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Your Personal Path to Abundance

Entrepreneur Element
& Flow Score Report

Understanding Your
Personal Path to Flow
in Business
We all want to make more money by working less.
But is that more than just a pipe-dream?

It turns out those with an abundance of both

money and time didn't get there by accident.

They learned how to unlock their own flow.

Which is what this guide is going to help you do.


"We help entrepreneurs

grow their businesses
without sacrificing more
time at home."

Parents, partners, and teachers, Trey & Grace

Stinnett have helped thousands of entrepreneurs
unlock more flow and abundance in their lives
using the system you are about to learn.
Everyone Has an


Your "unfair advantage"

Entrepreneurship doesn't always mean starting

your own business. Your "Entrepreneur
Element" is your zone of genius when it comes
to producing wealth.

If you are not in your element at work, you'll

end your day exhausted.

Understanding your element is the first step to

getting you into flow so you can create more
abundance in your life.
Your Entrepreneur Element


Your Path to Flow:

You are in your element when you are with
people. Your path of least resistance in business
is the social path.

You value variety, fun, & celebration

When you are with people you are in flow.
You're great at leadership, networking, and

Details and calculation aren't your thing. Being
stuck in an office without connection will drain
you and keep you out of flow.


Whether you're leading a team, building a brand, or
making deals, you are the go-to person to answer
this question.

The more you are focused on the question who, the

more flow you fill find and wealth you will have.


Do You Feel in Flow?

Being in flow in business is more than just earning
a good living. We also want to feel fulfilled by the
work we do.

Your Flow Score is determined by how aligned

you feel to your values, sense of purpose, income
potential, and skills.

Based on your answers, you are currently at an

average level of flow in your life.

Which is good news! Now that you know your

entrepreneur element, you can start getting into
more flow immediately by connecting with others
and leveraging their value.
Stay in Your Element to
Raise Your Flow Score
You don't have to do this alone.

In fact, you can't!

The key to finding your flow in business is

building a team who is strong where you are

Join us at our next FLOW WORKSHOP to learn

how to identify exactly who you need and to
begin mastering your Entrepreneur Element.

View Tickets

Use code "FQ97" for a 64% discount!

This half-day virtual workshop boasts a 4.9 Star rating and has already
helped thousands of entrepreneurs create more flow in their life!

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