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Final Reflection

Throughout my capstone project journey, I encountered various challenges that tested my

resilience and determination. Despite the hurdles, I persevered and am incredibly proud of the

progress I've made. Reflecting on my experiences, I've come to realize the importance of

tackling obstacles head-on and the value of proactive time management.

One of the most significant challenges I faced was the initial struggle to identify the plants within

the vivarium. Despite my efforts to utilize resources like Google Lens and iNaturalist, the

similarity among the plants made the task daunting. Additionally, unexpected interruptions, such

as fire drills, disrupted my workflow and posed time constraints. However, I didn't allow these

setbacks to deter my progress. Instead, I adapted to the situation, making the most of the time

available and focusing on the tasks at hand.

While navigating these challenges, I learned valuable lessons that have contributed to my

personal and academic growth. One key takeaway was the importance of perseverance in the

face of adversity. By remaining determined and resilient, I was able to overcome obstacles and

continue making strides in my project. Additionally, I gained insight into the significance of

effective time management. Reflecting on my experiences, I recognize the impact that

procrastination had on my project timeline. Moving forward, I am committed to prioritizing tasks

and allocating sufficient time to ensure timely completion of projects.

Looking back, I am proud of the progress I've made and the skills I've developed throughout this

journey. From planting identification sticks to brainstorming ideas for rebranding the vivarium,

each step contributed to the overall success of my project. Furthermore, the collaboration with

my mentor, Ms. Hayes, was instrumental in providing guidance and support throughout the

process. Her expertise and encouragement empowered me to overcome challenges and pursue

innovative solutions.

In hindsight, there are aspects of my project journey that I would approach differently. Chief

among them is the need to address procrastination and prioritize tasks more effectively. By

recognizing the importance of timely action, I can enhance productivity and achieve greater

success in future endeavors.

As I conclude my capstone project, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for

the opportunities it has provided. While the journey was not without its challenges, I am proud of

the resilience and determination I demonstrated. Moving forward, I will carry these lessons with

me, applying them to future endeavors and embracing the opportunities for growth and

development that lie ahead.

Moreover, this project has ignited a passion for environmental conservation and education within

me. Through the process of rebranding the vivarium and creating signage for the plants, I gained

a deeper appreciation for the intricate ecosystems that exist within our environment. I am

inspired to continue exploring ways to raise awareness and promote sustainability initiatives

within my community. Whether through future academic pursuits or professional endeavors, I

am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me.

In closing, I am grateful for the support of my mentor, Ms. Hayes, and the guidance of the

capstone committee. Their encouragement and expertise were invaluable throughout this journey.

As I embark on the next chapter of my academic and personal growth, I carry with me the

lessons learned and the memories forged during this transformative experience.

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