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Roll No………………………………………………………

Q. No. 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable word/Words. (5)

1. The space between the osseous labyrinth and membranous labyrinth is occupied by…PERILYMPH ..

2. The Eustachian tube dilates to form the ……GUTTURAL POUCH…………..In equines.

3. The conical fibrous covering which encloses the eye ball and its adnexa is known as..PERIORBITA…..

4. The chief refractive media of eye ball is ……LENSE………..

5. The carotid body is present in the …………CAROTID SINUS……………

6. The ………OCCIPITAL…..….is the smallest branch of carotid trifurcation.

7. The cornual artery is the continuation of ……SUPERFICIAL AORTA……………

8. The lesser palatine artery supplied blood to the……………SOFT PALLATE………………

9. The shape of pinna of the ear is formed by…………CONCHAL CARTILAGE…………………

10. The auditory ossicles are present in the ….DORSAL PART (EPITYMPANIUM)…… part of tympanum.

11. The paralysis of laryngeal muscles occurs due to the degeneration of …….RECURRENT LARYNGEAL

12. The internal ear is lodged in the ……PETROUS TEMPORAL………. Bone.

13. The angular process of mandible is present in ……………DOG………………..(animal).

14. The false nostril (diverticulum nasi) is present in…………HORSE……………………(animal).

15. The funicular part of ligamentum nuchae is attached to the …EXTERNAL OCCIPITAL

Q. No. 2. Choose the appropriate answer and encircle it. (5)

1. The wolf tooth is present in:

a. Dog b. Pig

c. Ox d. Horse

2. The cingulum is present in:

a. Dog b. Pig

c. None of these d. Both of these

3. The carnessial teeth are also known as:

a. Canines b. Incisors

c. Sectorial teeth d. None of these

4. The following is present in the interpeduncular fossa:

a. Pituitary gland b. Infundibulum

c. Corpus albicans d. All of these

5. The largest cranial nerve is:

a. Vagus b. Trigeminal

c. Facial d. None of these

6. The nature of spinal accessory nerve is:

a. Motor b. Sensory

c. Both of these d. None of these

7. The floor of IV ventricle of brain is formed by:

a. Medulla oblongata b. Pons

c. None of these d. Both of these

8. The cerebral aqueduct is the cavity of :

a.Prosencephalon b. Mesencephalon

c. Rhoben cephalon d. All of these

pl9. The diencephalon includes:

a.Thalamus b. Hypothalamus

c. Optic chiasma d. All of these

10. The cerebrum consists of:

a. Two lobes b.Three lobes

c. Four lobes d. Five lobes

11. The hair lip is present in:

a. Horse b. Dog

c. Both d. None - RABBIT

12. The thick white band which unites the two cerebral hemispheres is:

a. Palleum b. Corpus callosum

c. Thalams d. Hypothalamus

13. The dorsal column of spinal cord is divided into:

a. Fasciculus gracilis b. Fasciculus cuneatus

c. Both d. None

14. Cornea and sclera are the parts of :

a. Fibrous tunic b. Vascular tunic

c. Nervous tunic d. All of these

15. The auditory ossicles are present in the :

a. Epitympanicum b. Mesotympanicum

c. Hypotympanicum d. None of these

Q. No. 3. Match column A with column B. (5)

Column A Column C Column B

1. Zygomatic gland DOG Pig

2. Intercostal artery Right auricle

3. First rib SHORTEST AND LEAST Crista terminalis

4. Pulmonary valve CORPUS AURANTII Lungs

5. Apical bronchus LUNGS Heart proportionately larger

6. Fowl HEART PROPERTIONALLY Left ventricle

7. Mitral valve LEFT VENTRICLE Left ventricle

8. Bronchial artery Corpus aurantii


10. Intervenous crest RIGHT AURICLE Shortest and least curved

11. Abducent nerve RETERO BULBII MUSCLE Horses

12. Facial nerve CORPUS TRAPEZOIDEUM Cornual diverticulum

13. Orbital cavity SKULL Corpus trapezoideum

14. Frontal sinus CORNUAL DIVERTICULUM Retractor bulbi m

15. Mane HORSE Skull

Q. No. 4. Definition/justification/Explanation/ Diagram. (10)

1. Circulas arteriosus - other name circle of wills

- located at base of brain, near optic chiasma

- serves as important arterial anastomosis between major arteries for the continuous blood supply to
brain, reducing the risk of brain damage in case of arterial occusion.

- arteries contribute of this structure are:- ant. Cerebral artery, post. Cerebral artery, internal carotid
artery, post. Communicating artery.

2.Cauda equine – bundle of nerves that extend from end of spinal cord ( Horse tail like structure ).

- formed when filum terminale is surrounded by 2-3 sacral and 5 coccygeal nerves.

3. Lamina fusca – thin layer of pigmented tissue, present in between sclera and coroid.

4. AVD -

5. Receptors of hearing – phonoreceptors detect the sound conning from outside. In our ear the sound
receptors are located in the cochale.

6. Mixed cranial nerves – Nerves that are both motor and sensory in nature.

7. Dental formula (Dog) – 3142/3143 = 42 total

8. Zona lamellata -

9.Viborg’s triangle – Present in neck

- Anterior :- ventral ramus of mandible

- Dorsal :- Tendon of muscle of sternocephalicus

- Ventral :- External maxillary vein

10.Frontal sinus – Air cavity in skull, largest in ox

- left and right sinus are completely separated by a median septum

- it is dividen into 1 major and 1-4 minor compartments

- It had 3 diverticuli :- a) Nuchal diverticulum b) Post orbital diverticulum c) Cornual diverticulum

11. Retrobulbar nerve block – Indication; extirption of eye ball

- Site: 6” lond niddle is inserted from the mid point of lower eyelid along with inner lining of orbit
avoiding and injury to the eye ball

12. Papilla salivalis – oppening of the duct of the salivary gland (Zygomatic gland)

13. Transthoracic oesophagotomy – this type of operation is undertaken generally in dogs when foreign
body is beyond the reach of cervical approach.

14. Muscles of tongue – a) Stylo-glossus b) Genio-glossus c) Hyo-glossus

15. Branches of subclavian artery - also known as axillary artery

Q. No. 5. Difference/ Short notes. (10)

1. Flow chart of blood circulation –

2. Right ventricle of heart –

- the right ventricle occupies the anterior part of the right side of heart and forms the anterior border

-it is somewhat conical in shape and crescentic in cross section.

- lateral wall is wide and thick and medial wall is formed by inter-ventricular septum. This septum is
convex towards the right ventricle and concave towards the left ventricle.

- base id connected with the right auricle but left part of the base is prolongated upwards to form a
conus arteriosus, from where pulmonary artery arises.

- Apex doesnot reach the apex of heart but remains about 3.5cm above it.

- walls are uneven by the presence of fleshey columns called as trabeculae carnae, which are of 3 types:-

a) Musculi Papillaris (Pillers of heart) b) Moderator bands c) Ridges

3. Anterior vena cava-

- it is a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from lower part of the body back to the heart. As the
blood flows through it, it ultimately reaches the right atrium of the heart, where it is then pumped to
the right ventricle and subsequently ti the lungs for oxygenation. After oxygenation, the blood returns to
the left atrium and then passes through the left ventricle, which pumps it out to the rest of the body.

It plays a vital role in maintaining the circulation of blood throughout the body, helping to ensure a
continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients to various tissue and organs. Any issue or blockages in the
vein can have significant implications on blood flow.

4. Thoraco centesis-

Thoracentesis, also known as pleural tap or thoracocentesis, is a medical procedure used to diagnose
and relieve conditions affecting the pleural space, which is the area between the lungs and the chest
wall. This space is normally filled with a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant, allowing the lungs
to move smoothly during breathing. However, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space,
known as pleural effusion, can occur due to various medical conditions.

The purpose of thoracentesis is to for: diagnostic and therapeutic. It involves the insertion of a needle or
catheter into the pleural space to drain the excess fluid or air buildup. The procedure can be performed
in a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital setting, often guided by imaging techniques such as ultrasound or
CT scan to help the healthcare professional locate the best entry point for the needle.

5.Difference between Pleura and peritoneum –


1) The pleura is a thin, double-layered membrane

2) lines the thoracic cavity and covers the lungs

3) It consists of two layers: the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura

4) The pleura plays a crucial role in facilitating smooth and frictionless movement of the lungs during

5) The two layers of the pleura are separated by a small amount of pleural fluid


1) The peritoneum is also a double-layered membrane

2) it lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs

3) peritoneum serves as a protective and supportive covering for the abdominal organs

4) plays a role in the movement and stabilization of abdominal organs during digestion and other
abdominal activities

5) two layers of the peritoneum are in close contact, and a small amount of peritoneal fluid acts as a
lubricant to reduce friction between the organs.

Q. no. 6. Explain the origin, course and distribution of trigeminal nerve. (5)

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