Anshul E-Commerce Women's Clothing

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E-Commerce Women's Clothing

Sentiment Analysis and Classification

Anshul Rajeshwar Singhal
B Tech CSE

ABSTRACT Because of this huge shift, sentiment analysis and

classification has emerged as a popular research
Given that people now express their thoughts and and discussion topic in the field of Natural
feelings more honestly than ever before, sentiment Language Processing and computational
analysis is quickly becoming into a critical tool for linguistics.
monitoring and analysing sentiment in all types of
data. By automatically analysing client feedback, Emotional analysis of ideas and ideas is quickly
such as opinions in e-commerce clothing reviews, becoming an important tool for monitoring and
brands can discover what makes customers happy understanding emotions and sentiments across all
or unsatisfied. This enables them to tailor their types of data, as people are able to communicate
goods and services to specifically meet the needs of their thoughts and feelings more freely than ever
their clients. before through social media and other platforms. In
Sentiment Analysis, we detect and analyse positive
Our research paper presents a sentiment analysis and negative sentiment of text based on different
model for analysing positive-negative customer parameters like polarity, etc. After this analysis, the
reviews for E-Commerce Women's Clothing. From classification models try to deduce something from
an e-commerce standpoint, as customers are observed information. They will attempt to predict
the value of one or more outputs or labels that can
shifting from going to retail stores to shopping
be added to the dataset given one or more inputs.
online, research customer behaviour is gaining
The goal of this code implementation and research
traction. In this paper, customer review text was
paper is to apply Natural Language Processing to
used to assess and gauge, carry out, and scrutinize
explore wide ranging trends in customers expressed
the most efficacious strategies in the context of
sentiments. The aim is to estimate whether
sentiment analysis. In this research paper, several
customers would recommend the product they
classification models were made along with
bought based on the information in customer
sentiment analysis and the best model was
reviews and build sentiment classification models
identified based on following parameters of
using Machine Learning Algorithms.
accuracy along with f1-score, recall and precision.
Sentiment Analysis and Classification are Natural
Sentiment; analysis; classification; machine Language Processing tasks whose implementation
learning; deep learning; e-commerce; and study pose several challenges. The space and
long short term memory; natural language extent in the field of information retrieval and the
processing; supervised learning; bag of words; explorational analysis of emotions and opinions is
count vectoriser; support vector machine increasing as internet and web technologies such as
social media continue to grow and expand. As a
INTRODUCTION: result, academic researchers are particularly
E-commerce has become an integral aspect of the interested in resolving the issues surrounding
Sentiment Analysis.
global retailing sector in recent years. People have
The research paper, “Sentiment Analysis and
started considering online shopping as a better
Opinion Mining”, IJERT, by Mrs. Hari Priya and
option due to convenience of having to travel to Okoro Jennifer Chimaobiya, 2016, [1] it presents a
shops, better prices, no sales pressure, no crowd, comprehensive overview of topics such as how
huge variety of products and many other reasons. different emotions are expressed in reviews,
But from a seller's point of view, it becomes a identifying recognizable features in an unstructured
problem to understand customer's need and reviews text and the degree of accuracy with which these
in e-commerce. Organisation are starting to use features predict review categories.
social platform listening/ reviewal systems as a The initial step is to determine the text's content.
technique so as to better observing and The nature of language, which contains high level
understanding their customers and customising and of semantical format complexity that is not found
making changes to their products and/or services. in other types of data, makes this process
challenging. Plain text and structured question they were trained do not perform well in other
answers [Somprasertsri, 2010 and Kim and Hovy, domains, is studied in detail in a case study -
2005, respectively] are used to collect opinions. Customizing sentiment classifiers to new domains
However, extracting opinions from structured data in Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural
is not the fundamental difficulty. Rather, it is the Language Processing Vol. 1 by A. Aue and M.
problem of extracting opinions from unstructured Gamon. Most of the research focuses on domain-
text that poses several difficulties [Liu, 2010a and specific solutions.
Liu, 2010b]. Concerns such as identifying There is a great deal of work on sentiment analysis
sentiment categories, dependency or reliability of in movie reviews and product reviews. As a result
context (as it can differ from person to person), of analysing the vast dataset of product reviews
ambivalence of word meaning (a word can have offered by disparate customers on the internet,
multiple meanings), impacts of multilingual Fatima M, Sumbal Riaz S, Nisar MW, Kamran M
(around 7000 languages exist), and text/ document used a method called text mining in order to
noise removal (or removing characters digits and classify the customers' opinions and compute every
pieces of text that can interfere with text analysis), term's SP at the phrase level rather than at the
among others, continue to be a challenge for NLP document level in their paper - “Opinion mining
and have an impact on opinion mining efficiency. on large scale data using sentiment analysis and k-
Next step is to categorise the emotions/ sentiments means clustering”. Following that, a keyword
in a manner to ascertain their orientation. Different extraction process was used to extract high-
ways or methods to address this problem are frequency terms from each document and then for
specified in this fabulous work by B. Pang and L. the purpose of grouping the data based on
Lee, “Opinion mining and sentiment analysis” (Jan. sentiment strength values, k-means clustering was
2008). used.
Next step involves sentiment classification and two Another paper by Abien Fred M. Agarap,
traditional ways of performing sentiment “Statistical Analysis on E-Commerce Reviews,
classification based on semantics are supervised with Sentiment Classification using Bidirectional
learning and unsupervised learning. One very basic RNN”, used NLTK Sentiment Analyzer to
difference between both is that supervised learning automate the process of SA on e-commerce
uses labelled input and output data, whereas on the women’s clothing reviews and bidirectional RNN
other hand, unsupervised learning algorithm and LSTM to better capture context of words in the
doesn’t. As per “A survey on opinion mining and review texts such that the system has the ability to
sentiment analysis: Tasks, approaches and establish a finer understanding of the context from
applications, Knowledge-Based Systems 89, 2015” past to the future and vice-versa. The accuracy of
by K. Ravi and V. Ravi, SVM [2] - Support Vector implemented model was around 92.8 percent.
Machines and NB - Naive Bayes are the most often Another study by M.V.B.T. Santhi, Nikhat
used supervised classification approaches. Detailed Parveen, Vidyullatha Pellakuri, Haran Pellakuri,
descriptions of sentiment analysis methodologies Lakshmi Ramani Burra, “E-commerce women’s
are given in the survey - Sentiment analysis clothing sentiment analysis through probabilistic
algorithms and applications by W. Medhat, A. model LDA using R-SPARK”, [3] made use of
Hassan and H. Korashy, including machine LDA model which is primarily used for document-
learning and lexicon-based approaches (corpus- level classification activities. They processed the
and dictionary-based) like neural networks, textual reviews using algorithms like tokenization,
decision trees, support vector machines, and stop words removal, stemming, etc and then
methods that are probability-based such as divided each text into topic proportion and
Bayesian networks, naive Bayes,maximum distribution, namely positive negative class, and
entropy. executing LDA as an inference technique for each
For better efficiency of the classification models object results in a word distribution for every
built from a collection of documents, these texts object. For each document, harmonic mean across
should be converted to vectors or sequences of topic proportion is calculated to classify them into
numbers using feature extraction methods such as two distinct sentiment groups.
bag of words [Sentiment classification using Most E-commerce websites allow their customers
machine learning techniques, in: Proceedings of to leave reviews to express their opinions about the
ACL-02 Conference on Empirical Methods in NLP product in detail. This paper focusses on one such
– Volume 10, EMNLP by B. Pang, L. Lee and S. dataset and presents sentiment analysis and
Vaithyanathan]. Text noise removal techniques like classification of e-commerce clothing reviews.
stemming, stop word removal and lemmatization
algorithms are also used for better working of the
models. One of the main concerns, that because METHODOLOGY:
they are heavily dependent on the training data,
classifiers that perform well in the domain where Dataset
There are various ways to collect data, one of names was replaced with underscore for coding
which could be to use a program to automatically convenience. Also, data rows with null values in
collect mass data for example tweets on a particular review text column were removed. Columns like
topic based on classes, and the other could be using unnamed_0, clothing_id which mostly had unique
a formulated dataset from open-source interfaces values and were not of any use of us were also
like Kaggle. dropped. Also, some of the reviews with these
ratings given by the user suggested that the user
The dataset that we used is Women’s Clothing E- would recommend the cloth but they didn’t and
Commerce from Kaggle that consists of reviews vice-versa. Due to this data ambiguity or data
from real end consumers and hence the details and inconsistency, rows having rating 3 and 4 were
information regarding the customer and company removed so as to balance the data and increase the
has been anonymized or replaced. This classification model accuracy.
dataset contains 20000 rows and 11 columns, with
each row representing a customer review.

Dataset Analysis

 Clothing ID: It gives distinctive id to the

# Column Count
particular clothing item being reviewed. 0 Unnamed: 0 23486
 Age: It represents age of the reviewer. 1 Clothing ID 23486
 Title: It represents review title. 2 Age 23486
3 Title 19676
 ReviewText: Text contents of the review
4 Review Text 22641
as written by the customer. 5 Rating 23486
 Rating: Rating given to the product from 1 6 Recommended IND 23486
(worst) to 5 (best) by the customer. 7 Positive Feedback Count 23486
 Recommended IND: 1 and 0 are used to 8 Division Name 23472
represent recommended and not 9 Department Name 23472
10 Class Name 23472
recommended respectively by customer
 Positive Feedback Count: Represents the
number of people that found the given Revised data after removal of 845 duplicate null
reviews helpful. value record from “Text” -
 Division Name: It represents the high-
level division's explicit name of the cloth Ratin Reco Reco "Text" Class by
piece. g m -0 m -1 Count Rating
 Department Name: It represents the 1 806 15 821 Negative
explicit name of department of cloth item. 2 1455 94 1549 Negative
 Class Name: The cloth's explicit name of 3 1653 1170 2823 Neutral
class. 4 164 4744 4908 Positive
5 23 12517 12540 Positive
Total 4101 18540 22641

Text Processing:

Since raw review text given by the customers may

contain undesirable or unnecessary text, our results
may not be as accurate as we would want and may
Data Cleaning: be difficult to comprehend and evaluate so we need
Data cleaning or Preprocessing is a very important to perform text pre-processing of review texts.
step as data might contain missing values, noises or First, tokenization was performed which broke the
might be in an unusable format that cannot be used raw text into words, sentences called tokens. Then,
for analysis and classification models directly. punctuations like full stop, comma, hyphen, colon,
First, all the columns were checked for null values. etc were removed. Stop words like I, am, is, had,
If any column had more than 80 percent null etc were also removed as such words do not add
values, the column was dropped/ removed. All the any meaning to text and removing them reduces
columns were renamed as space between column noise and dimension of the feature set. Then
lemmatization was done which combined a word's
several inflected forms into a single item that can Positive red 0 7
Class by
be analysed easily. Lemmatization was chosen over
Sentimen 1491 1262
stemming as it brings context to the words. t 0 2284 6
Class by Text
Sentimen Coun
t t
Negative 1476

Positive – Negative Sentiments:

Feature Extraction Methods And Train Test
Next, we classified each review as negative or Split:
positive with the help of VADER module (Full
Form - Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment We need to check and evaluate the performance of
Reasoner). This module is a tool that measures the our classification models or deep learning and
amount of positivity and negativity (emotions) in a machine learning algorithms. For this purpose, we
text as well as the strength of that sentiment or divide or split the dataset into two parts – train (size
emotion or opinion. SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() 70-80% and test (size 20-30%). Cleaned review
which is an object, and polarity_scores which is a text were taken as x and recommended column was
pre-defined function, return a dictionary of scores taken as y and the train test split with a test size of
in four classifications: positive, neutral, negative 30% for machine learning models and 20% for
and compound. The fourth category is basically the deep learning models was done.
sum of neutral, positive and negative scores
standardized within the range of -1 to 1.
A model that transforms documents consisting
of text into vectors of scores give/assigned to
each word of the document is bag-of-words. It
is a very famous approach used to create
sentiment classification models. Tokenizing
each of the clean review phrases in dataset
Initial Data after removal of Null record created a bag of words that represented our
vocabulary. That bag of words vector basically
"Text represented each individual sentence or sample
Ratin Recom Reco " Class by
g -0 m -1 Count Rating in the clean review column of dataset.
1 806 15 821 Negative
2 1455 94 1549 Negative  COUNT VECTORIZER:
3 1653 1170 2823 Neutral It is a supreme tool provided by scikit – learn
4 164 4744 4908 Positive library that is used for converting a certain text
5 23 12517 12540 Positive like review text into a vector (or sequence of
Class by integers). It is primarily centred on the
Total 4101 18540 22641 Sentiment
Text Class by
frequentness/ frequency of every word that
Count Sentiment occurs during the course of the text (review).
20010 Positive Using this approach, increased the accuracy of
2631 Negative the models by almost 1 percent.
Final Data
Test Text Recom Recom -
"Tex Method Size Count -0 1
t" Bag of 30% of
Class by Coun Reco Reco Word data 4473 685 3788
Rating Remark t m -0 m -1 count 30% of
1- Conside vectorizer data 4473 685 3788
Negative red 821 806 15
2- Conside
Negative red 1549 1455 94
Neutral removed
4- Classification Models:
Positive removed
5- Conside 1254 23 1251
While machines learn to think and act with fewer for classification problems as compared to
human interventions, deep learning refers to regression problems. With the feature extraction
computers learning to think using structures that method of bag of words, the model gave an
resemble those found in the human brain. accuracy of 90.74% and with count vectorizer, the
Six classification models were built to predict accuracy was 91.48%.
whether or not the clothing piece is recommended
by the customer based on the review given by
them. Three deep learning models were also built
to check whether they give higher accuracy or not.
These models were tested against parameters like
accuracy, f1- score, recall, support, and precision.


The features in Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB)
SciKit-learn library of python implements the
[5] are believed to come from a basic multinomial
Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network Model [8]
distribution. MNB is best appropriate for features
which is a supervised learning model. It trains on a
that indicate counts or count rates since the
dataset to learn the function f: Rm * Ro, where o and
multinomial distribution describes the chance of
m give the number of dimensions for output and
observing counts among a number of categories.
input, respectively. A non-linear function
The feature extraction method of bag of words gave
approximator can be learned from a set of features
an accuracy of 93.67% and with count vectorizer
X = x1, x2, ..., xm and a target Y for either
the accuracy was 94.75%.
classification regression. With the feature
extraction method of bag of words, the model gave
an accuracy of 93.38% and with count vectorizer,
the accuracy was 94.48%.


This algorithm treats every item of data as a point
in n-dimensional space [6] (n - number of features ADA BOOSTING CLASSIFIER
in data), with the value of each feature being
determined by the coordinates of that feature. AdaBoost classifier is an iterative ensemble
Classification is then done by finding a hyper-plane supervised learning or meta-learning model, which
that best differentiates the two classes. With the by combining multiple poorly performing
feature extraction method of bag of words, the classifiers and learning from their mistakes [9],
model gave an accuracy of 94.05% and with count builds a strong classifier that will provide high
vectorizer, the accuracy was 94.79%. accuracy. It is easy to implement and overfitting is
not an issue. With the feature extraction method of
bag of words, the model gave an accuracy of
91.01% and with count vectorizer, the accuracy
was 91.91%.


This classifier [7], a supervised ML algorithm
which is used extensively in regression and
classification problems, creates decision trees on K NEAREST NEIGHBOUR
numerous samples. For classification, it considers Known as the lazy learner and non-parametric
their majority vote for classification whereas for algorithm, KNN does not learn from the training
regression, average. It usually gives better results set of the dataset immediately. Instead, it retains the
dataset and then when the time to classify comes, it
performs an action on it. It simply stores datasets
during the training phase, and as new datasets are
received, it classifies them into similar related
categories. With the feature extraction method of
bag of words, the model gave an accuracy of
85.31% and with count vectorizer, the accuracy
was 85.56%.


A biLSTM classifier, which is a sequence

processing model, comprises of two LSTM models:
one taking the input in a forward direction, and the
other in a backwards direction. By using BiLSTMs,
the amount of information available to the network
LSTM – Long Short Term Memory is greatly increased. The algorithm is better able to
contextually understand the sentence (for example,
LSTM is a type of recurrent neural network. In
knowing what words immediately follow an article
terms of memory, LSTMs are better than traditional
in a sentence and what words precede an article).
recurrent neural networks. LSTMs are relatively
The DL model gave an accuracy of 94.48%.
better at remembering certain patterns once they
have mastered them. LSTMs may have several
hidden layers [11], and as the LSTM passes
through every layer, relevant information is
retained, and all irrelevant information is discarded.
It has 3 main gates - forget, input and output. The
DL model gave an accuracy of 94.28%.
Sentiment of customer reviews was analysed, and it
was observed that there were 20010 positive
reviews and 2631 negative reviews. Of the two
different feature extraction methods used – Bag of
Words and Count Vectorizer, Count Vectorizer
GRU – Gated Recurrent Units gave higher accuracy for all the classification
models. Six different machine learning and three
GRU is like a newer version of RNN since it has deep learning models were built and compared
fewer tensor’s operation which makes it faster. It is based on their accuracy and classification report.
very similar to LSTM but some of the differences The comparative analysis clearly shows that
between GRU [12] and LSTM are as follows. GRU Support Vector Machine (SVM) was the best
doesn’t consist of a cell state, it uses its hidden classification model with the highest accuracy.
states to transport information and contains only 2 With the feature extraction method of bag of
gates - Update and Reset. A Gated Recurrent Unit's words, SVM model gave an accuracy of 94.05%
hidden state incorporates the information stored in and with count vectorizer, the accuracy was
the Internal Cell State of an LSTM recurrent unit. 94.73%. Among Deep Learning Models,
Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-
After that, the cumulative information is passed on
LSTM) was the best model with the highest
to the following Gated Recurrent Unit. The DL
accuracy of 94.48%. Overall, SVM which is a ML
model gave an accuracy of 93.47%. model performed better than DL models because
DL models usually give a better performance with
large datasets whereas the dataset, we worked on [4] “Statistical Analysis on E-Commerce
was small as compared to real world datasets. Reviews, with Sentiment Classification using
Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network”, by
Below is chart for Accuracy- Abien Fred M. Agarap
[5] Shriram, Jan 3, 2021, Multinomial Naive
Bayes Explained: Function, Advantages &
Accuracy by Method & Model Disadvantages, Applications in 2022,
Deep Learning

B-LSTM 0.945 naive-bayes-explained/, May 1, 2022

GRU 0.935 [6] GeeksForGeeks, Jan 22, 2021, Support
LSTM 0.943 Vector Algorithm,
SVM 0.948
machine-algorithm/, May 1, 2022
Count Vectorizer

Random Forest 0.915

[7] Sruthi E R, June 17, 2021, Understanding
Neural Network 0.945
Random Forest,
NAIVE BAYES 0.947 Total
KNN 0.856 6/understanding-random-forest/, May 1, 2022
AdaBoost 0.919 [8] Deepika Singh, June 6, 2019, Machine
SVM 0.941 Learning with Neural Networks Using scikit-
Random Forest 0.907
Bag of Words
Neural Network 0.934
learning-neural-networks-scikit-learn, May 1,
NAIVE BAYES 0.937 2022
KNN 0.853 [9] Anshul Saini, September 15, 2021,
AdaBoost 0.910 AdaBoost Algorithm – A Complete Guide for
0.800 0.850 0.900 0.950 1.000 Beginners,
beginners/, May 1, 2022
[10] Tarun Jain, Payal Garg, Namita Chalil,
[1] “Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining”,
Aditya Sinha, Vivek Kumar Verma, Rishi
IJERT, Mrs. Hari Priya and Okoro Jennifer
Gupta. “SMS Spam Classification Using
Chimaobiya, 2016
Machine Learning Techniques”. - Sumbal
[11] Jason Brownlee, July 26, 2016, Sequence
Riaz S, Fatima M, Kamran M, Nisar MW,
Classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural
“Opinion mining on large scale data using
Networks in Python with Keras,
sentiment analysis and k-means clustering”
[2] K. Ravi and V. Ravi, A survey on opinion classification-lstm-recurrent-neural-networks-
mining and sentiment analysis: Tasks, python-keras/, May 1, 2022
approaches and applications, Knowledge-
[12] Saul Dobilas, February 2021, GRU
Based Systems 89, 2015
Recurrent Neural Networks,
[3] Nikhat Parveen, M.V.B.T. Santhi, Lakshmi
Ramani Burra, Vidyullatha Pellakuri, Haran neural-networks-a-smart-way-to-predict-
Pellakuri. "Women’s e-commerce clothing sequences-in-python-80864e4fe9f6, May 1,
sentiment analysis by probabilistic model LDA 2022
using R-SPARK", Materials Today:
Proceedings, 2021


Below is analysis data of all the model based on accuracy. SVM Model for both the method has highest

Method / Model Recom No Yes Accurac Suppor Precision Recal f1 Score Total
. y t l
BAG OF WORDS Predicted
0 175 0.9367 683 0.82 0.74 0.78
Actua 8
l 10 368
1 0.9367 3790 0.95 0.97 0.96
8 2
0 154 0.9405 683 0.83 0.77 0.80
11 367
1 0.9405 3790 0.96 0.97 0.97
2 8
0 388 0.9074 683 0.92 0.43 0.59
1 26 0.9074 3790 0.91 0.99 0.95
0 159 0.9338 683 0.79 0.77 0.78
13 365
1 0.9338 3790 0.96 0.96 0.96
7 3
0 282 0.9101 683 0.77 0.59 0.67
12 367
1 0.9101 3790 0.93 0.97 0.95
0 0
0 58 625 0.8531 683 0.64 0.08 0.15
KNN Actual 375 4473
1 32 0.8531 3790 0.86 0.99 0.92
Count Vectorizer
0 87 0.9475 667 0.80 0.87 0.83
Actua 0
l 14 365
1 0.9475 3806 0.98 0.96 0.97
8 8
0 141 0.9479 667 0.85 0.79 0.82
1 92 0.9479 3806 0.96 0.98 0.97
0 348 0.9148 667 0.91 0.48 0.63
1 33 0.9148 3806 0.92 0.99 0.95
0 146 0.9448 667 0.84 0.78 0.81
10 370
1 0.9448 3806 0.96 0.97 0.97
1 5
0 269 0.9191 667 0.81 0.60 0.69
1 93 0.9191 3806 0.93 0.98 0.95
0 39 628 0.8556 667 0.68 0.06 0.11
KNN Actual 378 4473
1 18 0.8556 3806 0.86 1.00 0.92
Deep Learning
0 146 0.9428 685 0.83 0.79 0.81
Actua 9
LSTM 4473
l 11 367
1 0.9428 3788 0.96 0.97 0.97
0 8
0 95 0.9347 685 0.75 0.86 0.80
GRU Actual 4473
19 359
1 0.9347 3788 0.97 0.95 0.96
7 1
0 109 0.9448 685 0.81 0.84 0.82
B-LSTM Actual 4473
13 365
1 0.9448 3788 0.97 0.96 0.97
8 0

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