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A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Strand

Oton National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement in Practical Research 1


Genterola, Lemuel C.

Gimoto, Cherie Mae C.

Maprangala, Ma. Regina P.

Relano, Charleeh Jin F.

Remollata, Michael James L.

11 - Lithium

March 2019


1.1 Background of the Study

Food and Beverage Services is part of the service oriented

hospitality sector. It can be part of a large hotel or other
tourism business and now it is one of the choices of strands for
the students in school. It is a non academic track where in it will
equip you with job-ready skills in the future. Given that it is a
non academic strand, some students does not take this strand
seriously. Some chooses this because they think it is easy unlilke
any other strands and they can achieve it without great effort.
With this, the researchers decided to conduct a study about Food
and Beverage Services because they want to let the learners know
about the advantages of Food and Beverage Services Strand.

This study aims to help learners understand the advantages and

importantance of Food and Beverage Services.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study seeks way to help learners understand the advantages

of Food and Beverage Services.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1. How can Food and Beverage Services can help you in college?

2. How can Food and Beverage Services benefit you in the future?

3. What are the possible jobs that we can apply in by taking Food
and Beverage Services strand?
1.3 Definition of Terms

To have a full understanding about this research study, the

following terms were defined conceptually and operationally.

Narrative. These typically focuses on the lives of individuals

as told through their own stories. (Atlas, 2019)

Non-academic Strand. Not relating to school or formal education.

(Techterms, 2019)

Opportunity. An amount of time or something in which something

can be done.(Meriamdictionary, 2019)

1.4 Significance of the study

This study will benefit the following:

Learners. This study will help learners to understand the

importance of Food and Beverage Services and help in decisioning of
what strand the would take in Senior High.

Teachers. To have a more passionate students taking Food and

Beverage Services strand.

Parents. Less financial expenses may be spent for their children

are already certain on what the want.
Future Researchers. This study can serve as a basis for their
future studies.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to Food and Beverage Services senior

high school learners of Oton National High school. Furthermore,
this study will be conducted only from February to March of the
school year 2018-2019. Thus, analysis and interpretations will be
based on the interviews and observations conducted by researcher.



2.1 Conceptual Literature

Food and Beverage Services is a technical-vocational program

that trains students on the preparation of food plans and meals for
restaurants, hotels, canteens, and basically any establishment that
serves food to a large number of people (DepEd, 2018). The program
teaches students how to properly welcome guests and take food and
beverage orders, promote food and beverage products and provide food
and beverage service to guests. It is a non academic track where in it
will equip you with job-ready skills in the future.
Taking up Food and Beverage Services can make students
become more prepared with job-ready skills for future employment
(EagleEd,2018). Not all students will be able to go to college because
of financial problems so if they took the Senior High school Food and
Beverage track which is not very costly, after 2 years they can
acquire certificates that will lead them to seek a job than waiting
several years to graduate when they took college.

This strand will invests primarily on skills that can gain

you COCs (Certificates of Competency) and NCs (National
Certifications) which would be essential when looking for better
career opportunities especially in trade (Coursehero, 2019). This is
also important when applying abroad where the skills you gain would
prepare you as you join the workforce.

2.2 Related Studies

In a 2015 study of D. Buted, S. Felicen, and A. Manzano

entitled A Correlation Study between Student Performance in Food and
Beverage Services Course and Internship in F&B Department of
Hospitality Business, stated that one of the biggest challenges
hospitality educators face today is determining clear goals and
objectives for the curriculum to the constantly changing needs of the
industry. It is crucial to close the gap between what is taught to
students and what the industry expects from the graduates being hired.

This relates to our study because it focuses on Food and

Beverage Services and the learners.

This study aimed to assess the relationship between the

performance of the students on Food and Beverage Services Course and
their internship performance in Food and Beverage department in
different hospitality businesses where they were deployed. The
researcher utilized the descriptive design of the study and used
weighted mean and Pearson-Product Moment Correlation (Pearson-r) for
data analysis. The participants of the study were the students of
BSIHM-HRA for second semester school year 2012-2013.

The result shows majority of the intern has satisfactory

performance in the Food and Beverage Services course and the interns
obtained the highest very good performance evaluation rating in
personality followed by attitude, knowledge and skills. Study also
shows that there is no significant relationship between the
performance in Food and Beverage Service Course and the training
performance of interns in the F&B Department of the restaurant and
hotel. Performance of the interns in the Food and Beverage course
obtained only satisfactory but the training performance was rated very
good. The researcher recommends for the enhancement of the existing
activities and teaching strategies to match industry needs.

43.75 percent of the interns has satisfactory performance

level, 18.75 percent has very satisfactory and fair performance level,
12.5 percent got excellent and 6.25 percent has poor performance level
in Food and Beverage Service. Students must learn the real value of
competence in achieving excellence while maintaining credibility
outside the boundaries of their strengths and weaknesses (Laguador,

The basis of this performance of students was that of 2nd

semester 2011-2012 in Food and Beverage Service course. This course
is required to the students of Bachelor of Science in International
Hospitality Management specializing in Hotel and Restaurant
Administration (BSIHM-HRA) before they can be deployed for internship
in the F&B Department of the different hospitality business.
The result implies that the methods, procedures and
strategies used by the professors to teach BSHRA students are not
adequate to let all the students comprehend all the information they
should learn in the course. The level of comprehension of the students
does not match with the professors teaching styles. Another
implication is that maybe the assessment tools used by the professor
to assess the students’ performance were not appropriate to their
learning aptitude.

In terms of knowledge, interns’ performance is very good

with the composite mean of 4.28. The interns can comprehend/follow
instructions easily having the highest mean of 4.34 followed by
interns were able to organize work and analyze it with a weighted mean
of 4.31. Being competitive enough to do the job assignment and has the
command of relevant general information and technology both got a
weighted mean of 4.28 while the lowest is that interns can understand
the operating procedures and techniques with a mean of 4.19.


Research Design

This study used the narrative design. This kind of research

design describes the lives of individuals as told through their own
stories. The emphasis in such approaches is on the story, typically
both what and how is narrated.(Atlas, 2019)

Research Method

For the data analysis, the qualitative research method was

used through an in depth interview and observations with respondent.
Qualitative research is a primarily exploratory research used to gain
an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations that
provide insight in to the problem or helps to develop ideas or
hypothesis for the research (Shmoop, 2019).

Data-Gathering Procedures

The researcher asked permission from the researcher adviser

to gather information and we have two senior high respondents taking
Food and Beverage Services specialization coming from Oton National
High School and the researchers asked them about the advantages of
Food and Beverage Services.

In this research study, there are different procedures in

gathering the collected data. It includes the following:
• Note-taking – as the researchers interview the respondents they are
taking down notes of the participants answers.

• Follow-up questions – as the respondents answer the question, the

researchers raise another question.

• Voice recording – The researchers use audio recorder to record the

answers of the respondents since come of their answers are too long to
be written.

The interview data are transcribe and analyzed.

Respondents of the study

This study has a total of two respondents among the 10 SHS

learners. The respondents were chosen through purposive sampling.

Locale/ Setting of the study

The study happened at Oton National High School. The two

Senior High School Learners were the target respondents of the
researchers to answer the interview.

Instrument of the study/ Interview Instrument

In order to gather the data needed for the study the researcher
had used an interview guide for the respondents’ answers.

The interview guide has the following questions:

1.How can Food and Beverage Services can help you in college?
2.How can Food and Beverage Services benefit you in the future?

3.What are the possible jobs that we can apply in by taking How Food
and Beverage Services strand?

Ethical Consideration

In every research, some ethical issues arise and sometimes we

cannot avoid; thus their there is a need to consider a certain rules
or guidelines in making a research study. The respondent must have
informed of what the research is about before the study was conducted,
the researchers had explained the reasons and the purpose of the

In general, this study aims to gather information for future use

and success of this study in good manners that it is less offensive.
Question 1: How can Food and Beverage Services can help you in

Respondent 1: “Food and Beverage Services can help me to have a prior

knowledge on what Food and Beverage Services do. This specialization
also help me in college because I have a lot of vacant time in my
schedule I will go and look for a job that would help me in my needs
and my college days.”

Question 2: How can Food and Beverage Services benefit you in the

Respondent 1: “This specialization will help me either I am going to

proceed in college or I am going to get a NC II certificate and pass
it and to look for a job that suits in my qualification because
eventhough you are not a college graduate as long as ou have a TESDA
certificate, ou can look for a better job.”

Question 3: What are the possible jobs that we can apply in by taking
Food and Beverage Services strand?

Respondent 1: “The possible jobs that we can apply in by taking Food

and Beverage Services strand are bartending, service crew, hotel
attendant, room and bell bo, barista, kitchen staff, chef, event
organizer, and so and and so forth.”

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