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- what problem prompted you to propose such a study? (what caused you to propose this study?) (why
did you choose this topic?)

• This study was conducted as we have realized that there is a risk for e-commerce to go out business
thus , we want to provide ideas regarding the factors and strategies that should be considered in their
business operations.

- what do you mean by _?

• This refers to the ability of e-commerce to be available and continue its operations in the long term.
(Sustainability of E-Commerce)

• This refers to anything that may affect business operations be it an opportunity or a threat (Critical

• This are the methods and techniques utilized by business owners as a countermeasure or a tactic for
more improvement (strategies)

- what possible contributions can this study yield? (how would your study help the society/economy?)

• This study aims to help in economic growth due to the fact that if an online business continues to grow
, the economy will also benefit as a whole. Thus , attaining and promoting one of the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals mainly 'decent work and economic growth'

- what legal bases can you mention that support this proposed study? (Republic Act)

• This study is supported by Republic Act 8792 , the E-Commerce Act of the Philippines - Provides a legal
backbone of e-commerce activities. Which covers various aspects such as electronic contracts, data
privacy, cybercrime, and consumer rights.

- what theory can you anchor this study? (what are the theoretical framework of your study?)

• Our study have 3 theoretical framework. Namely , Diffusion of Innovation Theory which states how ,
why and at what rate does a product, service and process spreads on a population. Next is , The theory
of technology dominance stating the dominant influence of technology towards a business decision
making, operations and performance. Lastly , the transaction cost theory stating how a company's
probability to succeed depends on their transaction cost.

- what are your variables? (dependent and independent)

• Our variables include Critical factors for independent and Stategies for dependent ad Critical factors
refers to anything that may affect a business positively or negatively in which , it cannot be controlled by
anyone. While the strategies are the countermeasures that can be modified and changed in accordance
to the factors affecting a business.

- what findings/result do you intend to gather? (what conclusions do you plan to achieve?)

• We plan to identify the strategies and methods used by e-commerce businesses for maintaining their
sustainability along with the consumer preferences that affects e-commerce. As well as technological
changes that contributed to the success of e-commerce businesses.
- there were many studies of this kind already. Why propose still? (what makes your study unique?)
(what is your research gap?)

• For a study conducted in 2024 , the timeframe and coverage differs as this study mainly focuses on the
post pandemic era.

- what's the essence of your proposed study? (purpose) (what is the purpose of your study?)

• The essence of our study involves analyzing , identifying and understanding the critical factors affecting
the sustainability of e-commerce businesses along with the strategies they used.

- who will be your respondents , do you think they will cooperate?

• Our respondents for this study are e-commerce business owners. In which , we believe that theur
opinion matters. They have the right to decline if they do not want to. We will not force them to
participate against their will. Hence , we will simply look for other respondents.

- if approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study?

• We plan to finish this study in around 3 months by the month of May.

- what is your study all about? (what is included in your study?)

• Our study revolves around the critical factors affecting e-commerce businesses and the strategies
implemented by their owner that contributes in the maintenance of their sustainability.

- what is the significance of the study? (what is your research significant)

• We believe that our study is significant towards business owners , consumers , online platforms ,
researchers and future researchers.

- how do you plan to bridge the gap in your study? (how do you plan to conduct your study?) (how do
you plan to answer your statement of the problem?)

• We plan to bridge this gap in our study by interviewing qualified respondents.

- what is the scope of your study?

• This study includes the strategies and factors observed within the e-commerce of Valenzuela City
District 1 during the post pandemic era.

- what are the limitations of your study?

• Our limitations involves the qualifications of respondents where in they must be a running business of
4 years up until the present time and they have to be a business that resides within the vicinity of Val.
City District 1.

- who are your respondents , why?

• We chose e-commerce business owners as our respondents as we focuses on the 'inside state' of e-
commerce, where in they are the one who are in direct handling of overall business operations making
them aware of all the possible factors that has affected their business and the strategies they have used.
- where will you conduct this study , why?

• This study will be conducted on the 1st Congressional District of Valenzuela City due to the fact that it
is more accessible for the researchers as most of them resides within that location as well.

- what is your research design?

• The research design seen in our study would be phenomenological research , where in we would like
to focus on the lived experiences of e-commerce business owners within a single phenomena.

- what is your sampling technique?

• We purposefully chose our respondents through purpose sampling technique as the researchers have
set a criteria for judging , that will help them select the qualified respondents for their research.

- what are your research instruments?

• Our research instrument includes interview questionnaire, informed consent, recorder, screening tool
and computer or online platforms.

- how do you plan to gather your data? (what is the process of your data collection?)

• In gathering our data we will first, provide informed consent that will be given to each possible
respondents , and we will now proceed to the screening of respondents. Then , the qualified
respondents will now proceed into the interview. Lastly , the combination of responses will be sorted out
through thematic analysis.

- how do you plan to assess your possible respondents? (how do you plan to select qualified

• With the help of screening tool , we plan to choose respondents in accordance to our previously set

- What phenomenon were you trying to understand in this study?

• During the post pandemic period , we would like to understand how e-commerce businesses adapted
and coexisted with physical stores. Where in , the factors affecting their business' operations and
strategies they implemented will also be included.

- Do you think there might be some biases existing in your research?

• As we've used purposive sampling , there is indeed a possibility of being biased. However , as we have
already provided the criteria , we would definitely screen and select rightful respondents for this

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