What is another name for the Two Factor Theory of Hygiene-Motivation Theory.

What are the two factors in the Two Factor Theory of Hygiene factors and motivator factors.

What are hygiene factors in the Two Factor Theory of Factors that can lead to dissatisfaction if inadequate.

What are motivator factors in the Two Factor Theory of Factors that can lead to satisfaction and motivation.

What is the main idea of the Process Theory of Motivation? Focuses on how specific variables influence motivation.

Who is the instructor for the lesson? Ms. Jiebeth G. Bueno.

What is the subject of the lesson? Human Behavior in Organization.

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