Human Harmony With Nature

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Do we discern the great blessing of nature? Yes, or probably not. Human is greatest
contribution by the civilization of the world. The transformation of the world and its nature
has not been taken place over night. It has taken trillions of years to shape the present form.
Human has been interacting with the nature at the very inception of the civilization. Actually
they are built by the nature and shaped by purity and nurtured by generosity of the nature.
The nature has also contributed to shape the human civilization with millions of resources for
millions of years. Human civilization rests to the outcomes of nature for extracting all the
necessaries it needs. Human civilization is surrounded by the nature where human interacts
with it, modifies it and influences it to turn into their own accord and behavior.
We, the human, hardly understand that the nature has been created with its great virtue and
solidarity. We have been exploiting the nature since human beings stepped on the earth.
Natural elements have been utilizing, better to say, using by us for different gracious or ill
purposes. Human behavior and approach have not been favorable to the nature. We are
always envisaging ourselves as the only stakeholders of the nature considering the other
natural elements are good for nothing for us at all. But if we pause the clock and think for
thirty seconds, we will definitely find the echo from our sence of humor that there are
millions of elements in the nature onto which we are fully or partially dependable.

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