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Probable questions for D&G lab external practical

1. On which software assignment is made and how?

2. Difference between all the software?
3. Which software is more user friendly?
4. Difference between layout and design?
5. Which software is used for design, and which is used for layout?
6. Process of creating any of the assignment in your syllabus. (Please tell them from
scratch how to make it on software)
7. Photoshop vs. CorelDRAW: Which Is Better for Graphic Editors?

8. Corel tool box definitions and help
9. Photoshop toolbox definitions and help
10. What are the differences in bitmap, raster image and vector image?
11. What are different file extensions of different software?
12. What are the file extensions of image formats?
13. Why is a certain color used for a particular assignment? Your ideology behind using
that color.
14. What are the dos and don’ts of making logo?
15. What is the purpose behind creating advertisements? What to keep in mind while
you are creating one?
16. What is orientation, margin, gutter, white space?
17. Which version of software you are using?
18. What is graphic designing?
19. Which assignment is your best and why? (Please give technical explanation)
20. Very Important- Who did what in magazine group/comic group. (Explain in terms of
designing also)
Study basics of design & graphics taught in 1st semester. Practice once all the software,
any technical aspect can be asked.

All the Best 😊

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