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Ramirez 1

Blanca Ramirez

Professor Briones

English 1302-228

7 March 2023

Literature Review Reflection

During this essay, I learned that academic research is a crucial part of being able to give

accurate information during an essay. I learned that academic reading is a way to get broad

information on a topic of interest. Academic research can be used in all aspects of life to be able

to get a greater understanding of an argument. Other courses could benefit from academic

research as it may be a way for students to grasp information instead of just lectures.

In the process of writing the annotated bibliography that I used for my literature review, I

learned that it made the process much easier. Having my sources listed with an annotation helped

me to understand which sources were relevant to my topic and which ones were not. The

literature review was only for 8 sources but in the annotated bibliography it was 10 sources. I

assume my professor did that so that I would pick the sources that were related to one another

and would make more sense.

The creation of the literature review helps my research because it covers the information

given in the linked sources which focus on my research topic. It helped me better understand the

topic by reviewing each source and highlighting the key points in my literature review essay. The

literature review will help me with future writing tasks because it helps me to grasp all the
Ramirez 2

important information necessary to provide an excellent essay. It can also help me to be a more

efficient writer by separating the work into parts that way I can understand each source.

I do not have much to say about the feedback I received back from my professor because

I did not receive any. Usually, when I do not receive feedback, it means that my essay is good

and does not need to be further changed based on my instructor's standards. It encourages my

writing each time I submit an essay and I don’t get back feedback because I know it is a good

essay. Therefore, I did not have to make any changes based on my professors' feedback because

there was nothing that needed to be fixed.

On the other hand, doing a peer review with my classmates helped me to fix grammatical

errors that were within my essay. It also helped me to realize that I repeated words too many

times within a paragraph which made the whole paragraph sound repetitive. I was also able to

change the citations within a sentence because I was unaware of how to cite the correct way.

With the help of my classmate, I was able to better understand my essay and fix it so that other

people would be able to understand it clearly without it sounding wrong.

The most challenging aspect of writing the literature review essay was making sure that I

did not plagiarize the essay being that all of it is written on other articles. I had to constantly

remind myself not to write too much similarity to the source I was relying on for the data I

needed to state in my essay. I also had to make sure I did the citations right to avoid plagiarism,

which I was not confident about. The least challenging part of writing the essay was being able

to identify the issues within Child Protective Services and how they do their jobs. With the

sources I chose, it was very easy to argue my case with all the information and data that was

given from each study.

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