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University of Mumbai

Project Report on

“Animal rescue website”

Submitted by
Mr. Juned khan (55)
Mr. Talha Khan (56)
Mr. Shadan Shaikh (67)
Mr. Anas Sayyed (64)
Under the Guidance of

Prof. Mubasshir Khan

Department of Computer Engineering

Theem College of Engineering

Boisar Chilhar Road, Boisar (E), 401501


“Animal Rescue Website”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of

Bachelor of Computer Engineering


Mr. Juned khan(55)

Mr. Talha Khan (56)
Mr. Shadan Shaikh (67)
Mr. Anas Sayyed (64)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Mubasshir Khan

Department of Computer Engineering

Theem College of Engineering

Boisar-Chilhar Road, Boisar (E), 401501

University of Mumbai




Boisar-Chilhar Road, Boisar (E), 401501
(Approved By AICTE New Delhi, Government of Maharashtra &
DTE, Affiliated To University of Mumbai & MSBTE)
Awarded ‘B+’ Grade by NAAC


This is to certify that the Project entitled “Animal Rescue Website” is a bonafide
work of Mr. JUNED KHAN (55), Mr. TALHA KHAN (17), Mr. SHADAN
SHAIKH (67), Mr. ANAS SAYYED submitted to the University of Mumbai in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of “Bachelor of
Computer Engineering”.

Prof. Mubasshir Khan Prof. Monika Samir Pathare

1 Guide) (Project Coordinator)

Prof. Mubasshir Khan Dr. Riyazuddin Siddiqui

(HOD) (Principal)

Mini-Project Report Approval for S.E.

The project entitled “Mr. JUNED KHAN (55), Mr. TALHA KHAN (56), Mr.
SHADAN SHAIKH (67), Mr. ANAS SAYYED(64)”is approved for the Degree of
“Bachelor of Computer Engineering.”







We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in my own words and
where others’ ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles
of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified
any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. We understand that any violation of the
above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal
action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper
permission has not been taken when needed.







First and foremost we thank God Almighty for blessing us immensely and
empowering me at times of difficulty like a beacon of light. Without His divine
intervention I wouldn’t have accomplished this project without any hindrance.

We are also grateful to the Management of Theem College of Engineering for their
kind support. Moreover, we thank our beloved Principal Dr. Riyazuddin Siddiqui,
Director, Dr. N.K. Rana for their constant encouragement and valuable advice
throughout the course.

We are profoundly indebted to Prof. Mubasshir Khan, Head of the Department,

Computer Engineering & Prof. Mohd. Shakeel (Project Coordinator) for helping us
technically and giving valuable advice and suggestions from time to time. They are
always our source of inspiration.

Also, we would like to take this opportunity to express my profound thanks to our
guide Prof. MUBASSHIR KHAN, Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering for
his/her valuable advice and whole hearted cooperation without which this project
would not have seen the light of day.

We express our sincere gratitude to all Teaching/Non-Teaching staff members of our

department for their co-operation and support during this project.






Animal Rescue is a web-based platform designed to facilitate animal rescue organizations to find and
manage volunteers, and to provide a database of animals available for adoption. The project aims to
address the increasing number of animals in shelters by connecting volunteers with rescue
organizations and simplifying the adoption process for potential pet owners. The platform also
provides a range of tools to rescue organizations, such as a calendar to schedule events, a database to
manage animal information, and a communication system to keep volunteers and staff informed.

The primary motivation behind this project is to contribute to animal welfare and address the lack of
organization and communication in the animal rescue community. With the growing number of
animals in shelters and the shortage of resources and funding, we believe that a centralized platform
can make a significant impact by connecting volunteers with rescue organizations and providing a
streamlined adoption process for potential pet owners. By building this platform, we hope to make it
easier for animal rescue organizations to focus on their core mission of saving animals and finding
them loving homes, ultimately leading to a better quality of life for both animals and humans.

Table of Contents

Sr No. Topic Page Number

I Declaration 08

II Acknowledgments 09-11

III Abstract 06

IV Contents 07-08

V Introduction 01

VI Literature Survey 10

VII System Analysis 11

3.1 Existing System 11

3.2 Problem Defination 12

3.3 Proposed System 13

VIII System Design 14

4.1 Analysis and design 14

Screenshots 15-17

IX Hardware and Software Requirements
5.1 Hardware requirements

5.2 Software requirements

X Conclusions & Future Scope

6.1 Future scope

6.2 Conclusion


Animal Rescue projects are vital initiatives that aim to rescue and provide care to animals in
need. These projects involve a range of activities, including rescuing animals from abusive
situations, providing medical treatment, and finding them safe and loving homes. Animal
Rescue projects are typically run by non-profit organizations and rely heavily on donations,
grants, and volunteers to operate.

For end-users, contributing to an Animal Rescue project can be as simple as making a donation
or volunteering their time. Many organizations have streamlined the donation process by
allowing users to make online donations or set up recurring donations. Volunteering
opportunities can also be easily found through online platforms or by contacting local animal
shelters. Through these efforts, end-users can make a significant impact on animal welfare and
help ensure that these animals receive the care and support they need to thrive.

The project aims to address the increasing number of animals in shelters by connecting
volunteers with rescue organizations and simplifying the adoption process for potential pet
owners. The platform also provides a range of tools to rescue organizations, such as a calendar
to schedule events, a database to manage animal information, and a communication system to
keep volunteers and staff informed

Literature Survey

Title: Search and Rescue Command System Based on Live Animals

Technology used: Wireless Transmission

In 2004, animal welfare leaders drafted the Asilomar Accords to establish
transparency, proper data collection and data sharing. Accordingly, the Asilomar Accords
created clear definitions for animal shelter organizations while also developing formulas
to calculate the annual live release rate (LRR) for each shelter. Annual LRRs are a
transparent strategy to track a community’s efficiency of saving animal lives. This tracking
should contribute towards developing and implementing new strategies to save more
animal lives. Unfortunately, there are inevitable instances in which the fate of a companion
animal may lead to euthanasia— specifically when prolonging the life of an animal actually
prolongs unnecessary animal suffering. However, animal sheltering procedures, policies
and financial initiatives may be established to significantly increase the safe release of
companion animals into forever homes. Accordingly, this literature review emerged from
the Ottawa Humane Society’s (OHS) desire to enhance animal wellbeing and improve
sheltering strategies that save animal lives. While many animal shelters anecdotally report
varying strategies that improve their annual LRR, there is a clear absence of peer-reviewed
research supporting many of these strategies. Because implementing different shelter
practices requires financial support, staff training, and often a revised structural approach,
consulting the peer-reviewed research is paramount. Frank Gannon (2001) explains that
“most scientists will not consider a scientific pronouncement as valid unless it has been
approved by this anonymous process, known as peerreview” (p. 743). This seriousness
displayed by scientists is the attitude of the OHS. Consequently, this literature review is
specifically concerned with the findings reported in peerreviewed literature. However, as
a result of the lack of peer-reviewed research in the field of animal sheltering, a small
concluding segment is dedicated to the anecdotal reports of North 6 American animal
shelters who report having a high LRR. The purpose of this literature review is to determine
what policy, procedural, and financial initiatives have the greatest positive impact on the
LRR of an animal shelter.

Title: performing domestication in transnational animal rescue and rehoming

Technology used: Artifical Intelligence

Based on a national survey, Franklin (2006), pp 206–11, found that 82 per cent of
respondents kept their dog for companionship and 26 per cent for amusement The
enactment of legislation is an act of government in the obvious sense — that is, the elected
representatives take an action to prohibit/allow certain conducts by persons, companies or
governments. To take effect in regulating persons, this enactment presupposes a certain
kind of individual, as Dean argues. Without this kind of individual the legislation could not
have its normative function, nor could it provide the ideational material from which an
individual could be censured by other citizens. In drawing on a Foucauldian analysis, there
is the conventional governing through legislation and regulations, but the legislation’s
intelligibility and efficacy are premised in a particular type of liberal individual. In the
Companions Animal Act 1998, there are some provisions that function in this conventional
sense of governing. These include compulsory registration, microchipping and the powers
to regulate dangerous dogs. However, much of the Act requires self-governing — like
walking a dog on a leash and disposing of faeces correctly, because enforceability and
sanctioning are rarely possible. Thus the degree to which our relations with pets are
currently dictated by self governance and the conventional sense of government, through
legislation and regulations supervised by various state bodies, is prima facie difficult to
disentangle at an empirical level. The Companions Animal Act 1998 was drafted within an
advanced liberal society (and concomitant mentalities of rule), and it logically instantiates
a subject whose freedom to choose occurs through the subjection of the legislation. The
crucial point is that the Dog Act 1966 also presupposes a free individual who is necessarily
required for liberal-based societies to function. But this individual has more freedom to
choose, is less subjected by the Act and is much less ‘responsibilised’ by the Act. Self-
governing is necessarily part of the intelligibility of both Acts. The self-governing of dog
owners also occurs in relation to the attitudes and behaviours of non-owners; the extent
and type of self government occurring in relation to these attitudes and current norms
would require a sociological investigation. In this case, the problem of regulating pets and
owners has arisen due to the historical changes in animal–human relations from the 1960s
to the 1990s. These changes required a different way of conceptualising the problem to be
governed. The mentalities of rule moved from one focused on a more collective response
to animal–human relations to a more individualised one. What dogs and owners do is the
issue in both pieces of legislation (the embodiment of a mentality of rule), but the problem
of how to govern the relevant subjects has changed. Governmentality ‘pinpoints a specific
form of representation; government defines a discursive field in which exercising power is

Title: AI-Based Pet Adoption System

Technology used: Artifical Intelligence

Every year, 3.3 million canines visit animal shelters, out of a total population of 200
million. Only 2% to 17% of pets are returned to their owners. The remaining animals are
euthanized due to a shortage of room in shelters (killed). The present procedures for
adapting or finding a pet are inefficient and haphazard. People disseminated leaflets to the
general public and spread the word to others in the vicinity of the pet's disappearance.
When individuals print fliers, they waste paper and money since there is no good impact.
People also share their tales on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook. There are
also several fraudsters who attempt to fraudulently claim the incentive for returning the pet
to its legitimate owner. We want to give a platform for all animal lovers to provide a pet
partner of their choosing by giving all of the required information, which is generally
missing when compared to any other platform or shelter so that you can care for your new
little buddy. Animal adoption is the procedure through which a human takes in an animal,
most often a cat or a dog. Animal control takes these lost or abandoned animals and places
them in animal shelters. Pets that have been in shelters for an extended period of time are
killed in order to alleviate the overpopulation of undesirable animals. This idea was
inspired by a web-based adoption portal that raises awareness of abandoned animals
waiting to be adopted. Users and administrators may visit the website, where they can
register to examine the list of animals waiting to be adopted, as well as each animal's
information, such as its (estimated) age, gender, and description. The administrators have
the most power in the system and are in charge of adding, changing, updating, and
removing information as needed. Animal identification has become a global need in
livestock management. It is one of the three pillars of traceability, along with premises
identification and mobility. Radio frequency identification tags send data about animals.
This work demonstrates and adds to the many techniques of recognizing animals that use
radio frequency identification. The system is divided into four modules: user management,
pet management, pet adoption, and pet statistics. Vs-Code, MongoDB, and other tools were
used, as well as the SSM framework, bootstrap framework, various plug-ins, and related
JSP technologies. Among them is the bootstrap framework's modal box, which is used to
reduce the number of JSP pages. To finish the waterfall stream design for visitors to peruse
while exploring pets, I used a plug-in created entirely in CSS. The Echarts plug-in is used
to finish the chart generation in the adoption of the pet statistics module, making the data
seem more lively and understandable. It may also download the picture to the local system
for administrators to download and utilise. When a user signs in, the user name is identified
based on the logged-in user name, and the identity of the user is determined depending on
whether the user is an ordinary member or an administrator, in order to identify the right
and go to the page corresponding to the permission. When you log in, you may remember
your password and log in to two functions to make the design more user-friendly

System Analysis

Existing System

The existing system for animal rescue varies depending on the location and
resources available. In some areas, there may be well-established animal shelters
and rescue organizations that provide comprehensive services such as medical
care, fostering, and adoption programs. In other areas, animal rescue may be a
more grassroots effort carried out by volunteers who work tirelessly to provide
basic care and support to animals in need. Additionally, many animal rescue
efforts rely heavily on community involvement, with local residents contributing
time, resources, and donations to support the cause.

However, despite the efforts of dedicated volunteers and organizations, the

existing system for animal rescue often falls short in meeting the needs of all
animals in need. Resources and funding are often limited, leading to
overcrowding in shelters and insufficient care for animals. Additionally, not all
areas have established animal rescue organizations, leaving animals in those areas
with little to no support. The lack of education and awareness surrounding animal
welfare also contributes to the problem, as many people are not aware of the
issues facing animals or how they can help. As a result, the existing system for
animal rescue is not always adequate in providing the necessary care and support
for animals in need.

Problem Defination

There are several problems facing animals today that have led to the need for
animal rescue projects. One significant issue is animal cruelty, which can take
many forms, including neglect, abuse, and abandonment. Animals can become
victims of cruelty due to human ignorance, malice, or neglect, which can result
in severe injuries, illness, and death.

Another issue is overpopulation, particularly with cats and dogs. Overpopulation

can lead to overcrowding in animal shelters, which often results in euthanasia of
healthy animals due to limited resources and space. Additionally, many animals
are at risk due to habitat destruction, climate change, and other environmental
factors that threaten their survival.

Furthermore, animals may face threats from human activities, such as hunting
and poaching. Many species are endangered or threatened due to the loss of
habitat or overhunting, which can lead to their extinction.

The Animal Rescue project aims to address these and other issues by providing a
safe haven for animals in distress, raising awareness about animal welfare, and
advocating for the protection of all animals.

Proposed System

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system. The EMS system is a network of

emergency medical professionals and services that provide prompt and effective
care to people in emergency situations. The system includes ambulance services,
emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics, and emergency
departments at hospitals.

The EMS system has been developed to provide a rapid response to medical
emergencies, such as heart attacks, strokes, and trauma. It involves the use of
advanced medical equipment, such as defibrillators, and medications to stabilize
patients and transport them to hospitals for further treatment. The system is highly
coordinated and relies on real-time communication and data sharing to ensure that
patients receive the appropriate care and treatment as quickly as possible.

The EMS system has proven to be highly effective in saving lives and reducing
the impact of medical emergencies. It has become an essential part of the
healthcare system, and its development and improvement continue to be a priority
to ensure that it remains an effective resource for human rescue

System Design

Analysis & Design

we conducted a thorough analysis of the needs and requirements of the project,

including the target audience, goals, and resources available. We also conducted
research to understand the challenges facing animal rescue efforts and identify
best practices and successful strategies.

Based on our analysis, we developed a comprehensive design for the Animal

Rescue project, including the development of a user-friendly website and mobile
application that allow users to easily donate, volunteer, and access information
about animal rescue efforts in their area. We also designed a database to track
animal intake and adoption, as well as tools to assist with fundraising and
marketing efforts.
Throughout the analysis and design phase, we worked closely with animal rescue
organizations and stakeholders to ensure that the project aligned with their needs
and goals. We also incorporated feedback and suggestions from end-users to
create a system that is intuitive, effective, and meets the needs of all stakeholders.
Overall, the analysis and design phase was critical to the success of the Animal
Rescue project, ensuring that it meets the needs of all stakeholders and effectively
addresses the challenges facing animal rescue efforts.



Hardware requirements:

CPU: Any multicore processor of Intel or Ryzen

RAM: DDR4 Ram from 8GB 3200MHz


Future Scope & Conclusions

Future Scope:

Looking ahead, the Animal Rescue project aims to evolve its approach and
incorporate cutting-edge techniques to improve its effectiveness. This could
involve utilizing data analytics to identify high-risk areas where animal rescue
is most needed, or deploying drones and other advanced technologies to aid in
search and rescue operations. The project also recognizes the importance of
collaborating with experts in animal behavior and welfare to ensure the best
possible outcomes for the animals in their care. As the project grows and
expands, it will continue to adapt and innovate, always with the goal of saving
as many animal lives as possible and promoting a more compassionate and
sustainable future for all.

The Animal Rescue project has made a significant impact in improving the lives
of animals in need and promoting a more compassionate and humane society.
Through its dedicated efforts and partnerships with other organizations, the
project has successfully rescued animals from dire situations, provided them with
essential care and medical attention, and helped them find loving homes and care
which they needed and they deserves. Beyond these direct interventions, the
project has also raised awareness of animal welfare issues and inspired others to
get involved in the cause. By prioritizing the well-being of animals and working
towards a more sustainable and responsible approach to pet ownership, the
Animal Rescue project has helped build a brighter future for both animals and
society as a whole.


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