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Study of Sluice Gate
Operation and Turbine
Performance in Watermills of



Ayush Kishore (21410005)

Shreyansh Jain (21410026)
Shubham Singh (21113151)
Sneha Titoriya (21113155)
This project report presents a comprehensive investigation into the operation of sluice
gates and turbine performance in watermills located in Uttarkashi, conducted by a team
of students from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. The study encompasses a
multidisciplinary approach, integrating principles of hydraulic engineering, fluid
dynamics, and environmental science to address key challenges and opportunities in
water resource management and renewable energy utilization.

The study begins by elucidating the hydraulic effects on turbine performance,

particularly focusing on the intricate interplay between sluice gate operation and turbine
efficiency. Through detailed analysis, the report elucidates the impact of channel flow
characteristics, such as velocity distribution and pressure variations, on the operation of
watermills. Specifically, it explores the dynamics of open channel flow, highlighting the
distribution of velocity and pressure in rectangular channel configurations.

Furthermore, the study undertakes a rigorous assessment of turbine suitability for

watermill operations, considering factors such as head, flow rate, and turbine efficiency.
By evaluating various turbine types, including cross-flow turbines, the report provides
insights into the selection and performance estimation of turbines tailored to the unique
conditions of watermill sites in Uttarkashi.

Conclusions drawn from the project emphasize the critical role of interdisciplinary
collaboration in addressing complex water resource challenges. By integrating
traditional practices with modern technologies, such as watermill upgrades and
wastewater reuse systems, the study advocates for sustainable development strategies
that enhance resource efficiency and environmental resilience.

In summary, this project report offers valuable insights and recommendations for
optimizing watermill operations, promoting renewable energy utilization, and advancing
sustainable water management practices. Through its interdisciplinary approach and
practical recommendations, the study contributes to the ongoing efforts towards
achieving water security and environmental sustainability in Uttarkashi and beyond.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our faculty supervisor, Prof. Sharad
Jain, for his constant support and guidance throughout the project. His feedback,
suggestions, and expertise have been invaluable in ensuring the success of this
project. We would also like to thank our project guide, Prof. P.K. Sharma, for
providing invaluable guidance and support throughout the project. His insightful
feedback, technical expertise, and encouragement have been instrumental in
shaping this project.


S.No Topic Page No.


1 Introduction 05

2 Objectives of the report 06

3 Sluice Gate and Hydraulic Effect on Turbine 06-07

4 Results and Impact 08-21

5 Conclusions 22

6 References 22


In the remote Himalayan regions, where men often migrate to cities for better
opportunities, women take on the pivotal role in the local economy. Engaged in both
household activities and agricultural work, they rely on the region's natural resources for
sustenance. The traditional knowledge surrounding Gharats, or traditional watermills,
presents a sustainable solution for their needs. Gharats harness the kinetic energy of
flowing water to grind grains, providing a reliable source of flour. This method, known for its
environmental friendliness and sustainability, retains the nutritional value of grains due to
its slow grinding speed and keeps the flour cool for extended shelf life. Moreover, the
introduction of metal turbines has enhanced the performance of Gharats, with some
regions even using them to generate electricity, bringing power to previously isolated
villages. Additionally, Gharats facilitate the operation of kolhus for cold-pressed oils,
support fisheries, and aid in irrigation and beekeeping, supplementing the income of their
owners. Overall, Gharats represent a holistic approach to community sustainability in the
Himalayan region, balancing economic needs with environmental harmony.

The decline of traditional watermills, known as Gharats, in the Himalayan region can be
attributed to various factors. The advent of electric and fuel-powered mills reduced the
reliance on Gharats, as they required less labor and offered convenience. Improved road
connectivity further facilitated access to packaged products available in markets,
diminishing the need for locally ground flour. Additionally, a shortage of skilled labor for
installing and repairing Gharats has accelerated their decline. Moreover, environmental
challenges such as decreased water levels in natural springs, exacerbated by hydel power
projects disrupting river flows, have rendered many Gharats obsolete. Without adequate
support and innovation, these traditional structures are becoming financially unsustainable
for local communities. Meanwhile, modern mills, though efficient, utilize non-renewable
resources and compromise the nutritional value of flour due to high-speed operation.
Furthermore, the installation of modern mills in the fragile Himalayan ecosystem raises
concerns about sustainability. As a result, Gharats are gradually fading away, prompting
migration to urban areas in search of better opportunities.

Efforts to revive the traditional system of Gharat in the Himalayan region, particularly in
villages around Uttarkashi, Nakori region in Dunda, are underway. The focus is on
empowering women in hilly areas by offering them sustainable local livelihood
opportunities. The methodology involves incorporating technological interventions and
managerial solutions to address the challenges faced in running Gharats in modern times.
The objectives include reviving Gharats while retaining their sanctity, improving their
efficiency with minor modifications, and exploring innovative applications. Through these
efforts, the aim is to enable communities to remain in their native regions while generating
sustainable livelihoods, thus preserving local traditions and fostering economic resilience.

Objectives of this project
1. Provide women in the hilly areas of Uttarakhand with sustainable job opportunities
that are rooted in their local communities.
2. Bring back Gharats by introducing modern technology to fix the problems that
traditional watermills face.
3. Make Gharats work a bit better without changing what makes them special and

Channel Flow
An open channel is a passage where a liquid flows, exhibiting a free surface. This surface
is the boundary between the flowing liquid and the fluid medium above it, maintaining a
consistent pressure. Water is typically the primary liquid in civil engineering, with air at
atmospheric pressure as the overlying fluid. Consequently, our primary focus will be on the
flow dynamics of water with a free surface.

Velocity Distribution in Rectangular Channel

The study of velocity distribution in open channels, particularly in rectangular sections,

reveals significant insights into fluid dynamics and channel geometry.
In both cases, the velocity distribution is notably impacted by the aspect ratio of the
channel, affecting the location of maximum velocity points relative to the free surface.
While secondary currents influence the velocity profile, typical velocity profiles demonstrate
logarithmic or power-law distributions up to the maximum velocity point.

A typical velocity profile at a section in a plane normal to the direction of flow is presented
in the above figure . The profile can be roughly described by a logarithmic distribution or a
power-law distribution up to the maximum velocity point. Field observations in rivers and
canals have shown that the average velocity at any vertical vav occurs at a level of 0.6 y0
from the free surface, where y0 = depth of flow. Further, it is found that
in which v0.2 = velocity at a depth of 0.2 y0 from the free surface, and
v0.8 = velocity at a depth of 0.8 y0 from the free surface. This property of the velocity
distribution is commonly used in stream-gauging practice to determine the discharge using
the area-velocity method.

Pressure Distribution

The distribution of pressure in an open channel flow is governed by the acceleration due to
gravity g and other accelerations and is given by the Euler’s equation as below: In any
arbitrary direction s,

and in the direction normal to s direction, i.e., in the n direction,

in which p = pressure, as = acceleration component in the s direction, an = acceleration in

the n direction, and Z = elevation measured above a datum.
Consider the s direction along the streamline and the n direction across it. The direction of
the normal towards the center of curvature is considered positive. We are interested in
studying the pressure distribution in the n-direction. The normal acceleration of any
streamline at a section is given by

where v = velocity of flow along the streamline of radius of curvature r.

Hydrostatic Pressure Distribution The normal acceleration an will be zero
(i) if v = 0, i.e., when there is no motion, or
(ii) if r → ∞, i.e., when the streamlines are straight lines.

Pressure distribution in still water

The linear variation of pressure with depth having the constant of

proportionality equal to the unit weight of the liquid is known as hydrostatic-pressure

The goal of this project was to build an understanding of indigenous milling
methods in Uttarkashi and to create recommendations that could improve the
industry’s longevity. In order to meet this goal, our group established two objectives:

1. Evaluate Sluice Gate Operation and Turbine Efficiency:

- Analyze hydraulic effects on turbine performance, focusing on sluice gate dynamics and
channel flow characteristics.
- Assess various turbine types, particularly cross-flow turbines, for optimal performance in
Uttarkashi watermill sites.

2. Promote Sustainable Water Management Practices:

- Investigate open channel flow dynamics and pressure distribution to optimize watermill
- Propose turbine technology recommendations to enhance renewable energy utilization and
advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainable water resource management.

Objective 1 : Site Evaluation

To conduct thorough site evaluations, we first identified gharats based on local recommendations
and recorded their GPS locations. We then created a site assessment checklist to document key
technological and geographical features of the gharats. This checklist helped us gather information
on whether the gharat was operational, its proximity to the road, the terrain between the gharat and
the road, the design of the mill's turbine, and the current water flow conditions.

Objective 2 : Interviewing the Stakeholders

We interviewed villagers who use gharats (watermills) and those who don't, to understand milling
practices and challenges. We used snowball sampling, starting with gharat customers and reaching
out to users of alternative methods through their recommendations. Interviews focused on reasons
behind each villager's milling choice. Responses were recorded for later analysis.

Objective 3 : Development of Recommendations

We worked with mill operators to suggest improvements. We analyzed their needs and proposed
solutions, then explored helpful policies for them. We presented these ideas for their input.

Status of Gharats

Analysis of Broad Crested Side Sluice Gate
Side sluice gates are crucial in irrigation systems that efficiently manage water flow. They
divert a portion of the water from a primary canal into a secondary channel, directing the
precious resource to specific fields or sections.

The design of side sluice gates incorporates the elementary discharge coefficient concept.
This coefficient plays a vital role in calculating the total flow rate through the gate.
In essence, the elementary discharge coefficient reflects the efficiency of water passage
through the gate. It considers the following factors:

● Water Depth in the Main Channel (h): This refers to the level of water flowing within
the main canal before reaching the gate.
● Gate Opening Size (b): This represents the adjustable opening of the side sluice
gate, allowing water to flow into the secondary channel.

The elementary discharge coefficient is particularly relevant under free-flow conditions.

This occurs when the water level on the downstream side (secondary channel) doesn't
influence the flow rate through the gate.

Side sluice gates are a crucial part of irrigation systems. Imagine them as adjustable
checkpoints along the main water canal. These gates have a vertical opening that can be
controlled, allowing us to divert the right amount of water into secondary channels. By
precisely managing the flow through these gates, we can ensure that water reaches the
specific fields that need it, optimizing irrigation efficiency. This helps us use this valuable
resource more effectively and contributes to a more sustainable agricultural system.

Hager (1983) and Hager and Volkart (1986) proposed the following equation for discharge
variation along the side sluice gate for a prismatic, nearly horizontal rectangular channel:


in which a = gate opening; H = specific energy; y = flow depth; g =

gravitational acceleration; and dQ/dx = discharge variation along the channel length.

Analytical Considerations
The scientific principles governing water flow through side sluice gates in rectangular
channels have been further clarified by research like that of Chow (1959).

in which So = channel bed slope; Sf = friction slope; Q = channel discharge; A = flow area;
and T = top width of channel.

It assumes insignificant energy loss from flow diversion. For sub-critical flow (2) indicates
that there is normally a rising flow profile.

Considering the discharge dQ through an elementary strip of length dx along the sluice
gate (see Fig. 1), one gets


in which Ce = elementary discharge coefficient of the strip. The friction slope SI is given by
the Manning's equation as

in which n = roughness coefficient; and R = hydraulic radius.

For a rectangular channel section of bed width B, substitution of (3) and (4) into (2) yields


Eqs. (3) and (5) can be solved as an initial-value problem with the following prescribed
conditions: At x = 0




In which 𝑦0 = flow depth at the entrance section;and 𝑄𝑂= entrance-section discharge. For the
solution of (3) and (5) one requires the functional relationship for 𝐶𝑒.


Expression proposed by Swamee (1992) Functional form of 𝐶𝑒 free flow

In which 𝑘0 through 𝑘7= unknown positive constants to be determined from experimental data

For a watermill operating at around 600-800 RPM (maximum 1000 RPM) with water coming from a
river with a slope and low head, the best type of turbine would likely be an impulse turbine,
specifically a cross-flow turbine.

Cross-flow turbines suit lower heads and operate efficiently at relatively low speeds. They are
designed to accommodate larger water flows and lower heads compared to other impulse turbines
like the Pelton turbine. Additionally, cross-flow turbines are known for their ability to handle variable
flow conditions, making them suitable for situations where water flow may vary.

Given the characteristics of operating conditions, a cross-flow turbine would likely be the most
suitable choice for our watermill project.

Selection of Cross-Flow Turbine for Watermill Operations

The watermill project aims to harness the energy from a river with a slope and low head to power
mechanical operations. The watermill is expected to operate at 600 to 800 RPM speeds.

Turbine Type Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages

- Handles variable
- Lower cost and
flow conditions - Lower efficiency at higher heads

- Reduced
- Less sensitivity to
sensitivity to
small changes in the - Limited application for very high heads
changes in the

- Easier
- Easier maintenance
compared to other

- Highly efficient at - High efficiency at

- Sensitive to fluctuations in flow rates and head
high heads high heads

- Suitable for low-flow, - Suitable for

Pelton high-head low-flow, high-head - Higher manufacturing and installation costs
applications applications

- Complexity of design may require specialized

- Compact design

- Versatile, suitable
- Wide range of
for medium to - Limited efficiency at low heads
high-head situations

- Good performance
- Wide availability - Requires significant civil works and
in both horizontal and
of designs infrastructure
vertical orientations

- Suitable for sites

with lower head and - Simple design - Limited efficiency at very low heads
higher flows

- Can be fixed or - Can handle a

- Higher costs compared to some other turbine
adjustable pitch wide range of flow
Propeller types
blades rates

- Various
available (e.g., bulb,
strafe, tube)

- Generates electricity
- No diversion of - Limited to specific water flow conditions and
from kinetic energy in
water required locations
flowing water

- Utilizes existing
- Minimal civil
structures (e.g., - Potential impact on aquatic ecosystems
works required
bridges, tailraces)


● Head (H): Estimated to be low, let's assume 10 meters (32.8 feet).

● Flow rate (Q): The river's flow rate is estimated to be 1 cubic meter per second.
● Efficiency (η): Conservatively estimated at 70%.
The formula to calculate the theoretical power output (P) of the turbine is-


● ρ is the density of water (approximately 1000 kg/m³ or 62.4 lb/ft³).
● g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s² or 32.2 ft/s²).

Substituting the given values:



This rough calculation suggests that the watermill, equipped with a cross-flow turbine, could
potentially generate around 6.87 kilowatts of power under the given conditions. Actual power output
may vary depending on turbine efficiency, mechanical losses, and operational conditions.

This estimation provides a preliminary indication of the watermill's energy potential and
underscores the suitability of a cross-flow turbine for the project's requirements.

Note: This calculation serves as a rough estimate and does not account for all factors influencing
power generation, such as turbine efficiency variations at different flow rates and head levels,

losses in transmission, and other operational considerations. Further detailed analysis and
site-specific assessments would be necessary for accurate power output predictions.

Hydraulic Flap in cross-flow turbine Section with the Cink control device

Crossflow and Pelton turbines are used in hydroelectric power generation but are suited to different
conditions and applications.

1. Crossflow Turbine (or Banki-Michell turbine): They have a vertical axis and utilize a runner
with curved blades. The water enters the turbine tangentially and flows across the blades, causing
them to rotate. Crossflow turbines are efficient in situations with a moderate head and a relatively
high flow rate.

2. Pelton Turbine: Pelton turbines are used in high-head applications where the water flow is
strong, and the head (height difference between the water source and the turbine) is significant.
These turbines have a horizontal axis and use spoon-shaped buckets mounted around the rim of a
wheel. Water is directed onto the buckets through a nozzle, and the high-speed water jets cause
the wheel to rotate. Pelton turbines are highly efficient at converting the kinetic energy of
high-velocity water into mechanical energy.

A Pelton turbine would be more suitable if the watermill site has a high head and strong flow rate. A
crossflow turbine might be better if the site has a low head and moderate flow rate.


After careful analysis and comparison of various turbine types, it is evident that a cross-flow turbine
is the most suitable choice for the operations of the watermill project. The cross-flow turbine's
ability to handle variable flow conditions, lower cost and complexity, reduced sensitivity to changes
in head, and easier maintenance make it an ideal solution for harnessing the energy from the river
efficiently and effectively.

Water Level RPM

Low 468
Medium 647

High 972
Reservoir Dimensions and Calculations:
Side Length: 1st -3.8m
2nd - 4m
Breadth: 1st– 3m
2nd– 1m
Depth - 1m
Area of the reservoir – 7.8m2 (approx.)
The volume of the reservoir – 7.8m3 (approx.)
Distance from Gharat to Stopper: 50m (approx.)
The length of the pipe between the Gharat turbine and the reservoir is 11m (approx.)
Diameter of pipe – 0.22m
Area of pipe – 0.0387m2
Volume of pipe – 0.425m3
Grinding stone(both):
Grinding stone diameter – 0.8m
The thickness of Stone – 0.3m


The project is recommended to install a cross-flow turbine for the watermill operations. Further
engineering assessments and feasibility studies may be conducted to optimize the turbine design
and ensure seamless integration with the existing infrastructure.

Gharat(Watermills) and Hopper:

Watermills have been integral to life in the Indian mountain regions for centuries, embodying a
harmonious blend of local ingenuity and environmental sustainability. These eco-friendly devices,
powered by the natural flow of water, have symbolized the technical prowess and traditional
wisdom of the communities residing amidst the majestic Himalayas.

Originating around the 7th century AD in the northeastern regions of India, watermills have
stood the test of time, operating in tandem with nature for over 2700 years. Scattered
abundantly across the Himalayas, they have served as vital hubs for local production,
relying on simple yet effective mechanisms.

Estimates suggest that there are approximately 200,000 watermills across the Himalayan
belt, with Uttaranchal alone boasting around 70,000 units. However, despite their historical
significance, traditional watermills have gradually fallen into disuse in recent years. This
decline can be attributed to various factors, including the advent of diesel and
electric-powered mills and the allure of high-speed grinding machines.

Recognizing the need for revitalization, efforts have been made to modernize traditional
watermills in the Garhwal Himalaya region. These upgraded models, developed by
organizations like the Himalayan Environmental Studies and Conservation
Organization (HESCO) in Dehradun, integrate modern technology while retaining the
essence of traditional design.

Key enhancements include the introduction of steel turbines to replace wooden water
wheels, resulting in a significant boost in efficiency. Additionally, turbine blade and bearing
innovations have further optimized performance, increasing power generation by up to

Moreover, these upgraded watermills have been adapted for multipurpose use, including
flour grinding and electricity generation, thereby enhancing local income opportunities. By
standardizing technologies tailored to hilly conditions, these initiatives have gained
widespread acceptance within mountain communities.

The success of these endeavors underscores the potential for sustainable development in
the Indian mountain regions, leveraging indigenous knowledge alongside modern
innovations. As watermills evolve, they stand as beacons of resilience, preserving cultural
heritage while embracing progress in pursuit of a greener future.

Traditional wooden water wheel and upgraded steel wheel

Drainage Map of Uttrakhand

Turbine Specifications: The steel turbine, which looks somewhat like a Turgo turbine, is
20 curved bladed and makes approximately 20 deg. to the axis of rotation. Attached to a
solid metal shaft. The Axis of rotation is vertical.

Flour mill specifications: The flour mill comprises two vast and thick cylindrical rocks;
one rock is stationary, and another is rotatable on top. The rotatable rock is connected to
the turbine shaft at its center and rotates horizontally with the turbine at a 1:1 drive ratio.
The interacting surfaces are made jaggy so that the grains can enter between the two
surfaces; otherwise, the grinding of the grains wouldn’t be possible. The rotating rock's
speed was less than the electric flour mills; as per the observations, the rotational speed of
the Gharat is around 972 rpm (maximum). The rotating rock has a 4 to 5-inch diameter
hole where the grains are fed for grinding.

Measuring the RPM of grinding stone by Tachometer

Grain feed system:

The grains are stored in a hopper above the grinding rocks. The grains from the hopper are tapped
into a narrow wooden channel that ends exactly above the hole of the rotating rock. The grains flow
happens only if the hopper or the grain channel below the hoper is vibrated. The vibrations for this
purpose are provided by a wooden stick that hooks its one end on the metal rod, which passes
through the grain feed channel, and its other end, free to slide over the rough surface of the
rotating rock. The rough surface underneath the wooden stick makes it vibrate the metal pin,
eventually vibrating the grain feed channel. The vibration can be adjusted by adjusting the tension
of the string tied to the pin passing through the grain feed channel.
But this system has its problems; when the speed of the rotating stone increases close to 800-900
rpm, the stick goes into the air and the fall of grain into the stone stops.
To cater the problem, we introduced multi-level system in which the flow is calibrated with the
amount of grain that should fall corresponding to speed of the stone, which is controllable by the

Grinding Process


Design of prototype

Prototype made by us

Results and Discussion
Sluice Gate:

Experiments on a side sluice gate were conducted in a horizontal main channel (9 m long and 0.5
m wide) having, at its mid length, a right-angled side channel (2.75 m long and 0.5 m wide). A steel
side sluice gate of lip thickness c was installed at the upstream end of the side channel flush with
the main channel wall. Both the main and side channels were cement plastered and provided with
tail gates at their downstream ends. A schematic view of the experimental setup is given in Fig. 2.
The discharges through the side sluice gate and the main channel were measured by calibrated
rectangular weirs. The water temperature was also noted in order to apply discharge corrections for
viscosity and surface tension (Kindsvater and Carter 1957). Diversion of flow into the side channel
was smooth, with no significant turbulence at the entrance and exit sections. Water depths along
the side sluice gate were measured at the centerline of the main channel with a point gage having
an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Experiments were carried out for various combinations of side-sluice-gate
opening and entrance water depth Yo for free-flow conditions. For submerged-flow conditions the
tailwater depth y, in the side channel was varied to obtain various degrees of submergence.
Subcritical flow was maintained in both the main and side channels throughout all experiments.
Table 1 gives the range of various parameters covered in the present study.


After thoroughly evaluating the operational conditions, turbine types, hydraulic considerations, and

site-specific dimensions, it is unequivocally recommended that a cross-flow turbine be installed for

the watermill project. The choice of a cross-flow turbine is justified by its capacity to effectively

handle variable flow conditions, lower cost and complexity, reduced sensitivity to changes in head,

and easier maintenance requirements.

The analysis further highlighted the importance of understanding the dynamics of the water source,

including its flow rate, head, and potential fluctuations. By opting for a cross-flow turbine, the

project can efficiently harness the available hydraulic energy, maximizing power generation while

minimizing environmental impact and operational complexities.

Moreover, the assessment of reservoir dimensions, pipeline specifications, and grinding stone

parameters underscores the meticulous planning required to implement the watermill project

successfully. With careful consideration of these factors and selecting an appropriate turbine type,

the project stands poised to fulfill its sustainable energy production and community empowerment


Conducting further engineering assessments and feasibility studies to optimize turbine design and

ensure seamless integration with the existing infrastructure is advisable. By prioritizing meticulous

planning, informed decision-making, and continuous evaluation, the watermill project can realize its

potential as a reliable and environmentally responsible energy source for the local community.

The efforts aimed at modernizing traditional watermills in the Garhwal Himalaya region
have yielded significant efficiency, productivity, and versatility improvements. By
integrating modern technology and innovative adaptations, these upgraded watermills
have emerged as powerful tools for sustainable development in mountain communities.

1. Increased Efficiency: The replacement of traditional wooden water wheels with steel
turbines marks a substantial enhancement in efficiency. The introduction of 20 curved
blades, resembling a Turgo turbine design and the vertical axis of rotation, allows for more
effective water energy utilization. This upgrade results in a notable increase in power
generation, as observed in the measured RPM of the grinding stone, reaching up to 972
RPM, significantly higher than traditional watermill speeds.

2. Multipurpose Utilization: Adapting these upgraded watermills for multipurpose use,

including flour grinding and electricity generation, enhances local income opportunities
and economic sustainability. The integration of a flour mill mechanism, comprising two
cylindrical rocks with jagged surfaces for effective grinding, demonstrates the versatility of
these modernized watermills. Moreover, the 1:1 drive ratio between the turbine shaft and
the rotating rock ensures efficient power transmission for flour grinding operations.

3. Improved Grain Feed System: The implementation of a multi-level system to regulate

grain flow in response to the challenge of disruption at higher rotational speeds of the
grinding stone has proven effective in optimizing the watermill's performance. Previously,
reliance on vibrations from a wooden stick interacting with the rotating rock's surface led to
grain flow cessation when speeds approached 800-900 RPM. The introduction of the
multi-level system allows for calibrated grain flow corresponding to stone speed,
empowering gharaties to adjust performance based on operational conditions. This
innovative solution mitigates grain feed disruption, ensuring consistent milling efficiency
while preserving the watermill's traditional heritage. Continued refinement of the system
will be crucial for its sustained effectiveness, supporting sustainable economic
development in the Garhwal Himalaya region's mountain communities.

4. Cultural Preservation and Technological Advancement: These initiatives embody a

harmonious blend of preserving cultural heritage and embracing technological
advancements. The upgraded watermills symbolize resilience and progress in mountain
communities by retaining the traditional design elements while incorporating modern
innovations, such as steel turbines and optimized flour mill mechanisms.
5. Environmental Sustainability: Using water energy for milling operations promotes
environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing carbon
emissions. Furthermore, the localized nature of watermill operations minimizes the
ecological footprint associated with the long-distance transportation of goods, contributing
to overall environmental conservation efforts in the region.

Accurate equations for the elementary discharge coefficient for sharp-and broad-crested side sluice
gates under free- and submerged-flow conditions were obtained. Using these equations, The
discharge through the side sluice gate and the flow profile in the main channel in the region of the
side sluice gate can be obtained by solving the spatially varied flow equation.

● :
● :
● Flow in Open Channels by K Subramanya
● Hydroelectric Power: An Overview. U.S. Department of Energy, Water Power
Technologies Office.
● Hydroelectric Turbines: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Renewable
Energy Research.


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