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Information Management

This subject is the same as Introduction to Database. This is a prerequisite subject of Advanced
Database Systems.

- What is Database?
- Types of Database
o Flat File Based
o Relational Database (SQL Based)
o No-SQL
- What is DBMS (Database Management System)?
- Lesson Focus:
o SQL Based database
o What is SQL?
 Structured Query Language
o Which DBMS use SQL?
 MySQL (main lesson focus)
 MariaDB (skimmed topic—mentioned but not focused on)
 PostgreSQL (skimmed topic—mentioned but not focused on)
 Microsoft SQL Server (skimmed topic—mentioned but not focused on)
o MySQL (server software)
 What is a table?
 What is a database record/row?
 What is a database column/field?
 What is a schema/metadata?
 Basic Database Operations for Tables
 Create Table
o “CREATE TABLE” sql clause
 Modify/Rename Table
o “ALTER” sql clause
 Delete Table
o “DROP TABLE” sql clause
 Basic Database Operations for Records
 Create
o “INSERT” sql clause
 Read
o “SELECT” sql clause
 Update
o “UPDATE” sql clause
 Delete
o “DELETE” sql clause

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