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Title: Fundraising site - One charity

Internship stay:july2/11/2015 –August30/12/2015

1 Hundaf Worku……………………………….. .UGR/10602/13

Advisor: Mr. Regassa A.

February: 20/2024

Submitted to: computer science department

Asela Ethiopia
First of all praise to God and then I would like to say thanks to our department of
Computer Science for giving and facilitating this internship program for us. Again, I
would like to thank you my brother. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family who
have always been there for me, no matter what. Again, I would thank Dan Energy
Company for accepting and facilitating us to do an internship program within its
organization. I need to say thanks to all Technicians for their special supports during my
internship program. we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who
have contributed to the development of this fundraising website. Our sincere thanks go
to the team members, stakeholders, and mentors who have provided guidance and
support throughout the project.

- In my internship there was some trainings which are like the culture of the company
There was:-
 Ironing
 Metering and tool
 Dining tabling
 Etiquette training
My project was fundraising website documentation presents the design and
functionality of a platform that facilitates monetary and in-kind donations, as well as
provides charities with the ability to post events, campaigns, and volunteering
opportunities. This documentation outlines the project's objectives, methodology,
feasibility analysis, system design, and architecture. Additionally it explores the
significance of the study the scope and limitations of the project, challenge in the project
and concludes with recommendations for future enhancement.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 History of the company..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Capacity of the company ........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Overview of the project………………………………………………………………………………3
2. Objectives...............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 General objective……………………………………………………………………………………..5
2.2 Specific objective……………………………………………………………………………………..5
3. Trainings....................................................................................................................................................6
4. Internship experience ............................................................................................................................. ..8
4.1 The Sat Square program……………………………………………………………………..8
4.2 IdeaMart………………………………………………………………………………….…9
5 project
5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
5.2 Background of the project………………………………………………………………………………………………….....11
5.3 Statement of the problem………………………………………………………….……………………………………,,…...11
5.4 Existing system description………………………………………………………………................................................11
5.5 Objectives of the project…………………………………………………………….…..……………………………………...11
5.6 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………….…………………………….…12
5.7 Scope and Limitation of the project……………………………………………………………………………..........12
5.8 Challenge in the project…………………………………………………………………………..13
6 Methodology……………….………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….14
6.1 Planning and Selection…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..16
6.2 Target population…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..16
6.3 The Object oriented analysis and Design…………………………………………………………………….…..17
6.4 Implementation and Testing…………………………………………………………………………………..………….19
6.5 Beneficiaries and Users………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..20
6.6 Feasibility analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………………………………22

Table of figure
1. Introduction
1.1 History of the company

Fig 1.1Dan Energy Company

Dan energy DAN is a 6 years young Ethiopia and institute by MR. Daniel based pioneering
company, with competence, providing service in areas such as business intelligence and
analysis machine learning services, artificial intelligence service, big data lake solution with
hadoop/spark data warehouse (data mining, metadata tagging etc.), internet of
things(IOT), agricultural drone, IOT based service network, automated irrigation, artificial
intelligent, software system for pesticide, soil management, fertilizer need analysis, seed
science and technology, digital mapping and monitoring and so much more. And also DAN
Global, the 100% subsidiary of DAN energy, work out of the full 149th floor of the awesome
Burj khalifa, Dubai the highest office of the world.

 Improving the life of African through availing innovation and affordable technology solution
 Infrastructure development and service enhancement.
 Provide training, knowledge transfer, and skill development.
 DAN R$D aspires to be a leading technology company in Africa by 2030.

 Quality.
 Help businesses to enhance profits, improve flexibility and scalability.
 Streamline operation, manage client’s talent need.
 Ensure low operating costs for client with reliable reduced cost of service with no. compromise in
To meet its mission of developing African nation, DAN encourage entrepreneurship,
provide resource, end to end mentoring, offer digital business environment management
support, along with seed funding to deserving startups to incubate multitude of divers
businesses for mass employment. The focus is on empowering lives of the youth, the
underprivileged and the mothers and sisters of Africa. By offering and facilitating
respectable sustainable employment opportunities, while preserving and earning foreign
exchange with quality products and service comparable to the best.

Rule and regulation of the company

 Punctuality working time is from 2:30 – 11:30
 Clean the place where we work
 Attending the sat square and idea mart
 Using the laptops properly
 Only using one earphone
 Team work

1.2 Capacity of the company
AI Labs:AI coupled with Big Data and IoT can help all the constituents like farmers,
fertilizer companies, traders and governments to operate most efficiently and productively.
R&D Labs: Dan Energy Research and Development Plc. is focused to tap the unexplored
renewable energy with great depth and width in different topography of the country.
Security Labs: Dan Energy Security 4.0 is partnering with leading companies specialized
in integrated security system solutions for the protection of critical assets.
Cloud Computing: Dan Energy offers a variety of enterprise cloud solutions, focused on
infrastructure, platform and/or software-based solutions
CRM: Dan Energy offers a variety of CRM & ERP solutions, including Salesforce,
Operational CRM, Analytical CRM, Collaborative CRM systems, Odoo, and many more..

1.3. Overview of the project

In my internship we were doing by classifying the tasks in weeks
First week:
They give us a project about African countries, and my title was Madagascar, and this helps
us to know about African countries and also helps me more to understand how to use
Microsoft Word. Then, after that, they group us by our country location, and we make a
map of the country and we present.
Second week:
In DAN, there is a culture where every employee or intern must learn ironing, dining, and
some cleaning tips. And then there was an entrepreneur class, which taught us how to be
Third week:
They told us to learn about the Mern stack, which contains React, NodeJS, and Mongo DB,
which was helpful to our project and also for our future
Fourth week:
They give us a project about Fundraising site for different local charities, which is done by

Fifth and sixth weeks:
We were doing the project and my part was front-end and figma design which used for
designing a website. It was very helpful for me
Seventh week:
There was a class left to complete. It was metering, tools, and networking.
It was helpful for general knowledge, and they showed different types of tools they use,
like a screwdriver, wrench, and hammer.

Overall Internship Experience

2. Objectives
2.1. General objective
In my internship, I gained so much knowledge and experience about React, Node.js, Mongo
DB, tools, and metering. It was helpful, but I was first design Figma, which is a website used
for designing a website, mobile app and others React and nod.js
2.2. Specific objective
 React: The official React documentation is a great place to start. It provides a
comprehensive guide to building React applications.
 Node.js: The Node.js website has a wealth of information on how to use Node.js,
including tutorials, documentation, and a blog.
 Mongo DB: The Mongo DB documentation is a great resource for learning how to use
Mongo DB. It includes tutorials, guides, and a reference manual
 Tools: There are many tools available for software development, and the best ones
depend on your specific needs. Some popular tools include Visual Studio Code, and Jira.
 Figma: is a powerful design tool that allows designers to create and collaborate on
designs for websites, mobile apps, and other digital products. It’s known for its intuitive
interface, real-time collaboration features, and robust design capabilities

Fig 2.1figma

3. Trainings
During the first month of my internship, I was required to attend a series of training
sessions that were designed to prepare me for working in the organization.
These trainings covered a wide range of topics, including organizational policies and
procedures, communication skills, and technical skills.
The trainings were conducted by experienced professionals who provided valuable
insights and guidance. I found the trainings to be very informative and helpful, and they
gave me a solid foundation for my work in the organization.
Overall, I believe that the training sessions were an essential part of my internship
experience and helped me to develop my skills and knowledge.

The trainings that we take are:
Ironing: Ironing clothes maintains fabric quality, enhances fiber consistency, kills germs,
and restores hygienic shape. Steam ironing softens fabric fibers, improving quality and
longevity. Clean, fresh clothes boost self-confidence and self-esteem, impacting work and
personal relationships. Ironing clothes also improves appearance and self-image,
enhancing overall appearance and confidence.
Dining tabling: Learning dining table manners and etiquette is crucial for professional
and social situations. It helps make a good impression, show respect, and feel more
confident in formal settings. Basic table manners include waiting for the host, using
utensils, using polite language, and avoiding mouthful conversations.
Metering and tool: Metering and tool learning are crucial for energy industry
professionals to understand meters, improve billing accuracy, and identify potential issues.
This knowledge can also enhance efficiency and effectiveness in work.
Digital millimeters, for example, can help measure voltage, current, and resistance with
greater accuracy. By learning about these tools, professionals can improve their skills and
knowledge in the energy industry.
Research and writing method: Research and writing are crucial skills for academic and
professional success. Research involves identifying a topic, conducting preliminary
research, creating an outline, writing a first draft, and revising the paper.
Writing clearly involves expressing ideas concisely, using clear sentences and paragraphs.
This skill improves critical thinking, communication abilities, and helps achieve goals more
effectively. It helps us understand how to do research and write clearly. They give us a
project about African countries, and we present what we did, and the criteria that were
evaluated were
 Confidence
 Time management
 Interaction with group member
 PowerPoint

4. Internship experience
Dan has implemented various programs to develop the thinking ability and perception of
its employees. One of the most remarkable programs is the Sat Square program, which is
held every Saturday. During this program, employees are not required to work, but
attendance is mandatory. The program is designed to provide a platform for employees to
learn about life and develop their thinking ability. The program is led by the institute of the
organization, Mr. Daniel Hayielu Tech, who discusses a different topic every week.

The Sat Square program is an excellent opportunity for employees to develop their thinking
ability and perception. The program encourages employees to think critically and
creatively about various aspects of life. The program is designed to help employees develop
their analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills. These skills are essential for employees to succeed
in their personal and professional lives.

Fig 4.1 sat square

Another important program that Dan has implemented is IdeaMart, which is held every
Thursday from 7:30 – 9:30. The program is designed to encourage employees to share
business ideas with each other. The program is open to all employees, and attendance is
mandatory. During the program, employees are encouraged to come up with innovative
business ideas, and the best idea is selected and sold by the organization.
Ideasmart is an excellent opportunity for employees to develop their entrepreneurial
skills and business acumen. The program encourages employees to think creatively and
critically about various aspects of business. The program is designed to help employees
develop their analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills. These skills are essential for
employees to succeed in their personal and professional lives.
In conclusion, IdeaMart and Sat Square programs are designed to help employees develop
entrepreneurial skills, analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills. They encourage
critical thinking and critical analysis in various aspects of business, preparing them for
success in personal and professional life. Both programs aim to enhance employees'
thinking abilities and perception.

Fig 4.2 IdeaMart

What I have Gained

1. Project management
2. Communication
3. Cooperative
4. Mern stack development
5. Version control with git hub
6. Punctuality
7. Communication skill
8. Theoretical skill
9. Practical skill
10. Professional etiquette and grooming
11. entrepreneurship
12. Team playing skills

5. Project
5.1 Introduction
The fundraising website is a platform designed to facilitate monetary and in-kind
donations, as well as allow charities to post events, campaigns, and volunteering
opportunities. It enables users to contribute to various causes and engage with charitable
Purpose- the purpose of this documentation is to provide an overview of the system's
functionality, guide users on how to use the website, and outline the technologies
used in its development.

5.2 Background of the project

The fundraising website aims to bridge the gap between donors and charities by
providing an online platform for individuals and organizations to contribute monetary
donations and in-kind support. Additionally, the website serves as a hub for charities to
promote their events, campaigns, and volunteering opportunities, thereby increasing
their visibility and engagement with the community.

5.3 Statement of the problem

Traditional fundraising methods often face challenges in reaching a broader audience and
efficiently managing donations and volunteer activities. This project seeks to address these
issues by utilizing a centralized online platform that streamlines the donation process and
facilitates effective communication between charities and potential donors.
5.4 Existing system description
Currently, many charities rely on manual processes, such as physical fundraising events and
paper-based documentation, to collect donations and promote their initiatives. This approach can
be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and limited in terms of audience reach and engagement.
5.5 Objectives of the project

General Objective
The general objective of this project is to develop a fundraising website that enables
individuals and organizations to contribute monetary donations and in-kind support,
while also providing charities with a platform to post events, campaigns, and
volunteering opportunities.

Specific Objectives
1. Design and implement a user-friendly interface for donors to make monetary
donations securely.
2. Develop a system for managing and tracking in-kind donations, including
inventory management and distribution.
3. Create a feature-rich event management system that allows charities to post and
promote their events, enabling users to participate and contribute.
4. Implement a campaign module that enables charities to launch and manage
fundraising campaigns, providing donors with a clear understanding of the
campaign objectives and progress.
5. Develop a volunteer management system that allows charities to post
volunteering opportunities, enabling interested individuals to register and
contribute their time and skills.
5.6 Significance of the Study

The fundraising website provides numerous benefits to both charities and donors.
Charities gain increased visibility and access to a larger donor pool, leading to
enhanced fundraising efforts and greater community engagement.
Donors, on the other hand, benefit from a user-friendly platform that simplifies the
donation process and enables them to contribute to causes they care about, while
also providing opportunities for active involvement.
5.7 Scope and Limitation of the project
Scope of the project
The project encompasses the development of a comprehensive fundraising website that
includes features such as monetary donations, in-kind donations, event management,
campaign tracking, and volunteer management. The platform will support secure
transactions, charity registration, and authentication, along with robust administrative
Limitations of the project
1. The fundraising website will not handle actual payment processing but will
integrate with secure third-party payment gateways.

2. The project will not include extensive marketing and promotional features such as
social media integration and email campaigns, which may be considered as future
Experience: While fundraising sites have improved over time, there is still a need
for research on the design and user experience aspects of these platforms.
Understanding how platform design influences donor trust, engagement, and
conversion rates can help optimize the use.
Cultural and Contextual Factors: Many experience and increase the effectiveness
of fundraising campaigns existing studies on fundraising sites have focused on
specific regions or countries, but there is a need for research that examines the
impact of cultural and contextual factors on fundraising efforts. Exploring how
cultural norms, societal values, and regulatory environments shape fundraising
practices can provide valuable insights for tailoring strategies to different contexts.
Impact on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Fundraising sites have also
facilitated the rise of social entrepreneurship and innovative approaches to addressing
social and environmental challenges. However, there is a research gap in understanding
the impact of these platforms on the growth and success of social enterprises. Further
research is needed to explore how fundraising sites contribute to social innovation, the
challenges faced by social entrepreneurs in utilizing these platforms, and the long-
term sustainability of socially-driven ventures.

5.8 Challenge in the project

We can’t integrate the back-end and front-end, so our project is not integrated there was a
shortage of time to make it to the deadline. obviously the front-end and back-end of our
project already finished, but only left integrate part.

6 Methodology

Agile Development: Utilized an agile development methodology to ensure flexibility and

responsiveness throughout the development process. Conducted regular sprints and
iterations to deliver features incrementally, allowing for continuous feedback and
Requirements Gathering: Thoroughly engaged with stakeholders, including nonprofits,
donors, and administrators, to gather and document their specific requirements and
expectations. Employed techniques such as interviews, surveys, and user research to
ensure a comprehensive understanding of their needs.
User-Centered Design: Implemented a user-centered design approach to create an
intuitive and user-friendly interface. Developed user personas and user stories to align the
design with user motivations and behaviors Conducted extensive user testing and
incorporated feedback to optimize the user experience.
Database Design: Designed the database schema using Mongo DB, leveraging its flexibility
and scalability for efficient data storage and retrieval. Defined the relationships between
entities and implemented data models that aligned with the project's requirements and
future growth.
Backend Development: Developed the backend of the fundraising site using Node.js and
Express.js. Implemented robust Restful APIs to handle user authentication, fundraising
campaign management, donation processing ,and other backend functionalities. Ensured
data integrity and security through proper validation and error handling.
Frontend Development: Built the frontend of the fundraising site using React.js, creating
modular and reusable components for maintainability. Implemented responsive design to
provide a seamless user experience across various devices and screen sizes.
Payment Gateway Integration: Conducted thorough research to select a suitable payment
gateway provider based on project requirements.

6.1 Planning and Selection
1. Planning:

During the planning phase, a comprehensive strategy was developed to guide the
successful implementation of the fundraising site using the MERN stack. The
planning process involved the following key steps:

○ Defining Goals: Clearly defined the goals and objectives of the fundraising
site, such as facilitating online donations, promoting fundraising
campaigns, and providing a user-friendly platform for nonprofits and
○ Stakeholder Engagement: Engaged with stakeholders, including
nonprofits, donors, and administrators, to understand their specific needs
and requirements. Conducted interviews, surveys, and workshops to
gather valuable insights and ensure alignment with their expectations.
○ Scope Definition: Defined the scope of the project, including the features,
functionalities, and target audience of the fundraising site. Prioritized the
requirements based on their importance and impact on achieving the project
○ Timeline and Resources: Developed a realistic timeline and allocated
appropriate resources for each phase of the project. Ensured that the
project stays within the defined budget and timeline while meeting quality
2. Technology Selection:
The MERN stack (Mongo DB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) was selected as the
technology stack for building the fundraising site. The selection process involved the
following considerations:

○ Scalability and Performance: Chose Mongo DB, a MySQL database, for its
scalability and ability to handle large volumes of data. This decision ensured

that the site can handle increasing user traffic and growing fundraising
○ Real-Time Data Updates: Utilized Node.js for the backend, as it enables
real-time data updates and event-driven architecture. This allowed for
seamless updates to fundraising campaigns, donations, and other relevant
data without requiring page refreshes.
○ Modular and Reusable Components: Leveraged React.js for the frontend
to build modular and reusable components. This approach facilitated code
maintainability, scalability, and improved user experience through
responsive design.
○ Full-Stack JavaScript: Utilized the JavaScript programming language
throughout the entire stack (frontend and backend) to streamline
development and improve developer productivity.
○ Active Community and Ecosystem: Considered the strong and active
community support around the MERN stack, which provides a wealth of
resources, libraries, and tools for efficient development, debugging, and
○ Integration and Extensibility: Evaluated the ability of the MERN stack to
integrate with third-party services, such as payment gateways and analytics
tools, to enhance the functionality and effectiveness of the fundraising site.

6.2 Target population

The target population was identified and considered throughout the development process.
The target population for the fundraising site includes:

Nonprofit Organizations:The site aims to serve nonprofit organizations across various

sectors, such as education, healthcare, environmental conservation, social welfare, and
more. Nonprofits of all sizes, from small local charities to large international organizations,
can utilize the site to create fundraising campaigns, manage donations, and raise funds for
their causes.

Donors: The site provides a platform for individuals and businesses who are interested in
making a positive impact through charitable giving. Donors from diverse backgrounds,
including philanthropists, corporate entities, and individual contributors, are the primary
users of the site. They can explore fundraising campaigns, donate securely, and track their
Site Administrators: The fundraising site caters to site administrators who manage and
maintain the platform. These administrators are responsible for overseeing campaign
approvals, ensuring data integrity, managing user accounts, and monitoring the overall
functionality and performance of the site.
Volunteers: Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of nonprofit organizations. The
fundraising site offer features that allow volunteers to register, find volunteer
opportunities, and connect with nonprofits seeking assistance. This enables volunteers to
contribute their time and skills to support causes they are passionate about.

Supporters and Advocates: The site may attract individuals who want to support
nonprofits by spreading awareness, promoting campaigns, and advocating for specific
causes. These supporters and advocates may utilize social sharing features, engage in
discussions, and participate in community-driven initiatives to raise awareness and
mobilize support.

6.3 The Object oriented analysis and Design

Define Object Relationships:
The relationships between the identified objects were established to model the
interactions and dependencies within the system. Some of the relationships include:
● User-Nonprofit: A user can be associated with one or more nonprofits as a
donor, volunteer, or administrator.
● Nonprofit-Campaign: Nonprofits can create multiple campaigns, and each
campaign belongs to a specific nonprofit
● Campaign-Donation: Donations are associated with specific campaigns,
tracking the funds raised for each campaign.
● User-Donation: A user can make one or more donations to campaigns.

Create Classes and Methods

Based on the identified objects and their relationships, classes were created to represent
each object. These classes encapsulate the attributes and behaviors of the objects. For
User Class: Manages user authentication, profile information, and access control.
Nonprofit Class: Handles nonprofit-related functionalities, such as creating
campaigns and managing donations.
Campaign Class: Represents a fundraising campaign, including its details,
progress, and associated donations.
Donation Class: Handles the processing and tracking of donations, including
payment details and transaction status.
Volunteer Class: Manages volunteer-related functionalities, such as
registration and assignment to nonprofit activities.
Payment Class: Facilitates secure payment processing for donations.
Analytics Class: Collects and analyzes data to generate insights into site usage,
campaign performance, and donor behavior.
Each class contains methods to perform specific actions related to the corresponding
object, such as creating a campaign, processing a donation, or generating analytics reports.
Inheritance and composition relationships were established to reuse code and manage the
complexity of the system.
For example:
User Class Inheritance: The Donor, Volunteer, and Administrator classes inherit
from the User class, inheriting common attributes and behaviors while adding
specific functionalities.
Composition: The Campaign class may use composition to include instances of the
Donation class, representing the donations associated with the campaign.

Implement Encapsulation and Abstraction: Encapsulation and abstraction principles

were applied to encapsulate data and behavior within classes and to abstract complex
functionalities into simpler methods and interfaces. This promotes modularity and code

6.4 Implementation and Testing
Frontend Development: Developed the user interface using React.js, ensuring a responsive
design for optimal user experience across different devices.
Implemented various components such as user registration and login forms campaign
creation forms, donation processing forms and volunteer registration forms.
Integrated external libraries and frameworks as required to enhance user interface
elements and functionality.
Backend Development: Built the server-side using Node.js and Express.js to handle API
requests and manage the application's business logic.
Implemented Restful APIs for user authentication, campaign management,
donation processing volunteer registration, and other site functionalities.
Integrated Mongo DB as the database to store user profiles, campaign details donation
records and other relevant data.
Implemented secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure data
privacy and user access control.
Unit Testing: Conducted unit tests for individual components and functions to verify
their correctness and ensure expected behavior.
Checked input validation, error handling, and edge cases to ensure robustness and
Integration Testing: Performed integration tests to verify the seamless interaction
between frontend and backend components.
Tested API endpoints, data flow, and communication between different system modules.
Security Testing: Conducted security tests to identify and address vulnerabilities in the
Implemented security measures such as input validation encryption and secure
authentication mechanisms.

6.5 Beneficiaries and Users

● Nonprofit Organizations: The fundraising site helps nonprofits create campaigns

and raise funds for their causes, enabling them to reach a broader audience and
amplify their impact.
● Donors: Individuals, businesses, and corporations can use the site to discover
and contribute to campaigns aligned with their interests, making a positive
impact through charitable giving.
● Volunteers: The platform allows users to register as volunteers, find opportunities
posted by nonprofits, and contribute their time and skills to support various
● Site Administrators: Administrators manage and maintain the platform,
ensuring its smooth operation, data security, and providing user support.
● Campaign Beneficiaries: The ultimate beneficiaries are the individuals,
communities, or causes receiving support through the campaigns launched on the
site, addressing societal challenges and improving lives.

6.6 Feasibility analysis

1. Technical Feasibility:
The fundraising site developed using the MERN stack has demonstrated strong
technical feasibility. The MERN stack (Mongo DB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) is a
robust and widely adopted technology stack known for its scalability, flexibility,
and performance. The successful implementation of the site indicates that the
technical infrastructure and frameworks utilized are suitable for handling the
required functionalities, such as user authentication, campaign management,
donation processing, and volunteer registration.
The site's architecture and design adhere to best practices, ensuring efficient data
storage, smooth API communication and seamless integration with external
services, such as payment gateways and analytics tools.

2. Operational Feasibility:
The fundraising site has proven to be operationally feasible, offering a user-friendly
and intuitive interface. The site's functionalities and features have been designed to
cater to the needs of nonprofits, donors, volunteers, and administrators Nonprofits
can create campaigns and manage their fundraising initiatives efficiently while
donors can easily explore and contribute to campaigns Volunteers can find relevant
opportunities, and administrators can maintain the platform effectively.
The site's operational feasibility is exemplified by its ability to support multiple
concurrent users, handle high traffic loads, and provide a seamless user experience
3 Economic feasibility:
The economic feasibility of the fundraising site is positive, as it offers significant
value to its stakeholders. Nonprofits can leverage the site to expand their reach and
raise funds more effectively, potentially leading to increased financial support for
their causes. Donors find a convenient and transparent platform to contribute to the
campaigns they care about, facilitating their philanthropic efforts. The site's revenue
model, which may include transaction fees or premium features for nonprofits, can
generate sustainable income to support its operations and continuous
improvement. The economic feasibility is reinforced by the site's potential to attract
a large user base, including both nonprofits and donors, making it a viable and
financially rewarding venture.

In conclusion, the fundraising website provides a comprehensive platform for charities
and donors to connect and engage in fundraising activities. It streamlines the donation
process, enhances visibility for charities, and fosters active community participation.
The website functionalities address the identified challenges in traditional fundraising
methods and offer a user-friendly and efficient solution.
While the current implementation of the fundraising website meets the project's
objectives, there are several areas for future enhancements. These include:
- Integration with social media platforms for enhanced marketing and promotion.
- Implementation of email campaigns to engage donors and volunteers.
- Expansion of reporting and analytics functionalities for performance tracking.
- Integration with additional payment gateways to provide more options for donors.
Recommendation For Arsi university
 It has to put closure link between the academic advisor and company supervisor so
as to encourage and mentor the performance of interns.
 The university should give enough budget for the students.
 Internships provide valuable opportunities for students to apply their theoretical
knowledge in real-world settings, gain practical experience, and develop essential
skills. By maintaining and enhancing the internship program, Arsi University can
better prepare its students for their future careers and foster stronger connections
between academia and industry.
For Dan Energy
 It offers a tremendous opportunity for future generations to continue this work.


N. Ninja, Director, mern stack. [Film]. America.2023.

“MongoDB," in Beginning- MERN -stack-and-Deploy-a-Full-stack.

N. Ninja, Director, mern stack. [Film]. America.


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