A Young Generation of Indonesia Is A Hero

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A young generation of Indonesia is a Hero’s in the

Speech writing by Hanna Salsabila, from the class of abnormal (XI-1)

Venerated judges appreciate the audience and all of my friends sitting here
Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
In this beautiful morning with the sun shining bright, the warm heather that
hold your body so tight and the clear sky that you can enjoying so tought. In
this day past seventy-eight years ago, Located in Surabaya you can’t enjoy this
beautiful morning in that day. You only see the dark of sky, the thick and the
black of fume and maybe you will see a lot of blood in the floor.
Alright Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Let me introduce my self, my
name is Hanna Salsabila and I’am from the class of abnormal or eleven one.
Before I started, I would like to thank to the almighty god, it is because of him
we are all able to attend in this contest. And I would like to thank to the judges
for giving me very special opportunity to complete in this contest.
The hero’s, do you know guys what the hero is? Are the hero is a man who use
a costum of superman, are the hero is a someone who use the bat mask like a
batman? Or maybe are the hero is a man who can make the spider web in their
hand like a spiderman? Well, it’s all of them is a hero but at the fantasy movie
that you have been watched in cinema last holiday. In our country we have a
hero’s too, but they don’t wear a costum.
Not important think about the costume, with available facilities, our patriot
have an extraordinary spirit of independence for our country, Indonesia. We
can take a lot of lessons from the nation’s patriot and we can apply that in our
live right now. Imitate the hero’s we don’t have to participate in defending the
country on the battlefield. We don’t have to fight a battle that actually cause
bloodshed. Me, you and us is a young generation and will be the next leader of
Indonesian country, the young generation of the golden future. We should love
our homeland with always study useful knowledge and every field of science is
a glorious.
As in the verse of Qur’an, Al-Ankabut verse in fourty-three

‫َو ِتْلَك اَاْلْم َثاُل َنْض ِرُبَها ِللَّناِۚس َو َم ا َيْع ِقُلَهٓا ِااَّل ْلَع اِلُم ْو َنا‬
And the meaning is “no one understand it except those who have the
knowledge” in the field of medicine with all of the organism science, that can
help to cure someone’s diseases. In the field of engineering with all of the
difficult formula that can be a problem solving. In the field of buy and sell with
the math knowledge that can prevent fights due to errors in counting.
And still a lot of aspiration in every field of science, make an Indonesian to have
a better future. Study more harder and become a young generation who have a
high value and then can make the golden future of Indonesia. Carry out trust
and make the our nation patriot that have been passed away smile in the
heaven, feel rewarded for his tiredness. Maintain the integrity of the nation by
always being optimistic, not giving up, uniting, loving and embracing them who
wan’t no longer together in this country.
I think that will be the last paragraph in this speech and I’am not professional
speaker like emma Watson but i always try and do my best. With all of my fault
please forgive me and with my pleasure I will delivered the speech more better
than today in the next time.
With modesty, I already open this speech with salam and I’am going to close
this speech with wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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