Activity M'polane

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Algebra (Level 1: Low Complexity)


1. Identify the coefficient of the variable x in the expression 3x + 2y - 4.

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1

2. Compute the value of the expression 2(x + 3) - 5x when x = 4.

3. Recognize the expression that represents the distributive property: (x + y)(z + w).

4. Evaluate the expression 4x^2 - 3x + 2 when x = -2.

5. Use the formula for the area of a rectangle A=LxW to find the area of a rectangle with length 6 units
and width 4 units.

Geometry (Level 2: Moderate Complexity)


1.Classify the different types of polygons based on their number of sides and symmetry properties.

2.Explain the characteristics that define each type of polygon and how they are related.

3.Interpret the information provided in a diagram showing a specific polygon.

4. Organize a plan to investigate the relationship between the side lengths and interior angle measures
of this polygon.

5.Estimate the perimeter and area of the polygon using appropriate methods, and compare its
properties to those of other types of polygons.
Feedback and revision
Tigonometry: (Level 3 High Complexity) Develop students' ability to critically
evaluate their work

1. setting
A construction company is planning to build a new suspension bridge across a deep ravine. The bridge
design calls for two main support cables that will be anchored on either side of the ravine and
Foster self-directed and lifelong
suspended at a specific angle to provide the necessary structural integrity.
2. Analyze the geometric and trigonometric relationships involved in the design of the suspension
bridge. Investigate the factors that need to be considered, such as the length of the ravine, the desired
height of the bridge, and the required tension in the support cables.

3. Formulate a mathematical model to represent the bridge design, incorporating the relevant
trigonometric functions and principles. The model should allow the construction team to calculate the
optimal angle for the support cables, as well as the necessary length and tension of the cables.

4. Prove that the proposed angle for the support cables will provide the necessary structural support to
safely carry the weight of the bridge and any pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Explain the reasoning
behind the chosen angle and how it relates to the overall stability and load-bearing capacity of the

5. Describe the step-by-step process for determining the final design parameters, including the
calculations and analysis required. The solution should demonstrate the students' ability to engage in
sophisticated reasoning, planning, and creative problem-solving.
- Adjust instruction based on
student needs

Peer assessment

Self-assessment Empower students to monitor and

regulate their own learning

Strategies Purpose

Assessment as

Example :

Actively engages students in the

assessment process

Self-assessment checklist
Promotes self-assessment and

peer feedback

Develops metacognitive skills

learning logs
- Informs instructional planning

- Inform teaching strategies

Identifies prior knowledge and

- Improve student learning

Diagnostic Test

Assessment for
Formative Assessment

Example :

- Provides ongoing feedback

Classroom discussions

- Guides learning and instruction

- Helps students identify strengths
and weaknesses
Concept Map for Assessment of Learning:

Assessment of Learning

- Summative Assessment

- Evaluates student achievement

- Measures learning outcomes

- Provides a summary of learning

- Standardized Tests

- Measure student performance against benchmarks

- Inform educational policies and decisions

- Purpose

- Determine the level of student learning

- Evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs

- Provide accountability for student and school performance

These concept maps illustrate the key characteristics, strategies, and purposes of the different types of
assessment: assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning. The maps
highlight the distinct roles and focuses of each approach, providing a comprehensive understanding of
the assessment landscape.

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