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Jessie Jr. Z.


Grade 12Humss Monet

Career Walk

The career walk event is typically organized in schools or educational institutions to

provide students with firsthand exposure to different professions. It often involves inviting
professionals from various fields to share their experiences, insights, and career
journeys with the students. During the event on April 12 2024. The main goal of the
career walk is to inspire students and help them explore a wide range of career
options. It encourages them to think beyond traditional career paths and consider fields
they may not have previously considered. By exposing students to different
professions, the event aims to broaden their horizons, expand their knowledge, and
empower them to make informed decisions about their future careers. Additionally,
the career walk event can also provide valuable networking opportunities for students.
They can connect with professionals in their fields of interest, build relationships, and
potentially secure internships or mentorship opportunities. This can be instrumental in
their career development and help them gain practical insights into their chosen
professions. Overall, the career walk event plays a crucial role in guiding students
towards their desired professions, fostering career exploration, and empowering them
to make informed choices about their future paths.

I choose to be a police officer because I have always been deeply committed to ensuring the
safety and well-being of others. From a young age, I have had a strong sense of justice and a
desire to make a positive impact in my community. Becoming a police officer allows me to
fulfill these aspirations in a meaningful and tangible way. As a police officer, I will have the
opportunity to serve and protect my community, working tirelessly to maintain law and
order. I believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe environment, free from fear and
crime. By becoming a police officer, I can actively contribute to creating a secure and
harmonious society. Moreover, I am drawn to the dynamic and challenging nature of police
work. Each day will bring new situations and require quick thinking, problem-solving, and
adaptability. I thrive in high-pressure environments and enjoy the thrill of not knowing what
each day may bring. The variety of tasks and responsibilities that come with being a police
officer excites me, as it allows me to constantly learn and grow both personally and
professionally. Another reason I choose to be a police officer is the opportunity to build
relationships and trust within the community. I believe in the power of connection and
collaboration. By establishing strong bonds with community members, I can gain their trust
and work together to address concerns, prevent crime, and foster a sense of security.
Building these relationships will not only enhance the effectiveness of my work but also
contribute to the overall well-being and unity of the community. In conclusion, I choose to
be a police officer because it aligns with my values of service, justice, and making a positive
impact. I am excited about the challenges, growth opportunities, and the chance to build
meaningful connections within the community. Being a police officer is not just a career
choice for me; it is a calling to serve and protect, and I am eager to embark on this fulfilling

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