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“Ancient Civilizations”

“The Mayas”

a. Location

The Mayans culture was from in the Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Chiapas and Guatemala.The
Mayab or Contry of the Mayas It is divided into three ecological zones: The Yucatan
peninsula, The central area of Petén and the Altiplano of Chiapas and Guatemala.

b. Home
The Mayans lived in huts generally built with logs, adobe, a combination of both, and roofs of
branches and leaves.

a. Traditions (Tradiciones)

The Mayans had a ceremony of Hetzmek for the birth of children

They made human sacrifices

The Mayans adored the cenotes. For them they were sacred places and, therefore, They used them
to perform religious rituals, such as human sacrifices.

They buried their dead accompanied by bread and corn, so that they would have enough food to be
able to travel the path that would take them to paradise.

They practiced the ball game

They had blood offering ceremonies

c. Clothing

The Mayan clothing was simple, with a predominance of cotton and long fabrics, such as
skirts, for women
The men wore a pants called "pati", which left the torso uncovered.

The nobility adorned their outfits with embroidered stones and colorful feathers.

d. Diet / Food
The Mayans ate corn and beans.
They consumed foods made from corn such as atole, tortillas and tamales.

f. Occupations

The Mayans were farmers, they grew corn, beans, chili, cotton

They were merchants

They were craftsmen

g. Trade

The Mayans carried out trade based on barter or exchange, they used cocoa as coin.

The Mayan merchant was a key piece in the structure and organization of society.

The towns communicated through itinerant merchants who traveled the roads on foot

They moved the goods in canoes along the coast and along the rivers

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