Of Thomas 3

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Welcome to the “Make fans fall in love with you” ebook,

You better put the seatbelts on because I’m going to teach you some “evil”
techniques that will probably get the fans to pay out their rent on your girl’s

I have a saying for when I’m milking the subs:

“Make the pussy wet so the subs can give you the bread”.

You will get a better understanding of this saying later in the ebook.

Firstly, it should be obvious by now that you need to have a girl working for

Now let’s break down 3 basic principles about making fans fall in love with
your girl:

1. Always talk from the girl’s perspective.

I know this should be obvious but some of you are just getting your feet wet
with Onlyfans…

Before talking with a sub you have to understand that most of the men who
joined your girl’s Onlyfans want to know the girl better…

Some of the fans are even imagining meeting the girl one day.

So you have to talk with them on a more personal level and create a real
relationship that will make you a lot of money.

2. Never sell two pieces of content one after the other.


You might just start out and get a sub that will pay for your content and you’ll
feel like you conquered the world.

That follower will never pay you again if you make him your ATM…
You should always try to make the sub feel like he’s treating himself by buying
your videos while also building a connection with him.

3. Don’t ever start fights with the subs…

You will have broke subs who will always negotiate the price with you and say
things like:

“Didn’t know that I had to pay for more content”

“Thought that everything was free here”

The best thing you can do is leave them on seen.

Never get in a fight with a broke boy,

Focus on building more connections with the “whales” that will pay for your
trips to Maldives and those Dior sneakers.

Now that we got these basic principles cover let’s begin with how to organize
everything on Onlyfans:

Firstly you will create 4 lists:

The first one will be “broke bois”

Here you will put the ones who haven’t spent more than $100 since they

You will want to talk the least amount of time with these fans.

They are broke and most of them want the world for the subscription price.

Next, we will move to “medium spenders”

Put the subs that spent around $150-$300

These subs have mixed feelings…

Sometimes they will be the biggest simps and pay you money

And on other days they will be fucking broke, not paying you anything.

The third type of spenders are “the ballers”.

They are the ones who spent around $300-$600

These types of spenders are really good to have around and you need to start
the conversations with the idea in mind that

You will convert them into “whales” , the highest tier of subscribers that you
can have.

Let’s move to the “whales”

These are the big spenders +$700 that will make you understand why these
chicks on Onlyfans are making millions a month.

You must understand that these simps are in love with your girls and you have
to get them out of the platform ASAP.

Get them on Signal or WhatsApp and make him your virtual boyfriend.

Get him to pay for our girls’ nails, and trips, like a sugar daddy.

Make the girl do special videos for the whales and always make them feel
special because they will make you the most money.

Now you would ask me:

“Thomas, how can I make these simps spend $700 on some normal nudes
and videos?”.

I will teach you everything you need to know to the point where

You will ask yourself if these men exist in the real world.

Another trick you can use to create better connections with the subs easily is
by writing on every subs notes:
Their hobbies, what they are working on, cat, dogs name.

REMEMBER these men are paying your girl’s Onlyfans because

They wanted to have a real connection with the girl.

Let’s begin with the first message that you should send to a new sub

I don’t automate the welcome message so I try to make it more personal like

Hey, “x name” I’m so glad you joined my Onlyfans. We are going to have so
much fun together.

Please tell me more about you and your hobbies”

This will make the subs want to talk with you…

Which is great because no girl is actually talking with them using this

Also, don’t forget to put a sexy picture with a girl.

Maybe one where she looks cute and shows some ass or tits but no nude.

Advice for how much you should be charging for content:

Have different prices depending on the category of the buyer:

Let’s take for example 2 pussy pictures:

Broke boi: $8

Medium spender: $12

Baller: $15

Whale: $20
These are some examples but you can play around with them and taste the
prices to have a better perspective on how much you should charge.

You can also put emojis at every sub name to have a better understanding at
how much he spent and what type of sub he is:

Take this one for example:

I’ve used that emoji for the subs that talk a lot but don’t really buy,

They are more like time-wasters so I know before talking with them that it
would be a better idea to spend that time talking with other subs.

I usually do like 8 emojis so I have a perfect understanding of the subscriber

before entering the conversation with him.

Here are some general rules for selling PPV- Paid per view, paid videos which
are sent to the whole list.

Put different prices depending on the category of the buyers.

Don’t send more than 3 per day.

Always think about creative titles.

E.g. Dildo picture:

“I always do stupid things when I’m bored”

Don’t EVER send a PPV to a fan who you are talking to at the moment.
The connection between you and the fan will be lost.

No connection=No money

The fan will probably jerk off to other OF models or watch porn.

I made this mistake once…

I forgot to uncheck the fan I was talking with at the moment and he got sent a
random tits video.

I broke his feelings…

You Gs have to be professionals with this, can’t let it slip.

Here are 4 common types of responses you will get after sending the welcome

1 response:

The sub will actually think about your answer and say something about them
and their job, e.g.

“Hey beauty I’m John 32y from Texas, I have a small business and I live with
my dog Rex.”

You understood my point.

After he tells you this you must try and flirt with him saying things like:

“Oh so you have a small business, have you ever considered hiring a hot
accountant like me ”

You can basically do this with any job or hobby that the fan has.

“Hey cutie, I’m Jarvin and I’m a quarterback at x college in my 3 year.

You could say: “Hey Jarvin, you would probably win all the college games if I
was a cheerleader for your team.”

You understand my point you have to play with him and always try to get on a
more sexual level.

Never sell him in your first 10 messages…

Only if the fan says that he wants a specific video that you can have like a
twerk video or something.

Your end goal should always be to cum in the same time as the sub.

I know it might sound weird but listen to me:

Control the frame with the horny fan, because if you manage to get him near
to cuming

This is when you should send him the masturbation video…

This will be one of your most expensive videos, you can sell it easily for $100.

2 response:

This is the horny sub that is writing the message with one hand:

“Omg you look gorgeous I would love to suck on those nipples”

He will probably send you a dick pick right after.

That’s a really good thing because he’s horny and at home.

You can milk him for a lot of money.

Here is a gold tip:

Make your girl make a general dick rating video saying shit like:

“Your dick is the perfect size for my pussy, with that shape you would probably
make me cum very fast”
You got my point.

Then after you have the video ready just tell the sub “look babe I want to do
something more personal for you and do a full video about your dick.”

Charge for that between $25-$50.

You can easily escalate the conversation after that.

Always remember that the end goal is to sell masturbation videos.

Also, with masturbation, you can crop the video, and instead of selling one for
$100 you can sell 3 for $150-$200 in total.

Here is the 3 type of response you can get from a fan after the welcome

The fan who will tell you what he wants to see from you.

These fans are my favorite because you don’t really have to build any
connection with them since

They are in a “candy shop”.

They can also request customs but you have to take payment upfront and
make sure that you aren’t accepting requests like peeing and shit.

Take them out from Onlyfans to Signal or Whatsapp(buy a sim card and put a
photo with the girl).

There you can take the money using crypto transfers.

In this category you will find the most fans with post nut clarity.
Let’s take this simp for example:

Hey paid me $300 in 10 minutes and after deleted the account and vanished.

The money still arrived in my pocket but the simp had a big post nut clarity
and regret paying me $300.

The last type of fans are the ones who will tell you something like:

“I won’t pay for anything sorry babe”.

There’s no point talking with these mfs because they won’t make you any

Just throw them in the broke bois category and never respond to their
There will be more types of fans but these are the 4 major categories.

Now let’s talk about some tactics to use for day-to-day use.

Send morning and night messages, be creative with them.

Talk with the subs that give you the most money.

This should sound easy but a lot of newcomers will spend countless hours
negotiating with cheap subs while

They could be making so much money just by focusing on talking with the
right subs.

Let’s do a short recap:

Group the subs by how much money they are spending, don’t spend time with
broke bois.

Never negotiate prices and argue with the fans.

Send free messages daily+ PPV so you can milk the fans.

Before we get into how you can get recurring customers I want to touch more

How you can sell content while you are in a conversation with the sub…

So for example if you talk with a sub about him grabbing your girls’ tits:

You can select a video with the girl grabbing her tits and say “I want you to
play with my tits like this”

Or for example if a sub wants to see the pussy:

You can sell him a video and say…

“Babe please be honest, do I look tight down there?!”

The title will make them buy, build curiosity with it all the time.


Always when you are talking with a sub and you’re about to send a paid
message make sure that the bio has something to do with

What he wanted to see from you and it should correlate with the video or
content you are giving.

I don’t want to see you Gs sell a tits picture and say some dumb shit like:

“I want you to ride it”

I’m telling you man these simps won’t forget you.

If you fucked it up once then it’s over with them.

After all the gold I gave you,

You should be making these subs sell their cars for one more week with you.

Now, let’s move into how you can make these subs stay for longer periods of

I’m talking 3 months at least.

In order to do that you must use some “evil tactics”

Let’s check some of them that worked for me:

“Babe I don’t want you to leave me…

Look, I made a special video doing some nasty things with my fingers…

Turn rebill on and I’ll make sure to give it for free.”

Or my favorite one:

“Babe I thought that we had something special together…

Please don’t leave me, you’re the only one that I love talking with on this

Also, you can put something referring to having rebill on in the girl’ bio too:
for example: “Turn rebill on for a free special video.”

You can look on Onlyfans and see how many days each sub has left.

I don’t want to show you these baby steps because I’m guessing that you are
a smart man since you decided to read my ebook.

Post 2 times per day so the subs have new content( no pussy only tits and
ass, + a lot of teasing).

Sometimes when you are about to sell something to a fan tell him that you
want to talk with him longer and remind them about the free video he will get
after turning rebil on.

If a Onlyfans average subscriber would read these lines he will probably kill
himself haha.

Hater the player not the game.

Always use this tactic and I want you to be constantly thinking everything from
the perspective of your girl when you interact with a sub.

That’s all I had for you guys today.

Trust me, if you do anything that I told you here you will become a killer at
milking fans.

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