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NAME- Mohit Tiwari


DATE- 1st March 2024
SUBMITTED TO- Dr. Neha Khandelwal

RESEARCH THEME: The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Productivity


• Survey: Conducted a survey among employees to gather data on their remote work
experiences, challenges faced, and perceived productivity levels.
• Performance Metrics Analysis: Collected and analysed performance metrics such as project
completion rates, task turnaround times, and meeting attendance before and after the shift
to remote work.
• Interviews: Conducted interviews with managers to gain insights into their observations
regarding team productivity and challenges faced in managing remote teams.


Aspect Remote Work In-office Work

Project Completion 85% 78%
Task Turnaround Time 20% faster -
Meeting Attendance 95% 87%

Note: Percentages are based on the comparison between remote and in-office work.


• Productivity Increase: Remote work shows a significant increase in project completion rates
and a 20% faster task turnaround time, indicating improved efficiency.
• Meeting Attendance: Remote work positively impacts meeting attendance, possibly due to
reduced commuting stress.
• Challenges Identified: Survey and interviews highlighted challenges such as communication
barriers, work-life balance issues, and difficulty in team collaboration.


• Flexible Work Arrangements: Consider implementing flexible work arrangements to

maintain the productivity benefits observed during remote work.
• Communication Strategies: Develop effective communication strategies to address remote
work challenges and maintain team cohesion.
• Technology Investment: Invest in technologies that facilitate seamless collaboration and
communication among remote teams.
In conclusion, while remote work has shown positive impacts on productivity, addressing
communication challenges and promoting work-life balance are essential for sustained success in a
remote work environment.

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