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Soal Pengantar T.P.

2023/2024 SMA Plus Sedayu Nusantara

Nama/ : / XII A. that closed the windows D. when I closed the windows
B. if I closed the windows E. that you closed the windows
Kelas : English C. whether you closed the windows
Bid. Studi : ENG – 08 7. Jane said to me, “I was in the concert yesterday.”
Jane said to me that …
Materi A. she was in the concert yesterday
B. she had been in the concert the day before
C. I had been in the concert the day before
SOAL PENGANTAR D. she had been in the concert yesterday
E. I was in the concert the day before
The American city of Detroit was like Paris, some people said. It
had a big river, beautiful wide streets and important buildings. Then, in the 8. Doctor : “Open your mouth!”
20th century, it was called ‘Motor City’ because of the number of car Mother : “What did the doctor tell you?”
factories there. Workers in the car factories had good jobs and they Son : “The doctor told me …”
earned good money. It wasn’t unusual to own a home, a boat and even a A. that I opened his mouth
holiday home. In the 1950s, new highways were built and lots of people B. if I opened my mouth
moved from the city centre to the suburbs. Life was good. But at the C. whether I open my mouth
beginning of the 21st century, Detroit became America’s poorest big city. D. to open my mouth
In a period of fifty years, more than half the people left Detroit. E. opened my mouth
Houses and buildings were empty. Poverty and crime increased. Plants
and trees grew in the empty houses. What happened in Detroit? 9. Eti asked Andi, “Will you come to my party next Saturday?”
The city’s population fell for several reasons. One reason is people Eti asked Andi …
moved to the suburbs in the 1950s. Another reason is that in 1967 there A. if he would come to my party the following Saturday
were terrible riots. A lot of people were scared of coming to the city. Also, B. whether he would come to her party next Saturday
the big car companies like General Motors and Chrysler had huge C. whether she would come to his party the following Saturday
problems. And in 2008, the world financial crisis had a big effect on many D. if he would come to her party the following Saturday
cities, especially Detroit. Now, a lot of people in Detroit are poor. Half of E. whether would he come to her party the following Saturday
the city’s families have less than 25,000 dollars a year.
In 2013, the city of Detroit was bankrupt. It was the biggest 10. Mother : “Do you want meatballs or fried chicken?”
bankrupt city in American history. But then something began to change. It Mother asked me …
was a new beginning for the city. It had some money to improve small A. whether I wanted meatballs or fried chicken
things like lights in the streets and so people felt safe. The police came B. whether I want meatballs or fried chicken
quickly when there were problems. Old, empty buildings were demolished. C. that I wanted meatballs or fried chicken
There is now space for new buildings. And there are new businesses too. D. that I want meatballs or fried chicken
The city gave 10,000 dollars to 30 new small businesses. Now there are E. if I want meatballs or fried chicken
grocery stores, juice bars, coffee shops and even bicycle makers. Finally,
the city is working again. 11. “I’ve been writing letters,” Sean answered.
We can also say …
1. Before it become a poor city, people living in Detroit were ... A. Sean answered that he had been writing letters
A. Prosperous B. Sean answered that he has been writing letters
B. Miserable C. Sean answered that he wrote letters
C. Friendly D. Sean answered that he has writing letters
D. Terrifying E. Sean answered he has been writing letters
E. Pleasant
12. Stephen : “Sandra, are you going to let me go without you?”
2. Why is Detroit called “Motor City”? It means:
A. Because so many people used car everyday A. Stephen asked whether Sandra is going to let him go without her
B. Because so many cars factory in Detroit B. Stephen asked Sandra to let him go without me
C. Because every individual has car C. Stephen told Sandra that she was going to let him go without her
D. Because the government giving car to people living in Detroit D. Stephen asked Sandra if she was going to let him go without her
E. Because so many car dealers in Detroit E. Stephen asked if she was going to let Sandra go without him

3. “It had some money to improve small things like lights in the streets ...” 13. Tutut : “Were you sleeping when I called you last night?”
The underlined word refers to ... Indra : “No, I went to the cinema.”
A. General Motors D. City of Detroit From the dialogue we know that Tutut wanted to know if Indra … when
B. Chrysler E. Bankrupt she called him.
C. American history A. sleeps D. has been sleeping
B. slept E. had been sleeping
4. Detroit become the poorest city in America in ... C. was sleeping
A. 1950s D. 2008
B. 1967 E. 2013 14. Mom : “Oh dear! Didn’t I tell you to tidy this room?”
C. The beginning of 21st century Ani : “Mom! I couldn’t do it alone. Fery promised to help me but
he went out.”
5. What happened to the City of Detroit after people left the city? In the dialogue Anto’s mother wanted to know whether Anto … the
A. It looks like a dead city room.
B. The government immediately fix the city A. was tidying D. will tidy
C. Many immigrants from other cities move to Detroit B. would tidy E. tidied
D. The government asked for loans from the President C. had tidied
E. The government blocking the city to prevent people leaving the
city 15. John said to me : “Why do they go abroad so often?”
John asked me …
6. Stephen said to me, “Do you close the windows at night?” A. if they went abroad so often
The indirect form is: Stephen asked me … at night. B. why they went abroad so often

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Soal Pengantar T.P. 2023/2024 SMA Plus Sedayu Nusantara
C. why did they go abroad so often
D. why do they go abroad so often 21. The policeman told them not to drive fast.
E. did they go abroad so often The policeman said, “…”
A. Not to drive fast in town.
SOAL QUIZ B. Don’t drive fast in town.
C. Drive not too fast.
Drama and comedy were the earliest genres of cinema, and D. Not drive fast in town.
they're still the most popular genres today. Comedies entertain us by E. Never drive fast in town.
making us laugh, but dramas entertain us by telling interesting stories. A 22. Fatimah asked me if I had come to the party the day before.
good drama does more than just tell a good story, however. It makes us In other words: Fatimah said, “…”
care about the characters and feel many emotions. If something good A. Did you come to the party the day before?
happens we feel like smiling, if something sad happens we feel like crying, B. Do you come to the party this evening?
and if something bad is done to a character we like we might even feel C. Do you come to the party yesterday?
angry. If we feel emotions like these we'll get involved in the story and find D. Do you come to the party tomorrow?
it more entertaining. But dramas can do even more than this. They can E. Did you come to the party yesterday?
also make us think about important issues and teach us important lessons
about life and how to live. 23. “It will be a wonderful trip,” Ani told them.
Here are many different genres of drama and one of the most We can say Ani told them that it … a wonderful trip.
popular is the mystery genre. In this genre, suspense keeps us anxious A. was D. will have been
while we watch what happens. A classic example is Alfred Hitchcock's B. will be E. would have been
Rear Window in which a photographer sees something suspicious through C. would be
a neighbour's window and then tries to discover what's happened. In many
mysteries a private detective is hired to help a client who's in trouble, as in 24. “It was a very nice lake,” Setya said.
The Long Goodbye and Chinatown. A similar genre is the police drama in We can say Setya said that it … a very nice lake.
which crimes are often investigated by police detectives. Two good A. was D. had been
examples are In the Heat of the Night about an African American detective B. is E. would be
who faces racism while investigating a murder, and Mystic River in which C. has been
something terrible happens while police are trying to solve a serious
crime. 25. Fitria asked Ratih what had happened.
Fitria said: “…”
16. The Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window tell story about ... A. What happens? D. What has happened?
A. A detective hired to help a client who’s in trouble B. What happened? E. What did happen?
B. An African American detective who faces racism while C. What had happened?
investigating a murder
C. Police trying to solve a serious crime but something terrible 26. Galih: “Stop the car, please!”
happens Driver: “OK.”
D. A photographer trying to discover what happens in his neighbour A. Galih told the driver stop the car.
E. Adventure of a peasant in medieval time B. Galih said that the driver stop the car.
C. The driver told Galih to stop the car.
17. “It makes us care about the characters and feel many emotions.” D. Galih told the driver to stop the car.
The underlined word refers to ... E. The driver said that he has stopped the car.
A. Comedy genre
B. Movie 27. Abet: “Sisca, are you busy?”
C. Drama genre It means: …
D. Movie story A. Abet wanted to know whether Sisca is busy.
E. Emotions B. Abet wanted to know that Sisca is busy.
C. Abet wanted to know that Sisca was busy.
18. The In the Heat of the Night film tell a story about ... D. Abet wanted to know if Sisca was busy.
A. A photographer trying discovering what happens in his family E. Abet wanted to know if Sisca has been busy.
B. A detective hired to help a client who’s in trouble
C. Police trying to solve a serious crime but something terrible 28. Mr. Jack said to me, “Can you go with us this afternoon?”
happens This sentence means …
D. An African American detective who faces racism while A. Mr. Jack asked me if he could go with us this afternoon.
investigating a murder B. Mr. Jack asked me to go with us that afternoon.
E. A soldier telling his experience C. I told him to go with us that afternoon.
D. I wondered if Mr. Jack could go with them that afternoon.
19. “In this genre, suspense keeps us anxious while we watch what E. Mr. Jack wanted to know if I could go with them that afternoon.
The underlined word refers to ... 29. Yono said, “I wish I were the winner.”
A. Drama genre It means: …
B. Comedy genre A. Yono wished that he is a winner.
C. Mystery genre B. Yono wished that he had been the winner.
D. Romance-comedy genre C. Yono wished that he could be the winner.
E. Action genre D. Yono wished if he were the winner.
E. Yono wished if he is a winner.
20. In Mystic River film the story is about ...
A. A soldier telling their experience in war 30. “I’ve been working here for ten years,” Vira told.
B. An African American detective who faces racism while It means:
investigating a murder A. Vira told that she had worked there for ten years.
C. A photographer trying discovering what happens in his family B. Vira told that she had been working here for ten years.
D. A detective hired to help a client who’s in trouble C. Vira told that she had been working there for ten years.
E. Police trying to solve a serious crime but something terrible D. Vira told that she has been working there for ten years.
happens E. Vira told that she had worked here for ten years.

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Soal Pengantar T.P. 2023/2024 SMA Plus Sedayu Nusantara

31. “Don’t waste your money on cigarettes!”, My father said.

In other words, we say …
A. My father advised me not to waste my money on cigarettes.
B. My father told me that he didn’t waste my money on cigarettes.
C. My father asked me if I had wasted my money on cigarettes.
D. My father allowed me to waste my money on cigarettes.
E. My father said that I didn’t waste my money on cigarettes.

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