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5. Your contrary /ˈkɒn.trə.

ri/ aspect: You need to prove that if you did the opposite what you
believe, what things would be like.

6. Your conclusion: Summarise what you have discussed.

Home is a sacred and noble thing for each person

cause it is the shelter and the gathering place for everyone. Your home reminds you of your
own deepest values and hopes and inspires you to realize them. So I would say that home is
where the heart is. The expression suggests that no matter who you're with or where you are in
the world, your family and home will always have the strongest emotional draw. It's where
you've built a foundation of love, warmth, and fond memories. It isn't always the structure that
brings you joy, but it is always being with your loved ones.

Why would I say so?

First of all, home has members that we already familiar and comfortable with. Consequently, h ome
gives children a safe, secure place to be themselves and learn about who they are.
It is where u can be unapologetically yourself, where u r being loved for who you are, and
you don’t have to work hard to achieve that love .
Moreover, Because children in home feel secure and loved, they have confidence to
explore their world, try new things and learn. And they can deal better with challenges and
setbacks because they know they have family support. Which always ready to
unconditionally share fun as well as sorrow and heal the hurts, give them advice as well as
motivation to achieve success. Take as an example, Every time I conquer a challenge, I
reflect on the road and am grateful for my family's unwavering support and care. Had it not
been for their help, I wouldn't be where I am now.
Last but not least, it is somewhere you can go to slow down, reflect, engage in enjoyable activities.
You can be alone or with others who you find relaxing to be around. A place that doesn’t demand
anything of you or expect you to be someone you’re not – where you can just be. In your own
space, you can be noisy or quiet, or work on activities and interests that you are passionate about,
read, or otherwise escape life’s daily stresses and routines.

I cant imagine what would I become if someday I don’t have family members with me anymore, it
could be so lonely,
To conclude, I would say that home is being around people who can drive you
absolutely crazy one moment and make you feel like a million dollars the next. It’s
knowing that no matter how hard times get, someone is there for you so home is
where the heart is

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