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Personal Pronouns:

I - yo
You – tú, usted
He – él
She – ella
It – ese
We – nosotros/nosotras
You – ustedes
They – ellos/ellas

1. Present Simple: Routines or everyday activities

Estructura: Sujeto + verb on simple form + complemet
Examples in affirtmative (sujeto + verb on simple form + complement:
I wash the dishes every day
He, she, it: add a “s” or “es” in the
You wash the dishes everyday end of the verb, depending of the
He washes the dishes verb, Si el verbo termina en vocal, se

She drinks water in the morning le agrega una “s”, si culmina con “s”
u otra letra se agrega “es”. Para los
It is difficult
verbos que terminan con una “y”
We run in the park
precedida por una consonante se
They watch the movie cambia la 'y' por -ies (studies).

Examples in negative (sujeto + auxiliar (do, does) + not + verb on simple

form + complement):
Do (I, You, We, You, They) Does ( He, She, It)
I do not listen music
You do not listen to music Don´t, doesn´t = abreviado

He does not listen to music

She does not listen to music
It does not listen to music
We do not listen to music
They do not listen to music
Examples in interrogative (Aux (do, does) + sujeto + verbo on simple form +
complement +?):

Do you wash the dishes everyday?

Yes, i do No, i don’t
Does he wash the dishes every day?
Yes, he does No, he doesn´t

2. School Subjects (Materias escolares):

Algebran = Algebra Art = Artes/Arte Biology = Biología
Chemistry = Química Geometry = Geometría History = Historia
Music = Música Physics = Física World geography = Geografía Universal

3. Present Continuous: Actios at the moment, temporaly

Am ( I ) Are (You, We, They) Is ( He, She It)
Sujeto + verb to be (am, is, are) + verb “ing” gerund + complement

Affirmative: I am taking classes now/at this moment/today

Negative: I am not taking classes now, Amelia and Ricardo are taking an
Engish class together.
Interrogative Verb to be + sujeto + verb “ing” gerund + complement + ?):
Are you taking classes now? R: Yes, i am; No, i am not
She is taking classes now? R: Yes, she is; No, she is not (isn´t)
Am i taking classes now? R: Yes, i am; No, i am not

Verbs not usually used in continuous tenses (Verbos que susalmente

no se utilizan en oraciones de presente continuo)
Believe (creer), mean (signifiar), have (tener), hope (esperar, del verbo
esperanza), know (saber o conocer), like (gustar o encantar), love (amar),
own (propia), remember (recordar), seem (parecer), understand
(endender), want (querer).

4. Prohibitions & Obligations

Prohibitions: You can´t, You are not permitted to, You are not allowed to.
Obligations: You must, You have to, You need to.

Parenthesis: Vocabulary.

Angry Enojado
Busy Ocupado
Hungry Hambriento
Nervous Nervioso
Scared Asustado
Sleepy Somnoliento
Jealous Celoso
Lonely Solitario
Thirsty Sediento
Upset Decepcionado

5. Zero Conditional: Describe things that are generally true

(describe cosas que generalmente son verdad). Use the simple
present for both the “if” clause (the condition) and the main
clause (usa presente siempre en ambas partes la “if” clausula (la
condición) en la clausula principal).
Example: What do you do a really important exam? (¿Qué haces si tienes
un examen realmente importante?)
If i have a really imoortant exam, i study a lot.
I study a loti f i have a really important exam.
You can usually substitute “when” fot “if” in zero conditional
sentences (puedes sustituir usualmente “when” por “if” en oraciones
de “zero conditional”).
When i’m nervous about something, i just try not to think about it.
I just not to think about it when i’a nervous about something.

Parenthesis: Vocabulary. Sentenses adverbs.

Amazingly Sorprendentemente
Fortunately Afortunadamente
Sadly Tristemente
Strangely Extrañamente
Luckily Por suerte
Suddenly Repentinamente
Surprisingly Sorpresivamente
Unfortunatel Desafortunadamente

6. Past Simple: Use it for an event thet interrumps an action in

Affirmative (Sujeto + verb on past form + complement):
I kissed my girlfriend in the morning
Negative (Sujeto + aux (did) + not + verb on simple form+ complement):
The birds did not sing this morning
She didn’t (did not abreviado) pay with credit card

Was (I, He, She, It) Were (You, They, We)

Sujeto + Verb to be (was/were) + complement

I was at the concert (Yo estaba en el concierto)
They were at the concert (Ellos estaban en el concierto)

Negative (sujeto + verb to be (was/were) + not + complement):

I was not at the concert (Puede usarse Wasn’t, es abreviado)
They were not at the concert (Puede usarse Weren’t, abreviado)

Interrogstive (Aux (did) + sujeto + verb on simple form + complement + ?):

Did you buy a red car?
Did María arrive at school on time?

7. Past Continuous: Use when you want describe an action in

progress in the past.
Afirmative (Sujeto + verb to be (was/were) + verb “ing” gerund +
I was eating in the classroom yesterday.
They were eating in the classroom yesterday.

Negative (Sujeto + verb to be (was/were) + verb “ing” gerund +

I wasn’t eating in the classroom yesterday.
They weren’t in the classroom yesterday.

Interrogative (Verb to be (was/were) + verb “ing” gerund + complement + ?):

Were you eating in the classroom yesterday?
Was he eating in th classrom yesterday?
Parenthesis: Vocabulary. Reaction verbs.

Amuse Divertir
Challenge Desafiante
Confuse Confundido
Disgust Desagradable, repugnante
Embarras Vergonzoso
Excite Emocionante
Frigthen Asustado/Asustar
Interest Interesante

8. Adjectives ending in “ing” & “ed”

Use “ed” when you want describe how somene feels (utiliza “ed” cuando
quieras desceibir como se siente alguien):

I’m interested in video games.

I never fell frightened when people tell me ghots stories.
My brother is disgusted by reality shows.

Use “ing” when you want describe how is someone or something (utiliza
“ing” cuando quieras describir algo o alguien):

The maths is very interesting.

Falling in the Street is very embarrassing
The amazing spider-man.
I think video games are amusing.

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