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Interview pitch for CHT

Hello, I’m Priyanshu Pareek , the Marketing Manager at Country Holidays Travel (CHT). Before we dive
into the interview, let me share more about CHT. We specialize in providing diverse travel packages, from
luxurious getaways to budget-friendly options. Our commitment is to offer life-changing adventures,
tailored for individuals, families, and couples.We’re thrilled to have bright interns join us,offering
practical experience in social media marketing. Now, let’s discuss your potential role with us.

Question 1

Could you walk me through a time when you faced a challenging situation in social media marketing and
how you were able to resolve it to meet your objectives?

Question 2

What specific tactics and strategies do you use to actively engage your audience and encourage
participation on social media platforms?

Question 3

Can you share an example of when you had to manage a social media crisis or negative publicity? How
did you handle it and protect the brand’s reputation?

Question 4

In your opinion, what emerging or innovative trends in social media marketing show particular promise
that you would be excited to leverage in your strategies?

Question 5

Was there a social media campaign that did not go as planned for you? Can you walk me through what
happened, how you responded, and what you learned from that experience?

Question 6

How do you typically assess and analyze your target audiences’ preferences and behaviors on social
platforms to inform your content and campaigns?

Question 7

Walk me through your approach when it comes to influencer marketing. How do you identify and vet
potential partners and determine campaign success?

Question 8

How do you balance staying true to a consistent brand identity and aesthetic while also adapting your
social media presence to new trends and audience tastes?

Question 9
What is your process for setting measurable goals for social media campaigns and tracking progress
against those objectives?

Question 10

Can you give me some examples of engaging multimedia content you’ve created for social campaigns in
the past? How did it perform?

Question 11

How do you determine optimal posting schedules and frequencies across social platforms? What factors
do you take into account?

Question 12

Talk to me about your experience with A/B testing on social media. What elements have you tested in
the past and how did you apply the learnings?

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