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How to Write a Research Manuscript APPENDIX 5C

Deborah J. Frank1
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

This unit provides a step-by-step guide to help you turn your high-quality data into a high-quality
manuscript for publication in a scientific journal. It covers all aspects of the writing process,
including: choosing a journal to which to submit your paper, how to proceed through writing
each section, formulating your “story,” making figures, soliciting constructive criticism, and
navigating the review process. Curr. Protoc. Essential Lab. Tech. 2:A.5C.1-A.5C.18.  C 2009 by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Keywords: manuscript r journal r figure r review r publication

INTRODUCTION and proceed from that foundation. There are

You’ve spent hours, days, weeks, months, four key factors that are essential to trans-
years in the lab, toiling away at a project. forming high-quality data into a high-quality
You’ve done experiments, repeated experi- manuscript:
ments, chased down dead ends, struggled with 1. Focus on the reader. You did the lab
difficult techniques, developed new methods, work and you know your data backwards and
remade all your solutions after that contami- forwards. You even dream about it sometimes!
nation incident, developed hypotheses, proved While a scientific paper seems as simple as a
them wrong, developed new ideas, demon- reporting of the facts, you must always keep in
strated that at least one is correct, and now feel mind that your reader is not you. Your knowl-
that you have learned something about biology edge of the facts, having lived with them for the
that no one knew prior to your entering the lab. past year or more, is very different from that
As fantastic and intellectually fulfilling as this of your reader. She may be in a completely
is, if you don’t publish your work, it simply unrelated field and unfamiliar with the funda-
doesn’t exist. You’ve likely heard the phrase mentals of yours—knowledge that has become
“publish or perish” applied to a researcher’s so ingrained in you that you can’t even remem-
career, but it applies equally well to the work ber a time when you didn’t know it. She may
itself. To have an impact on the knowledge not know the big questions in your field or the
base of your field of endeavor, your work jargon that is used on a daily basis. But even
must be published in a peer-reviewed scientific if she is an expert in your field, she does not
journal. do the exact same work as you and is not in
So, how does one go about the monu- your lab at the next bench. You must carefully
mental-sounding task of writing a scientific lead your reader through your work so that
paper to raise one’s work from the morass of she understands its broader context (what was
(hopefully well organized and detailed) labo- known already), the research question (why
ratory notebooks? More importantly, how do you have done this work), the rationale (why
you do this job well enough that your work the way you have chosen to answer the ques-
gets the credit it truly deserves? This chapter tion is reasonable), the methods, the results,
aims to provide guidance as you go through the interpretation of the results, and how this
this process. new knowledge affects our understanding of
Let us first consider the qualities that make the field. You want your reader to see how your
a good paper. Obviously, the science must be work has elucidated what was once a dark spot
sound (i.e., the evidence convincing, all the in the knowledge base of your field.
proper controls performed, etc.) and the work 2. The question your work addresses. Sci-
must be novel (science is after all about dis- ence is a process of investigation, and if you
covery). I will assume that you, your cowork- want your readers to understand your exper-
ers, and your mentor have already seen to this, iments, results, and interpretation, they must
Getting Your
Data Out Into
the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques A.5C.1-A.5C.18, December 2009 A.5C.1

Published online December 2009 in Wiley Interscience (
DOI: 10.1002/9780470089941.eta05cs02 Supplement 2
Copyright C 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
first understand WHY you did the experi- There are several reasons why this is consid-
ments. Most often, there are actually two ques- ered a strong paper. First, it clearly defines the
tions, the broad and the specific. The broad, broad and specific questions in the introduc-
overarching biological question will be in- tion: i.e., broadly, how does a sheet of identical
formed by tens, if not hundreds of papers. The cells become differentiated into the multiple
specific question is the one that your work is at- cell types that make up the eye, and, specifi-
tempting to address, which is an integral part of cally, what is the role of a particular signaling
the broader question. Both must be made clear. pathway in this process? Second, the rationale
What broad biological question were you try- for the experiments is well laid out—Freeman
ing to answer? What specific aspect of that describes how he utilized a particular type of
question does your work address? Without a mutant form of one of the signaling pathway
clear question to guide it, your paper will be as components. Third, the questions and rationale
unsatisfying for your reader as a murder mys- for each experiment are very clearly explained.
tery novel in which the killer is identified, but Dyson and Gurdon (1998). Here (also see
the motive is never determined. Literature Cited), the authors demonstrate how
3. Logical flow. This is really just an exten- cells can respond to different concentrations of
sion of the previous point but defines how you a morphogen to determine their fate. The au-
ask your reader to progress from one experi- thors do an excellent job in the introduction of
ment to the next. While the work as a whole explaining the possible models for how cells
needs to have a broader and specific question might respond to a particular morphogen con-
guiding it, each individual experiment must be centration and outline the questions that they
presented as an even smaller question, com- will address in their work. They then devote
plete with a rationale, method, result, and in- the first four figures to firmly establishing the
terpretation. system they will use to address their questions.
4. Clarity. Make things as simple as pos- The rationale, results, and interpretation for
sible for your reader. Make very few assump- each experiment are all very clearly explained.
tions about what your reader will know, use Noller et al. (1992). This paper (also see
as little field-specific jargon as possible, and Literature Cited) is a supreme example of re-
clearly define that which you do use. No mat- straint. While it is nearly impossible for a
ter how complicated your data may be, there reader to come away from reading the evi-
is always a way to explain it in a clear way. dence presented with any idea other than that
By always keeping in mind items 1 to 3 above, ribosomal RNA alone can catalyze a peptidyl
clarity should proceed naturally. If your reader transferase reaction, the paper never states this.
finishes reading about figure 2 and thinks to Even the title is careful to only claim that
herself, “I wonder if that result means X? which has been unequivocally demonstrated
Hmm, they could test that by doing Y” and by the data.
Y turns out to be exactly what you present in
figure 3, then you have done an excellent job
in writing your manuscript. One good trick to DECIDING WHEN TO START
helping you achieve clarity is to try talking WRITING THE MANUSCRIPT
This sounds like a simple enough problem,
to a nonscientist (a parent, grandparent, room-
right? Don’t you start writing after you have
mate, etc.) about your work. You will immedi-
finished all the experiments you want to de-
ately realize that a lot of the issues that have so
scribe? Well, yes and no. This question in fact
captivated, stymied, frustrated, enraged, and
has multiple answers, the correct one really de-
excited you are really just details that your
pending upon the preferences and philosophy
grandmother doesn’t need to know in order to
of your mentor, who will be the senior au-
understand your contribution to the knowledge
thor on your paper. There are pros and cons to
of our world.
starting the writing process at different times
during the “discovery” phase of your project.
Start Writing When You’ve Finished
Freeman (1996). In this single-author paper
All the Experiments
(see Literature Cited for bibliographic details), Pros
Matthew Freeman demonstrates that one sig- a. You’re no longer busy in the lab so can
How to Write a naling pathway is used reiteratively to induce devote yourself full-time to writing.
Research differentiation of all of the cell types in the b. You probably have a very good idea of
eye of the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster. what your “story” is (more on that in a bit).
Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
Cons expect them to. Thus, this method can lead
a. As you start writing, you will likely re- to approaching your work with blinders that
alize that there are breaks in the logical flow may inhibit you from seeing interesting or even
that can only be filled by doing another ex- contradictory evidence. In extreme cases, this
periment or control. If you have completely approach can lead to a pressure to produce
stopped doing experiments, it may take some that could entice one to take unethical steps
time to get the appropriate cells or organisms because of a belief that you understand how
growing, make the necessary solutions, pur- the process you are studying “should” work.
chase and receive a reagent that you thought b. Those “side” projects sometimes turn out
you would never need again and thus didn’t to be more interesting than your main project!
re-order, etc.
b. You probably enjoy doing experiments
more than you do writing, so it may be hard to BEFORE YOU START WRITING
stay focused on only writing. Determine Authorship
c. Because of the issues mentioned in “a” In the simplest and rarest case, a single per-
above, it will be difficult to get back to doing son (1) thought of the question, (2) designed
experiments once the paper is submitted and the experiments, (3) carried out the work, (4)
you wish to move on to the next question. interpreted the data, (5) generated all of the
nonpublished reagents, (6) did all of the think-
Start Writing Midway Through the ing, and (7) wrote the paper. In most cases,
Experiments these duties have been shared by multiple peo-
Pros ple and possibly two or more labs. While the
a. You have something to do during those question of authorship can raise many thorny
“down” times while waiting for your cells to ethical issues that can be discussed at length,
grow, flies to mate, etc. beyond the scope of this chapter, here are a
b. There is no lag time if you realize while few guidelines.
writing that there is another experiment you a. Anyone who participated significantly in
need to do. any of the seven activities listed above should
be an author.
Cons b. The first author is generally the one who
a. You may make a figure and write text made the largest contribution to these activi-
to describe it, only to realize later that you ties. Occasionally there are two people equally
actually want to demonstrate and describe the deserving of first authorship, in which case this
data in a completely different way. This may is indicated in a footnote.
feel like time wasted. However, as you will c. The last, or senior author is generally the
see later in this chapter it can, and more often Principal Investigator (PI) of the lab, although
than not will, occur no matter when you start in some cases the PI contributed in all of the
writing your paper. categories so much more than anyone else that
b. It can be difficult to switch focus between he or she is instead listed first.
doing experiments and writing. d. Middle authors are generally listed in
descending order corresponding to the size of
Start Writing as Soon as You Begin the their contributions. In cases in which many
Project people made small but equal contributions,
Pros they will instead be listed alphabetically.
a. At the very beginning, you will develop e. The corresponding author is the one who
an outline to guide your experiments, provid- will see the paper through the review process.
ing you with a framework on which to build. This is also the one whom readers will contact
This can be very comforting, as you will al- after the paper is published if they have ques-
ways have the knowledge that you are building tions or wish to request reagents. This should
toward something of value. be the person most likely to still be in posses-
b. It will help you stay focused and on track, sion of those reagents in ten years. Thus it will
rather than possibly being seduced into side usually be the PI.
projects. f. Someone who did nothing more than send
you a published reagent (antibody, cell line,
Cons mutant organism, etc.) should generally not be
a. Unless you or your mentor is incredibly an author, but should be listed in the acknowl- Getting Your
Data Out Into
prescient, things rarely work out the way you edgements. the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
g. In the case of collaborations between two illustrate these conclusions. These will be the
or more labs, it should be decided as early as main pieces of the plot in your story. At this
possible how authorship will be designated. point, you should just sketch them out on
h. The most important thing to keep in mind paper.
in deciding authorship issues is the extreme d. Think about the order in which you want
importance of maintaining open and honest to show the figures. This will likely NOT be
communication between all parties involved. the order in which you did the experiments.
Don’t get too hung up on this, as you may find
Figure Out What You Think Your during the writing process that it is helpful to
“Story” Will Be change the order of figures so that your story
A good paper is not simply a chronologi- maintains its logical flow.
cal recounting of the experiments you did, but,
rather, it tells a story. An enthralling piece of Decide Where You Will Submit Your
fiction makes the reader care about or be in- Paper
terested in the characters, presents the motiva- Although this decision will not be set in
tions of the characters, develops the plot, and stone, it is helpful to consider where you will
leaves the reader with a sense that he or she submit your paper before you begin writing.
has learned something deeper about humanity. The main advantage is that the act of choosing
Similarly, an effective scientific manuscript a journal will force you to think carefully about
convinces the reader that the broad biolog- the story you are planning to tell and how to
ical question being addressed is interesting, make sure that your work gets the widest pos-
defines the specific question being addressed, sible audience. Additionally, you will provide
describes the experiments and data that lead to yourself with a format to follow and papers on
the authors’ answer to that question, and ex- which to model your own. As you are thinking
plains to the reader how this work has helped about where you will submit your paper, ask
us to understand something new about the yourself the following questions.
broader biological question. Deciding what a. What is the topic of the work are you
your story will be is thus the most important, presenting? Choose journals that publish work
and often hardest, part of writing a paper. To that is similar to yours. A good method if you
convert your notebook full of results into a are unsure is to search PubMed (http://www.
form that can be easily understood by some-
one who is completely unfamiliar with your using some of the key words from your paper,
work, you should begin to think about the fol- and compile a list of journals that have
lowing. published work related to yours in the last
a. Decide what specific question your paper five to ten years. If a particular journal rarely
addresses and how it relates to a broader bio- publishes on your topic, don’t send your paper
logical question. This is the motivating factor to them. They probably do not have editors
for the whole paper, and, if not clearly defined, that have expertise in your field and thus
will result in a very unsatisfying manuscript. It will not know how to critically evaluate your
may in fact not be the question you thought you work. As they will be unfamiliar with your
were addressing when you started the work, field, they won’t understand why your work is
as your understanding of the biology will have interesting and may do a poor job of choosing
matured during the course of your study and expert reviewers for your paper. While it is
results often turn out differently than antici- possible that you can get your paper published
pated. Also, keep in mind that the exact ques- in a journal that doesn’t regularly publish
tion may change over time as you write your on your topic, it will probably be an uphill
paper. battle, and if you do succeed, your paper
b. Determine the “punch line” for your pa- will be in a journal that may not be regularly
per. What answer does your data provide to the read by the people whom you most want to
question you have posed? Again, keep in mind see your paper, i.e., those working on your
that the answer may not be what you thought topic.
it would be when you first started your exper- b. What are the main methods used in your
iments. work? For example, if your work consists of
c. Determine the main conclusions from protein purification and measurement of bind-
your data that you want to get across. These ing kinetics, it will be most appreciated in a
How to Write a are the pieces of data and conclusions that sup- journal that focuses on biochemical analysis
Research port your punchline. Write them down. Next, and will likely not be well received in a more
Manuscript determine what figures you want to show to cell biologically–oriented journal. Conversely,
Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
if you have a lot of images of immunofluores- pothesis about how it works, or demonstrate
cent labeling of cells, your work is better suited something about how the proteins function in
to the Journal of Cell Biology than the Journal that structure.
of Biological Chemistry. It is often the case that a researcher’s view
c. How high-profile is your work? If you’re of the impact of his or her work is more pos-
working on a really hot topic or have un- itive than the opinion of the general scientific
covered something completely novel that will public. So it can be hard to look critically
have a large impact on the scientific commu- through those rose-colored glasses and decide
nity, then you will probably want to submit to which journal your work belongs in. A com-
one of the general-interest journals (Science, mon method, therefore, is to shoot one level
Nature, Cell, etc.). Keep in mind, however, that higher than you feel you would be satisfied
the top journals make editorial decisions prior with. Your paper may not get reviewed at all,
to review: there is a good chance that they will but if it does, and gets rejected, you can use the
not deem your work worthy of being reviewed reviewers’ feedback to help you improve the
and will send it back to you. Work that is pub- paper before submitting to a more specialized
lished in these journals needs to be of interest journal. This takes a lot of extra time, so con-
not just to researchers in your field, but also to sider this option carefully. Also, keep in mind
a very broad audience. Some journals will al- that the editors and reviewers are all unpaid
low you to send in a “pre-submission inquiry” volunteers who are also working scientists,
which can save you a lot of time and heartache. so you don’t want to waste their time forcing
Generally, your paper needs to be very close them to evaluate a paper they are unlikely to
to being ready to submit before you send such accept. Once you have finished writing your
an inquiry. paper, you will want to have it evaluated by
If your work is high quality and likely to colleagues, whom you can ask to give you an
be of great interest to most scientists in your honest assessment of where you should submit
broadly defined field (i.e., evolutionary biol- your paper.
ogy, epigenetics, cell biology, plant ecology, d. Short or long format? Look at the Web
etc.), then you will likely want to consider sites of the journals you are considering and
one of the slightly more specialized journals pay particular attention to the page and figure
(Journal of Cell Biology, Genes and Develop- limits. Many journals are extremely pressed
ment, Plant Cell, Nature Cell Biology, PLOS for space and thus place severe restrictions on
Biology, etc.). the length of articles. Science, Nature, and Pro-
Finally, if your work is likely to be of in- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
terest mainly to researchers in your specific U.S.A. (PNAS) are good examples. Many jour-
field, you should choose a field-specific jour- nals publish both long and short formats, of-
nal (Molecular Biology of the Cell, Journal ten called “article” and “report,” respectively.
of Cell Science, Molecular and Cellular Bi- If you are considering submitting a short for-
ology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, etc.). mat, make sure you think your work can be
Journal Web sites usually have a place in sufficiently condensed. For example, if you
which they describe the types of work that they have seven figures planned, you might need to
publish. submit in a long format, while three or four
You also need to critically ask yourself how figures might fit nicely into a short format.
mechanistic your results are. The top journals Some researchers take the approach of writing
tend to have a (some might argue madden- a long-format paper, realizing that they may be
ing) disregard for work they deem to be too asked by the editor to condense it into a short
“descriptive.” A few examples of such work format after it has been reviewed. This is often
might include: describing a new phenomenon, accomplished by putting some of the figures
careful analysis of a particular process in nor- into supplemental material maintained online
mal development, or identification of proteins on the journal’s Web site. The advantage to
that localize to a specific sub-cellular struc- this method is that the reviewers will evaluate
ture. While all of these are valuable additions your paper based on the evidence presented in
to scientific knowledge, and may in fact be ex- all of your figures. By contrast, if you were to
tremely cool and ground-breaking, they may submit your paper as a short format, reviewers
be deemed “descriptive” if they do not provide may not attach equal weight to the supple-
some mechanism for how the phenomenon mental figures and find your conclusions to be
occurs, experimentally perturb the develop- insufficiently supported by only the primary Getting Your
mental process in an attempt to support a hy- data that is presented. Data Out Into
the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
Carefully Read the Submission you to assemble a skeleton of your manuscript
Instructions on the Journal’s Web Site (each part will be discussed at much greater
You will learn essential information includ- length later in this chapter).
ing the following: 1. Make the figures. This is often the most
a. Structure: Journals have varying styles of enjoyable part, and it is essential to framing the
organization of their papers. Some want a sep- manuscript. It may also be the easiest way to
arate discussion section while others require get started, as you will likely already have parts
it to be integrated with the results section. of figures on your computer from presentations
This may even differ for long- and short- that you have given. As you are making each
format papers in the same journal. Some jour- figure, think about how it fits in to the story
nals have very specific requirements for the you are trying to tell in your paper.
abstract and introduction, often with word 2. Figure legends. Writing the legend forces
limits. Also, pay attention to the order in you to articulate why the figure exists. As you
which the sections of the manuscript should be initially describe each figure, you will likely
presented. find yourself writing text that you will later
b. Figures: Pay careful attention to the realize belongs in the results section, so you’ll
file format required for figures and the com- already have something to work with when
puter software that is acceptable for fig- you get to that section.
ure construction. If you will be using color, 3. References and Acknowledgements. Fill
check whether the journal uses RGB (red, these in as you proceed through steps 4
green, blue) or CMYK [cyan, magenta, yel- through 8.
low, key (black)]. If you submit in RGB and 4. Materials and Methods. Do this section
the journal uses CMYK, the result can be in conjunction with each figure. If you wait
colors that don’t match what you had in- until later in the writing process to do this
tended. Note there are size limits are for figure section, you will likely be digging into your
panels, as well as for font size within the notebook twice, once to find the data to put in
figures. the figure, and again to write the methods. It’s
most efficient to do it all at the same time.
GETTING STARTED ON THE 5. Results. Again, do this in conjunction
ACTUAL WRITING with each figure. After having written figure
1. Open a new word processing document. legends and methods, you should have a good
2. Place fingers on keyboard. idea about what you want to say about each
3. Type. figure.
Oh, if only it were that easy! Writing a 6. Introduction. This is one of the first sec-
paper is hard work, but it can also be fun, tions of your paper that a reader will encounter,
educational, inspirational, thought-provoking, so why do I suggest saving it until nearly the
and rewarding. Through the process of writ- end of the writing process? The reason is that
ing, you will very likely gain a much deeper it is not until you have gone through the pro-
understanding of your work and how it fits cess of thinking about and describing all of
into the current body of knowledge. Getting your data that you will be able to clearly see
there can be tough, however, so take to heart what background information the reader needs
two tricks that can help make the process less to know in order to understand your data and
daunting. The first is to not let yourself get its significance.
obsessed with making the first draft perfect. 7. Discussion. During the writing of your
As the ads say, “Just do it!” Focus on getting introduction, you will be forced to read or
a complete draft written—you can do all the reread many papers that relate to the question
hard revising, rearranging, and editing later. your work addresses. As you do this, you will
The second trick is to not think of the paper as come to have a deeper understanding of your
this big thing looming before you, but to break field, and will then be prepared to write the
it down into small bits and do the easiest and discussion in which you will explain how your
most fun parts first, saving the more difficult new work fits into, clarifies, expands upon, or
parts for the end. This is not simply done in challenges, the current thinking.
order to fool yourself into starting the project 8. Abstract and Title. As these provide brief
at hand, but will actually make the whole pro- synopses of your entire paper, any time spent
cess easier and less time consuming. The order worrying about them before you have your
How to Write a suggested below starts with the parts of the pa- story completely worked out will likely be
Research per that should be easiest to prepare and helps wasted.

Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
Make the Figures three types of analyses for wild-type, then de-
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? scribe all three for mutant 1, followed by mu-
Thus, well made figures should allow a knowl- tant 2. However, for your figures, it may make
edgeable reader to understand the main points the most sense to have all the western blot in-
of your entire paper without reading a sin- formation in one figure, the IF in a second, and
gle word of text. Toward this end, each figure the EM in a third.
should be designed such that it obviously re-
veals the essential points; the reader should Labels
not have to work to understand what he or she Labels on figures should be comprehensive
is being shown. When you are finished mak- enough that the reader does not need to read
ing your figures, ask a colleague to look at the figure legend to understand the figure. Al-
them and tell you what she thinks each is at- though a quick perusal of the literature will
tempting to demonstrate. If she is not sure, or demonstrate that many disagree on this point,
comes to an incorrect conclusion, your figure you have probably needed to write your own
obviously needs more work. The tips provided labels on figures within papers that you have
below should help you make sure that each read often enough to realize that prelabeled
of your figures is worth not just one thousand figures are MUCH easier for the reader. For ex-
words, but the intended one thousand words. ample, a western blot with eight lanes should
Before you start to make your figures, have words above or below each lane indicat-
reread the instructions to authors on the jour- ing what is in that lane, as opposed to each lane
nal’s Web site and make sure that you un- having a number at the bottom that refers the
derstand them thoroughly, paying attention to reader to the figure legend (see Fig. A.5C. 1 for
size limits, required font sizes, acceptable pro- an example). Similarly, panels of micrographs
grams and file formats (TIFF or PDF are the should be labeled with the genotype, type of
most common formats for submission), and labeling, etc. For example, if you are show-
color format. ing DNA staining and two different antibody
labelings for each of three genotypes, arrange
the panels in a three-by-three grid with each
Computer program genotype in one column and each type of la-
Choose a program that you will use to
beling in one row. You then only need to place
make your figures. Good choices are Adobe
a label at the top of each column and to the
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or ACD Can-
left of each row (see Fig. A.5C.2 for an exam-
vas. All of these programs handle images well
ple). If your figure has several panels, it may
without losing information. Each program has
also be helpful to the reader to have a letter in
its own advantages and disadvantages—it re-
each panel that can be referred to directly in
ally comes down to which one you are most
the text. Consult the journal’s instructions to
comfortable with. Do NOT make your fig-
see if they have specific requirements for font
ures in PowerPoint, as there will be a loss
and type size. Make sure they are identical for
of information in the figures if they are con-
every figure.
verted into TIFFs, and many journals will
not accept PowerPoint files. APPENDIX 3A pro- Sizing
vides a discussion of important considerations Make your panels big enough to see easily,
when modifying figures, while APPENDIX 3B but small enough that the figure as a whole will
describes actual manipulations. be an appropriate size for the journal. Make
the figures the size you want them to appear
Scope of a figure in the article, rather than making them big and
In general, each figure should address one relying on the journal to resize them for pub-
question in your paper and only contain infor- lication.
mation that will be discussed in one section
of the results. This way, your reader can read Cropping
about the data in figure 2, look at figure 2, then Crop out extraneous parts of images, but
move on without ever needing to go back to don’t crop too much. If you are showing a
figure 2 later. In some cases, this may not be western blot, show at least a half-inch above
practical. For example, suppose you are de- and below the band(s) in which you are in-
scribing your analysis of wild type and two terested. If you crop too close to the band, a
mutants using western blots, immunofluores- skeptical reader will wonder what else was in
cence (IF), and electron microscopy (EM). In the lane that you are trying to hide. For micro- Getting Your
Data Out Into
your text, you may describe the data from all graphs, you may want to show one image that the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
GFP-M6 GFP 1 Head 2 IQ P-Tail CC G-Tail

M6-GCN4 GFP 1 Head 2 IQ P-Tail CC GCN4 G-Tail

H-GT GFP 1 Head 2 IQ G-Tail

DelCC GFP 1 Head 2 IQ P-Tail G-Tail

Del-Ins 1 GFP Head 2 IQ P-Tail CC G-Tail


M6 mutant




Del-Ins 1


97 97

Tub. Tub.

50 50

38 38

Figure A.5C.1 Myosin VI molecules used in this study. (A) Schematic diagram of constructs.
GFP, green fluorescent protein; Head, motor domain; 1, 2, inserts found uniquely in class VI
myosins; IQ, IQ motif; P-Tail, proximal tail; CC, core coiled coil; G-Tail, globular tail; GCN4, leucine
zipper dimerization domain. Drawings are not to scale. (B) Western blots of testis extracts from
flies expressing the indicated myosin VI molecules. The top halves of the blots were probed with
polyclonal anti-myosin VI antibody and the bottom halves with anti-tubulin antibody. 1×, 2×, and
4× indicate the number of copies of the indicated transgene. Except for wild type, all on the blot
on the left are in a myosin VI mutant background. Those on the blot on the right are in wild-type
background, so both endogenous and exogenous myosin VI are evident. Sizes are indicated in

encompasses a large region of the sample (for wide range of phenotypes, one possibility is to
example, an entire cell or field of cells) with show three images arranged from least to most
an inset that shows the portion of interest (e.g., severely affected.
the nucleus) at higher magnification.
Image manipulation
Image choice We all know that virtually anything can be
You should have collected tens or even hun- done with currently available imaging soft-
dreds of pictures documenting your results. ware. The trick is knowing what manipula-
But in your paper, you will only show one or tions are ethically acceptable. In general, any-
a few of them. While it may be tempting to thing applied equally over the entire image
show the most extreme examples of a pheno- is OK. For example, changing the brightness
How to Write a type you have observed, aim for showing one and contrast of the entire image is acceptable;
Research that is representative of the group as a whole, changing the brightness and contrast of only
i.e., choose an “average” image. If there is a a particular region of the image is not. The
Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
actin membrane merge

a a 


b b b

c c c

8 m

Figure A.5C.2 Range of actin displacement phenotypes observed in the capping protein, arpc1
double mutant bristles. Each image is a projection of optical sections. Insets are computed cross-
sections. Scale bar does not apply to insets.

“smudge,” “eraser,” and “paintbrush” tools are and wonder why you were unable to obtain
completely off limits! Cropping an ugly black another one. To avoid such a credibility gap,
spot out of your northern blot is completely the best option is to take the time to acquire
unacceptable, even if you are convinced it is another image. However, if doing so would
an artifact, unless it is outside the area you be an exceptional burden (for example, if it
are using for the figure (see guidelines under requires booking time on a specific machine
“Cropping,” above). Either leave the blemish months in advance or spending a large amount
in, or repeat the blot. For gels, it is best if of money in preparing a sample), you can re-
you can run all the samples you want to show quest permission from the prior journal to use
on one gel. However, if this is not possible an image again. It is unlikely that a publisher
and you need to combine three lanes from one would deny such a request, though it may take
gel with two lanes from another, make sure a few weeks to be processed. If you do use
that the break point is clearly visible so the a previously published image, make sure you
reader knows this is what you did. If scien- indicate this fact and cite the original paper.
tific integrity alone is not sufficient to motivate
you, note that some journals utilize software Color usage
that can detect inappropriate image manipula- Make sure to know if the journal uses RGB
tion. Furthermore, some journals will require or CMYK. Also, read the guidelines about the
submission of raw images along with those use of color in figures. Some journals will
included in the figures. See APPENDIX 3A for charge extra for color, so you may want to
further discussion of this topic. avoid it if possible. Finally, when presenting
fluorescence micrographs, you may want to
Self-plagiarization of images keep in mind that a fair proportion of the
In general, you should not publish an image population is red-green colorblind. If you will
that has been used in a prior paper. It may just be presenting red, green, and merged images,
be the control, or wild type, so you may think consider presenting the red and green images
it doesn’t matter. But a careful and skeptical in grayscale, with only the merged image in
Getting Your
reader who has read all of the work from your color. In general, the contrast of grayscale im- Data Out Into
lab may notice that you have reused an image ages is better than color images, so you will the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
improve the quality of your images for non- Tables
colorblind readers as well. Tables may seem like figures, but to the
journals they are in fact part of the text. They
Scale bars, arrows, and other inserted should not be made in a graphics program, but
elements rather should be part of the text document. It
Any micrographs or photos should have may be easiest to make tables in a spreadsheet
scale bars. If all images within one figure panel program, then transfer them into the word pro-
are the same size, you can include a scale bar cessing document you are using for the text.
in only one of the images (for example, see Pay attention to the journal requirements for
Figure A.5C.2). Make sure that the scale bar table sizes and formats.
is in a color that is easy to see against the im-
age. Try both black and white to see which References and Acknowledgements
works better. If it will not be intrusive, put in Software
the size of the scale bar as well (i.e., 2 μm) If you don’t currently possess reference
so the reader is not required to find that in- managing software such as EndNote or Ref-
formation in the figure legend. If you will be erence Manager, buy or download a copy im-
referring to particular aspects of an image, use mediately! There are numerous advantages to
arrows and arrowheads. Make sure that the ar- these programs. First and foremost, they will
row point is close to, but not quite touching, format your references automatically in the
the object toward which it is directed. If you exact format the journal requires. Second, as
need more than two different types, you can each journal has a specific way they want ref-
use open and closed arrows and arrowheads. erences formatted, the software will quickly
Again, try both black and white to see which reformat your references if you must resubmit
stands out best against the image. Size markers your manuscript to a different journal. Third,
for gels should be indicated with the appropri- if you are co-writing the paper with another
ate number. If there is a particular band you author, you can easily share libraries of the
wish to call the reader’s attention to, you may references used in the manuscript. Finally, if
want to place an arrow to the side of the gel you get used to using the software, it’s a great
pointing at that band, along with, you guessed way to organize all the papers in your refer-
it, a label. Electron micrographs commonly ence collection. The most recent versions al-
include one- to two-letter abbreviations denot- low you to include attached PDFs, selected
ing what each part of the cell is (e.g., mi for images, and your own notes on references that
mitochondria). can easily be called up. If you prefer to read ar-
ticles printed on actual paper, you can organize
Figure Legends your hard-copy collection by senior author or
As you are making your figures, write the the unique number given to the paper by the
corresponding figure legends. As noted above, program. Then, if you are trying to find a par-
if your figures are properly labeled, the leg- ticular paper but do not remember the author,
ends will be fairly short. The legend should you can search your virtual library using in-
start with a one-sentence title that states the formation you do recall (i.e. keywords “actin”
result (conclusion) demonstrated in that fig- and “Drosophila”) to find the reference. Once
ure. If the figure has multiple panels, there you know the senior author or unique number,
should be at least one sentence describing each you can quickly pull the hard copy out of your
panel. The goal is to simply describe what the file drawer. Trust me, once you start using one
reader is seeing (i.e., “The top half of the blot of these programs, you’ll never regret it.
was probed with anti-myosin II antibody”),
not provide details of the method (i.e., do not When to insert references
include antibody dilutions, amount of extract Although it is a matter of preference, I
loaded, etc.). If you have included arrows, the like to insert references as I write, rather than
legend should state what the arrows indicate. wait until I am completely done with the
State the size of the scale bar if it is not indi- manuscript. The advantages to doing it this
cated in the figure. If you have included ab- way are the following: First, while you are
breviations denoting parts of the image, de- thinking about a certain issue that you want to
fine these in the legend alphabetically (e.g., er, write about, you can find the appropriate ref-
endoplasmic reticulum; gm, golgi membrane; erence, reread it, and make sure that it is the
How to Write a mt, microtubule). correct one to use. Second, if you wait until the

Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
end, you may have forgotten what reference it purely technical work but did not receive au-
was that you were thinking of, which will re- thorship, those who sent you reagents, any-
quire more time trying to find it. Third, if you one who gave you a pivotal suggestion, and
have cited the reference incorrectly because it the people who spent time critically reading
turns out the paper doesn’t quite say what you your manuscript prior to submission. Finally,
thought it did before rereading it, you can fix you must cite the source(s) of your research
the logic of the text right away. The downside funding.
to inserting references as you go is that it can
break up the flow of your thought process. Materials and Methods
While you are making your figures and
What types of references to use writing your legends, you will be actively dig-
Never cite a paper that you have not read. ging through your old notebooks, making this
Make sure the paper really says what you claim the perfect time to write the materials and
it is saying. Just as you should be correct about methods section. The goal of the methods sec-
what your data says, you should accurately tion is to present what you did in enough de-
cite others’ findings. Cite original sources of tail that someone reading it could repeat your
information as much as possible. You owe it experiments. At the same time, brevity is an
to the researcher who did the work to cite his asset.
or her paper, rather than a later paper. Imagine What can be omitted
how you will feel when ten years from now As many protocols are quite standard, you
you read a paper that describes work published can often refer to protocol collections such as
in your paper, but instead cites a paper that this one. Similarly, if your lab has previously
references a paper that references your work! published the use of a particular method, you
You will not be getting the credit you deserve. can refer to that prior paper. However, make
Additionally, it is extremely frustrating for a sure that the paper you are referring to does
reader to look up a reference only to find that not itself refer to an even earlier paper for the
the information cited as being in that paper method. It is frustrating to the reader when the
is in fact in an even earlier paper. A related actual protocol is described in a paper that is
problem is the common practice in the recent multiple steps removed from the one they are
literature of citing review articles instead of reading. Avoid doing this to your readers!
the original work. If there is a huge body of
work you are referring to in a statement, then What must be included
a recent review is the proper paper to cite. For There needs to be a methods description
example, if you are stating, “Chromatin marks for each type of experiment presented in your
are often used in the epigenetic regulation of paper and, as much as possible, these should
gene expression,” a review should be cited. But be listed in the same order in which they are
if instead you are commenting on a particular shown in the paper.
methyl transferase that is known to modify a Western blots and immunohistochemistry
certain amino acid, cite the original paper that experiments: Include the name, source, and
demonstrates that data. concentration of the antibodies used. For pro-
tein gels, indicate how you generated the ex-
Politics tract and how much was loaded in each lane
You know your field and who is likely to (i.e., equivalent number of cells, nanograms of
read and perhaps even review your paper. Al- tissue, number of fly heads, etc.).
though of course you cannot and should not Plasmid constructs: The methods for gen-
cite every paper these people have written, a erating constructs are fairly general, so you
good way to anger a petty competitor is to fail need not go into extreme detail. Make sure,
to cite her paper. Your mentor has likely re- however, that you have indicated the pre-
ceived at least one e-mail saying, “I enjoyed cise regions of any gene that you have in-
your recent paper. However I wonder if you’d cluded, referring to a sequence published
seen our paper. . .” Your job is certainly not to in a paper or in GenBank (http://www.ncbi.
mollify all your competitors, but do be mindful Give a gen-
to honor their contributions where appropriate. eral sense of how you generated the construct,
such as by PCR followed by sequencing, or
Acknowledgements standard molecular biology techniques utiliz-
It is best to do these as you are writing, ing restriction enzymes. PCR primers should Getting Your
in order to limit the risk of forgetting some- be listed, and they should be depicted in a 5 Data Out Into
the World
one. You need to thank people who performed to 3 direction. Provide names of all constructs
Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
generated, including any intermediate vectors, was done in each experiment as it relates
so that a reader will be able to request them in to the result you are trying to demonstrate.
the future. If you have cloned a new gene for Use the appropriate figure(s) to illustrate your
which sequence is not already available in pub- point. Don’t worry if you find yourself going
lic databases, you should deposit the sequence into too much detail—that can be edited out
with GenBank and provide the accession num- later.
ber in your paper; also see UNIT 11.2.
Mutant organisms: Provide the commu- Motivation
nity-accepted allele nomenclature for Once you have written what you did, shift
each mutant used. Guidelines for allele your focus to explaining why you did it. Each
nomenclature can be found at http:// subsection of the results should start with the posing of a question—what was it you wanted
resources.cfm. If your work utilizes an exten- to know that led you to do the experiment you
sive list of mutants, a table can be a useful are about to describe? Although this may seem
way of displaying the data. If new mutants obvious to you, remember that your reader
were generated, describe how this was done. may not know very much about your exper-
Northern and Southern blots: Indicate how imental problem and system. Thus, you need
RNA or DNA was isolated, only providing de- to lead the reader through the process. A para-
tails if you did not use a standard method. graph may begin “To determine the spatio-
Describe any hybridization probes used by temporal expression pattern of gene X. . .” or
providing nucleotide numbers relative to a “Because we found that gene X was essential
published sequence. If oligonucleotide probes for male fertility, we wished to determine the
were used, include the sequence. step in spermatogenesis that was affected in
Microscopy: Indicate the make and model the gene X mutant.”
of the microscope used as well as the It is important to remember that when writ-
lens power, numerical aperture, and image- ing a paper, you are telling a story, not a
acquisition software. Describe how images chronological history as detailed in your lab
were manipulated post-capture. notebooks. Your actual reason for doing an
Materials: If a reagent is mentioned, indi- experiment may have been based on an idea
cate the company from which it was purchased that has since turned out to be incorrect. Fur-
as well as the city in which that company re- thermore, you may very likely not have done
sides. For example, “Extracts were applied to a the experiments in the order in which it makes
0.5-ml anti-Flag resin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) the most sense to write about them. So when
column.” If a reagent was provided by another you say, “We next wondered. . .,” you may not
researcher, include the name and appropriate really be telling the truth. But that is OK! If
reference (and thank them in the acknowledge- you were to write your paper in the order you
ments). did the experiments and following the original
rationale for doing them, it would likely be
Results very hard for your reader to follow.
This is the most crucial part of your pa-
per, as it is here that you will attempt to con-
After posing a question, you must explain
vince your reader that you have learned some-
to your reader why you set up the experiment
thing new, interesting, and true. While each
in the way that you did. For example, “To de-
part of the results section is generally straight-
termine whether the phosphorylation of pro-
forward to write, formulating them into a co-
tein X is regulated during development, we
herent whole is often challenging. Not only
made extracts from staged populations of em-
must you describe what you did, but also what
bryos. If protein X is phosphorylated, it should
question you were trying to address and what
migrate slower on a gel than if it is dephos-
your logic was for designing the experiment in
phorylated. Extracts were thus treated with or
the way that you did. Each subsection of the
without phosphatase and analyzed by western
results should include the following: motiva-
blot.” A statement like this will allow your
tion, rationale, method, result, and interpreta-
reader to more easily interpret your data.
tion. One recommended approach is to tackle
these in the following order. Interpretation
This is the last part of each subsection. You
How to Write a Method and result don’t want to go into speculation here (save
Research First, look at the list of conclusions you that for the discussion), but you do need to sum
generated earlier. Next, simply describe what up for the reader what you just demonstrated
Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
with the preceding data. For example, “Taken VI, so throughout a paper, the gene should be
together, these results indicate that. . .” or “We referred to as such. Only in the Methods sec-
conclude that. . .” tion will the reader find mention of the partic-
ular jar alleles that were used. Also be careful
Introduction with the use of jargon. If there are specific ter-
The introduction is a difficult part of a paper minologies that are used in your subfield but
to write, for it is here that you will set the stage not known generally, define them in the intro-
for the entire manuscript. A good introduction duction.
familiarizes the reader with the field, explains
the broad biological question that is being ad- The specific question
dressed by the work, introduces key facts the Describe the part of the broad question that
reader needs to know in order to understand you are addressing in your paper and how it
the work, explains the specific question that answers some aspect of the broad question.
the authors hope to answer in the paper, and
describes the rationale behind the choice of
Why is the study system you are using a
experimental system and plan.
good one to address the question you are ask-
Familiarizing the reader ing? What are the advantages of your model
You need to provide the reader with enough organism as it relates to this question? What
information to understand what work was done is the general approach you are taking to ad-
before this paper. Remember, however, that dress the question? What assumptions have
you are writing an introduction, not a review you made about the question?
article. Thus, you need to focus the introduc-
tion on only the information that the reader Discussion
actually needs to know in order to understand Often, the first paragraph of the discussion
your study and its relevance. Continually ask restates the question and succinctly sums up
yourself, “Does the reader really need to know the key conclusions of the experiments in the
this? Do any of my experiments relate to this paper. “In this report we have tested the hy-
issue?” pothesis that. . .. Here we have presented four
lines of evidence that. . .”
The broad biological question The remainder of the discussion is then de-
This is crucial—if not made clear, your voted to explaining your interpretation of your
reader will be completely lost. Why should the results. Why should the reader care? Bring it
reader invest time in your paper? What is the back to the broad question you posed in the
biological problem that your work addresses introduction—how do your results affect our
and why is it interesting? understanding of this question? What were the
possible answers to the question you posed and
Key facts why do your results lead you to prefer one an-
Explain the system that you are using to swer over the others?
address the question you are asking. Again, be A good discussion will put the work of the
careful not to go into more detail than neces- current paper into the context of the field. It
sary, but make sure that you sufficiently de- will convey what was known already, what the
scribe the biological process you are studying open questions or controversies were, and how
so that the reader can create a mental picture your work helps to clarify the issues. Doing
of what you are describing. Be careful with the this effectively requires a solid understanding
use of organism and gene names. Although it of others’ work, which, of course, requires a
may seem obvious to you what Aspergillus is, lot of reading or rereading of older papers.
it doesn’t hurt to remind your reader that it is You also will want to discuss any side issues
a mold. Similarly, many genes have different that came up along the way. Perhaps one of
names depending on the organism being dis- your results suggests something about a differ-
cussed. For sake of clarity, choose the most ent question. Discuss any problems that came
common one and use that throughout your up as well. Is there a rational explanation for
paper. For example, the Drosophila gene for why one of your results did not turn out the
myosin VI was originally called jaguar and way you expected? What experiments should
thus myosin VI mutant alleles are referred to be done next to address these problems?
as jar. While these names are perhaps histor- Generally, reviewers are pretty forgiving of
Getting Your
ically interesting, the reader really only cares the discussion. As long as you don’t overinter- Data Out Into
to know that he or she is reading about myosin pret your data or mis-cite prior data, you can the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
speculate fairly freely, but don’t get too carried field. You may thus want to rework your paper
away. Four to five pages double spaced text is with this new focus in mind.
a good length. Once you have convinced yourself that your
paper tells the best possible story, you now
Abstract and Title need to make sure that your story makes sense.
The abstract is a mini version of your entire Remember that you are writing this paper
paper. As services such as PubMed display ab- not for yourself, but for a reader who knows
stracts, this will serve as the teaser to allow the nothing about what you have been doing in the
reader to decide whether to pull up your entire lab for the last year or so. Try to put yourself
paper. You need a couple of sentences that in- in that person’s place. Consider carefully the
troduce the big biological question, the system order in which you have presented the figures.
you are using, and the specific question you are Is that order the best possible order to convey
addressing in your study. Then, list the major the story you are trying to tell? Of course that
conclusions of your work and conclude with order made sense to you, but what if you did it
one sentence that sums up your interpretation a different way? Could you tell the story more
of what the results mean. Some journals have clearly with the figures in a different order?
specific guidelines involving length, content, Consider how the plot of your story progresses
and use of references in the abstract, so make from one figure to the next—are all the tran-
sure that you read the instructions to authors sitions logical? Are some of them still based
provided by the journal. on chronology? It can be hard to divorce one-
The title should convey the main conclu- self from one’s original idea of how the paper
sion of your work and should be absolutely should go, but that is what you need to do.
defensible by the data you have presented. Try Addressing these questions on your own can
to keep it succinct and not so full of jargon be nearly impossible. For that you need fresh
that a nonspecialist won’t understand it at all. eyes.
Resist any urge to be cute—humor is not a
virtue in research article titles. Although it is SOLICITING AND RESPONDING
tempting to include interpretation in your title, TO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS
you are simply inviting the reviewers to point First, give your manuscript to your men-
out that you have not fully proven whatever tor to read. For your sake as a young scien-
that is. tist learning to write, your mentor is hopefully
of the patient variety who, instead of simply
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER rewriting your paper, will take the time to point
Once you have generated a complete first out problems, suggest solutions, and be will-
draft of your paper, the hard part can begin! ing to go through many rounds of revision with
The first job you must do is to decide if it ac- you. At each round, save a new version of the
tually tells the story you want to tell. It is quite paper and do not delete the old versions—you
common that one starts writing a paper with just never know when you might decide to
a clear idea of what it is about, only to find reinsert one of those paragraphs you deleted.
along the way that the real question the data When you and your mentor are done with
addresses is different than originally thought. revisions, it is time to have the paper read by
How can this be? When you were in the discov- others. Start with people in your lab, as they are
ery phase of your work, each experiment was knowledgeable about your work. Once your
designed to address the next logical question. lab has come to be satisfied with your paper,
The results of each experiment were consid- give it to one or two colleagues who work on
ered carefully, but often in isolation. But when related but not identical topics. For this, your
you write a paper, you analyze all of the results mentor may need to contact someone at a dif-
collectively, often resulting in new insights that ferent university. While it may be quite tempt-
you may not have originally appreciated. Ad- ing to skip this step, it is highly advisable that
ditionally, as you were writing the introduction you do not. You, your mentor, and your lab-
and discussion, you had to read and reread a lot mates are so immersed in the ideas presented
of papers from other groups. In this process, in your paper that you won’t see it as clearly
you put yourself in a better position to clearly as informed, but nonspecialist, readers. These
see what the open questions were in your field. outside opinions will be enormously helpful to
You may in fact realize that while you wrote you. They may point out holes in your logic
How to Write a your paper to address one question, the same that could lead to you to doing another exper-
Research data could actually be used to address a differ- iment, or they may make suggestions about
ent, and more interesting, conundrum in your ways to present your data more effectively.
Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
These are the opinions of the type of people process was. For example, “Because we ob-
who will review your paper so their views are served that protein X was highly expressed
extremely valuable. Be sure to thank them in in tissue Y, we were interested in determin-
the acknowledgements. ing if it is active in that tissue. As protein X
Accepting constructive criticism can some- is known to be active only when phosphory-
times be emotionally painful and bruising to lated, we stained the tissue using a phospho-
one’s ego. One way to avoid these feelings specific protein X antibody.” Compare that to,
is to make sure you have had enough time “Because protein X was observed to be highly
completely away from the manuscript so you expressed in tissue Y, it became of interest
can detach yourself emotionally from it and to determine if it is active in that tissue. As
look at it more critically through the eyes of protein X is known to be active only when
your reader. Often, readers write comments phosphorylated, the tissue was stained using
in the margins that make sense to them, but a phospho-specific protein X antibody.” Both
may not be clear to you. Therefore, if possi- are acceptable, but the first is generally more
ble, meet one-on-one with the person who has engaging for your reader. That said, if your
read your paper to discuss her suggestions and mentor is a die-hard passive voice writer, do
criticisms. Make sure that you understand not what he or she says.
just what she wrote, but why she wrote it. Do
not dismiss any critiquer as just uninformed, Tense
assuming that a more knowledgeable reader For ease of reading, there is a simple rule
would certainly understand. Even if you don’t you should follow regarding the use of tense
fully agree with a criticism or suggestion, it in your manuscript. Accepted facts should be
points out a problem with a particular part of written in the present tense while descriptions
your paper that would improve with revision. of experiments that lead to the conclusions you
If one person finds something to be unclear, are making (be they yours or those shown by
others probably will as well. Sometimes you others) should be in past tense. Thus, much
will find that a reader’s confusion about one of your introduction will be written in the
part of your manuscript is actually due to lack present tense, i.e., “Nucleoli are the sites of
of clarity in another section, which then needs rRNA synthesis and processing.” If you are
to be revised. As a reader may have a hard time describing experiments done in prior papers,
articulating how you should change your pa- they should be in the past tense, e.g., “Baker
per, it can be helpful to instead ask the person et al. (1993) demonstrated that gene X is re-
to explain to you what he or she thought you quired for gastrulation.” Your results section
were trying to say. Then, when you describe should be written in the past tense, i.e., “To
what you were actually trying to get across, determine the transcriptional start site, we per-
the reader might say, “Oh, so if you had ex- formed 5 RACE” or “In this mutant, transcrip-
plained such and such in this earlier section, I tion initiated at an aberrant site five base pairs
would have understood the point you are mak- downstream of the site utilized in wild-type
ing here.” cells.”

THREE STYLE ISSUES I will assume that you know that copying
Voice another’s work is wrong, and thus only focus
Many well meaning, brilliant, and author- here on a couple of issues that may present dif-
itative scientists will insist that the only way ficulties in avoiding plagiarism when writing a
to write a proper scientific manuscript is in scientific manuscript. First, copying your own
the passive voice. The logic for this is that work is self-plagiarism and is unacceptable.
science is science. It is an impersonal pur- Just as it would be wrong for Charles Dickens
suit of knowledge and thus personal pronouns to have reused a paragraph from “Oliver Twist”
should never enter into it. Such writing is often in “David Copperfield,” so too is it wrong for
stilted and nonengaging. Furthermore, scien- you to reuse text from one of your prior papers.
tific questions do not ask themselves, the logic This means that if you or your mentor have pre-
does not exist without human input, and the ex- viously published a paper or a review article
periments do not perform themselves. The hu- in which the topic of your current work is de-
man mind and hands are integral parts of all as- scribed, you cannot reuse sentences from that
pects of what goes into a scientific manuscript. earlier paper. Think of another way to say it! Getting Your
Active voice allows you, the writer, to more Second, your introduction and discussion will Data Out Into
easily portray to your reader what your thought cover a lot of material that has been presented the World

Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
in earlier papers written by your lab or other end of the process, most systems will ask you
groups. You must determine how to describe to carefully look over a merged PDF created by
that information in a new way. The closer that the system. Make sure everything looks right,
you are physically to a paper and the closer fix any problems, and then confirm your accep-
that you are to the time when you read a paper, tance. Within a short time (minutes to a few
the harder it will be to put descriptions into days) you should receive a manuscript number
your own words. So, a good approach is to do and information about how you can follow the
your reading, then set all the papers aside. Do status of your paper.
not have the paper you are referencing sitting
open on your desk while you write.
After you have submitted your paper, you
COVER LETTER should receive some confirmation from the
You have your final draft ready to submit, journal that they did in fact receive it and
but you’re still not done writing! Every paper have sent it to an editor. Many journal Web
you submit to a journal should be accompanied sites now have online tracking systems that
by a cover letter addressed to the editor. This is you can follow. The editor or systems admin-
your first chance to make the editor interested istrator usually states when to expect reviews
in your manuscript. In the first sentence you and a decision on your manuscript, which is
should ask the editor to please consider your typically between 2 and 10 weeks. If you don’t
paper for publication in the journal. Next, give receive a decision within this timeframe, it is
a short description of the major findings of the acceptable to contact the editor to determine
paper. Point out what the important question is whether there is a problem, or use other con-
that your paper addresses and why your system tacts for this kind of inquiry that were provided
and approach are so amenable to tackling it. If by the systems administrator or editor. Keep in
your paper is the first to identify a particular mind that the editor is a working scientist and
gene, utilize a new technique, clearly prove thus very busy, so don’t pester the editor un-
a favored hypothesis wrong, etc., be sure to necessarily. There are generally five possible
point that out to the editor. This is a sales job, outcomes of the review process:
so make the cover letter clear and concise. End 1. They love your manuscript and want to
by suggesting why you think your paper would publish it immediately as is. I’ve seen this hap-
be of particular interest to the readers of that pen only once. Don’t get your hopes up.
particular journal. The more broadly appealing 2. The manuscript is pretty good, but the re-
you can make your paper sound, the better. viewers would like you to make a few changes
Regardless of who types the letter, it should be before publication. In this case the revised pa-
signed by the corresponding author (usually per may not have to go back to the reviewers,
the PI). but rather can be approved by the editor.
3. The reviewers are somewhat positive, but
SUBMISSION require additional experiments and must see
The vast majority of journals now have on- the revised manuscript again for re-review. In
line submission systems. Most require you to this case you should definitely try to address
establish a login name and password. Some the reviewers’ comments and resubmit the pa-
journals allow any of the authors to be the per to the same journal.
submitting author, but others require the cor- 4. The reviewers are extremely negative and
responding author (usually the PI) to also be the paper is completely rejected. They do not
the submitting author. If that is the case, either want to see it again. While you could do more
your PI will have to do the submission, or you experiments, address all the reviewers’ con-
will need to get your PI’s permission to use cerns, rewrite the paper with a new title, and
her login information. send it back to the same journal, it’s generally
The online submission systems vary from not worth it. It will likely go to the same editor
one journal to the next. Some take about who already has a negative view of your paper.
15 min, while others will take 2 hr, so plan Thus, your best bet is to utilize the reviewers’
accordingly before you begin. Some journals comments to improve your paper, then send it
will want you to submit your text as a Mi- to another journal.
crosoft Word document and the figures each as 5. The journal chooses not to review it at
separate TIFFs or PDFs. Others may require all. Although it may be possible to argue with
How to Write a
Research you to convert the entire manuscript including the editor in an attempt to convince her to
Manuscript text and figures into one merged PDF. At the change her mind, this really is not advisable.

Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques
She already dislikes your paper, so even if REBUTTAL LETTER
it does get sent out to review, she will read When you resubmit your paper, you will
the reviewers’ comments with a negative im- need to include a detailed letter to the editor
pression. Keep in mind that this rejection is in which you outline the changes you have
not necessarily a reflection on the quality of made to the text. In the first part of the let-
your work. The most high-profile journals of- ter, be sure to thank the editor and the re-
ten make editorial decisions about which pa- viewers for their thoughtful consideration of
pers to review based on space considerations, your manuscript and their helpful comments
what kinds of papers they have published re- (even if you still don’t believe this to be true,
cently, and what they view as the current hot write it anyway). Next, indicate that you un-
topics. The best thing to do then is to send derstand the main criticisms of your paper and
your manuscript to another journal. If you still briefly describe the most substantial change
believe it belongs in a broad-interest journal, you have made to the paper to address this con-
send it to one of a similar tier. If the editor cern. Then go point-by-point through each of
there says the same thing as the first, it’s time the reviewers’ comments, indicating how you
to reconsider and send your paper to a slightly have changed the paper to address each issue.
more specialized journal. Make this as easy as possible for the editor.
Unless they are fairly positive, your first re- For example:
action to reading your reviews will likely be Responses to specific comments from re-
to get defensive and declare, “These review- viewers (reviewer comments in italics, added
ers don’t know what they’re talking about!” text in bold):
I assure you that for the most part, this is
Reviewer 1:
not the case. Reviewers are working scien-
1. For their argument that the levels of pro-
tists, who, with rare exceptions, are very intel-
tein X are different in different tissues to be
ligent, knowledgeable people. If your reviewer
believable, the authors should include a load-
did not understand something in your paper, it
ing control in their western blot.
likely means that you did a poor job of explain-
We agree and have now standardized our
ing it. In almost every case the review process,
blot using actin as a loading control. This data
however painful it may be, does in fact serve
is included in a new Figure 1. On page 3, third
the purpose of improving the quality of the
paragraph, we have amended the text to read,
“Western blot analysis indicates that the levels
So, after you have calmed down, perhaps
of protein X, standardized to actin as a load-
the next day, reread the reviews. This time,
ing control, vary by an order of magnitude
go carefully through each comment and try to
between brain and thymus.”
understand what the reviewer is saying. Often,
reviewers provide specific comments (i.e., you Make sure you respond to every single com-
need this control, you should do the analysis ment. If you disagree with the value of an ex-
this way, or you need to perform this specific periment, think that a requested experiment is
experiment). Other comments may be more technically impossible, or believe an experi-
vague, but often imply that (1) you did a poor ment to be beyond the scope of the current
job of explaining something, (2) the reviewer paper, explain your reasoning in the rebuttal
just doesn’t think your data sufficiently sup- letter. You need to let the editor and reviewers
ports your conclusion, or (3) your study, even know that you carefully considered all of the
though done well, does not represent a signifi- points and have made a good-faith effort to
cant advancement from previous work. Ideally, respond to them.
the editor will have provided some guidance
about what he or she thinks are the impor-
tant aspects of the reviews. This is not to say AFTER YOUR PAPER IS
you can ignore the other comments, but fo- ACCEPTED
cusing on the main aspects should help you The journal may require you to submit a
decide which things you must address with an- copyright transfer agreement form. The corre-
other experiment and which you can address sponding author will need to sign it, asserting
with a change in the text to make something that the journal now owns the paper and all
clearer. Generally you will be given 2 to 3 authors have approved the manuscript. Addi-
months to resubmit your paper. If for some tionally, you may have to provide a method
reason this timeframe is not sufficient, contact of payment for page charges. You will also be Getting Your
the editor as soon as possible to request an offered the opportunity at this point to order Data Out Into
the World
extension. reprints. These are essentially pages from the
Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques Supplement 2
print journal. While the availability of high- ask to see it again before publication. Keep in
quality printers has made these somewhat un- mind that this may delay publication of your
necessary, it is handy to have some reprints paper.
around to give to people who join the lab later.
Also, your dad will surely be proud to see his CONCLUSION
child’s name in print! I wish I could tell you that when your pa-
Following acceptance, some journals will per is finally accepted, the page proofs have
immediately post your paper, in manuscript been turned in, and you see your work on the
form, on their Web site in an “ahead of print” journal’s Web site, that you will be extremely
section. This version will not have been copy- happy. Unfortunately, such is rarely the case.
edited by the journal staff. For that you will So much sweat (and possibly tears) went into
have to wait for the page proofs. These will doing the experiments, writing the paper, and
arrive by e-mail or overnight mail within sev- responding to reviewers (potentially at more
eral weeks. Once you receive them, it is com- than one journal) that the actual acceptance is
mon to have only 24 to 48 hr to approve and pretty anticlimactic. That said, you MUST cel-
return them to the journal, although this can ebrate! Scientific research consists of so much
vary slightly between publishers. Look very hard work, and is fraught with so much frus-
carefully over every single sentence. Often tration, that when things do go well, the occa-
the copyeditor will note where she has made sions must be marked. So go out for lunch, buy
changes and ask you to approve them, but milkshakes for your lab-mates, bring a bottle
sometimes there are small changes that are of champagne to lab meeting, or at least go
not denoted. Additionally, you may find er- out for a nice dinner with a friend or loved
rors made in the original manuscript that were one. Then get right back into the lab, as your
never caught. This is your only chance to work surely raised more new questions than it
find and correct them, so pay close attention. answered!
The copyeditor will likely have a few “author
queries” that you must answer. Be sure to care- LITERATURE CITED
fully scrutinize the figures. Do they appear ex- Dyson, S. and Gurdon, J.B. 1998. The interpretation
actly as you intended? Sometimes the printer of position in a morphogen gradient as revealed
used by the journal produces a figure in which by occupancy of activin receptors. Cell 93:557-
the colors, brightness, or contrast are not quite
as you wanted them to be. If you want a figure Freeman, M. 1996. Reiterative use of the EGF re-
ceptor triggers differentiation of all cell types in
changed, you will need to send the journal a
the Drosophila eye. Cell 87:651-660.
new version of the figure, possibly using a dif-
Noller, H.F., Hoffarth, V., and Zimniak, L.
ferent file format, to correct the problem. If it
1992. Unusual resistance of peptidyl trans-
is minor, you may elect not to see it again after ferase to protein extraction procedures. Science
it is fixed, but if you are concerned, you should 256:1416-1419.

How to Write a

Supplement 2 Current Protocols Essential Laboratory Techniques

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