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Aug 27, 2017 · 6 min read · Listen

Machine Learning with Random Forests

Machines, working on our commands, for each step, they need guidance
where to go what to do. This pattern is like a child who doesn’t understand
the surrounding facts to make decisions for a situation. The grown ups
usually do it for children. Same goes for machines. The developer writes the
commands for the machine to be executed. But here in Machine Learning,
we talk about making the machine learn which will enable the functionality
of making decisions without any external help. That means a mature mind
with the ability to understand facts and situations and choosing the right
action for it.

To know the machine learning in a little more deeper I’d suggest you go
through this introductory blog for Machine Learning.
In our previous blogs, we learned about Decision Tree algorithm (Link) for
and its implementation (Link). Now in this blog, we will move on to the next
algorithm for Machine Learning called Random Forest. Please go through
these blogs before moving forward as Random Forest algorithm is based on
Decision tree.

What is Random Forest

‘Another algorithm for Machine Learning’ would be one liner for it, But as it’s
been said by scholars, explaining things is necessary at each step in the
process of knowledge sharing. So let’s go deeper in this algorithm.

‘Random Forest’ as the name suggests is a forest and forest consists of trees.
Here the trees being mentioned are Decision Trees. So the full definition will
be “Random Forest is a random collection of Decision Trees”. Hence this
algorithm is basically just an extension of Decision Tree algorithm.

Under The Hood

In this algorithm, we create multiple decision trees to the full extent (???).
Yes, here we do not need to prune our decision trees. There is no such
limitation for the trees in Random Forest. The catch here is that we don’t
provide all the data for each decision tree to consume. We provide a random
subset of our training data to each decision tree. This process is called
Bagging or Bootstrap Aggregating.

Bagging is a general procedure that can be used to reduce the variance for
those algorithms that have high variance. In this process, sub-samples are
created for the data set and a subset of attributes, that we use to train our
decision models and then we consider every model and choose the decision
by voting -(classification) or by taking the average (regression). For the
random forest, we usually take two third of the data with replacement (data
can be repeated for every other decision tree, no need to be unique data).
And the subset of the attributes m

In Random Forest each decision tree predicts a response for an instance.

And the final response is decided based on voting. That means (in
classification) the response which is received by the majority of decision
trees becomes the final response. (In regression the average of all the
responses becomes the final response).

Works better for both classification and regression.

can handle large data set with a large number of attributes as these are
divided among trees.
It can model the importance of attributes. Hence it is used for
dimensionality reduction also.

Works well while maintaining accuracy even when data is missing

It also works for unlabeled data (unsupervised learning) for clustering,

data views and outlier detection.

Random Forest uses the sampling of input data called as bootstrap

sampling. In this one-third of the data is not used for training but for
testing. These samples are called out of bag samples. And error regarding
these is call out of bag error.

Out of Bag Error shows more or less the same error rate as a separate data
set for training shows. Hence it removes the need of a separate test data set.

Classification is good with Random Forest but Regression…Not so much.

Works as a black box. One can not control the inside functionality other
than changing the input values etc.

Now it’s time to see the implementation of Random Forest algorithm in
Scala. Here we are gonna use Smile library to use Random Forest like we did
for the implementation of Decision Trees

To use smile include the following dependency in your sbt project

libraryDependencies += "com.github.haifengl" %% "smile-scala" %


We are going to use the same data for this implementation as we did for
Decision Tree. Hence we get here Array of Array of Double as the training
instances and Array of Int as response value for these instances.

val weather: AttributeDataset =

read.arff("src/main/resources/weather.nominal.arff", 4)
val (trainingInstances,responseVariables) =

After getting the data we have a method randomForest() in the package
smile.operators package that returns an instance of RandomForest class.
val nTrees = 200
val maxNodes = 4

val rf = randomForest(trainingInstances, responseVariables,

weather.attributes(), nTrees, maxNodes)

Here the parameters list for this method

trainingInstances: Array[Array[Double]] *required

responseVariables: Array[Int] — response values for each instance


attributes: Array[Attribute] — an array of all the attributes (Attribute is

class implemented in Java), by default this array is null.

nodeSize: Int — the number of instances in a node below which the tree
will not split, by default the value is 1 but for very large data set it should
be more than one

ntrees: Int — limits the number of trees, by default 500.

maxNodes: Int — maximum number of leaf nodes in each decision tree

(i.e total number of paths), by default its value is number of attributes /

mtry: Int — the number of randomly selected attributes for each decision
tree, by default its value is the square root(number of attributes).
subsample: Double — if the value is 1.0 then sampling with replacement if
less than 1.0 then without replacement, by default the value is 1.0.

splitRule: DecisionTree.SplitRule — the method on which the information

gain is calculated for decision trees, could be GINI, ENTROPY, by default

classWeight: Array[Int] — the ratio of the number of instances each class

contains, if provided nothing, the algorithm calculates this value itself.

Now our Random Forest is created. We can use its error() method to show
the out of bag error for our Random Forest.

println(s"OOB error = ${rf.error}")

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The output is
Here we can see that the error in our random forest is 0.0 which is based on
out of bag error. So we do not need to test it again with another dataset just
for testing purposes.

Now we can use predict() method of RandomForest class to predict the

outcome of some instance.

Our Random Forest is ready and we also checked the out of bag error. Now we
know with every prediction we have some error also. So how to check the
accuracy for the random forest we just built.

Voila!! we got the smile.validation package. In this package, we get many

methods to test our models. Here we are taking one such method test(). It is
a curried function and takes several parameters.
val testedRF = test(trainingInstances, responseVariables,
testInstances, testResponseVariables)((_, _) => rf)

The parameter list is below

trainingInstances: Array[Array[Double]]

responseValues: Array[Int]

testInstances: Array[Array[Double]]

testResponseValues: Array[Int]

trainer: anonymous method which takes trainingInstances and

responseValues and returns a classifier

Here the testInstances and testResponseVaues are fetched from a testing data
set. Shown below:

val weatherTest =
read.arff("src/main/resources/weatherRF.nominal.arff", 4)
val (testInstances,testResponseValues) =
Here is the output:

As we can see here it tells the accuracy for our random forest which is
83.33% right now.

This was all for Random Forest, a quick introduction and an

implementation. Thanks.

The link to the sample code is here.


Analytics Vidya

Smile Github

Image Source
Sbt Scala Tutorial Decision Tree Machine Learning

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