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Questionnaires on Online Banking Services

Demographic Information:
1. Name (Optional): __________________________ _______________
2. Age: _____
3. Gender: ___________
5. Education Level: _____________________
6. Occupation: _____________________________________
7. Monthly Income: ______________
8. Do you live in a rural area of Uttar Pradesh?
A. Yes
B. No
Access to Technology:
9. Do you own a smartphone?
A. Yes
B. No
10. Do you have access to the internet?
A. Yes
B. No
11. How often do you use the internet?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Rarely
E. Never
Online Banking Experience:
12. Are you familiar with online banking services?
A. Yes
B. No
13.Have you ever used online banking services?
A. Yes
B. No
14. If yes, which online banking services have you used?
~Mobile Banking App
~Internet Banking Website
~UPI (Unified Payments Interface)
~Mobile Wallets (please specify): ___________________
~Other (please specify): ____________________
Barriers to Online Banking:
15. What are the main reasons you have not used online banking services?
A. Lack of internet access
B. Lack of knowledge about online banking
C. Concerns about security
D. Language barriers
E. Lack of trust in technology
F. Prefer traditional banking methods
G. Other (please specify): ______________________________________________
Online Banking Usage:
16. How often do you use online banking services, if at all?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Rarely
E. Never
17. What types of transactions do you perform through online banking?
A. Checking account balance
B. Fund transfers
C. Bill payments
D. Mobile recharges
E. Other (please specify): ________________________
User Experience:
18. How satisfied are you with your online banking experience?
A. Very satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Neutral
D. Dissatisfied
E. Very dissatisfied
19. What improvements would you like to see in online banking services for rural users?
Ans. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Security Concerns:
20. Do you feel that your online banking transactions are secure?
A. Yes
B. No
Language and Accessibility:
21. Is the language used in online banking services understandable to you?
A. Yes
B. No
22. Do you think online banking services should be available in local languages?
A. Yes
B. No
Training and Support:
23. Have you received any training on how to use online banking services?
A. Yes
B. No
24. Do you think there should be more training and support for rural users of online banking services?
A. Yes
B. No
Government Initiatives:
25. Are you aware of any government initiatives promoting digital literacy and online banking in rural
A. Yes
B. No
26. Have you benefited from any such initiatives?
A. Yes
B. No
Financial Inclusion:
27. Do you think online banking services can help in financial inclusion for rural communities?
A. Yes
B. No
Future Intentions:
28. Do you plan to use online banking services more in the future?
A. Yes
B. No
Thank you for participating in this survey! Your feedback is valuable in understanding the needs and
challenges of rural users in Uttar Pradesh regarding online banking services.

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