Technical Reports

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Jevera Cawilan-Domogen
1. use appropriately correct
words to impart information
in different technical
2. employ efficiently
different digital applications
in creating technical
reports; and
3. produce clear, coherent
writing in which the
development and
organization are appropriate
to the requirements of a
technical report.
Unscramble the letters to
reveal different types of
reports commonly used in
various contexts.

An initial report gives a description

of how a project will be
approached. It is drafted prior to
the project's initiation and outlines
the proposed approach.

• Initial reports set the stage for

the entire project, establishing its
purpose, goals, and parameters.

• They provide stakeholders with

an understanding of the project's
scope, timeline, and expected

• Initial reports help identify

potential challenges, risks, and
opportunities early in the project

• They serve as a reference point

for decision-making, guiding project
planning, and resource allocation.

• Title Page: Includes the project title,

date, author(s), and any other relevant
identifying information.

• Executive Summary: Provides a

concise overview of the project,
including objectives, methodology, and
initial findings.

• Introduction: Introduces the

project, its context, and the problem
or need it aims to address.

• Scope and Objectives: This

defines the scope of the project and
its specific objectives or goals.

• Methodology: Describes the

approach or methods used to conduct
the project, including data collection
and analysis.

• Initial Findings: Presents the

preliminary findings or observations of
the project, highlighting any significant
insights or challenges.

• Scope and Objectives: This

defines the scope of the project and
its specific objectives or goals.

• Methodology: Describes the

approach or methods used to
conduct the project, including data
collection and analysis.

• Initial Findings: Presents the

preliminary findings or observations
of the project, highlighting any
significant insights or challenges.

• Conclusion: Summarizes the key

points of the report and may offer
recommendations for further action
or investigation.

• References: Lists any sources

cited or consulted during the
preparation of the report.
A design report, serving as an internal
document, is intended for review by
colleagues, technicians, and specialists
involved in a project. While visual
representations are valuable, they alone
cannot effectively convey an engineering
solution; comprehensive documentation is
essential. The report thoroughly analyzes it,
employing precise terminology pertinent to
the specific engineering domain. The design
process is aimed at resolving challenges.

• Design reports document the process

of conceptualizing, developing, and
evaluating engineering solutions to
address specific problems or
• They serve as a record of the design
process, providing insights into the
rationale behind design decisions and
the considerations considered.

• Design reports communicate

technical information to various
stakeholders, including clients,
project managers, and other
engineering professionals, facilitating
understanding and decision-making.

• Title Page: Includes the title of the

report, author(s), affiliation, date, and
any other relevant information.
• Summary/Abstract: The summary
gives a description of what is expected in
the document. It outlines the problem
and how the team of engineers expects to
solve it.
• Introduction: Introduces the project,
defines the problem or need, and outlines
the objectives and scope of the design.
• Development of the Model: The process
of modeling development encapsulates the
challenges faced while crafting a solution for
a project. It provides a glimpse into the
considered solutions and their rationale,
while also touching upon the ones that did
not make the cut.
• Results and Discussion: Presentation of
design calculations, structural drawings,
and analysis outcomes. It includes analysis
of design considerations, limitations, and
recommendations for future improvements.
• Conclusion: Summary of key findings,
implications, and recommendations for
further research or action.
• References: List of sources cited in the
These are integral components of engineering
endeavors, offering insights into the ongoing
project's trajectory. These reports document the
project's schedule and accomplishments thus far,
serving as a means to communicate progress to
stakeholders such as managers, clients, executives,
and colleagues while also assessing outstanding
tasks. Engineers should recognize that projects may
encounter delays due to various factors, including
additional requirements, miscommunication, or
unforeseen obstacles. Therefore, progress reports
must comprehensively address such challenges.
Given their periodic nature, multiple progress
reports are typically generated throughout a
project's lifecycle.
• facilitate effective communication among
project stakeholders, including team
members, project managers, clients, and other
relevant parties. They ensure that everyone
involved is informed about the project's status,
progress, challenges, and future plans.
• help maintain accountability within the
project team by documenting the tasks
completed, milestones achieved, and any
setbacks encountered during the reporting
period. They provide a transparent record of
the project's progress and performance.
• provide valuable information for making
informed decisions about the project, such as
resource allocation, schedule adjustments,
risk management strategies, and problem-
solving approaches. They enable stakeholders
to assess the project's trajectory and identify
areas that require attention or improvement.
• serve as a formal record of the project's
evolution, documenting its history,
achievements, challenges, and lessons
learned. They provide a reference for future
project planning, evaluation, and analysis.
• Title Page: The title page of a progress
report typically includes basic information
such as the project title, date, and names
of key stakeholders.
• Introduction: The introduction
provides a brief overview of the project's
objectives, scope, stakeholders, and
reporting period. It outlines the purpose of
the report and sets expectations for its
content and structure.
Project Description: This section
offers a comprehensive overview of the
project's background, objectives, scope,
and stakeholders. It provides context
for understanding the significance and
relevance of the project within its
broader context.
Project Summary: The project
summary gives a concise overview of
the project's current status, key
achievements, and upcoming
milestones. It highlights significant
developments since the previous
reporting period and may include
quantitative data to measure progress
• Work Completed: This section
details tasks completed and milestones
achieved during the reporting period. It
includes quantitative data and
highlights achievements contributing
to project goals.
• Problems or Challenges
Problems Encountered: Problems or
challenges encountered during the
reporting period are explained here,
along with their impact on the project
and potential solutions or mitigation
Changes in Requirements: Any
modifications to the project's initial
specifications or objectives are
addressed in this section. It explains
the nature of changes, the reasons
behind them, and the implications for
the project's scope, timeline, and
• Future Plans: Future plans
outline the next steps and
objectives for the upcoming
reporting period, including
adjustments to project plans,
timelines, and resources. Realistic
goals are set to guide continued
• Overall Assessment of the Project:
This section offers a comprehensive
evaluation of the project's current
status, performance, and outlook. It
synthesizes information from the
report, identifies areas of strength and
improvement, and offers
recommendations for optimizing
project outcomes.
Recommendation reports are
essential documents in engineering
projects, providing actionable
suggestions and solutions to
address specific challenges or
improve existing systems. It is most
likely to be read by senior
executives in an organization.
• The executive summary
provides a condensed overview of
the recommendation report,
highlighting its purpose, key
findings, and recommendations.
• Introduction: The introduction of a
recommendation report provides an
overview of the document's purpose and
scope. It clearly defines the problem or
issue that the report aims to address and
provides background information to
contextualize its significance within the
project or organization. By setting the
stage for the reader, the introduction
helps stakeholders understand the
importance of the recommendations that
will follow.
• Analysis of Current Situation: In this
section, a thorough analysis of the
current situation is conducted, including
gathering relevant data, observations,
and findings. The root causes or
contributing factors of the problem are
identified, and the strengths and
weaknesses of existing systems or
processes related to the issue are
evaluated. This analysis forms the
foundation for developing effective
• Proposed Solutions: The proposed
solutions section presents a range of
potential strategies to address the
identified problem. Each solution is
carefully outlined, with clear
explanations of its benefits and
drawbacks. Recommendations are
supported by evidence and reasoning to
demonstrate their feasibility and
effectiveness in solving the problem at
• Implementation Plan: A detailed
implementation plan is developed for
the recommended solutions,
specifying the steps, resources, and
timelines required for execution.
Potential challenges or barriers to
implementation are addressed, and
mitigation strategies are proposed to
ensure the successful execution of
the recommendations.
• Cost-Benefit Analysis: This section
conducts a cost-benefit analysis to
assess the financial implications of
implementing the recommended
solutions. It estimates the costs
associated with implementation,
including materials, labor, and other
relevant expenses, while also identifying
potential cost savings or benefits
resulting from the recommendations.
• Conclusion: The conclusion
summarizes the key findings and
recommendations presented in the
report, reinforcing the importance of
addressing the identified problem. It
encourages stakeholders to take
action based on the report's findings
and recommendations, emphasizing
the potential benefits of implementing
the proposed solutions.
Prepare one of the
following technical
reports. B eguided by
the rubric.
a. Initial Report
b. Design Report
c. Progress Report
d. Recommendation
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

The report demonstrates a thorough The report shows a good The report contains limited
understanding of the subject matter, understanding of the subject matter, The report contains some relevant relevant information and analysis,
with comprehensive coverage of relevant with adequate coverage of relevant information and analysis, but lacks depth or with significant gaps or
Content information, analysis, and evidence. information, analysis, and evidence. detail in some areas. inaccuracies.

The report is well-organized, with clear The report is mostly well-organized, The report is somewhat organized, but may The report is poorly organized,
and logical flow, and effectively uses with a logical flow, and generally lack coherence in some sections or have with a confusing or illogical flow,
Organization headings, subheadings, and transitions uses headings, subheadings, and inconsistent use of headings, subheadings, or and lacks effective use of headings,
and Structure to guide the reader. transitions effectively. transitions. subheadings, or transitions.

The report is written clearly and The report is mostly clear and The report is somewhat clear and readable, The report is unclear or difficult to
concisely, with precise language, readable, with mostly precise but may contain some vague or unclear read, with vague language,
appropriate terminology, and minimal language, appropriate terminology, language, inappropriate terminology, or inappropriate terminology, and
Clarity and errors in grammar, punctuation, and and few errors in grammar, occasional errors in grammar, punctuation, frequent errors in grammar,
Readability spelling. punctuation, and spelling. and spelling. punctuation, and spelling.

The report provides deep and insightful The report provides some analysis, but may The report provides limited
analysis, critically evaluates relevant The report provides solid analysis, lack depth or fail to critically evaluate all analysis, fails to critically evaluate
information, and presents well- evaluates relevant information, and relevant information, and conclusions and relevant information, and
Depth of supported conclusions and presents reasonable conclusions and recommendations may be somewhat vague or conclusions and recommendations
Analysis recommendations. recommendations. unsupported. are unclear or unsupported.

The report effectively uses visuals (such

as charts, graphs, tables, and images) to The report uses visuals to support The report includes some visuals, but they The report includes limited visuals,
enhance understanding, illustrate key understanding and present data, but may be poorly integrated or not effectively which are poorly integrated or do
points, and present data clearly and may not always enhance clarity or used to support understanding or present not effectively support
Use of Visuals accurately. accuracy. data. understanding or present data.
The report includes citations and The report includes some citations and The report includes few citations
The report includes thorough and references to most sources of references, but may have significant and references, with major
accurate citations and references to all information used, with minor inconsistencies or inaccuracies in citation inconsistencies or inaccuracies in
Citations and sources of information used, following a inconsistencies or inaccuracies in style, or may omit some sources of citation style, or significant
References consistent citation style. citation style. information. omission of sources of information.
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