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Fill in the blanks.

1. Word Processing feature of word pad makes the text flow automatically
to the next line as you continue typing at the end of line.
2. The bold, italics and underline buttons are present on the Format bar.
3. Click on B button to make the text Bold.
4. To start a new document in WordPad, click on new option in file menu.
5. Changing the looks of text in a document is called Formatting.
6. Microsoft word is a part of Microsoft office package.
7. A document file name has two extensions.
8. The word allows four types of alignment for the text.
9. Copy and paste option is used for copying a text from one place to another.
10.Bullet and numbering option is present in the format menu.
11.. Multimedia makes learning simpler and exciting.
12.Writing down the steps in simple English to solve a problem is called
13.A flowchart is a Pictorial representation of the steps involved in solving a
14.A Diamond shaped box is used for showing decision making step.
15.A computer can perform four basic functions.
16.Central processing unit is commonly known asCPU.
17.CPU consists of three main components.
18.Memory in a computer system is divided into Two categories.
19. RAM stands for random access memory.
20. Booting is a term that is used to explain the startup of your computer.

Q2.Write the standard form of the following.

1. RAM Random access memory
2. ROM Read only memory
3. ALU Arithmetic logic unit
4. CPU Central processing unit
5. CU Control unit

Q1= which software is used for word processing?

Ans=the software used for word processing are word processor.

Q2=what is meant by word processing/

Ans=Word processor mean processing of word which include typing.modifing,

delelting file etc.

Q3=How many steps you follows to starting word pad?

Ans=There are four step to start word pad.

Q4=How many word component of word pad and name them?

Ans= There are seven component of word pad.

1. Work area
2. Title bar
3. Menu Bar
4. Tool Bar
5. Format Bar
6. Ruler
7. Status Bar
Q5=which key is used to delete the word in word pad?
Ans=Press delete key to delete word.
Q6=what is formatting?
Ans=Formatting mean changing and controlling the look of text.
Q7=How you can bold the text?
Ans=by clicking the bold option.
Q8=which feature are available in word pad formatting?
Ans=Bold, italic, underline, font size .color the text aligning text, bullet etc.
Q9=what is alignment?
Ans=Alignment mean margin the text left, right, centre.
Q10=How you can save the document?
Ans=Click on file in the menu bar and click on save as option in the drop
down menu.
Q11= Which is the most popular word processing software?
Ans=Miscrosoft word or MS word is the most popular word processing
Q12=what is editing the text?
Ans =Editing text mean making change in the typed text.
Q13=How you can delete the text in Microsoft word?
Ans=Press the delete key from the key board.
Q14=How you can move the text from one place to another?
Ans=By using cut and paste option to move the text from one place to
Q15=what is copying a file or folder?
Ans= Copying a file or folder mean duplicate a file or folder.
Q16=which sign is used for bulleting the text?
Ans=Dot sign is used for bulleting the text.
Q17=How you can exit the word?
Ans=Click on cross button at the corner of the title bar.
Q18=How you open the existing file?
Ans=Choose file from the menu bar.
Choose open option from drop down menu. The open dialog box appears.
Select the file to be opened from the list.
Click on open button.
Q19=what is multimedia?
Ans=Multimedia means using multiple media of communication.
Q20=Write down basics hard ware used in multimedia?
Q21=which one the popular multimedia packages?
Ans=Multimedia Encyclopedia
Multimedia Atlas
Space and Universe.
Q22=Where the multimedia program are generally used?
Ans=Playing game
Imparting Education
Watching Movies
Professional Training etc
Q23=CD stand for?
Ans =CD stand for compact discs.
Q24=DVD stand for?
Ans= DVD stand for digital video discs.
Q25=what is netiquettes?
Ans=Rule used for internet is called netiquettes.
Q26=what is meant by internet?
Ans=IT is technology which connects millions of computers all over the
world to share information among themselves. It is the network of networks.
Q27= what is information?
Ans=the result of work done by computer.
Q28=what is windows media player?
Ans= A software that plays audio, video, and other multimedia files. It is the
part of Microsoft windows.
Q29=what is software?
Ans= Computer programming is called software.
Q30=How many component of system software?
Ans=There are three basic component.
Q31=what is operating system?
Ans=A type of software which start up the computer.
Q32=what is application software?
Ans= Application software is a set of program designed to perform
specialised tasks for a user.
Q33=what is encyclopedia?
Ans= This application has an enormous collection of detail about numerous
Q34=what is desktop?
Ans= When you switch on your computer the first screen appeared is called
Q35=what are icons?
Ans=The small pictures on the desktop.
Q36=What is recycling bin in computer.
Ans=Recycling Bin is a folder where all the deleted files are stored.
Q37=What is wallpaper?
Ans=The background of windows desktop is known as the Wallpaper.
Q38=What is screen saver?
Ans=A screen saver is a program that displays moving pictures or graphics with
or without sound.

Answer the following Question

1. What do you understand by word processing?
Ans= Word processing mean processing a words which includes types,
modifying and deleting words, changing the size and style of word etc.
2. What is word processing? Give examples.
Ans=Software used for word processing are called word processing.
these software allow you to store typed text in the memory of the
computer and thus the document can be recalled and edited ,whenever
required, Word pad , word star, MS word, word prefect are some
examples of word processor.
3. What do the following components of the word pad windows
Ans= Title Bar=
Title is the top most bars in the word pad windows. It displays the name
of the current open document and three control buttons to minimize
maximize/ restore or close the window.
Menu bar is located below the title bar. It displays the names of
various menus available in word pad.
The ruler shows a scale just above the work area.
Format bar contain button for various formatting option.
4. What is the difference between the word pad and note pad?

Note pad Word pad

1. Note pad is the text editor. 1. Word pad is word processor.
2. Note pad only save the text. 2. Word pad allows inserting
pictures and drawing.
3. Note pad is good for creating 3. Word pad is good for writing
web page. papers and documents.
5. What are word processors used for? Give any three examples of word
processing software.

Ans=Word processing refers to the processing of words. Software used for

processing called word processor

Simply word
Ms Word
Word pad
6. Explain the term multimedia?
Ans=Multimedia means using multiple media of communications.
Multimedia Applications are a combination of audio, video, text, and
animation graphics. It is a blend of audiovisual communication.
Multimedia makes learning interesting,
7.Write down the steps to play an audio CD on your computer.
Ans=Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.
Click on windows media player: The window media player window opens
on your screen.
Click on File on the Menu bar in this window.
Select the file.
Click on PLAY button to start watching the Movie.
13. What are Netiquettes?
Ans=Behavioral rules that an internet user should follow while being
on the internet. Netiquettes is a word given to internet Etiquettes that
have to be followed while using internet.
Language: When using internet, you should be very careful with your
language. Flaming or verbal abuse should be avoided completely
while interacting on internet.

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