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AICTE Activity Points Programme Report



Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of


Submitted By

Shubha B 1VA20CS051

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Syed Matheen Pasha Prof. Umesh R
Dept. NSS Coordinator, NSS Program Officer, SVIT
Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka | Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Accredited by NBA, New Delhi (CSE, ISE, ECE, CIVIL, MECH), NAAC “A” GRADE


(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka | Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Accredited by NBA, New Delhi (CSE, ISE, ECE,CVIL,MECH) & NAAC – “A” Grade

Rajanukunte, Bengaluru- 560 064



This is to certify that the Activity work entitled “AICTE ACTIVITY

PROGRAMME” carried out at “Marenhalli Gram Panchayat and Belve Gram Panchayat”
by Mr. Shubha B(1VA20CS051), a bonafide student of SAI VIDYA INSTITUTE OF
in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science &
during the year 2023-2024. The Activity report has been approved as it satisfies the
university requirements in respect of Activity work points prescribed for the said Degree
and students have completed Four Hundred (400) hours of activity and secured Hundred
(100) activity points for the above mentioned activity.

Prof. Syed Matheen Pasha Dr. Shantakumar B Patil

Department NSS Coordinator Professor & Head
Dept. of CSE, SVIT Dept. of CSE, SVIT

Prof. Umesh R Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad

NSS Program Officer, SVIT Principal, SVIT

The completion of AICTE Activity Points Programme brings with and sense of
satisfaction, but it is never completed without thanking the persons who are all
responsible for its successful completion. First and foremost I wish to express our deep
sincere feelings of gratitude to my Institution, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, for
providing mean opportunity to do our education.

I would like to thank the Management and Prof. M R Holla, Director, Sai Vidya
Institute of Technology for providing the facilities.

I extend my deep sense of sincere gratitude to Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad,

Principal, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru,for having permitted to carry out
the activity work on “Rural Development program” successfully.

I am thankful to Dr. A M Padma Reddy, Additional Director and Professor,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, for
his constant support and motivation.

I express my heartfelt sincere gratitude to Dr. Shantakumar B Patil , HOD,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Sai Vidya Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, for his valuable suggestions and support.

I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Umesh. R, NSS Program Officer, Sai

Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, for his constant support.

I express my thanks to Prof. Syed Matheen Pasha, Asst Professor & NSS
Coordinator, Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Sai Vidya Institute of
Technology, Bengaluru,for his valuable suggestions and support.

Finally, I would like to thank all the Teaching, Technical faculty and supporting
staff members of Department of Information Science and Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute
of Technology, Bengaluru, for their support.

Shubha B 1VA20CS051


The objective of AICTE student activity is to expose students to real-time life challenges,
to provide the opportunity to gather data, analyze data, propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate
entrepreneurial mindset and societal commitment.

This report is broken down different Sections, which gives a brief overview of the
various activities we carried out, including the Supporting and spreading awareness about
the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan,Helping local Schools to achieve good result and enhance
their enrolment in Higher Education,Creating awareness about plastic to the
public,Awareness about appropriate technology for public,Facilitating 100% digitalise
money transactions,and other awareness programs.

This activity has broadened our knowledge base, which was made possible by me and my
colleagues participation in the numerous duties allotted to us. It's been a fantastic
experience in Marenahalli and Belve(Udapi)it will be extremely beneficial to us if we
continue to build such platforms and immerse ourselves in such social initiatives.

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................I
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... II
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................III

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1

ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Supporting and spreading awareness about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ..................... 4
2.1.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Description of the event ....................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Activity Images .................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Contribution to national level initiative of Govt. of India (Swachh Bharat) ................. 7
2.2.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Description of the event ....................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Activity Images .................................................................................................... 8
2.3 To assist the marketing of rural produce ........................................................................ 9
2.3.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Description of the event ....................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Activity Images .................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Developing and Managing Efficient Garbage Disposable System .............................. 11
2.4.1 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Description of the event ..................................................................................... 11
2.4.3 Activity Images .................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Helping local schools to achieve good results ............................................................. 13
2.5.1 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 13
2.5.2 Description of the event ..................................................................................... 13
2.5.3 Activity Images .................................................................................................. 14

CERTIFICATES .............................................................................................................. 15

CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 17

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................II
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................ III
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... V

1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................1

SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN.......................................................................................3
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Cleanliness Campaign ...................................................................................................4
2.3 Street Cleaning and Waste Segregation ........................................................................6

CREATING AWARENESS ABOUT PLASTIC TO THE PUBLIC.................................7
3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................7
3.2 Plastic Pollution Campaign ............................................................................................7
3.3 SLRM Unit......................................................................................................................9

THEIR ENROLMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION........................................................10
4.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................10
4.2 Upskilling Campaign....................................................................................................11

5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................13
5.2 Awarness Campaign.....................................................................................................14

FACILITATING 100% DIGITALISE MONEY TRANSACTIONS..............................16
6.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................16
6.2 Awarness Campaign.....................................................................................................17

Marenahalli Gram Panchayat…………………………………………………………….19
Belve Gram Panchayat…………………………………………………..………………20

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................21
7.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................21
List of Figures

Figure 1 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 3

Figure 2 With Panchayath Head 4
Figure 3 Cleanliness campaign at Marena Halli (1) 5
Figure 4 Cleanliness campaign at Marena Halli (2) 5
Figure 5 Cleanliness campaign at Marena Halli (3) 5
Figure 6 Group Photo with Volunteers 6
Figure 7 No To Plastic 7
Figure 8 Spreading Awareness to people about harms of plastic(1) 8
Figure 9 Spreading Awareness to people about harms of plastic(2) 8
Figure 10 Spreading Awareness to people about harms of plastic(1) 9
Figure 11 SLRM unit of Marena Halli 9
Figure 12 Government school children 10
Figure 13 Interaction with School kids on various topics 11
Figure 14 School kids exhibiting their talent 11
Figure 15 Spreading awareness on woman hygiene 12
Figure 16 School kids sharing their goals 12
Figure 17 Awareness about appropriate Technology 13
Figure 18 Educating local shops about modernized tools 14
Figure 19 Educating villagers about various technologies(1) 15
Figure 20 Educating villagers about various technologies(2) 15
Figure 21 Digitalised money transaction 16
Figure 22 Educating villagers about UPI apps(1) 17
Figure 23 Educating villagers about UPI apps(2) 18
Figure 24 Educating villagers about UPI apps(3) 18
Figure 25 Educating villagers about UPI apps(4) 18




The objectives of AICTE student activity is to expose students to the real time life
challenges, to provide an opportunity to gather data, analyse data, propose and implement
solutions on real time problems, provide an opportunity for personal development, help
students to develop Leadership skills and Entrepreneurial skills, to create engineers who
are proud volunteers having a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having
social impact and to create digital awareness.
For this project we worked with Gram Panchayat of two different area with whom we
planned our activities such as:

• Supporting and spreading awareness about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

• Helping local Schools to achieve good result and enhance their enrolment in
Higher Education.
• Creating awareness about plastic to the public.
• Awareness about appropriate technology for public.
• Facilitating 100% digitalise money transactions.

The project was conducted in two stages. First stage was held during April 2023
in Marena Halli Panchayat and the second stage was held during November 2024 in
Belvee Gram Panchayat with the complete assistance of the Trust and complete support of
the panchayat of the respected villages.

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Table 1 Activity Summary Report

Name of the activity Panchayat/D Dates/Total Maximum Remarks

istrict Duration points for
the activity
1) Supporting and Marena Halli 80 20 Accomplished
spreading awareness
about the Swachh Bharat

2) Helping local Schools Marena Halli 80 20 Accomplished

to achieve good result
and enhance their
enrolment in Higher
3) Creating awareness Marena Halli 80 20 Accomplished
about plastic to the

4) Awareness about Belve 80 20 Accomplished

appropriate technology
for public.

5) Facilitating 100% Belve 80 20 Accomplished

digitalise money


Dept. of CSE, SVIT 2023-24 Page:2




2.1 Overview
Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Mission is a
country wide campaign initiated by the Government of India in 2014 to eliminate open
defecation and improve solid waste management. It is a restructured version of the Nirmal
Bharat Abhiyan launched in 2009 that failed to achieve its intended targets. Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular missions to have taken place in
India. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Mission. This drive was
formulated to cover all the cities and towns of India to make them clean. This campaign
was administered by the Indian government and was introduced by the Prime Minister,
Narendra Modi. It was launched on 2nd October to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a
Clean India. The cleanliness campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was run on a national
level and encompassed all the towns, rural and urban. It served as a great initiative in
making people aware of the importance of cleanliness. In addition, it not only appealed the
sweepers and workers but all the citizens of the country. This helped in making the
message reach wider. It aims to build sanitary facilities for all households. One of the most
common problems in rural areas is that of open defecation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims
to eliminate that.

Figure 1: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

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2.2 Cleanliness Campaign

The best way of dealing with waste, both economically and environmentally, is to avoid
creating it in the first place. With government educating the normal people and creating
awareness among different sector of the society, setting sufficient budgets and assisting
companies and facilities for planning, research and waste management processes can help
to relax the issues to an extent if not eradicating it completely.

Firstly team leaders took the permission of the panchayat and the responsible
authorities and informed them about the activities that would be conducted for the benefit
of people. A group of 3- 4 members were formed within the team and the activities
regarding the below mentioned was equally distributed. Around 300 houses were reached
regarding the below mentioned activity. On successful accomplishment of the activity
prescribed by the AICTE criteria the hours spent on completion is 80 hours.

Attempts were made educating people to segregate dry waste and wet waste before
giving it to scavengers. Educating people on the usage of wet waste as manure to the
gardening plants was made. Awareness on the disposal of E-waste was made among the
people. Survey was made regarding any complaints by the people on the irregularity of
waste collecting vehicles and was informed to the panchayat office.

Figure 2: With Panchayat Head

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Fig 3: Cleanliness Campaign at Marena Halli (1)

Fig 4: Cleanliness campaign at Marena Halli (2)

Fig 5: Cleanliness campaign at Marena Halli (3)

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2.3 Street Cleaning and Waste Segregation

For effective waste management, waste minimization, reuse, recycle and energy recovery
are more sustainable than conventional landfill or dumpsite disposal technique. Waste
management is a huge and ever growing industry that has to be analyzed and updated at
every point based on the new emergence of threats and technology. Waste management
has become a major problem in the metropolitan cities and semi-rural regions, vehicles are
been arranged for waste collection by the gram panchayat of their regions. Individual
responsibility is important in case of waste management. Our team created awareness
regarding waste segregation using wall paintings on the public walls.

Fig 6: Group photo with volunteers

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Creating awareness about plastic to the public

3.1 Overview
Raising awareness about the detrimental impact of plastic pollution is essential in inspiring
public action towards more sustainable practices. Through educational campaigns, social
media initiatives, and community engagement, efforts can be made to inform individuals
about the environmental consequences of plastic waste. Hosting workshops, events, and
challenges focused on plastic reduction can empower communities to take meaningful
steps towards minimizing their plastic footprint. Collaboration with local businesses to
promote plastic-free alternatives further reinforces the message and facilitates accessible
solutions. By fostering a collective understanding of the issue and encouraging tangible
behaviour changes, we can work towards a future with less plastic pollution and a
healthier planet for all.

Fig 7: No to Plastic

3.2 Plastic Pollution Campaign

The Plastic Pollution campaign helped people to understand the impacts of plastic
pollution on human and ecosystem health and how everyday actions can lessen the
problem. The campaign helped to draw attention to the harmful effects of plastic in our
environment - harming marine and human health, littering beaches and landscapes,
clogging waste streams and landfills, and empowered people to be capable enough of
bringing in a difference within the society.

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Increasing awareness is the first step in the direction of making more informed decisions
in our lives. Our survey included meeting thirty-nine shop owners in total and discussing
with them about our campaign. We realized that only few among them were aware about
the side effects of using plastic. Apart from this, the shopkeepers described their difficulty
in restricting themselves completely from using plastic made products. They told us that
they were trying their best to stop the usage of plastic-built products but unfortunately by
doing so, it reduced their sales and led to issues pertaining to their livelihood in the
village. Unfortunately, plastics are so prevalent that trying to avoid them can seem
hopeless. The only thing which everyone can do in today’s date is to reduce the usage of
plastic-built products to save our environment and earth.

Fig 8: Spreading awareness to people about harms of plastic (1)

Fig 9: Spreading awareness to people about harms of plastic (2)

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Fig 10: Spreading awareness to people about harms of plastic (3)

3.3 SLRM Unit

Marena Halli Panchayat had a Solid Liquid Resource Management unit which were
collecting and segregating waste. We visited all the SLRM units and learnt about waste
management which they in turn thought to the people of village. People of the villages
were educated about Types of waste, Waste Disposal, Waste Segregation and Painting
Public Walls and Bus Stands.

Fig 11: SLRM unit of Marena Halli

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Helping local Schools to achieve good result and enhance

their enrolment in Higher Education

4.1 Overview
Supporting local government schools to achieve positive outcomes and increase enrolment
in higher education involves a multifaceted approach that addresses various aspects of
education. By implementing targeted strategies, such as improving infrastructure,
enhancing teaching quality, and providing access to resources, these schools can
effectively prepare students for further academic pursuits. Additionally, fostering
partnerships with higher education institutions and offering career guidance and
counselling can help students make informed decisions about their future paths. Moreover,
creating awareness campaigns within communities about the importance of education and
the opportunities available can encourage more students to enrol in government schools
and pursue higher education. By prioritizing investment in education and implementing
tailored initiatives, local government schools can better serve their students.

Fig 12: Government school children

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4.2 Upskilling Campaign

Social service volunteers play a pivotal role in empowering government school children to
enhance their skills and prospects. Through tutoring, mentoring, and organizing
workshops, volunteers provide invaluable academic support and opportunities for personal
development. They offer guidance on career paths, facilitate exposure to different
professions, and instil essential skills through hands-on projects and technology training.
Additionally, volunteers offer emotional support, counselling, and create learning
resources to augment the school curriculum. By actively engaging parents and guardians,
volunteers ensure a collaborative effort in the educational journey of these students.
Through their dedication and commitment, social service volunteers enrich the lives of
government school children, equipping them with the tools and confidence needed to
thrive academically and beyond.

Fig 13: Interaction with School kids on various topics

Fig 14: School kids exhibiting their talent

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Fig 15: Spreading awareness on importance of Women hygiene

Fig 16: School kids sharing their goals

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Awareness about appropriate technology for public

5.1 Overview
Raising awareness about appropriate technology for the public involves informing
individuals about technologies that are suitable, accessible, and sustainable for addressing
various societal needs and challenges. This awareness campaign aims to educate the
public about the benefits and applications of appropriate technology in areas such as
healthcare, agriculture, energy, sanitation, and education. By highlighting examples of
innovative and affordable solutions, such as solar power systems, water filtration devices,
and mobile healthcare clinics, the public can better understand how these technologies can
improve quality of life, enhance productivity, and promote environmental sustainability.
Additionally, providing information about the importance of local context, community
involvement, and long-term viability helps individuals make informed decisions about
adopting appropriate technologies in their own lives and communities. Through
educational programs, workshops, and media campaigns, awareness about appropriate
technology can be spread widely, empowering individuals and communities to harness the
potential of technology for positive social impact.

Fig 17: Awareness about appropriate Technology

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5.2 Awareness Campaign

An awareness campaign about appropriate technology for the public aims to inform
individuals about accessible, sustainable, and impactful technological solutions for
addressing societal challenges. This campaign seeks to highlight examples of innovative
and affordable technologies that can improve various aspects of daily life, including
healthcare, agriculture, energy, sanitation, and education. By showcasing success stories
and practical applications, the campaign educates the public about the benefits of
appropriate technology, such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and minimized
environmental impact.

We visited local houses in the surroundings of Belve grama and reached out to many
individuals to provide information on latest technology and the development and their

Fig 18: Educating local shops about modernised tools

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Fig 19: Educating villagers about various technologies(1)

Fig 20: Educating villagers about various technologies (2)

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Facilitating 100% digitalise money transactions

6.1 Overview
Facilitating 100% digitalized money transactions entails a comprehensive transition from
traditional cash-based transactions to electronic forms of payment across various financial
activities. This transformative shift not only enhances efficiency but also fosters financial
inclusion, transparency, and security. To achieve this, significant investments are needed
in digital infrastructure, including internet connectivity and secure payment systems.
Additionally, promoting the adoption of digital payment solutions, such as mobile wallets
and online banking, is crucial, along with ensuring accessibility to these services for all
segments of society through financial inclusion initiatives. A supportive regulatory
environment, characterized by clear and robust regulations, is essential to instil confidence
in users and service providers alike. Collaboration among stakeholders, including financial
institutions, technology firms, and government agencies, is pivotal in developing
interoperable systems and promoting standardization. Furthermore, raising awareness and
providing education on the benefits and usage of digital financial services play a vital role
in driving widespread adoption. By pursuing these strategies collectively, the vision of
achieving 100% digitalized money transactions can be realized, ushering in a more
efficient, inclusive, and secure financial ecosystem.

Fig 21: Digitalised money transaction

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6.2 Awareness Campaign

An awareness campaign focusing on facilitating 100% digitalized money transactions is
vital to inform and educate the public about the benefits and processes involved in
transitioning towards a cashless economy. This campaign aims to raise awareness about
the convenience, security, and efficiency offered by digital financial transactions while
addressing concerns and barriers that may hinder adoption. It emphasizes the importance
of embracing digital payment solutions such as mobile wallets, online banking, and
electronic transfers to streamline financial activities and enhance accessibility for
individuals and businesses alike. Through educational initiatives, workshops, and
informational materials, the campaign seeks to empower individuals with the knowledge
and skills needed to navigate digital platforms confidently. Furthermore, it underscores the
role of robust digital infrastructure, supportive regulatory frameworks, and collaborative
efforts among stakeholders in facilitating a smooth transition towards 100% digitalized
money transactions. By fostering a deeper understanding and acceptance of digital
financial services, this awareness campaign paves the way for a more inclusive,
transparent, and resilient financial ecosystem.

Fig 22: Educating villagers about UPI apps (1)

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Fig 23: Educating villagers about UPI apps (2)

Fig 24: Educating villagers about UPI apps (3)

Fig 25: Educating villagers about UPI apps (4)

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Marena Halli Gram Panchayat Certificate

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Belve Gram Panchayat Certificate

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Social work is an art in which knowledge of science of human relations and skill in
relationship are used to mobilize capacities in the individual and resources in the
community appropriate for better adjustment between the individual and all or any part of
his total environment. It’s a profession that works for the betterment of society. It
promotes wellbeing by empowering individuals, families or groups from diverse
backgrounds and social inequalities who help in recognizing the complexity of interaction
and influence on human beings and their environment. Individual forms the microscopic
part of the entire community. Being the root of society, an individual's thought and
ideologies influence the society. I remember the stories of my teammates and myself being
experienced and encountered while in the camp. Interacting with the society and people in
rural was a learning process to me and my teammates and the public interest shown to our
various activities was excellent. Helping them regarding the government schemes, waste
management, health and hygienic drive gives a sense of happiness. Guiding primary and
high school students and motivating them to take up higher studies gives a sense of
satisfaction. Clearing waste and creating awareness on Swachh Bharat was a hard task to
our teammates. Visiting the waste segregation plant and learnt how the waste is collected
and processed step wise. Mass rally and street play grabbed the attention of public and
they were more enthusiast and supportive.

Discipline, Time management, and Teamwork will be the biggest takeaway from the
camp. “Life is a lesson keep learning and explore” is the conclusion where I and my
teammates have learnt many social skills to lead life, have changed some qualities and
forbid some habits and surely will help us to lead a joyous life. On successful
accomplishment of the activity prescribed by the AICTE criteria the hours spent on
completion is 400 hours.

Overall, the feeling of being able to help someone in the field gives me immense
satisfaction. Though the process was tedious and long, it required long-term commitment
from any social worker like me to go through it and make myself capable enough to bring
a positive impact on the lives of individuals. I hope that my work has prompted you to
reflect on your own practices, feelings, thoughts and reactions.

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