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Joseph College of Bulacan

2nd Semester SY 2017-2018

Course Title : MG 2 – Human Behavior in Organization

Course Credit : 3 Units
Instructor : Jennifer I. Malabrigo, MBA
Class Schedules : Saturday, 10:30am-1:30pm (Rm. 403) – HRTM2

Course Description:
This course deals with the study of individual and group behaviour in the workplace. Its purpose is
to provide an understanding of how organizations can be managed more effectively and at the same
time enhance the quality of employees work life. Topics include motivation, rewarding behaviour,
stress, individual and group behaviour, conflict, power and politics, leadership, job design,
organizational structure, decision-making, communication and organizational change and

Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, students should be able to:
 Understand individual behaviour in organizations, including diversity, attitudes, job
satisfaction, emotions, moods, personality, values, perception, decision making, and
motivational theories.
 Understand group behaviour in organizations, including communication, leadership, power
and politics, conflict, and negotiations.
 Understand the organizational system, including organizational structures, culture, human
resources, and change.

Textbook Reference:
 Organizational Behavior, 15th Edition, by Robbins & Judge, Prentice-Hall Publishing,

Classroom Rules:
 Used of cell phones are prohibited in class.
 Attendance is expected and required. If you have to miss a class, be sure to alert me. It will
be your responsibility to obtain class notes and/or handouts. Absences will decrease your
grades and an excessive number will have a major impact on it. If you come to class after
checking the attendance, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that I marked you as
 You are expected to be in class on time, prepared to discuss the material assigned to you
and participate in the discussion
 A notebook, paper and a writing tool (pen/Pencil) to be brought always
 Quizzes/Assignments/Activities will be given from time to time. Follow instructions and
submit it on the required date.

Grading System:
Prelims = 30% Major Exams, Quizzes, Recitations = 60%
Midterms = 30% Presentations, Assignments, Projects = 25%
Attendance = 15%
Finals = 40%

Get your money worth. Attend, participate, learn and grow! Challenge yourself. We will learn a good deal from each other. Always
remember to put God first in everything we do and He will crown us success.
St. Joseph College of Bulacan
2nd Semester SY 2017-2018

Course Topics
1. Classroom policies and overview of the course
2. Introduction - Importance, Goals, Nature of People
3. Challenges and Opportunities
4. Values, Attitudes, Abilities & Job Satisfaction
5. Motivation
6. World of Organizational Behaviour
7. Management and Culture
8. Management of Conflict
9. Life Expectancy of Conflict
10. Seven Dynamics of Change
11. Making Change Happen
12. Stress Management at Work

Activity & Learning Approach

Discussion /Brainstorming
Multimedia Instruction
Collaborative Learning
Problem Solving
Group Activity

Evaluation: Written and Oral Examination; Topic Presentation; Assignment, Simulation,

Final Project

Presenter Guidelines

• E-mail to me a summary of your report ahead, include your PowerPoint presentation

• Provide your classmates a copy of your presentation.

• Prepare 10 questions for each chapter that will assign to you/your group (e.g. identification,
multiple choices, matching type, enumerations).

• Quiz will be given every meeting (coverage -finished topics). Recitation from time to time.

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