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Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal

Department of Civil Engineering

Subject Name Water Resources Engineering

Subject Code TCE-365

Unit - II Crops and their requirements

Water requirements of crops, Duty, Delta and Base period - Their relationship, Crops
– Seasons, Factors affecting duty and methods of improving duty, consumptive use
of water – Determination of canal capacities for cropping patterns, Size of reservoir,
Types of reservoirs, Zones of storage in a reservoir, Purpose of reservoir, Reservoir
yield, Mass curve and Demand curve, Determination of reservoir capacity, yield from
a reservoir of given capacity


Excluded Determination of canal capacities for cropping patterns

S. Level

There are two main crop seasons i.e., Kharif and Rabi. Provide
1. details of their main crops and seasonal characteristics? (R1, E M
Section 1.10.1, Pg. 43/623)
Define “Consumptive Use” of a crop. What is its measurement
2. M H
unit? (R1, Section 3.7, Pg. 119-120/623)

Consumptive use refers to the water needs of a crop in a specified

time and is the sum of the volume of transpirated and evaporated
water. Consumptive use is defined as the amount of water needed
to meet the water loss through evapotranspiration.
Unit of consumptive use: Consumptive use is generally measured as
volume per unit area or simply as the depth of water on the
irrigated area.

Subject In charge: Dr. Sareesh Chandrawanshi

Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal

Department of Civil Engineering

Define the equations:
𝐷𝑒𝑡 − (𝐷𝑝 − 𝐷𝑝𝑙)
3. 𝐹𝐼𝑅 = M H
(R1, Section 3.8, Pg. 123-124/623)

The field irrigation requirement FIR is expressed as

Det  (Dp  Dpl )
FIR = (3.15)
in which, Det = depth of evapotranspiration,
Dp = depth of precipitation,
Dpl = depth of precipitation that goes as surface
runoff and/or infiltrates into the ground and/or
intercepted by the plants,
and Ea = irrigation efficiency or application efficiency.
Elaborate “Frequency of Irrigation” and state its purpose. (R1,
4. E M
Section 3.9, Pg. 125-126/623)

Irrigation frequency is the number of days between two consecutive

irrigations, to replenish the water requirement till the field capacity.
The aim of each irrigation is to fulfil the needs of the crop for a
period which may vary from few days to several weeks. The
frequency of irrigation primarily depends on: (i) the water needs of
the crop, (ii) the availability of water, and (iii) the capacity of the
root-zone soil to store water
Define Delta (of a crop) and Duty (of water). Derive the
5. M H

Delta (of crop) is the total depth of water (in cm) required by a crop to come
to its maturity (i.e. for the entire base period).
Duty (of water) is defined as the number of hectares of land irrigated for full
growth of a given crop by supply of 1m3/sec of water continuously during
the entire base period.

Subject In charge: Dr. Sareesh Chandrawanshi

Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal

Department of Civil Engineering

Enlist the factors on which the Duty depends. (R2, Section 2.3.7,
6. M L
Pg. 55-56/1726)
Based on the purpose classify various Reservoirs. (R2, Section
7. E M
18.1, Pg. 950-951/1726)
Explain Capacity-Elevation and Area-Elevation Curves for a
8. Reservoir site with the help of well-labelled diagram. (R2, Section H H
18.2, Pg. 952-954/1726)
Elaborate the storage zones of a Reservoir with the help of well-
9. M M
labelled diagram. (R2, Section 18.2, Pg. 957-958/1726)
10. The inflows to the reservoir (i.e., the catchment yield) is
represented by the mass curve of inflow, whereas the outflow
from the reservoir (i.e., the reservoir yield) is represented by the M H
mass demand line or the mass curve of outflow. How is the
reservoir yield calculated? (R2, Section 18.2, Pg. 959-960/1726)
Explain the determination of Reservoir Capacity for a given
11. demand by help of a graph between Mass Inflow vs. Time. (R2, H H
Section 18.2, Pg. 974/1726)

Numerical for Practices:

Example 3.7 Calculation of Field Irrigation requirement. (R1, Pg. 124-

Example 3.8 Calculation of interval in days between irrigation and

depth of water to be applied. (R1, Pg. 126-127/623)

Subject In charge: Dr. Sareesh Chandrawanshi

Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal

Department of Civil Engineering

Example 2.3 Calculation of Delta (R2, Pg. 54/1726) E M

Example 2.15 Calculation of interval in days between irrigation (R2, Pg.

Example 18.7 Drawing Flow Mass diagram and calculation of average
yield from the catchment (R2, Pg. 977-978/1726)

1. Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering, G.L. Asawa, New Age International
(P) Limited, Publishers. (Publication Year – 2008, Total Pages in PDF - 623)
2. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, S.K. Garg, Khanna Publishers.
(Publication Year – 2006, Total Pages in PDF - 1726)

Details of Difficulty Level

Easy (E) Medium (M) Hard (H)
Details of Weightage
Low (L) Moderate (M) High (H)

Subject In charge: Dr. Sareesh Chandrawanshi

Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal

Department of Civil Engineering

Subject In charge: Dr. Sareesh Chandrawanshi

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