Bài Tập Tăng Cường Tiếng Anh 7 Hk2

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. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 accident n /'æksɪdənt/ tai nạn
2 bike n /baɪk/ xe đạp
3 bus n /bʌs/ xe buýt
4 bus stop n /bʌs stɒp/ điểm dừng xe buýt
5 car n /kɑː(r)/ xe ô tô
6 crossroad n /'krɒs,rəʊd/ giao lộ
7 crowded adj /'kraʊdəd/ đông đúc
8 cycle lane n /'saɪkl leɪn/ làn đường dành cho xe đạp
9 dangerous adj /'deɪndʒərəs/ nguy hiểm
10 drive V /draɪv/ lái xe
11 driving license n /'draɪvɪŋ 'laɪsns/ bằng lái xe
12 fly V /flaɪ/ bay
13 get off V /get ɒf/ xuống (xe)
14 get on V /get ɒn/ lên (xe)
15 hospital ahead phr /'hospɪtl ə'hed/ phía trước có bệnh viện
16 means of transport n /mi:nz ɒf 'trænspɔ:t/ phương tiện giao thông
17 motorbike n /'məʊtəbaɪk/ xe máy
18 no cycling phr /nəʊ 'saɪkliŋ/ cấm xe đạp
19 no parking phr /nəʊ 'pɑːkɪŋ/ cấm đỗ xe
20 no right turn phr /nəʊ raɪt tɜ:n/ cấm rẽ phải
21 parking n /'pɑːkɪŋ/ (biển báo) cho phép đỗ
22 pavement n /'peɪvmənt/ vỉa hè
23 plane n /pleɪn/ máy bay
24 railway station n /'reɪlweɪ 'steɪʃn/ trạm xe lửa
25 ride V /raɪd/ cưỡi, lái (ngựa, xe 2 bánh)
26 roof n /ru:f/ mái nhà
27 safety n /'seɪftɪ/ sự an toàn
28 sail V /seɪl/ chèo (thuyền)
29 school ahead phr /sku:l ə'hed/ phía trước có trường học
30 seat belt n /si:t belt/ đai an toàn
31 speed limit n /spi:d 'lɪmɪt/ tốc độ giới hạn
32 traffic jam n /'træfɪk dʒæm/ tắc đường
33 traffic light n /'træfɪk laɪt/ đèn giao thông
34 traffic rule n /'træfɪk ru:l/ luật lệ giao thông
35 train n /treɪn/ xe lửa
36 train ticket n /treɪn 'tɪkɪt/ vé xe lửa
37 truck n /trʌk/ xe tải
38 vehicle n /'vi:əkl/ xe cộ
39 zebra crossing n /'zebrə 'krɒsɪŋ/ vạch kẻ sọc cho người đi bộ

1. "It" indicating distance ("It" dùng để nói về khoảng cách)
Chúng ta sử dụng it để chỉ khoảng cách giữa hai địa điểm/ người/ vật.
Cấu trúc:
Câu hỏi How far is it from place A to place B?
Câu trả lời It is (about) + khoảng cách.
EX 1:
How far is it from your house to the nearest bank? (Khoảng cách từ nhà cậu tới ngân hàng gần nhất là
bao xa?)
It is about 3 kilometres. (Khoảng 3km.)
Ex 2:
How far is it from your house to my house? (Khoảng cách từ nhà bạn đến nhà tớ bao xa?)
It is about 200m. (Khoảng 200m.)

Cách phát âm âm /aɪ/ và /eɪ/
1. Cách phát âm nguyên âm đôi /aɪ/
Bước 1: Bắt đầu từ âm /a/, sau đó di chuyển về phía âm /ɪ/.
Bước 2: Khi bắt đầu, miệng mở hình ô van, lưỡi hạ thấp chạm hàm răng
dưới. Sau đó, môi dần kéo sang 2 bên về phía tai, hàm dưới nâng lên 1
Bước 3: Kết thúc âm, môi mở hờ.
2. Cách phát âm nguyên âm đôi /eɪ/
Bước 1: Bắt đầu từ âm /e/, sau đó di chuyển về phía âm /ɪ/.
Bước 2: Khi bắt đầu, miệng mở rộng thoải mái, đầu lưỡi chạm hàm
răng dưới, hàm hạ. Sau đó, môi dần kéo sang hai bên về phía tai, hàm
dưới nâng lên một chút.
Bước 3: Kết thúc âm, môi mở hờ.

 Listen and repeat these words.  Track 01

/aɪ/ bike buy guide pie
/baɪk/ /baɪ/ /gaɪd/ /paɪ/
/eɪ/ gate nation rain clay
/geɪt/ /’neɪʃn/ /reɪn/ /kleɪ/

Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C or D.
1. A. riding B. driving C. gardening D. flying
2. A. no cycling B. no parking C. no right turn D. sign
3. A. train B. plane C. car D. sail
4. A. by car B. on foot C. by bus D. by bicycle
5. A. rule B. ride C. reverse D. drive
Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and put the word/phrase under each sign.
parking no parking school ahead no left turn
speed limit no cycling hospital ahead no right turn
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and complete with suitable means of transport.

1. t_______________ 2. p_______________ 3. h_______________ 4. t_______________

5. c_______________ 6. b_______________ 7. b_______________ 8. m_______________

Exercise 4. Complete each phrase below.
1. zebra _______________ 2. _______________ license

3. speed _______________ 4. cycle _______________

5. railway _______________ 6. _______________ of transport

7. traffic _______________ 8. train _______________

9. _______________ lights 10. traffic _______________

Exercise 5. Fill in each blank with a word in the box.
feels rules it across did

after vehicles break ride accidents

1. What _______________ you do last Sunday?

2. I stayed at home and looked _______________ my younger brother yesterday.
3. Does your bike ever _______________ down on the way to school?
4. We must always obey traffic _______________ for our safety.
5. How far is _______________ from your house to the bus stop?
6. He used to _______________ a tricycle when he was three years old.
7. Now there are more traffic _______________ than there used to be in this city.
8. There did not use to be many _______________ on the roads in my home town.
9. He lives in a small village in the mountains so he never _______________ worried about traffic
10. You should remember to walk _______________ the streets at the zebra crossings.
Exercise 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1. How far is it from your apartment (from/to) the zoo?
2. It is (at/ about) 2 kilometres.
3. It is not very (near/far) from my house to the bank. It is just 500 metres.
4. How far (is it/ it is) from your country to the USA?
5. How (far/ much) is it from your house to the train station?
6. My house is 2 kilometres (near/ far) from my grandparents’ house.
7. How far (is it/ are they) from here to the cinema?
8. I think it is about 400 (metres/ metre) from here to the nearest bus stop.
9. My school is not far (from/ to) my house. I can go to school on foot every day.
10. How far is it (from/ at) your office to the market?
Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with a correct word to complete the sentence.
1. How _______________ is it from your house to the park?
2. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest _______________?
- It is about 1 kilometre from this restaurant to the nearest bank.
3. How far _______________ it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City?
4. It is about 5 kilometres from my house _______________ yours.
5. How far is _______________ from your company to your apartment?
6. It is _______________ 3 kilometres.
7. How far is it from my school to yours? - _______________ is about 8 kilometres.
8. How far is it _______________ where you live to your company?
Exercise 4a. Make questions for the answers.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________?
It is about 300 metres from here to the nearest post office.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________?
It is about 3,900 kilometres from New York to California.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________?
It is about 200 metres from my house to my family store.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________?
It is about 4576.89 miles from Beijing to Berlin.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________?
It is about 1 kilometer from my hotel to the beach.
Exercise 4 b. Answer the questions using the information in the brackets.
1. How far is it from here to the theatre? (about 400 metres)
2. How far is it from your hometown to Ha Noi? (about 100 kilometres)
3. How far is it from the park to the zoo? (about 2 kilometres)
4. How far is it from here to the city centre? (about 50 kilometres)
5. How far is it from your house to school? (about 1 kilometre)
Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. Young children are expected to show to their parents. (obey)
2. When cycling on the roads, remember: first. (safe)
3. Children should avoid foods such as hamburgers and chips. (health)
4. Most road accidents happen because the motorists drive. (care)
5. It is unsafe and to pass another vehicle on the left. (legal)
6. My was delayed for over two hours due to bad weather. (fly)
7. Everyone should obey traffic rules for their own safety. (strict)
8. The policeman the car to stop with a flashlight. (sign)
9. Signs with red circles are mostly - that means you can’t do something. (prohibit)
10. This sign indicates that traffic lights are ahead. (warn)

Divide these words into two columns as below.  TRACK 02
while pay rice fine shade tail behind child
eight nice steak face kind silent raise guide
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
amazing guy hate eye baby my light paper
later potato sigh gray island they day buy

/aɪ/ /eɪ/


 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 03
Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
1. Mr. Hoang has no day off except Saturday. __________
2. Mr. Hoang usually spends his day off in front of the TV screen. __________
3. Mr. Hoang doesn't like his job. __________
4. Mr. Hoang is going to retire. __________
5. Mr. Hoang’s wife does not want him to retire. __________
Exercise 2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What does Mr. Hoang do?
2. What time does he start his work?
3. What is the destination of his route?
4. Why does Mr. Hoang love his job?
5. How many hours does he work on Saturdays?
Write questions for the underlined parts. Then practise the dialogue with your partner.
Mary: Hi Tony! (1) _____________________________________________________________
Tony: I came to class late this morning because I was stuck in a traffic jam.
Mary: Really? (2) _____________________________________________________________
Tony: Yes, my house is rather far from school.
Mary: (3) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: Uhm... about 5 kilometres.
Mary: (4) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: I go to school by bike.
Mary: (5) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: It takes me about 30 minutes. And it takes longer when the traffic is jammed
Mary: (6) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: I get stuck in a traffic jam once or twice a week.
Mary: (7) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: I often get stuck in a traffic jam on Monday morning.
Mary: (8) ___________________________________________________________________
Tony: I usually go to school at 6.15.
Mary: So why don't you start going to school a little earlier on Monday?
Tony: Okay, I'll try.
Exercise 1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
Yesterday, on the way home from school, I saw an accident. A boy was run over by a taxi when
he was riding his bicycle. The boy's leg was broken and it was bleeding badly. Someone there tried to
stop the bleeding. They put pressure on it and held it tight. A man used his mobile phone to call the
emergency service. Some minutes later, an ambulance arrived and sent the boy to the hospital. Two
policemen came to the scene immediately. Some people told the police that the taxi driver was driving
at a very high speed when the accident happened. Some others began talking about the traffic accidents
these days and blamed the increasing number of accidents on the roads for careless driving and drunk
1. What did the writer see yesterday?
A. A fire B. An accident C. A fighting D. A crash
2. The accident happened between a taxi and ________________.
A. a bus B. a car C. a bicycle D. motorbike
3. The boy was sent to the hospital by ________________.
A. a police B. a car C. an ambulance D. a passenger
4. What part of his body was hurt? – His ________________.
A. arm B. leg C. head D. shoulder
5. How was the driver driving when the accident happened?
- Very ________________.
A. slowly B. fast C. carefully D. well
Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box.
discourage transport pollution expensive
problem trains cities example
Traffic congestion in many (1) ________________ around the world is severe. One possible
solution to this (2) ________________ is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to
make public transport better. One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would
(3) ________________ car owners from using their cars because it would become very (4)
________________ to drive. This would mean that they would begin to make use of public (5)
________________ instead, thus reducing traffic problems and (6) ________________ as well.
Another benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it was improved. It
is often the case that public transport in cities is very poor. For (7) ________________, we often see
old buses and (8) ________________ that people would rather not use. High taxes would generate
enough money to make the necessary changes.
Exercise 3. Read the texts about model good road safety behavior at all times for parents, and
then answer the questions.
Top tips for pedestrian safety
- Teach your children to hold hands with an adult whenever they go out.
- Always use a zebra crossing when one is available and teach children that these are the safest places
to cross.
- Teach children that it’s still important to stop, look and listen at a zebra crossing.
- Teach children always to stop at the kerb and look and listen for traffic (a third of children injured on
roads said that they didn’t stop before stepping off the kerb and many said they didn’t look).
- Never use your mobile phone while crossing roads.
- Children learn to make decisions about crossing the road and parents gradually let them take a lead
when you are crossing together.
- As children get older, practise routes with them before they walk alone.
Top tips for cycling
- Always encourage children to wear a cycle helmet when they are on their bikes, and set a good
example by wearing one yourself.
- Children need to be able to judge speed and distance accurately before they cycle on public roads.
They need to take lessons on cycling in order to travel more widely on their bikes.
- Make sure children wear bright coloured clothing and fluorescent items whenever they are cycling on
the road. And if they are cycling in the dark, they will need lights on their bikes and reflective items
too. And of course, make sure you do this yourself, to set a good example.
1. What should children do when they go out?
2. Where should children cross the street?
3. What should children do to cross the street?
4. Where should children stop to look and listen for the traffic?
5. Can they use their mobile phones while crossing roads?
6. What should parents do to help older children before they walk alone?
7. What should children wear when they are on the bikes?
8. What should children do before they cycle on public roads?
9. Which clothes should children wear whenever they are cycling on the road?
10. What should they do when they cycle in the dark?
Exercise 1. Make questions for the underlined parts in the following sentences using question
words in brackets.
1. Nam usually goes to school by bus. Sometimes, he rides his bicycle. (How)
2. My father went to the stadium yesterday. (Where)
3. There are a lot of trucks and cars on the highway in the rush hour. (When)
4. The students learn about road signs when they studied in secondary school. (What)
5. Hung always drives his car very carefully. (How)
6. It is about 100 km from Ha Noi to Hai Phong. (How far)
Exercise 2. Reorder the words to have correct sentences.
1. from/ the/ to/ kilometers/ house/ my/ 3/ nearest/ park./ It’s
2. from/ far/ house I bus /the I it/ station?/ How/ is/ grandmas I your I to
3. father I gets I rush I My I often I hour. I stuck I in
4. can / go / You I foot. / on / far I here. I It’s I from / not
5. bus / 700 / the / my / metres / It’s / to / from / station./ office / about
Exercise 3. Look at the information in the box then write questions and answers.
No. Place 1 Place 2 Distance Vehicle
1. Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh City 1000 kilometres plane
2. Ninh Binh Da Nang 800 kilometres train
3. The park The zoo 2 kilometres bus
4. The cinema The museum 900 metres bike
1. How far is it from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City?
It’s about 1000 kilometres.
How do you get there?
I go by plane.
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 action film n /'ækʃn fɪlm/ phim hành động
2 actor n /'æktə(r)/ diễn viên nam
3 actress n /'æktrəs/ diễn viên nữ
4 animation n /.ænɪ'meɪʃn/ phim hoạt hình
5 bored adj /bɔ:d/ buồn chán (dùng cho người)
6 buồn chán (dùng cho sự vật, sự
boring adj /'bɔ:rɪη/ việc)
7 cameraman n /'kæmrəmæn/ người quay phim
8 character n /'kærəktə(r)/ nhân vật
9 cinema n /'sɪnəmə/ rạp chiếu phim
10 comedy n /'kɒmədɪ/ hài kịch
11 critic n /'krɪtɪk/ nhà phê bình
12 director n /də'rektə(r)/ đạo diễn
13 documentary n /.dɒkju'mentrɪ/ phim tài liệu
14 dull adj /dʌl/ ngốc, đần
15 entertaining adj /.entə'teɪnɪη/ mang tính giải trí
16 entertainment n /,entə'teɪnmənt/ sự giải trí
17 excellently adv /'eksələntlɪ/ tuyệt vời
18 family film n /'fæməlɪ fɪlm/ phim đề tài gia đình
19 film star n /fɪlm stɑ:(r)/ diễn viên (phim) nổi tiếng
20 frightened adj /'fraɪtnd/ hoảng sợ (dùng cho người)
21 frightening adj /'fraɪtnɪη/ đáng sợ (dùng cho sự vật, sự việc)
22 handsome adj /'hænsəm/ đẹp trai
23 hilarious adj /hɪ'leərɪəs/ hài hước
24 horror film n /'hɒrə(r) fɪlm/ phim kinh dị
25 moving adj /'mu:vɪη/ động, cảm động
26 must-see (n) n /mʌst si:/ nên xem, phải xem
27 nightmare adj /'naɪtmeə(r)/ Cơn ác mộng
28 perform n /pə'fɔ:m/ trình diễn
29 plot n /plɒt/ cốt truyện, phim
30 popcorn n /'pɒpkɔ:n/ bỏng ngô
31 romantic comedy n /rəʊ'mæntɪk phim chủ đề tình yêu, phim lãng
'kɒmədɪ/ mạn
32 scary adj /'skeərɪ/ đáng sợ
33 science-fiction, (sci-fi) n /'saɪəns 'fɪkʃn/, /saɪ faɪ/ khoa học viễn tưởng
34 screen n /skri:n/ màn hình
35 seat n /si:t/ chỗ ngòi
36 setting n /‘setɪη/ bối cảnh
37 shocking adj /'ʃɒkɪη/ gây sốc
38 success n /sək'ses/ sự thành công
39 successful adj /sək'sesfl/ thành công
40 surprised adj /sə'praɪzd/ ngạc nhiên (dùng cho người)
41 ngạc nhiên (dùng cho sự vật, sự
surprising adj /sə'praɪzɪη/ việc)
42 terrible adj /'terəbl/ kinh khủng
43 thriller n /’θrɪlə(r)/ truyện (kịch, phim...) giật gân, ly kỳ
44 violent adj /'vaɪələnt/ bạo lực

Although, though, however
1. Although, though
 ALTHOUGH và THOUGH dùng để chỉ sự tương phản, đối lập giữa hai mệnh đề.
 Cấu trúc và vị trí của ALTHOUGH/ THOUGH
Although/ Though + clause, main clause.
Hoặc: Main clause + although/ though + clause.
Ex 1: We enjoyed our holiday although it rained heavily.
(Chúng tôi thích kì nghỉ của mình mặc dù trời mưa to.)
Ex 2: Although he is poor, he studies very well.
(Mặc dù cậu ấy nghèo, cậu ấy học rất giỏi.)
Chú ý: Ta cũng có thể dùng in spite of hoặc despite để chỉ sự tương phản, đối lập.
 Cấu trúc và vị trí của in spite of/ despite
In spite of! Despite + N/ Noun phrase/ V-ing, main clause.
Hoặc: Main clause + in spite of/ despite + N/ Noun phrase/ V-ing
Ex 1: We enjoyed our holiday in spite of the heavy rain.
(Chúng tôi thích kì nghỉ của mình mặc dù trời mưa to.)
Ex 2: Despite being poor, he studies very well.
(Mặc dù nghèo, cậu ấy học rất giỏi.)
2. However
a. Cách sử dụng
However được dùng để chỉ mối quan hệ đối lập giữa hai câu.
b. Cấu trúc và vị trí của however.
- Mệnh đề 1. However, mệnh đề 2.
- Mệnh đề 1. Chủ ngữ, however, động từ.
- Mệnh đề 1. Mệnh đề 2, however
Ex 1: I love England. However, the weather is bad.
Ex 2: I love England. The weather, however, is bad.
Ex 3: I love England. The weather is bad, however.
Chú ý: Ta cũng có thể dùng nevertheless thay cho however. 2 từ này có ý nghĩa và chức năng ngữ pháp
tương tự nhau.
 Cách phát âm âm /ɪə/ và /eə/
1. Cách phát âm nguyên âm đôi /ɪə/
Cũng như các nguyên âm đôi khác, âm /ɪə/ được tạo thành bởi sự kết hợp giữa
2 nguyên âm là /ɪ/ và /ə/.
Bước 1: Hai khóe miệng hơi kéo sang hai bên, nâng lưỡi cao để phát âm
âm /ɪ/
Bước 2: Thu hai khóe miệng lại, hạ lưỡi về vị trí thư giãn. Đồng thời phát âm
âm /ə/.
2. Cách phát âm nguyên âm đôi /eɪ/
Âm /eə/ là sự kết hợp giữa /e/ và /ə/. Để phát âm âm này, bạn làm theo hai
bước sau:
Bước 1: Hai khóe miệng hơi kéo sang hai bên, lưỡi đặt ở độ cao trung bình đề
phát âm âm /e/.
Bước 2: Thu hai khóe miệng lại, lưỡi hơi kéo về phía sau để phát âm âm /ə/.
 Listen and repeat these words.  Track 04
/ɪə/ fear deer hear beer
/fɪər/ /dɪər/ /hɪər/ /bɪər/
/eə/ care hair their wear
/keər/ /heər/ /ðeər/ /weər/

Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C or D.
1. A. cinema B. comedy C. documentary D. cartoon
2. A. actor B. actress C. character D. audience
3. A. frightening B. exciting C. terrifying D. swimming
4. A. documentary B. romantic C. science fiction D. animation
5. A. enjoy B. like C. feeling D. annoy
Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and put the word/phrase under each sign.
frightened Romantic funny
surprised Bored handsome

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Exercise 3. Read and complete with the words/ phrases in the box.
documentary action film cameraman film star family film
horror film cinema science-fiction character comedy

1. a man whose job is operating a camera for making films/ movies or

television programmes
2. a film with lots of funny scenes
3. a film that both children and adults can enjoy
4. a film that frightens and shocks people
5. a film that's about real people, events or issues
6. one of the people in a story
7. a film with many exciting and violent scenes
8. a place where films are shown on a big screen
9. a very popular film actor or actress
10. a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space
Exercise 4. Put the words in brackets into the correct forms.
1. We were ____________ with the service at the cinema. Everything was terrible. (satisfy)
2. There are always cowboys in a ____________. (west)
3. The film is a big ____________. It is boring from beginning to end. (disappoint)
4. She started her ____________ career while still at school. (act)
5. The film is about two hijackers who ____________ to blow up the plane. (threat)
6. Horror films ____________ my younger sister. (terrible)
7. I don’t think it is good for young kids to see ____________ on TV. (violent)
8. We are going to the cinema to see an ____________ film. (amaze)
9. Although Titanic is a ____________ film, it has a sad ending. (romance)
10. He falls in love with a pretty girl. It’s a beautiful ____________. (romantic)
11. His recent film received a lot of ____________ from the public. (critic)
12. My favourite ____________ -fiction films have been from Mars. (scientist)
13. I don’t like horror films because they are too ____________ for me. (fright)
14. Dracula is the best ____________ film I’ve ever seen. (impress)
15. Do you know Daniel Day-Lewis? He has won three Oscars for best ____________. (act)
Exercise 5. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. I am very ____________ interested learning English.
A. to B. in C. at D. for
2. At the party last night, she looked ____________ in the red dress.
A. love B. lovely C. loving D. lovelily
3. Is Minh ____________ with the final semester’s result?
A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfying D. be satisfying
4. The ending of the film is ____________. All audiences are very sad.
A. disappointed B. satisfying C. disappointing D. satisfied
5. This is a ____________ film and it makes me cry a lot.
A. funny B. moving C. comedy D. excited
6. ____________ he is a CEO and earns a lot of money, he is very mean.
A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. Because of
7. This is a(n) ____________ on real life during wars in our country in 1945.
A. horror film B. sci-fi C. comedy D. documentary
8. In 2002, Halle Berry made history when she became the first Black woman to ____________ the
Oscars best actress award.
A. win B. act C. perform D. direct
9. She is hard-working. ____________, she isn’t lucky in examinations.
A. Therefore B. But C. However D. So
10. She decided to quit this job ____________ the low salary.
A. because of B. despite C. because D. although
11. My son feels very happy when he sees that ____________ with a lot of cute animals.
A. horror film B. biopic C. thriller film D. animation
12. Most ____________ say that this film is worth watching.
A. plots B. settings C. critics D. acting
13. He acts very well. I’m sure that yesterday he stayed up all night reading the ____________.
A. acting B. character C. survey D. script
14. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read ____________ of the film.
A. reviews B. disaster C. critic D. character
15. That was a ____________ and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end.
A. shocking B. entertaining C. gripping D. predictable
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with although or in spite of/ despite.
1. ____________ she is beautiful, everybody hates her.
2. The children slept deeply ____________ the noise.
3. ____________ earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents.
4. Jane rarely sees Alan ____________ they are neighbors.
5. Kate did not do well in the exam ____________ working very hard.
6. ____________ I was very hungry, I couldn't eat.
7. ____________ the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem.
8. Liza never talked to him ____________ she loved him.
9. ____________ it was cold, Marie didn't put on her coat.
10. Clara did the work ____________ being ill.
Exercise 2. Match the sentence in column A with the correct answer in column B.
1. Although I have many friends, a. However, I admire her courage.
2. I didn’t wake up late b. Nevertheless, he is good at Literature.
3. I don’t really like Mary. c. Living in it, however, is very comfortable.
4. Their project was finally successful d. he didn’t skip the class.
5. Tom is not good at science subjects. e. although my alarm clock didn’t go off.
6. In spite of his headache, f. I feel lonely sometimes.
7. My apartment is quite small. g. despite all the obstacles.
8. I rarely go travelling h. although many friends like to travel with
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 3. Combine the two sentences in one using however or nevertheless.
1. Mrs. Smith loves her children so much. She’s sometimes very strict.
2. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way.
3. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student. Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm

4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected.
5. It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one.
6. My mother wants to go to Paris this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin.
7. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables.
8. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football.
Exercise 4. Circle the incorrect part in each sentence.
1. In spite of (A) the weather (B) was bad (C), we had a good time (D).
2. In spite of (A) all (B) our we work hard (C), a lot of things went (D) wrong.
3. Although (A) we had plan (B) everything carefully (C), a lot of things went wrong (D).
4. I went (A) to hospital because of (B) I was feeling (C)very ill (D).
5. I went to work (A) the next day (B) although (C)I was not still feeling (D) ill.
6. She (A) accepted (B) the job in spite of (C)the salary is low (D).
7. She (A) refused (B) the job because (C)the low salary (D).
8. I managed (A) to sleep (B) although (C)the hotel was noise (D).
9. I couldn't (A) get to (B) sleep (C) in spite of (D)it was quite quiet and dark.
10. He run (A) fast (B) in spite of (C) his old age (D).
Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences so that it keeps the same meaning.
1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.
 In spite of
2. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.
 Despite
3. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.
 In spite of
4. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.
 Despite
5. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.
 Although
6. He didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actor although he performed excellently.
 Despite
7. The plot wasn’t very interesting, but the special effects were spectacular.
 Although
8. Despite his English-sounding name, James Martin is in fact German.
 Although
Divide these words into two columns as below.  Track 05
beer air bear near pair here easier
chair area superior square ear where upstairs
tear care wear pier beard their tear
hair clear stare parents deer prepare

/ɪə/ /eə/


 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 06
Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
1. “Marley and me” is based on a book. __________
2. John Grogan is the character of “Marley and me”. __________
3. “Marley and me” seems to be a comedy. __________
4. The book “Marley and me” is based on a bestseller. __________
5. You can find the book “Marley and me” in libraries. __________
Exercise 2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. “Marley and me” is the story of the connection between a __________ and his owner.
2. “Marley and me” is enjoyed by __________ everywhere.
3. When you see “Marley and me”, you can experience a sea of __________.
4. John is Marley’s __________.
5. One thing that never changes is that __________ is always by Johns side.
Answer the questions. The answer may vary.
1. What film do you like?
2. What kind of film is it?
3. At what time and on what channel do you watch that film?
4. How many times have you seen it?
5. What character do you like?
6. What character do you hate?
7. Why do you like him/her?
8. Why do you hate him/her?
9. What prize does the film win?
10. Why do you like that film?
Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the box.
become fantastic such watching actor
main but to because favorite
I like a lot of different actors, (1) ______________ my real favourites are Daniel Craig and Halle
Daniel Craig is British and he’s a really talented (2) ______________. He’s been in a lot of different
kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an
excellent performance. He was brilliant in Tomb Raider as Alex West, but my (3) ______________
film is Casino Royale, I think Daniel Craig is a (4) ______________ James Bond.
Halle Berry is American. She was a model, but then decided to (5) ______________ an actress, I like
her (6) ______________ she’s beautiful. She’s a good actress and I think she has a great sense of
humour. I’m not keen on some of her films, (7) ______________ as V Catwoman, but her other films
are excellent. My favorite is X-men which is a science fiction film. She plays the (8) ______________
character Storm, who has the ability (9) ______________ change the weather.
Daniel Craig and Halle Berry are both entertaining and talented actors. I love (10) ______________
their films.
Exercise 2. Read the text and choose the best option for each blank.
Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These scenes, which
are (1) ______________ as stunts, are usually performed by stuntmen who are specially trained to do
dangerous things safely. (2) ______________ can crash a car, but if you are shooting a film, you have
to be extremely (3) ______________ sometimes stopping right in front of the camera and film crew. At
an early (4) ______________ in the production, an expert stuntman is (5) ______________ in to work
out the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can go (6) ______________ the
wishes of the director, although he will usually only do this in the (7) ______________ of safety.
Many famous actors like to do the dangerous parts themselves, which produces better shots, since
stuntmen don’t have to (8) ______________ in for the actors. Actors like to become (9)
______________ in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent
progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never let them take the risk. To do theirown
stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their ( 10)
______________. If they were to be hurt, the film would come to a sudden halt.
1. A. remarked B. known C. referred D. named
2. A. Everyone B. Someone C. Anyone D. No one
3. A. detailed B. plain C. straight D. precise
4. A. period B. minute C. part D. stage
5. A. led B. taken C. drawn D. called
6. A. over B. against C. through D. across
7. A. interests B. needs C. purposes D. regards
8. A. work B. get C. put D. stand
9. A. connected B. arranged C. involved D. affected
10. A. limits B. ends C. frontiers D. borders
Exercise 3. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Tom Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; July 3, 1962) is an American actor and filmmaker.
Cruise has been nominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. He
started his career at the age of 19 in the 1981 film Endless Love. After portraying supporting roles in
Taps (1981) and The Outsiders (1983), his first leading role was in the romantic comedy Risky
Business, released in August 1983.
Cruise became a full-fledged movie star after starring as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in the action-drama
Top Gun (1986). One of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood, Cruise starred in several more
successful films in the 1980s, including the dramas The Color of Money (1986), Cocktail (1988), Rain
Man (1988), and Born on the Fourth of July (1989).
In the 1990s, he starred in a number of hit films, including the romance Far and Away (1992), the
drama A Few Good Men (1992), the legal thriller The Firm (1993), the romantic horror film Interview
with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994), the romantic comedy-drama sports film Jerry
Maguire (1996), the erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut, and the drama Magnolia (both 1999). In 1996,
Cruise was well known for his role as secret agent Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible film series,
whose most recent film, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, was released in 2015.
1. Who is Tom Cruise?
2. When did he start his career?
3. When did he become a full-fledged movie star?
4. What is the type of the film: Interview with the Vampire?
5. What was his latest film series?
Exercise 1. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.
1. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly.
 In spite of
2. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other.
 Despite
3. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.
 In spite of
4. Mary could not go to school because she was sick.
 Because of
5. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.
 Despite
6. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home.
 Because of
7. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.
 Although
8. He is so young. His acting is excellent.
 Although
9. The film poster is fascinating. I don't want to see this film.
 In spite of
10. Although our plan is careful, we made some mistakes.
 Despite
Exercise 2a. Combine the two sentences using the words in brackets.
1. The new restaurant looks good. It seems to have few customers. (however)
2. We had planned to walk right round the lake. The heavy rain made this impossible. (although)
3. I’ve been too busy to answer my email. I’ll do it soon. (nevertheless)
4. Mary was sick. She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended. (despite)
Exercise 2b. Write a paragraph to describe a film you like.
. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 April Fool’s Day n /'eɪprəl fu:lz deɪ/ ngày Nói dối, ngày Cá tháng tư
2 balloon n /bə'lu:n/ bóng bay
3 candle n /'kændl/ nến
4 Cannes Film Festival n /kæn fɪlm 'festɪvl/ Liên hoan phim Cannes
5 carnival n /'kɑ:nɪvl/ ngày hội, lễ hội
6 celebration n /.selɪ'breɪʃn/ lễ kỷ niệm
7 celebratory n /.selə'breɪtərɪ/ sự kỷ niệm, tổ chức lễ để kỷ niệm
8 Christmas n /'krɪsməs/ Giáng sinh
9 common adj /'kɒrmən/ thông thường
10 costume n /'kɒstju:m/ trang phục
11 dance V /dɑ:ns/ khiêu vũ, múa
12 dancer n /'dɑ:nsə(r)/ VŨ công
13 decorate V /'dekəreit/ trang trí
14 Diwali n /di:'wɑ:lɪ/ lễ hội Diwali
15 Dutch n /dʌtʃ/ người Hà Lan
16 Easter n /'i:stə(r)/ lễ Phục sinh
17 feast n /fi:st/ bữa tiệc lớn
18 festival n /'festivl/ lễ hội
19 firework n /'faɪəwɜ:k/ pháo hoa
20 Flower Festival n /'flaʊə(r) 'festɪvl/ lễ hội Hoa
21 folk dance n /fəʊk dæns/ điệu múa dân gian
22 Halloween n /,hæləʊ'i:n/ lễ hội hóa trang
23 hold V /həʊld/ tổ chức
24 joyful adj /'dʒɔɪfl/ vui vẻ
25 lantern n /'læntən/ đèn lồng
26 Moon cake n /mu:n keɪk/ bánh Trung thu
27 Netherlands n /'neðələndz/ nước Hà Lan
28 New Year n /nju: jɪə(r)/ năm mới
29 parade n /pə'reɪd/ cuộc diễu hành
30 performer n /pə'fɔ:mə(r)/ người trình diễn, người thể hiện
31 photo n /fəʊtəʊ/ ảnh
32 pumpkin n /'pʌmpkɪn/ bí ngô
33 relax V /rɪ'læks/ thư giãn
34 religious adj /rɪ'hdʒəs/ mang tính tôn giáo
35 romantic adj /rəʊ'mæntɪk/ lãng mạn
36 seasonal adj /'si:zənl/ mang tính theo mùa
37 Thanksgiving n /.θæηks'gɪvɪη/ lễ Tạ ơn
38 Tulip festival n 'tuləp 'festɪvəl/ lễ hội hoa Tulip
39 turkey n /'tɜ:kɪ/ gà tây

1. YES/ NO QUESTION (Dạng câu hỏi Yes/ No)
a. Định nghĩa
- Câu hỏi yes - no là loại câu hỏi chỉ đưa ra cho người được hỏi hai sự lựa chọn để trả lời là “có” hoặc
“không”, “đúng” hoặc “sai” thay vì được đa dạng câu trả lời như các loại câu hỏi khá c. Nó là một dạng
câu hỏi đóng.
Ex 1:
Do you like this car? (Bạn có thích chiếc xe này không?)
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (Có, tôi thích./ Không, tôi không thích.)
Ex 2:
Did you go to the zoo last week? (Bạn đã đi sở thú tuẫn trước phải không?)
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. (Ừ, đúng vậy/ Không, không phải.)
b. Cách thành lập câu hỏi Yes/ No
Câu hỏi Yes/ No được thành lập bằng cách đưa trợ động từ (is, am, are, do, does, did ...), hoặc động từ
khuyết thiêu lên trước chủ ngữ.
b.1. Với động từ to be
Be + S + ...?
- Yes, S + be.
- No, S + be not.
Ex 1:
Is he a doctor? (Anh ấy là bác sĩ phải không?)
Yes, he is. (Vâng, đúng vậy.)
Ex 2:
Are you playing chess? (Bạn đang chơi cờ à?)
No, I am not. (Không, không phải.)
b.2. Động từ thường (ordinary verbs)
Auxiliary verbs + S + V...?
- Yes, S + Auxiliary Verb.
- No, S + Auxiliary Verb + not.
Auxiliary verbs có thể là một trong các trợ động từ: do, does, did, have, has ...
Ex 1:
Does she play the piano well? (Cô ấy chơi đàn piano giỏi phải không?)
Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. (Vâng, đúng vậy./ Không phải.)
Ex 2:
Did he go to the museum yesterday? (Anh ấy đến viện bảo tàng ngày hôm qua à?)
Yes, he did./ No, he didn’t. (Đúng vậy. / Không, anh ấy không.)
Ex 3:
Have you finished your homework? (Bạn đã làm xong bài tập về nhà rồi à?)
Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. (Vâng, đúng vậy. / Không.)
b.3. Với động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs)
Modal verb + s + V?
- Yes, s + Modal verb.
- No, s + Modal verb + not.
Modal verbs có thể là một trong các trợ động từ: will, can, may, should, would, could...
Ex 1:
May I open the book? (Tớ có nên mở sách ra không nhỉ?)
Yes, you may. No, you may not. (Không, cậu không nên.)
Ex 2:
Can you play the guitar? (Cậu có thể chơi đàn ghita không?)
Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. (Có, tớ có thể.)
Ex 3:
Could you swim when you were a child? (Khi còn nhỏ, bạn có biết bơi không?)
Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t. (Có, tôi có thể. / Không, tôi không thể.)

 Stress in two-syllable words (Trọng âm của từ có 2 âm tiết)
1. Với danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết
Với hầu hết các danh từ hoặc tính từ có 2 âm tiết, trọng âm thường nhấn vào ầm tiết đầu.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
chapter /'tʃæptər/ N chương (sách)
summer /'sʌmər/ N mùa hè
music /'mju'zɪk/ N âm nhạc
better /'betər/ Adj tốt hơn
active /'æktɪv/ Adj năng động
easy /'i:zɪ/ Adj dễ dàng
Ngoại lệ: Nếu danh từ có 2 âm tiết mà âm thứ 2 có chứa nguyên âm đôi hoặc nguyên âm dài thì trọng
âm sẽ rơi vào âm số 2.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
design /dɪ'zaɪn/ N bản phác hoạ
balloon /bə'lu:n/ N bóng bay
advice /əd'vaɪs/ N lời khuyên
estate /ɪ'steɪt/ N tài sản, ruộng đất
alone /ə'ləʊn/ Adj một mình
2. Với động từ có 2 âm tiết
Các động từ có 2 âm tiết: trọng âm thường nhấn vào âm tiết thứ hai.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
invest /ɪn'vest/ V đẩu tư
believe /bɪ'li:v/ V tin tưởng
decide /dɪ'saɪd/ V quyết định
decrease /dɪ'kri:s/ V giảm xuống
Ngoại lệ: Nếu động từ có âm tiết thứ hai là nguyên âm ngắn hoặc kết thúc bởi 1 phụ ầm hoặc không có
phụ âm. Hoặc động từ đó chứa âm đuôi nhẹ thì trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. (Nó thường
kết thúc ở dạng: er, en, ish, age, ow)
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
enter /‘entər/ V vào
open /'əʊpən/ V mở
manage /'mænɪdʒ/ V điều hành, quản lý
happen /'hæpən/ V xảy ra
visit /'vɪzɪt/ V thăm, tham quan
finish /fɪnɪʃ/ V hoàn thành
offer /'ɔ:fər/ V đề xuất
study /'stʌdɪ/ V học
swallow /'swɒləʊ/ V nuốt
 Listen and repeat these words.  Track 07
answer question practise visit
First syllable
/'ænsər/ /'kwestʃən/ /'præktɪs/ /’vɪzɪt/
account before believe rely
Second syllable
/ə'kaʊnt/ /bɪ'fɔ:r/ /bɪ'li:v/ /rɪ’laɪ/

Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C or D.
1. A. happy B. funny C. joyful D. prefer
2. A. fascinating B. shopping C. exciting D. amazing
3. A. attend B. celebrate C. organize D. festival
4. A. celebration B. performer C. artist D. dancer
5. A. flower B. cultural C. traditional D. local
Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with available names of festival.
Mother’s Pay Water Festival Teacher’s Pay
New Year Father's Pay Thanksgiving
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with available names of festival.
Christmas Flower Festival Easter
Halloween April Fool’s Pay Cannes Film Festival

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
1. Carnival is a popular ____________ in many countries in South America.
A. festival B. music C. harvest D. festive
2. South American people ____________ carnival in different ways.
A. celebration B. celebrate C. celebratory D. decorate
3. At carnival, people wear costumes and ____________ through the streets, playing samba music and
A. parading B. parade C. attend D. went
4. She is going to Rio Carnival to watch ____________ dance.
A. perform B. performance C. performers D. performed
5. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to ____________ the Rio Carnival.
A. attend B. attendance C. harvest D. perform
6. Cooking is a hugely important part of French ____________.
A. celebration B. performance C. culture D. music
7. We ____________ to the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year.
A. went B. arrived C. described D. watched
8. We often ____________ lucky money at Tet.
A. receives B. receive C. received D. receiving
9. I think it is a good ____________ in this circumstance.
A. choose B. chose C. choice D. chooses
10. There are a lot of cultural and ____________ activities held as part of this festival.
A. art B. artists C. arts D. artistic
Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. I saw so many ____________ flowers when I attended the festival last year. (beauty)
2. The Christmas season is also called the ____________ season. (festival)
3. I loved the ____________ this night. (perform)
4. There is a great ____________ for girls on March 3rd every year. (celebrate)
5. What I like about festivals is that they show the ____________ values of different Communities.
6. Hoi An is an old city with many places of ____________. (interesting)
7. The ____________ for Hue festival is taken by my group. (prepare)
8. All the streets in the city center are decorated with ____________ lights and red banners. (color)
9. There has been various ____________ shows on TV recently. (entertain)
10. The New Year marks the ____________ of spring and the start of the Lunar New Year. (begin)
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of present simple.
1. Robin (play) ______________ football every Sunday.
2. We (have) ______________ a holiday in December every year.
3. He often (go) ______________ to work late.
4. The Moon (circle) ______________ around the Earth.
5. The flight (start) ______________ at 6 a.m every Thursday.
6. Peter (not/ study) ______________ very hard. He never gets high scores.
7. My mother often (teach) ______________ me English on Saturday evenings.
8. She (like) ______________ Literature.
9. My sister (wash) ______________ dishes every day.
10. They (have) ______________ breakfast every morning.
Exercise 2. Turn the sentences in exercise 1 into the interrogative form.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of past simple.
1. Nam (write) ______________ an essay in Literature class this morning.
2. I (watch) ______________ TV yesterday morning.
3. Nam and you (be) ______________ in the English club last Tuesday.
4. They (eat) ______________ noodles two hours ago.
5. We always (have) ______________ a nice time on Christmas holiday in the past.
6. My father (decorate) ______________ the Christmas tree.
7. She (buy) ______________ a new dress yesterday.
8. They (be) ______________ late for school.
9. Mr. Tam (take) ______________ his children to the museum last Sunday.
10. Hoa (make) ______________ a cushion for her armchair.
Exercise 4. Turn the sentences in exercise 3 into the interrogative form.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 5a. Turn the sentences into the interrogative form and answer it.
1. The dog is small
2. She is a student.
3. We are ready to get a pet.
4. This book is so boring.
5. I am a worker
Exercise 5b. Turn the sentences into the interrogative form and answer it.
1. Mary and Linda were late.
2. Emma and Betty were good friends.
3. They were in the park yesterday
4. His sister was seven years old.
5. It was hot yesterday.
Exercise 6: Write short answers for the following questions. (Answers may vary)
1. Can you play the piano? 6. Can you do this puzzle?
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____ _____
2. Can you play the guitar? 7. Should you do morning exercise?
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____ _____
3. Can you sing and dance? 8. Should you smoke?
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____ _____
4. Can you swim? 9. Will you go to the zoo with me?
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____ _____
5. Can you speak English? 10. Will you live in the USA in the future?
__________________________________ __________________________________
_____ _____
Divide these words into two columns as below: stress on first syllable or stress on second syllable.
 Track 08
banquet apply agree country mother
disease cowboy cancer reply borrow
schedule pleasure tonight provide suggest
persuade machine treatment cover desire
reduce humour farmer decide lecture
birthday prepare enjoy money suppose

Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable


 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 09
Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T), or False (F), or Not Given (NG).
1. Christmas is the most important holiday in Britain. ___________
2. People decorated their houses with balloon, paper chains, holly,... ___________
3. The Christmas dinner is a feast with the main dish is Christmas pudding. ___________
4. The Queen gives Christmas speech at 3 a.m on December 25th. ___________
5. The Christmas speech of the Queen is broadcast on radio and television. ___________
Exercise 2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. When does Christmas Eve occur?
2. What do people decorate the top of the trees with?
3. Where do children hang up their stocking?
4. What do children get on the morning of the 25th?
5. When does Christmas dinner take place?
Read the conversation and answer the questions. Then practise speaking the conversation.
Mary: Hi, Hoa.
Hoa: Hi, Mary.
Mary: What did you do last weekend?
Hoa: I went to Hoi Mua Festival with my parents.
Mary: Where is it?
Hoa: It's in Phu Yen.
Mary: What is it about?
Hoa: Ah. It's held to thank the Rice God for the crop, and to pray for better crops in the future.
Mary: Really? What do people usually do at the festival?
Hoa: People play drums, sing songs and dance. They also drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo
tube. My father likes it.
Mary: Are there any other activities?
Hoa: Yes. There are cultural shows, buffalo races, and traditional games.
Mary: Oh, that sounds really interesting. How often does it take?
Hoa: Every March.
Mary: I would like to go there next year.
1. What did Hoa do last weekend?
2. Who did she go with?
3. What is Hoi Mua held for?
4. What do people usually do at the festival?
5. Would Mary like to go there?
Exercise 1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.
Visit the Edinburgh Festival
Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the
Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with actors and
artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts festival in Britain. During
this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning untill late at
night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets.
Tens of thousands of tourists come to the festival to see new films and plays and to hear music played
by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more
than forty countries.
The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your favourite star in
Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer!
1. How many people come to attend the Edinburgh Festival every year?
A. Thousand people
B. Thousands of people
C. Some people
D. Few people
2. How long does the Edinburgh Festival last?
A. Two months
B. Three months
C. Three weeks
D. For 3 weeks every August and September
3. What can you even see artists doing on the streets?
A. Playing the guitar on the streets
B. Singing songs on the streets
C. Painting pictures on the streets
D. Dancing on the streets
4. How many performances can people see this year?
A. Tens of thousands
B. Thousands
C. Some people
D. Over five hundred
5. How much are the tickets for these performances?
A. Very cheap
B. Very expensive
C. Not cheap
D. Not quite expensive
Exercise 2. Choose the word from the box that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
their recent a lot of fewer consisted
way explain which been would
The worlds first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere.
Although it only (1) ___________ of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have (2)
___________ popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to (3)
___________ the story.
Soon the public had (4) ___________ favorite actors and actresses and, in this (5) ___________, the
first film stars appeared. In the 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and from then on,
the public (6) ___________ only accept this kind of film.
Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7) ___________ produced 95% of all films.
With the arrival of television in 1950s, (8) ___________ people went to see films, but in (9)
___________ years audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that
influences film-making and there are currently (10) ___________ national film industries.
Exercise 3. Read the passage. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) then
answer the questions.
My favorite movie is cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a cat with blue and white color. He keeps the
house for a normal family and has a very free life. His job is chasing Jerry day by day. Jerry is a rown
house mouse. He usually lives in the deep cave behind the wall. Although they hate each other so
much and always find ways to hurt the opponent but when Tom or Jerry falls into really dangerous
situations, then both become another savior. The film is an endless confrontation between Tom and
Jerry, bring plenty of laughter for the audiences. I love this film because when I watch it I feel very
glad, feeling like returned to my childhood.
1. What’s Tom’s color?
2. Does Tom usually live in a cage?
3. When will they help each other?
4. How do the audiences feel when they watch “Tom and Jerry”?
5. Why does the writer love “Tom and Jerry”?
Exercise 1a. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences.
1. It’s a good idea to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day.
 We should
2. We couldn’t keep on cleaning the streets because of the heavy rain.
 Because it
3. The garden party wont take place if the weather doesn’t improve.
 Unless
4. Both students and teachers can borrow books from the library.
 The library lends
5. Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does.
 He plays this
Exercise 1b: Use the words in brackets and rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning
of the original sentences.
1. I would like six apples. (DOZEN)
2. What is the price of a bowl of beef noodle soup? (MUCH)
3. There is sugar in many kinds of food. (HAVE)
4. We haven’t got any tomatoes. (THERE)
5. My sister likes chicken very much. (FAVOURITE)
Exercise 2. Use the words in brackets and rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of
the original sentences.
1. How much are these shoes? (How much...)
2. It takes me about five minutes to go to school by bike. (spend)
3. It often takes him two hours to do his homework. (He)
4. She spends one hour with her housework. (It...)
5. Where will she mail her letter? (send)
6. They usually walk to school. (foot)
7. He usually rides to school. (bike)
8. Mr. Hung sometimes travels to work by plane. (fly)
9. They never go to school late. (They are...)
10. Do you have a better refrigerator than this? (Is this...?)
Exercise 3. Imagine Christmas is coming, write a letter to Santa Claus. The answer may vary.
. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 alternative adj /ɔ:l'tɜ:nətɪv/ thay thế
2 available adj /ə'veɪləbl/ có sẵn
3 breeze V /bri:z/ thổi (gió thối)
4 convenient adj /kən'vi:nɪənt/ tiện lợi
5 convert V /kən'vɜ:t/ chuyển đổi
6 create V /krɪ'eɪt/ tạo lập
7 dangerous adj /'deɪdʒərəs/ nguy hiểm
8 easily adv /'i:zəlɪ/ dễ dàng
9 effect n /ɪ'fekt/ ảnh hưởng
10 electricity n /ɪ.lek'trɪsətɪ/ điện
11 energy n /'enədʒɪ/ năng lượng
12 enormous adj /ɪ'nɔ:məs/ khổng lò, to lớn, nhiều
13 environment n /ɪn'vaɪrənmənt/ môi trường
14 expensive adj /ɪk'spensɪv/ đắt
15 fossil fuel n /'fɒsl 'fju:əl/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch
16 government n /'gʌvərnmənt/ chính phủ
17 harmful adj /'hɑ:mfl/ có hại, gây hại
18 heat n, V /hi:t/ nhiệt; làm nóng
19 hydro energy n /'haɪdrəʊ 'enərdʒɪ/ năng lượng thủy điện
20 hydroelectric n /.haɪdrəʊɪ'lektrɪk/ thủy điện
21 negative adj /'negətɪv/ tiêu cực
22 non-renewable adj /nɒn rɪ'nju:əbl/ không thể tái tạo
23 non-renewable energy n /nɒn rɪ'nju:əbl 'enədʒɪ/ năng lượng không thể tái tạo
24 nuclear n /'nu:klɪər/ hạt nhân, nguyền tử
25 nuclear energy n /'nu:klɪər 'enərdʒɪ/ năng lượng nguyên tử
26 oil n /ɔɪl/ dấu
27 plentiful adj /'plentɪfl/ nhiều, phong phú
28 pollution n /pə'lu:n/ sựô nhiễm
29 produce V /prə'dju:s/ sản xuất
30 recycle V /,ri:'saikl/ tái chế
31 renewable n /rɪ'nju: əbl/ có thể tái tạo
32 replace V /rɪ'pleɪs/ thay thế
33 run out V /rʌn aʊt/ hết
34 safe adj /seɪf/ an toàn
35 shortage n /'ʃɔ:tɪdʒ/ thiếu
36 solar adj /'səʊlər/ liên quan tới mặt trời
37 solar energy n /'səʊlər 'enərdʒɪ/ năng lượng mặt trời
38 solar panel n /'səʊlə (r) 'pænl/ pin mặt trời
39 source n /sɔ:s/ nguồn
40 turn off V /tɜ:n ɒf/ tắt
41 wind energy n /wɪnd 'enərdʒɪ/ năng lượng gió

a. Form (cấu trúc)
Cấu trúc Ví dụ
He is watching TV now.
Khẳng định S + am/ is/ are + V-ing I am listening to music.
They are studying English now.
I am not working now.
Phủ định S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing He isn’t watching TV now.
We are not watching TV now.
Nghi vấn Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing ? Are they studying English?
Is he going out with you?
Are you doing your homework?
b. Usage (Cách sử dụng)
- Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói hoặc xung quanh thời điểm
Ex 1: I am working right now. (Ngay bây giờ tôi đang làm việc.)
Ex 2: They are watching TV at the moment. (Bây giờ họ đang xem phim.)
Ex 3: He is finding a job. (Anh ấy đang tìm kiếm một công việc.)
 Anh ấy không nhất thiết phải đang đi tìm việc ngay lúc nói mà nói chung, anh ấy vừa nghỉ việc và
đang tìm kiếm một công việc mới trong thời gian này.
Ex 4: I am quite busy these days. I am doing my assignment. (Dạo này tôi khá bận. Tôi đang làm luận
 Ngay thời điểm nói, tôi có thể không phải đang ngồi viết luận án, nhưng tôi đang trong quá trình
phải hoàn thành luận án đó.
- Thi hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động sắp xảy ra trong tương lai gần.
Ex 1: What are you doing tonight? (Tối nay bạn dự định sẽ làm gì?)
Ex 2: Summer is coming. (Mùa hè sắp đến rồi.)
c. Signals (Dấu hiệu)
Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như
- now: bây giờ
- right now: ngay bây giờ
- at the moment: lúc này
- at present: hiện tại
- at + giờ cụ thể (at 12 o’lock)
It is raining now. (Trời đang mưa.)
I’m not working at the moment. (Tôi đang không làm việc vào lúc này.)
Hoặc có các động từ như:
- Look! Watch! (Nhìn kìa!)
- Listen! (Hãy nghe này!)
- Keep silent! (Hãy im lặng!)
- Watch out! - Look out! (Coi chừng)
Look! The train is coming. (Nhìn kìa! Tàu đang đến.)
Listen! Someone is crying. (Nghe này! Ai đó đang khóc.)
Keep silent! The baby is sleeping. (Hãy im lặng! Em bé đang ngủ.)
Watch out! The train is coming! (Coi chừng! Đoàn tàu đang đến gần kìa!)
d. Cách thành lập V-ing
- Thông thường ta chỉ cẩn cộng thêm “-ing” vào sau hẩu hết các động từ.
Ex: eat – eating; learn – learning
- Với động từ tận cùng là MỘT chữ “e”, ta bỏ “e” rồi thêm “-ing”.
Ex: write – writing; type – typing’ come – coming
- Với động từ có tận cùng là HAI CHỮ “e”, ta không bỏ “e” mà vẫn thêm “-ing” bình thường.
Ex: see – seeing; agree – agreeing
- Với động từ có MỘT âm tiết, tận cùng là MỘT PHỤ ÂM, trước là MỘT NGUYÊN ÂM: ta nhân đôi
phụ âm cuối rồi thêm “-ing”.
Ex: stop – stopping; get – getting; put – putting
CHÚ Ý: Một số trường hợp đặc biệt
Ex: begin – beginning; travel – travelling
Ex: prefer – preferring; permit – permitting
- Với động từ tận cùng là “ie”, ta đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm “-ing”.
Ex: lie – lying; die – dying
e. Chú ý: có những động từ không chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (trong tình huống này ta chia ở thì
hiện tại đơn). Các động từ đó thường thuộc về nhóm tri thức, giác quan, tình cảm hay sự sở hữu.
appear: xuất hiện mean: có nghĩa là
believe: tin tưởng need: cần
belong: thuộc vể prefer: thích hơn
contain: chứa đựng realize: nhận ra
depend: phụ thuộc remember: nhớ
forget: quên seem: dường như/ có vẻ như
hate: ghét sound: nghe có vẻ như
hope: hy vọng suppose: cho rằng
know: biết taste: nếm
lack: thiếu understand: hiểu
like: thích want: muốn
love: yêu wish: ước
 Stress in three-syllable words (Trọng âm của từ có 3 âm tiết)
1. Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu
Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu khi từ có 3 âm tiết đó là một danh từ và có yếu tố sau:
a. Có âm tiết thứ hai hoặc âm tiết cuối chứa 1 nguyên âm ngắn.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
company / 'kʌmpənɪ/ n côngty
Germany /'dʒɜ:rmənɪ/ n nước Đức
family / 'fæməlɪ/ n gia đình
industry / 'ɪndəstrɪ/ n ngành công nghiệp
library / 'laɪbrərɪ/ n thư viện
resident / 'rezɪdənt/ n dân cư
b. Có âm tiết cuối là 1 nguyên âm dài, hoặc 1 nguyên âm đôi, hoặc kết thúc bằng hơn 1 phụ âm.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
exercise /'eksərsaɪz/ n bài tập
holiday /'hɒlɪdeɪ/ n kì nghỉ
interview /ɪntərvju:/ n cuộc phỏng vấn
paradise /'pærədaɪs/ n thiên đường
photograph /'fəʊtəgrɑ:f/ n ảnh
radio /'reɪdɪəʊ/ n đài rađiô
2. Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai
a. Khi động từ có 3 âm tiết có âm tiết cuối chứa 1 nguyên âm ngắn và kết thúc chỉ với 1 phụ âm.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
deliver /dɪ'lɪvər/ V giao hàng
develop /dɪ'veləp/ V phát triển
discover /dɪ'skʌvər/ V khám phá
encounter /ɪn'kaʊntər/ V bắt gặp, chạm trán
examine /ɪg'zæmɪn/ V kiểm tra
establish /ɪ'stæblɪʃ/ V thiết lập
Khi danh từ có 3 âm tiết có âm tiết cuối chứa 1 nguyên ầm ngắn hoặc ầm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm
dài/ nguyên âm đôi hay kết thúc bằng hơn 1 phụ âm.
Words Pronunciation Type Meaning
banana /bə'nænə/ n quả chuối
computer /kəm'pju:tər/ n máy vi tính
disaster dɪ'zɑ:stər n tai họa, thảm họa
museum /mju'zi:əm/ n bảo tàng
papyrus /pə'paɪrəs/ n cây cói, giấy cói
potato /pə'teɪtəʊ/ n khoai tây
 Listen and repeat these words.  Track 10
agency company architect consonant
First syllable
/'eɪdʒənsɪ/ /'kʌmpanɪ/ /'ɑ:rkɪtekt/ /'kɒnsənənt/
consider determine advantage banana
Second syllable
/kən'sɪdər/ /dɪ'tɜ:rmɪn/ /əd'væntɪds/ /bə'næna/

Exercise 1. Look at the photos and put the correct words/ phrases under them.
solar panel wind coal water
electricity oil recycle sun

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 2. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
1. The ____________ of alternative sources of energy is not only plentiful but also clean and safe.
A. potential B. ability C. effective D. efficiency
2. Petroleum is limited. It will be replaced by ____________ source of renewable energy.
A. other B. another C. others D. one other
3. We will reduce energy ____________ as much as possible.
A. consume B. consumption C. expense D. expenses
4. Nuclear power is not only expensive but also dangerous ____________ our environment.
A. for B. to C. in D. with
5. We are looking for cheap, clean and ____________ of energy sources of energy. These types won’t
cause pollution.
A. effective B. effect C. effectively D. effectiveness
6. The boys ____________ home for lunch because they are planning to visit the hydro power station.
A. is not coming B. will not come C. will not be coming D. do not come
7. Nuclear energy can ____________ enough electricity for the world’s needs, but it is expensive.
A. provide B. serve C. give D. adapt
8. At 7.00 tomorrow, you ____________ to school.
A. will cycle B. cycle C. will be cycling D. will be cycled
9. ____________ sources of energy will be developed quickly.
A. Effective B. Wind C. Alternative D. Hydro
10. Sea wave is a ____________ source because it can be replaced easily and quickly.
A. non-renewable B. renewable C. alternative D. clean
Exercise 3. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Solar energy is renewable, ____________ and clean. (plenty)
2. We should reduce the use of ____________ at home. (electric)
3. Waves will be used as an ____________ friendly sources of energy. (environment)
4. Solar power can be used to ____________ or cool our houses. (hot)
5. There will be a ____________ of energy in the near future. (short)
6. Scientists are looking for clean and ____________ sources of energy. (effect)
7. More renewable energy sources will be used to solve the problem of ____________. (pollute)
8. ____________, fossil fuels are harmful to the environment. (fortunate)
9. The ____________ of wind turbines will be completed by next Friday. (install)
10. Energy is used to ____________ a lot of electrical things. (product)
Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
1. When you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for ____________
such as coal, oil, and natural gas and that is a great way to play a part in saving the planet.
A. carbon footprint B. electricity C. fossil fuels D. biogas
2. In India, the demand for ____________ has always been more than the supply.
A. shortage B. sources C. slogan D. electricity
3. ____________ energy is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity.
A. Hydro B. Nuclear C. Solar D. Wind
4. There are many available ____________ power sources in Vietnam including sun, wind, water, etc.
A. nuclear B. hydro C. renewable D. solar
5. Laos and Cambodia have big plans for building up to 11 ____________ on the lower Mekong.
A. dams B. slogans C. energy D. coals
6. ____________ can be an excellent source of free, renewable energy for poor farmers.
A. Turbine B. Biogas C. Solar panel D. Bulb
7. The government has warned that Britain will face power ____________ winters.
A. coal B. shortages C. slogans D. energy
8. Wind power is one of the earliest ____________ sources of energy used by humankind.
A. alternative B. polluted C. harmful D. exhausted
9. Nobody can predict exactly when supplies of fossil fuels will be ____________. However, we all
know they quickly reduce in quantity.
A. installed B. polluted C. harmful D. exhausted
10. Biogas can be used to ____________ natural gas in cooking, heating, or electrical generation.
A. use up B. replace C. pollute D. install
11. At this time next week, we ____________ to work to support the air pollution cutting down
A. are cycling B. will be cycling C. will cycle D. will be cycled
12. Someone’s carbon ____________ is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their
activities produce.
A. footprint B. energy C. effect D. amount
13. Remember to ____________ the lights before going to bed.
A. turn on B. stop C. turn D. turn off
14. We will cut down in the use of natural gas because it is ____________ and harmful to the
A. available B. abundant C. plenty D. limited
15. Hydro power is ____________ because dams cannot be built in certain areas.
A. abundant B. enough C. limited D. unlimited
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of present continuous.
1. My grandfather ____________ (buy) some fruits at the supermarket.
2. Hang ____________ (not study) French in the library. She’s at home with her classmates.
3. ____________ (she/ run) in the park?
4. My dog ____________ (eat) now.
5. What ____________ (you/ wait) for?
6. Their students ____________ (not try) hard enough in the competition.
7. All of Jack’s friends ____________ (have) fun at the concert right now.
8. My children ____________ (travel) around Asia now.
9. My little brother ____________ (drink) milk.
10. Listen! Our teacher ____________ (speak).
Exercise 2. Match the sentence in column A with the correct answer in column B.
1. Please turn down the volume. A. It’s getting very late.
2. Do you have something to eat? B. They’re lying.
3. My family don’t have anywhere to live right now. C. It’s starting to rain.
4. have to come home now. D. He’s trying to sell it.
5. John doesn’t collect books anymore. E. My children are getting hungry.
6. I go to the gym three times a week. F. She’s trying to sleep.
7. It isn’t true what they said. G. We’re looking for an affordable house.
8. I’m afraid I don’t bring the raincoat. H. I am losing fat.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 3. Write sentences in the present continuous form.
1. Jack and Rose/ sit/ on the couch.
2. Linda/ learn/ French.
3. My dad/ listen/ to the stereo.
4. My friends/ play games/ in their rooms.
5. I/ write/ a letter.
6. You/ watch/ movies?
7. What/ your two kids/ do?
8. That computer/ work?
9. Jane/ write/ a novel.
10. Why/ you/ cry?
Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of present continuous.
1. Look! The car (go) ____________ so fast.
2. Listen! Someone (cry) ____________ in the next room.
3. Your brother (sit) ____________ next to the beautiful girl over there at present.
4. Now they (try) ____________ to pass the examination.
5. It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) ____________ lunch in the kitchen.
6. Keep silent! You (talk) ____________ so loudly.
7. I (not stay) ____________ at home at the moment.
8. Now she (lie) ____________ to her mother about her bad marks.
9. At present they (travel) ____________ to New York.
10. He (not work) ____________ in his office now.
Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Present simple or Present continuous.
1. Where's John? – He ____________ (listen) to a new CD in his room.
2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always ____________ (rain) in
3. Jean ____________ (work) hard all day but she ____________ (not work) at the moment.
4. Look! That boy ____________ (run) after the bus. He ____________ (want) to catch it.
5. He ____________ (speak) German so well because he ____________ (come) from Germany.
6. Shh! The boss ____________ (come). We ____________ (meet) him in an hour and nothing is
7. ____________ you usually ____________ (go) away for Christmas or ____________ you
____________ (stay) at home?
8. She ____________ (hold) some roses. They ____________ (smell) lovely.
9. Oh no! Look! It ____________ (snow) again. It always ____________ (snow) in this country.
10. Mary ____________ (swim) very well, but she ____________ (not run) very fast.
Exercise 6: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Present simple or Present continuous.
1. Listen! My mother (sing) ____________ a song.
2. Every night, we (go) ____________ to bed at 10 p.m
3. Giang (like) ____________ Music but I (like)Math.
4. Now, they (stay) ____________ in Hue.
5. My father (read) ____________ a newspaper in the morning.
6. Look! Ha (run) ____________.
7. Trang usually (listen) ____________ to the teacher in the class, but she (not listen) now.
8. - Where (be) ____________ your father?
- He (be) ____________ in the living room. He (watch) ____________ TV.
9. ____________ (they/ go) to school by bus today?
10. There (be) ____________ many flowers in our garden.
11. Every day, Mr. Hung (not go) ____________ to work by car. He (go) ____________ by bus.
12. In the autumn, I rarely (go) ____________ sailing and (go)to school.
13. I (write) ____________ a letter to my friend now.
14. At 12 a.m every day, I (have) ____________ lunch then (take) ____________ a nap.
15. On Monday, I (have) ____________ Math and Art.
Divide these words into two columns as below: stress on first syllable or stress on second syllable.
 Track 11
mischievous romantic technical descendant fantastic
develop appearance construction dedicate reminder
hospital counterpart parallel company fascinate
separate attractive suggestion computer investment
conduction powerful impressive remember confident
marvelous government century interview substantial

Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable

 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 12
Exercise 1. Listen and complete the sentences.
1. Non-renewable resources come from ____________.
2. Non-renewable resources cannot be ____________ after they are used.
3. Some fossil fuels are mentioned are oil, ____________, soil, coal, metals.
4. We use fossil fuels without ____________ about it.
5. People ____________ coal from inside the Earth.
Exercise 2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What kind of energy is not so popular?
2. What are some examples of fossil fuels?
3. How do people get coal from the Earth?
4. What will happen if we use up coal?
5. What are some ways used to generate renewable energy?
Write questions for the underlined parts.
1. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: We should use biogas for cooking instead of gas.
2. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: Solar is a renewable energy source.
3. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: Nuclear power can’t be used popularly because it is dangerous.
4. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: People use solar power for heating or cooling the house.
5. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: Yaly Hydropower Plant was constructed in 1993.
6. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: Solar panels will be placed on the roofs of houses and buildings.
7. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: The US spent 55 billion on energy research in 2015.
8. A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: There are seven types of renewable energy.
Exercise 1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.
Almost all our energy comes from oil, coal and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. The earths
fossil fuels are running out. What would happen if there were no oil, coal and gas on earth?
Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. We can use energy from
the sun, the wind and the water.
Solar energy is unlimited. It supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for
rain, and to maintain the temperature of the planet. All are necessary for human life. If were able to
collect solar energy, we’ll be sure to make good use of this abundant source of power.
Another source of energy from nature is the wind. Wind power is clean and plentiful. Energy
from the wind has been used for centuries to move ships, grind grain, pump water and do other kinds of
work. In more recent time, wind power has been used to generate electricity.
Water can also provide power. For a long time, people have used water to power machines. Some
early uses of water power were to mill grain, saw wood and power machinery for the textile industry.
Today water power is mostly used to generate electricity.
1. How much fuel left?
A. there is a lot of fuel B. Let’s use it as much as we would like
C. No one knows exactly D. It will never be used up
2. According to professor Mavin Burnham, _______________________.
A. solar power is the only alternative B. we have to save coal, oil, and gas
C. A and B are incorrect D. A and B are correct
3. Radioactivity from nuclear power _______________________.
A. alters a new kind of energy
B. is necessary to cure diseases
C. can have good effects on the future generations
D. causes cancer and has bad effects on the future generations
4. We should use coal, oil, and gas _______________________.
A. as much as possible
B. carelessly
C. as economically as possible
D. all are incorrect
5. According to the passage, using nuclear power is _______________________
A. interesting B. dangerous C. C. safe D. cheap
Exercise 2. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Almost all our energy comes from oil, coal, and natural gas. We call them fossil fuels. The earths fossil
fuels are running out. What will happen when there is no oil, coal and gas on the earth?
Scientists are trying to find and use other alternative sources of energy. We can use energy from the
sun, the wind, and the water.
Solar energy is unlimited. The sun supplies all the energy used to grow plants, to evaporate water for
rain, and to maintain the temperate of the planet. All are necessary for human life. If we are able to
collect solar energy, we will be sure to have this abundant source of power.
1. From which do plants on the earth get energy?
A. stars B. the Mars C. the moon D. the sun
2. What are the other words or phrase for fossil fuels?
A. natural gas B. oil C. coal D. oil, gas, natural gas
3. Natural sources of energy are energy from _______________________.
A. wind B. the sun C. water D. the sun, wind, water
4. The word “abundant” in the passage is closet in meaning with.
A. plentiful B. limited C. natural D. necessary
5. We are asking the question, “What will happen when there is no oil, coal, and gas on the earth?”
A. we are now depending so much on oil, coal, and natural gas
B. other sources of energy can come from the sun, wind, and water
C. we are looking forward to seeing great changes
D. we are looking for other alternative sources of energy
Exercise 3. Read the following passage and choose the best option.
It’s hard to imagine education without (1) ____________. Without it, people’s ability to get a decent
education is severely (2) ____________. Education is acknowledged as a crucial factor in helping
people escape (3) ____________ poverty. In communities without energy children are often forced out
of school to help (4) ____________ cooking (5) ____________ or earn money. When they do go to
school it has to be in (6) ____________, which restricts their hours especially as many children walk
for hours to get there. When they arrive home to do their schoolwork, they have no (7) ____________
to study and all that greets them is darkness. Or they have to rely on kerosene to provide precious light,
which is both expensive and dangerous; if a lamp is knocked over it can cause serious burns.
Computers, radio or TV are important tools in the (8) ____________ education. A (9) ____________
of electricity restricts the (10) ____________ for children to further their education. And teachers don’t
want to work in communities where there are no lights, little equipment, no TVs, computers or life after
1. A. like B. energy C. such as D. similar
2. A. approximately B. expressively C. affected D. progressively
3. A. from B. pioneering C. pioneering D. pioneers
4. A. custom B. waiter C. collect D. pill
5. A. tourists B. materials C. pilot D. guess
6. A. orbit B. orbition C. orbital D. daylight
7. A. light B. designed C. draw D. painted
8. A. equipment B. tool C. modern D. furniture
9. A. invitation B. lack C. space D. aviation
10. A. landscape B. departures C. islands D. opportunity

Exercise 1. Use the cues given to write correct sentences.
1. Almost all our energy/ come/ oil/ gas/ natural gas. We/ them/ fossil fuels.
2. The earths fossil fuels/ running out.
3. Scientists/ try/ find/ other alternative sources/ energy.
4. We/ use energy/ the sun, the wind, and the water.
5. The sun/ supply/ all the energy/ used/ grow plants/ evaporate water/ rain/ and/ maintain/ temperature/
6. If we/ able/ collect solar energy/ we/ be sure/ have enough power.
7. Energy/ wind/ use/ centuries/ move ships, grind grain, pump water/ and/ do other forms/ work.
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
8. Recently/ wind/ use / generate electricity.
9. For a long time/ people/ use water/ power machines.
10. Today/ water power/ mostly/ use/ generate electricity.
Exercise 2. Write a paragraph to describe how you save energy. The answer may vary.
. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 appear V /ə'pɪər/ xuất hiện
2 avoid V /ə'vɔɪd/ tránh
3 crash V /kræʃ/ đâm (xe)
4 disappear V /,dɪsə'pɪər/ biến mất
5 driverless car n /'draɪvələs kɑ:r/ xe ô tô tự lái
6 environmental- adj /ɪn,vaɪrən'mentl 'frendlɪ/ thân thiện với môi trường
7 exist V /'egzɪt/ tồn tại
8 flying car n /'flaɪnɪη kɑ:r/ ô tô bay
9 fuel n /fju:əl/ nhiên liệu
10 go back V /gəʊ bæk/ trở vê, đi ngược lại
11 go forward V /gəʊ 'fɔ:wəd/ đi tới trước
12 helicopter n /'helɪkɒptər/ trực thăng
13 high-speed n /haɪ 'spi:d/ tốc độ cao
14 imaginative adj /ɪ'mædgɪnətɪv/ tưởng tượng
15 invention n /ɪn'venʃn/ phát minh
16 inventor n /ɪn'ventər/ nhà phát minh
17 pilotless adj /'paɪlətləs/ không cấn phi công
18 pleasant adj /'pleznt/ thú vị
19 popular adj /'pɒpjələr/ nối tiếng
20 programme n /'prəʊgræm/ chương trình
21 solar-powered adj /'səʊlər 'paʊəd/ sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời
22 space n /speɪs/ khoảng không, không gian, vũ trụ
23 system n /'sɪstəm/ hệ thống
24 technology n /tek'nɒlədʒɪ/ công nghệ
25 traffic jam n /'træfɪk dʒæm/ tắc đường, kẹt xe
26 train n /treɪn/ xe lửa, tàu hỏa
27 transport V /'trænspɔ:t/ vận chuyển, vận tải
28 wind-powered adj /wɪnd 'paʊəd/ sử dụng năng lượng gió
29 bamboo-copter n /bæmbu: 'kɒptər/ chong chóng tre
30 hyperloop n /'haɪpəlu:p/ tàu siêu tốc
31 sky train n /skaɪ treɪn/ tàu trên không
32 solar-powered ship n /'səʊlər-'paʊərd ʃɪp/ thuyên chạy bằng năng lượng mặt
33 pollute n /pə'lu:t/ làm ô nhiễm
34 environment n /in'vaɪrənmənt/ môi trường
35 passenger n /'pæsɪndʒər/ hành khách
36 eco-friendly adj /i:kəʊ 'frendlɪ/ thân thiện với môi trường

a. Form (cấu trúc)
Cấu trúc
Câu khẳng định S + will + Vo
Câu phủ định S + won’t + Vo
Câu hỏi Will + S + Vo?
Câu trả lời Yes, S + will./ No, S + won’t.
Chú ý: will not = won’t
Ex: I won’t come to your house tomorrow.
(Tôi sẽ không đến nhà bạn vào ngày mai đâu.)
b. Usage (Cách sử dụng)
- Thì tương lai đơn diễn tả một quyết định hay một ý định nhất thời nảy ra ở thời điểm nói.
Ex: Son: I miss my grandmother so much.
(Con nhớ bà lắm.)
Mother: OK. I will take you to visit her tomorrow.
(Được rồi. Mẹ sẽ đứa con đi thăm bà vào ngày mai nhé.)
- Thì tương lai đơn diễn tả một dự đoán không có căn cứ.
Ex: I think she won’t join the party.
(Tớ nghĩ cô ấy sẽ không tham gia bữa tiệc đâu.)
- Thì tương lai đơn diễn tả lời yêu cầu, đề nghị, lời mời.
Ex: Will you go out for dinner with me?
(Bạn có thể đi ăn tối với tôi được không?)
Will you pass me the pencil, please?
(Bạn có thể đưa bút chì cho tôi được không?)
- Thì tương lai đơn diễn tả lời hứa hoặc sự cảnh báo, đe dọa.
Ex: I promise I will write to her every day.
(Tôi hứa tôi sẽ viết thư cho cô ta mỗi ngày.)
Stop talking, or the teacher will send you out.
(Không nói chuyện nữa, nếu không giáo viên sẽ đuổi em ra khỏi lớp.)
c. Signals (Dấu hiệu)
- Thì tương lai đơn thường dùng kèm các trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian sau:
 In + (thời gian): trong bao lâu (in 5 minutes: trong 5 phút)
 Tomorrow: ngày mai
 Next day/ next week/ next month/ next year: ngày tiếp theo, tuần tới, tháng tới, năm tới.
 Soon: sớm thôi
Ex: We’ll meet at school tomorrow.
(Ngày mai chúng ta sẽ gặp ở trường.)
- Thì tương lai đơn cũng thường dùng với các động từ chỉ quan điểm
 Think/ believe/ suppose/ assume...: nghĩ/ tin/ cho là
 Promise: hứa
 Hope, expect: hi vọng/ mong đợi
Ex: I hope I will live in the USA in the future.
(Tôi hi vọng trong tương lai tôi sẽ sống ở Mỹ.)
a. Cách chuyển đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ sang tính từ sở hữu và đại từ sở hữu.
Đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu Nghĩa
I my mine của tôi
you your yours của bạn/ của các bạn
we our ours của chúng tôi
they their theirs của họ
he his his của anh ấy
she her hers của cô ấy
it its của nó
b. Cách sử dụng Đại từ sở hữu trong tiếng Anh
- Đại từ sở hữu (possessive pronouns) được dùng thay cho cụm tính từ sở hữu (possessive
adjective) và danh từ đã đề cập trước đó.
Ex 1: This is my book, not yours, (yours = your book)
(Đây là sách của tôi, không phải của bạn.)
Ex 2: This is my car and that is yours, (yours = your car)
(Đây là ô tô của tôi và kia là của cậu.)
- Dùng trong dạng câu sở hữu kép (double possessive)
Ex 1: Tony is a friend of mine. (Tony là một người bạn của tôi.)
Ex 2: It was the fault of mine. (Đó là lỗi của tôi.)
- Dùng ở cuối các lá thư như một quy ước.
Ví dụ để kết thúc một bức thư, trước khi ký tên, ta viết:
Yours Yours sincerely
Thân Trân trọng (trong trường hợp biết tên người nhận thư)

 Sentence stress (Trong âm trong câu)
- Khi nói một câu trong tiếng Anh, sẽ có từ được phát âm lớn hơn, mạnh hơn và rô hơn so với các từ
khác. Hiện tượng này được gọi là trọng âm trong câu. Ngoài ra, trọng âm trong câu cũng giúp cho câu
có âm điệu dễ nghe và người nghe cũng dễ hiểu ý người nói hơn.
- Chúng ta thường nhấn trọng âm vào các từ mang nội dung chính, ý nghĩa chính trong câu (content
words). Chúng thường là các từ loại sau:
Content words Examples
Danh từ table, dog, house
Động từ chính buy, sell, think
Tính từ small, good, beautiful
Trạng từ carefully, beautifully
Trợ động từ (dạng phủ định) don’t, doesn’t, can’t, shouldn’t, aren’t
Đại từ chỉ định this, these, that, those
Từ để hỏi what, when, where, why, who, how
Các em tập thực hành các ví dụ sau. Chú ý các từ in đậm là từ được nhấn mạnh trong câu.
Listen and repeat these words.  Track 13
What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
In the week, I usually wake up at 7 o'clock.
What was the name of the place where you grew up?
I grew up in a town called Glossop.
What age will you be on your next birthday?
I'll be 31 on the 18th of March.

Exercise 1. Complete these phrases.
1. d_ _ _ _ _less c_ _ 6. s_ _ _ _ _-wheel b_ _ _
2. environment-f_ _ _ _ _ly 7. solar-p_ _ _ _ _ _
3. f_ _ _ _ _ car 8. t_ _ _ _ _ _ jam
4. go f_ _ _ _ _d 9. two-wh_ _ _ _ _ ve_ _ _ _ _
5. h_ _ _-sp_ _ _ 10. w_ _ _-p_ _ _ _ _ _
Exercise 2. Put the word/ phrase under the correct photo.
solar-powered ship flying car driverless car bamboo-copter
helicopter traffic jam inventor hyperloop

1. 2. 3. 4
5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 3. Read and complete with suitable words in the box.
jetpack appear bicycle fuel helicopter
weird bus underwater car environment-friendly

1. A large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that

travels along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and
2. Not harming the environment
3. A device that somebody wears on their shoulders like a backpack
that enables them to fly
4. Any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt
5. To start to be seen
6. Below the surface of water
7. A road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small
number of passengers
8. Very strange or unusual and difficult to explain
9. A road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals
with your feet
10. An aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go
round. It can fly straight up from the
Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
1. Every day over 1,000 new cars add to the city and the city of over 20 million people is getting more
and more ______________.
A. expensive B. famous C. difficult D. gridlocked
2. My brother and I often come to school ______________ foot.
A. at B. in C. by D. on
3. Skycycling tubes will be easy ______________.
A. drive B. to drive C. ride D. to ride
4. We try to make the future green by using vehicles or kinds of energy that are ______________.
A. environmentally friendly B. environment friendly
C. environmentally friendship D. environmental friendly
5. It will be ______________ to ride a jetpack in bad weather because it doesn’t have a roof.
A. enjoyable B. pleasant C. unpleasant D. comfortable
6. A sky safety system can help cars to ______________ traffic jams and crashes.
A. prevent B. have C. use D. take
7. People won’t use flying cars ______________ the year 2050.
A. before B. after C. during D. until
8. Is ______________ the most serious problem?
A. pollution B. polluted C. pollute D. pollutant
9. We believe that urban transport pods can travel ______________ around 30kph.
A. with B. at C. in D. on
10. Do you think the ______________ price will increase next month?
A. fossil fuels B. gases C. fuel D. natural gases
11. We will use more ______________ energy in the future.
A. solar B. sunny C. sun D. sunlight
12. A jetpack doesn’t ______________ a lot of space.
A. have B. bring C. take D. occur
13. Which ______________ of transport do you think will be used in the future?
A. mean B. meaning C. meanings D. means
14. We are looking for types of vehicles that help us to avoid ______________.
A. traffic B. traffic jams C. rush hours D. walking
15. Wind, hydro and solar are ______________ resources.
A. modern B. renewable C. non-renewable D. new
Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences.
1. My big brother rode his bike ______________ and had an accident. (care)
2. We couldn’t see the airplane because it ______________ behind the cloud. (appear)
3. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great ______________ of water. (short)
4. I don’t think it will come true soon; however, your idea is really ______________. (imagine)
5. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest ______________ in history. (invent)
6. The hover scooter is our new ______________. (create)
7. John likes traveling by bicycle, but it is ______________ in bad weather. (please)
8. It is a sky ______________ system; it’ll stop everyone from crashing. (safe)
9. He feels very tired after two continuous nights of ______________. (sleep)
10. Various roads will be ______________ at the beginning of next year. (wide)

Exercise 1. Write complete sentences in the simple future.
1. He/ hope/ Bin/ come/party/ next week.
2. If/ she/ not/ learn/ very hard/,/she/not/ pass/ test.
3. Minh/ take/ his daughter/ the zoo/ next Sunday?
4. I/ believe/ Huynh/ recover/ illness/ soon.
5. They/ drink/ in the same restaurant/ next week.
Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the simple future.
1. The film _____________ at 10:30 p.m. (end)
2. Taxes _____________ next month. (increase)
3. I _____________ your email address. (not/ remember)
4. Why _____________ me your car? (you/not/ lend)
5. _____________ the window, please? I can’t reach. (you/ open)
6. The restaurant was terrible! I _____________ there again. (not/ eat)
7. Jake _____________ his teacher for help. (not/ ask)
8. I _____________ to help you. (try)
9. Where is your ticket? The train _____________ in 10 minutes. (arrive)
10. While the cat’s away, the mice _____________. (play)
11. I (do) _____________ it for you tomorrow.
12. My father (call) _____________ you in 5 minutes.
13. We believe that she (recover) _____________ from her illness soon.
14. I promise I (return) _____________ to school on time.
15. If it rains, he (stay) _____________ at home.
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the simple future.
1. I'm afraid I _____________ (not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _____________ (not/ take) place at 9 o'clock.
3. A: “Go and tidy your room.”
B: “I _____________ (not/ do) it!”
4. If it rains, we _____________ (not/ go) to the beach.
5. In my opinion, she _____________ (not/ pass) the exam.
6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Okay, I _____________ (not/ take) the bus, I'll come with you.”
7. He _____________ (not/ buy) the car, if he can't afford it.
8. I've tried everything, but he _____________ (not/ eat).
9. According to the weather forecast, it _____________ (not/ snow) tomorrow.
10. A: “I'm really hungry.”
B: “In that case we _____________ (not/ wait) for John.
Exercise 4. Circle the correct answers.
When I was a kid, my sister and I always got the same presents. We both got a dress, for example,
but (1) mine/ my was green and (2) hers/ her was pink. One year, (3) ours/ our parents gave US kites,
but they were exactly the same. There was no way to know whose was whose. One day, I was playing
with (4) my/ mine in the garden, and I broke it, just a little bit. I didn’t tell anyone, but I went to (5)
my/ mine sisters room and swapped it for (6) her/ hers. The next day, (7) our/ ours family went to the
beach. There were some other children there and they loved (8) our/ ours kites. (9) Mine/ My sister
saw the kids and said, “They haven’t got a kite, I’m going to give them (10) my/ mine.” I felt terrible.
She has always been nicer than me!
Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with suitable possessive pronouns.
1. That book belongs to those kids. That book is _____________.
2. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is _____________.
3. This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is _____________.
4. This toy belongs to you. This toy is _____________.
5. This apartment belongs to me and my cousin. This apartment is _____________.
6. These mittens belong to my mother. These mittens are _____________.
7. Those cookies belong to my sister's friends. Those cookies are _____________.
8. These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are _____________.
9. That pillow belongs to me. That pillow is _____________.
10. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is _____________.
Listen and underline the stressed words in the following sentences.  Track 14
A: What are you doing this evening?
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
B: Nothing. I'm just going to stay in and watch TV.

A: Are you sure you don't want to come to a party?

B: Maybe. What's the location of the party?

A: It's just in the center of town near the lake.

B: Okay cool. In that case, I think I'll join you.

A: Great. Well, the party starts at 8.

B: I'll leave my house at 7 and get a taxi.

A: Okay perfect. I'll see you there at about 8.


 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 15
Exercise 1. People are calling home while they are on vacation. Listen and check ( ) the word
that describes each person.
1. Jill 2. Sean 3. John
□ worried □ relaxed □ relaxed
□ excited □ happy □ pleased
□ upset □ frightened □ worried
4. Rachel 5. Mary 6. Meg
□ happy □ upset □ bored
□ sick □ sick □ pleased
□ excited □ relaxed □ angry
Exercise 2. Listen again. Why does each person call? Circle the correct answer.
1. Jill ____________________________________.
A. has met someone interesting
B. was in a dangerous situation
C. wants to ask a favor
2. Sean ____________________________________.
A. isn’t having a good time
B. has some news
C. needs money
3. John ____________________________________.
A. lost his wallet
B. lost his ticket
C. will be coming back on time
4. Rachel ____________________________________.
A. has good news B. needs help
C. told her friend about a health problem
5. Mary ____________________________________.
A. lost her glasses
B. was in an accident
C. has bad news
6. Meg ____________________________________.
A. is coming home earlier
B. is taking a different flight
C. doesn’t have anything to do
Answer the questions. The answer may vary.
1. Which hours are rush hours in your community?
2. Why should we travel by public transport instead of private transport?
3. What difficulty you meet when you are stuck in a traffic jam?
4. What do you think you can do to help reduce traffic jam?
5. What will your vehicle look like in the future in your imaginary?
6. How much will it cost?
7. What fuels will it use?
8. How will it be useful in reducing traffic jam?
9. What is the maximum speed will it reach?
10. How will it help the environment?
Exercise 1. Read the passage then decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
A rocket uses fuel to make power for the engine. The fuel is set on fire inside the rocket. As the
fuel burns, it creates gases that have great pressure. These gases are blasted out of the rocket engines.
These gases all go out the bottom of the rocket engine where it is open. They come out so fast and
with so much power that the rocket is pushed up. It is pushed up so hard that the rocket overcomes the
force of gravity, which tries to keep everything on the ground. The force that pushes up against the
front of the rocket is called thrust.
Unlike an airplane, a rocket does not use wings to help it fly. It just uses the power and force created by
the burning fuel to make enough thrust.
True (T)
No. Statements or False
1. A rocket uses the energy from wind to make power for the engine.
2. When the fuel burns, it creates gases that have great pressure.
3. These gases come so fast but they have little power.
4. The rocket is pushed up because it overcomes the force of gravity.
5. The rocket has two wings which help it fly.
Exercise 2. Read the text, and then fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use the words in the
called plane fly than from
takes expensive will ready won't
It is a computer drawing of the (1) _____________ of the future. British engineers and scientists have
published plans for a new hypersonic plane (2) _____________ the A2. It will be very fast. At the
moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in Australia (3) _____________ about twenty-one
hours but with the A2 the same flight will take about four hours.
The flight will (4) _____________ at 4,5000 kilometres per hour and will fly at an altitude of over
10,000 metres.
It will carry 300 passengers but it (5) _____________ have any windows because scientists haven’t
found glass that is strong enough. It (6) _____________ be better for the environment (7)
_____________ other planes because the engines won’t produce gases that cause pollution.
In the future, will people travel (8) _____________ London to Australia for the weekend? - It’s
possible! But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won’t be very ( 9) _____________
about £2,000. The A2 will be (10) _____________ for its first flight in 2020.
Exercise 3. Read and complete the sentences with suitable words/ phrases in the text.
Tony is a taxi driver in London. He works six days a week. He can start and finish his work at any
time he wants, as long as he works enough hours during the day. As London is a very busy city,
sometimes he works overtime on a Saturday, which is good as it means extra money. Driving a taxi is
difficult and dangerous. Traffic in the city is often slow because of accidents and construction sites
which drivers have to go around. When it rains or snows, the roads are very difficult to drive on. Tony
sometimes never gets paid especially when he has to deal with drunk passengers. Most of Tony’s
passengers are friendly and tip him generously. Tony likes his job, but lately he has been suffering
from backache. He is wondering if he is old.
1. Tony is working as a _________________.
2. Tony starts and ends his work at he wants _________________.
3. When working overtime, Tony gets _________________.
4. Taxi-driving in London is difficult and _________________.
5. Traffic in London is low because the taxi drivers have to _________________the accidents and
construction sites.
6. When Tony deals with _________________, he does not get paid.
7. Tony is tipped generously by his _________________.
8. Recently, Tony has been suffering from _________________.
Exercise 1. Write complete sentences using the words and phrases given.
1. The traffic/ a nightmare/ visitors/ Viet Nam/ the first time.
2. There/ transport rules/ but/ many people/ not seem/ really interested/ follow/ them.
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
3. Three or four people/ one motorbike/ a common sight/ particularly/ young people.
4. The traffic/ worst/ rush hours/ when/ everyone/ try/ get to work/ get home quickly.
5. Some people/ ride/ motorbikes/ the pavements/ rather than/ waiting/ a traffic jam.
6. Pedestrians/ get injured/ hit easily/ when/ they/ walk/ the pavements/ cross the roads/ such times.
7. Road users/ very impatient/ quite aggressive/ constantly using their horns/ even shouting/ others.
8. Some people/ install/ air horn/ their motorbikes/ this/ really annoying/ other people/ sometimes/ it/
cause/ accidents.
9. Another problem/ the increase/ the number/ cars/ the road.
10. More people/ own/ private cars/ it/ make/ the problem/ the traffic jams/ worse.
Exercise 2. Imagine a very modern vehicle and describe it, you may use these suggestions below.
The answer may vary.
- This vehicle can fly
- It doesn’t need a driver
- Easy to learn how to use
- High price
- Very fast
- Safe for users
- Find out the nearest gas station automatically


. English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese
1 fantastic adj /fæn'tæstɪk/ tuyệt vời
2 ask for direction Vphr /æsk fɒr də'rekʃn/ hỏi đường
3 take a tour Vphr /teɪk ə tʊr/ đi dạo một vòng
4 wonderful adj /'wʌndəfl/ tuyệt vời
5 island n /'aɪlənd/ hòn đảo
6 sunset n /'sʌnset/ cảnh mặt trời lặn
7 landscape n /'lænd.skeɪp/ khung cảnh
8 Australia n /ɒ'streɪljə/ thuộc nước úc, người úc
9 Australian adj, n /ɒ'streɪlɪən/ người úc
10 penguin n /'peηgwɪn/ chim cánh cụt
11 tattoo n /tə'tu:/ hình xăm
12 kangaroo n /.kæηgə'ru:/ con chuột túi
13 Scottish adj, n /'skɒtɪʃ/ (thuộc) xứXcốt-len; người Xcốt-Ien
14 kilt n /kɪlt/ váy kilt (váy của đàn ông Xcốt-len)
15 castle n /'kɑ:sl/ lâu đài
16 coastline n /'kəʊst.laɪn/ bờ biển
17 native adj /'neɪtɪv/ bản xứ
18 unique adj /ju'ni:k/ độc đáo, duy nhất
19 amazing adj /ə'meɪzɪη/ kì thú, kì lạ
20 ancient adj /'eɪnʃənt/ CỔ xưa
21 local adj /'ləʊkl/ thuộc về địa phương
22 symbol n /'sɪmbl/ biểu tượng
23 capital n /'kæpɪtl/ thủ đô
24 tower n /'taʊər/ tòa tháp
25 tourist n /'tʊrəst/ du khách
26 country n /'kʌntrɪ/ đất nước
27 royal adj /'rɔɪəl/ thuộc hoàng gia
28 famous adj /'feɪməs/ nổi tiếng
29 (the) Pacific Ocean n /pə’sɪfɪk 'əʊʃən/ Thái Bình Dương
30 industry n /'ɪndəstrɪ/ nên công nghiệp
31 culture n /'kʌltʃər/ văn hóa
32 attraction n /ə'trækʃn/ sự hấp dẫn
33 traditional adj /trə'dɪʃənl/ thuộc truyền thống
34 palace n /'pæləs/ lâu đài, dính thự
35 boat ride n /bəʊt raɪd/ sự đi thuyên

1. Cách dùng mạo từ bất định a, an.
 A/ an được sử dụng trước một danh từ số ít đếm được.
Ex: We need a book. (Chúng tôi cần 1 cuốn sách.)
 Mạo từ "a" đứng trước một phụ âm (trong cách phát âm).
- a game (một trò chơi); a boat (một chiếc tàu thủy).
- Chú ý: a university (một trường đại học); a year (một năm).
- a European (một người Âu); a one-legged man (một người thọt chân).
 Mạo từ "an" đúng trước từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u) hoặc n cam
- an egg (một quả trứng); an ant (một con kiến)
- Chú ý: an honour (một niềm vinh dự); an hour (một giờ đồng hồ)
2. Cách dùng mạo từ xác định “the”
 The được dùng khi danh từ chỉ đối tượng được cả người nói lẫn người nghe biết rõ: đối tượng đó là
ai, cái gì. Cụ thể mạo từ “the” thường gặp nhất trong các trường hợp sau:
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
 Khi vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc The Sun (mặt trời), the world (thế giới), the
được xem là duy nhất Earth (Trái đất)
 Trước một danh từ nếu danh từ này vừa được I see a dog. The dog is chasing a cat. The cat is
đê' cập trước đó chasing a mouse. (Tôi thấy 1 chú chó. Chú chó
đó đang đuổi theo 1 con mèo. Con mèo đó đang
đuổi theo 1 con chuột.)
 Trước một danh từ nếu danh từ này được xác The teacher that I met yesterday is my sister in
bằng 1 cụm từ hoặc 1 mệnh đê' law. (Cô giáo tôi gặp hôm qua là chị dâu tôi.)
 Đặt the trước một tính từ để chỉ một nhóm the old (người già), the poor (người nghèo), the
người nhất định rich (người giàu)
 The được dùng trước những danh từ riêng chỉ The Pacific Ocean (Thái Bình Dương), The
biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số nhiều United States (Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ), the
của các nước, sa mạc, miền,... Alps (Dãy An pơ)

Rising and falling intonation for questions (Giọng điệu lên và xuống trong câu hỏi).  Track 16
1. Khi câu hỏi đó là dạng câu wh-question, giọng điệu của câu sẽ đi xuống
Examples with falling intonation
2. Khi câu hỏi đó là dạng câu Yes/ No question, giọng điệu của câu sẽ đi lên
Examples with rising intonation Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm

Exercise 1. Look at the photo and put the correct words/ phrases under them.
kilt tourist penguin tower
sunset tattoo kangaroo castle
1. 2. 3. 4

5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 2. Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Singapore is famous for its ______________ and green trees.
A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean
2. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are ______________ with coloured lights
across the streets and enormous Christmas trees.
A. decorated B. hang C. put D. Made
3. In the United State, there are 50 ______________ and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. Countries
4. I once tried to ______________ an apple pie when I was in London. It was really delicious.
A. do B. cook C. make D. show
5. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the most popular time for visitors to
______________ Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there.
A. stay B. look C. tour D. Visit
6. Nowadays you still see the ______________ men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or other formal
A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot
7. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it’s the third ______________ country in the
A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest
8. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are ______________ food at Christmas.
A. national B. historical C. traditional D. Possible
9. New Zealand ______________ lovers of nature and fans of dangerous sports.
A. attracts B. keeps C. calls D. Asks
10. Queenstown in New Zealand has got beautiful ______________ and a dry climate, so its ideal for
outdoor activities.
A. look B. viewing C. atmosphere D. scenery
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
brigade cattle symbol native igloo
loch accent monument fence football
1. The silver fern is a national ______________ of New Zealand.
2. Mount Rushmore is a national ______________ carved into a mountain in South Dakota, USA.
3. Trung speaks English like a ______________ though he comes from Viet Nam.
4. I sometimes thought John’s ______________ sounded English, sometimes American.
5. In Scotland, the word “______________” is used to describe any large, enclosed expanse of water.
6. It took six years to build the rabbit-proof ______________ in Australia.
7. England is the original home of ______________ because the sport was invented there.
8. Edinburgh, Scotland was the first city in the world to have its own fire ______________ in 1824.
9. Anna Creek Station in South Australia is the worlds largest ______________ with an area of 24,000
10. An ______________ is a type of shelter built of snow by the Inuit, the Aboriginal peoples in
Exercise 4. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1. Both French and English are ______________ languages in Canada. (office)
2. NSW is the ______________ of New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia.
3. The Gold Coast is famous for its most ______________ theme parks in Australia such as
Dreamworld and White Water World. (icon)
4. Do you know that the telephone, the television and penicillin are Scottish ______________?
5. Visitors can spend ______________ days exploring amazing natural beauty of New Zealand. (end)
6. There are different kinds of ______________ provided throughout Disneyland. (entertain)
7. Scotland is a ______________ land and this is noted for its rich and interesting history. (legend)
8. We’ll take the early ______________ from Sydney to Wellington. (fly)
9. Niagara Falls, on the border of the USA and Canada, is one of the most ______________ sceneries
in the world. (spectacle)
10. There are many tourist ______________ in London such as British Museum, London Eye

and Tower of London. (attract)

Exercise 1. Put in a correct article: a/an.
1. ______ unreasonable decision 2. ______ universal problem
3. ______ unit of work. 4. ______ eucalyptus tree
5. ______ honorable man. 6. ______ X- ray
7. ______ UFO 8. ______ T-shirt
9. ______ happy girl 10. ______ H-bomb
11. ______ elephant 12. ______ hospital
13. ______ BBC programme 14. ______ UNESCO worker
Exercise 2. Put in a correct article: a/an. Write () if it’s not necessary.
1. Have you got ______ camera?
2. Would you like to be ______ actor?
3. Bill's got ______ umbrella.
4. Do you collect ______ stamps?
5. Tom always gives Ann ______ flowers on her birthday.
6. Those are ______ really nice trousers. Where did you get them?
7. What ______ beautiful garden!
8. What ______ lovely children!
9. Jack has got very long legs, so he's ______ fast runner.
10. You need ______ visa to visit our country.
11. Jane is ______ teacher. Her parents were ______ teachers, too.
12. When I was ______ child, I used to be very shy.
Exercise 3. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the.
1. Can you recommend me ______ luxury restaurant?
2. I saw ______ accident this morning.
3. My friend lives in the city. It is ______ most developed region of Vietnam.
4. This house is very beautiful. Do you have ______ garden?
5. We ate dinner at ______ luxury restaurant in the city.
6. There isn’t ______ airport near where we live.
7. There are two cars in the parking lot: ______ black one and a white one. My neighbor’s black one.
8. Today is a fine day. Let’s sit in ______ garden.
9. Are you going for business next week? - No, ______ week after next.
10. ______ teacher is Lan’s aunt.
Exercise 4. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write () if it’s not necessary.
1. I have ______ cat.
2. We have ______ breakfast at 6:00 a.m.
3. ______ girl wearing ______ red dress is beautiful.
4. He is ______ most galant boy I have ever met.
5. She often goes to ______ church to pray in spring.
6. ______ Taylor Swift is my favorite singer.
7. ______ government should build more nursing homes for ______ old.
8. Would you like to play ______ football with me?
9. Do you want to study in ______ United States?
10. Have you ever traveled to ______ Canada?
Exercise 5. Put in a correct article: a/ an/ the. Write () if it’s not necessary.
1. Which one do you prefer, ______ red car or ______ green car?
2. She is ______ first person to own this bag.
3. Do you know ______ boy sitting next to Lan?
4. I travel to ______ Ho Chi Minh City by ______ plane.
5. He lives on ______ Brown Street.
6. ______ patience plays ______ important role in everyone’s ______ success.
7. This is ______ first time she has traveled to ______ Europe.
8. I have ______ beautiful pen.
9. ______ milk is my favorite drink.
10. ______ Viet Nam is ______ developing country.
Exercise 6. Choose the best article to complete the sentence.
1. Mrs. Lan went to ______ school to meet her son's teacher.
A. no article B. a C. an D. the
2. The workmen went to ______ church to repair the roof.
A. no article B. the C. a D. an
3. Carol went to prison to meet her brother.
A. the B.a C. an D. no article
4. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ______ newspaper is in my bag but I don't
know where ______ magazine is.
A. A/ a B. A/ the C. The/ the D. The/ a
5. My parents have ______ cat and ______ dog. The dog never bites the cat.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C. the/ the D. the/ a
6. We live in ______ big house in ______ middle of the village.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C. the/ the D. the/ a
7. I'm looking for ______ job. Did Mary get ______ job she applied for?
A. a/ the B. the/ a C. a/ a D. the/the
8. Did ______ police find ______ person who stole your bicycle?
A. a/ a B. the/ the C. a/ the D. the/ a
9. We went out for ______ meal last night. ______ restaurant we went was excellent.
A. a/ A B. the/ The C. a/ The D. the/ A
10. As I was walking along the street, I saw ______ $10 note on ______ pavement.
A. a/ a B. the/ the C. a/ the D. the/ a
11. The Soviet Union was ______ first country to send a man into ______ space.
A. the/ the B. no article I no article
C. no article / the D. the/ no article
12. Did you watch "Titanic" on ______ television or at ______ cinema?
A. the/ the B. no article/ no article
C. no article/ the D. the/ no article
13. After ______ lunch, we went for a walk by ______ sea.
A. the/ the B. no article/ no article
C. no article/ the D. the/ no article
14. Peru is ______ country in south America. ______ capital is Lima.
A. a/ A B. a/ The C. the/ The D. the/ A
15. I never listen to ______ radio. In fact I haven't got ______ radio.
A. a/ a B. a/the C. the/ the D. the/ a
16. It was a beautiful day. ______ sun shone brightly in ______ sky.
A. a/ A B. a/ The C. the/ The D. the/ A
17. It is said the Robinhood robbed ______ rich and gave the money to ______ poor.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C. the/ the D. the/ a
18. Life is not so easy for ______ unemployed.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
19. Many people were killed in the accident. The bodies of ______ dead were taken away.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
20. Lan has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for ______ sick.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
Listen and mark the rising intonation () or falling intonation ().  Track 17
1. Do you like pop music?
2. When do you go shopping?
3. What do you do in your free time?
4. Is Mary a basketball player?
5. What time does she go to school?
6. Do you brush your teeth three times a day?
7. What do you watch on Netflix?
8. Does she play in a famous orchestra?
9. Are you a talented boy?
10. What do they do in the morning?


 Listen and do the tasks followed.  Track 18
Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F).
Statement True/ False
1. Kiwis live in Australia and New Zealand.
2. A kiwi has a tail but no wings.
3. It sleeps during the day because light hurts its eyes.
4. People in New Zealand do not want the kiwis to live.
5. The kiwi is a strange New Zealand bird.
Exercise 2. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1. The kiwi (1) ______________ only in New Zealand.
2. A kiwi does not have any (2) ______________ like other birds.
3. The kiwi can (3) ______________ better than most birds do.
4. The kiwi’s (4) ______________ are very big.
5. There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand (5) ______________.
Match the questions to the answers.
1. What is the national flower of Wales? A. Glasgow
2. What is the national symbol of the USA? B. The beaver
3. What country has a dragon on their flag? C. In 1492
4. What is the capital of New Zealand? D. Canada
5. Where do Aborigines live? E. Daffodil
6. Which is the national mascot of Canada? E. Wales
7. How many countries have English as an official language? G. Wellington
8. When was America discovered? H. In Australia
9. Which country has two official languages? I. The bald eagle
10. Which is Scotland’s biggest city? J. Seventy-five
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions below.
In Canada and the United States, one of the most popular days in the year is Halloween.
Halloween occurs on October 31st. It's a day when some people wear in strange or unusual costumes.
For example, they may dress to look like an animal, a person from a book or movie or a famous person
from history. After dark, many young children put on their costumes and visit their neighbors. They
knock on the door and shout "Trick or treat". Then the neighbors give them some candy, and the
children go on to the next house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. There are usually
Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or most unusual costume.
1. Is Halloween one of the most popular days in Canada and the USA?
2. When does Halloween happen?
3. What do young children do after dark?
4. Who also enjoy dressing up for Halloween?
5. What are children given when they knock on their neighbors' door?
Exercise 2. Fill each blank with a correct word to finish the passage.
Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
Australia is the 6th biggest country in the world. Only Russia, China, Canada, USA and Brazil are (1)
_____________. It is the world’s largest island.
Even though the country is so big, it only has about 23 million inhabitants. 88% of all Australians (2)
_____________ in the big cities or smaller towns, which makes big areas of the country empty.
Australia lies in the (3) _____________ hemisphere which means that the more South you go, the
cooler it gets. In the north parts of the country, it is always hot. The (4) _____________ of the country
has really hot summers and mild winters. Snow only falls in the Australian Alps and in Tasmania,
when we have (5) _____________ in Europe and Asia, the Australians have summer. So they celebrate
Christmas in the (6) _____________ of the summer!
Australia is famous for its wildlife. The most famous (7) _____________ is probably the kangaroo.
The kangaroo, or roo for short, has (8) _____________ Australia’s national Symbol. The word
“kangaroo” was the first Aboriginal (9) _____________ in the English language. There are several
spices of kangaroos. The red kangaroos (10) _____________ the biggest ones and they are found in the
middle of the country.
Exercise 3. Read the follow passage and answer the questions.
New Zealand is a small country in the southern Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands, the
North Island and the South Island, as well as many smaller islands. New Zealand is 268,000 square
kilometres, about the same size as the United Kingdom.
Maori people arrived from the Pacific in the 10 th century, and by the 12th century there were many
Maori settlements along the coasts of New Zealand. The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa,
which means ‘The land of the long white cloud'. Seven hundred years later, large numbers of
Europeans started to settle in New Zealand. According to Government figures, the population of New
Zealand in 2015 was over four million, and of these, about 75 percent lived in the North Island.
There are four main cities. Auckland, in the north, is the largest city with a population of over one
million people. Auckland's population includes many different nationalities. For example, there are
large groups of European, Maori, Pacific Island, Chinese and Indian people. Together with other
smaller groups, they make Auckland an interesting and exciting place to live.
Although Wellington is the capital, the centre of government, it is smaller and quieter than
Auckland with a population of350,000. The main cities in the South Island are Christchurch, known as
the Garden City, and Dunedin, which is often compared to a small Scottish city.
1. Where is New Zealand located?
2. When did Maori people first come to New Zealand?
3. What does “Aotearoa” mean?
4. Where do most New Zealanders live?
5. Why is Auckland an interesting city?
Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.
1. USA/enormous/country.
2. This country/ both/ one of/ hot/ and cold/ places/ the world.
3. about/ half/ of/ Australia’s population/ go/ this event/ on Australia Day/.
4. Kangaroo/ the unique/ animal/ Australia.
5. Big Ben Tower/ one/ most famous/ symbol/ England.
Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences.
1. There is a big library in Lan’s school.
 Lan’s school
2. Lan learns Math very well.
 Lan is very
3. Which subject do you like best?
 What is your
4. Why don’t we go swimming?
 What about
5. The birthday cake is very delicious.
 What
6. When is her birthday?
 What
7. Nam works more hours than Lan.
 Lan works
8. Nile River is longer than any rivers in the world.
 Nile River is
9. The school library has over five thousand books.
 There are
10. Ha Noi has many interesting places.
 There are

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