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E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City

Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System
Higher education department



In partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education



Introduction to the Study

Chapter 1 consist of six parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2)

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study, (3) Statement
of the Problem, (4) Significance of the Study, (5) Definition of
Terms, and (6) Delimitation of the Study.
Part One, Background of the Study, gives overview and information
needed by the reader to understand what the study is all about.
Part Two, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study,
shows the relationship between independent and dependent
Part Three, Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis, explains the
definition of the issues that needs to be addressed in the study
and presents a tentative statement about the relationship among
Part Five, Definition of the Study, defines conceptually and
operationally the important terms or words used in the study.
Part Six, Delimitation of the study, explains the scope and
limitation of the study in terms of its subjects/participants,
the place where the study would be conducted, and the tools that
would be used in gathering relevant data for the study.


The use of Social Media throughout the world has already

been a norm of almost everyone, if not all. According to

Investopedia, Social Media pertains to a computer-based

technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and

information through virtual networks and communities. Undeniably,

it has served its purpose through out. However, the use of social

media did not just go to that limit; it has been used for more

purposed and intentions such as for unnecessary things.

Social media is a dynamic platform that includes different

applications that many people use. From Facebook and Instagram to

X platform (formerly Twitter) and YouTube, more than 4.7 billion

people use social media, equal to roughly 60% of the world's

population. In early 2023, 94.8% of users accessed chat and

messaging apps and websites, followed closely by social

platforms, with 94.6% of users (Dollarhide, 2024).

With the statistics mentioned above, truly, social media has

been an influence. It has also been used in different fields such

as in education, workplace, and even in politics. As quickly as

social media has insinuated itself into politics, the workplace,

home life, and elsewhere, it continues to evolve at lightning

speed, making it tricky to predict which way it will morph next

(Berger, et. al., 2019).

The benefits of using social media is undeniably broad that

it has been very useful to all ever since. Social media platforms

allow people to access information in real time, to connect with

others, and to find niche communities. At its best, it makes the

world more interconnected (Dollarhide, 2024). According to a 2019

survey by Pew Research Center, people's use of social media is

correlated with having more friends and more diverse personal

networks, especially within emerging economies.

Unfortunately, the use of Social Media, despite being

advantageous, is always anchored with certain negative effects.

Still, according to a 2019 survey by Pew Research Center, many

use, and overuse, of social media has raised questions about its

effect on their physical and mental health by "distracting them,

disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor

spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives, and peer

pressure," as the Mayo Clinic notes. The situations

aforementioned are a testament that the use of social media can

truly be a good thing, but it can also lead to unpleasant ones if

overly used.

It has also been observed that the students, even the

elementary pupils are using social media for different purposes.

Some, are observed to be overly using the platform. According to

Calixto, C.L., (2021), on her study, Social Media Exposure of

Public Elementary Pupils: Its Influence on their Academic

Performance, in today’s generation, young learners are exposed to

the use of social media. Facebook is the most social media the

respondents are exposed to. Through social media they can do

socialization, online collaborative learning and a way for people

to communicate in society and build relationship with others.

This study will be conducted at Colegio De San Jose, Iloilo

City, as it is the most accessible school for the researchers.

The researchers will aim to determine the use of social media

among the Grade VI pupils of the said institution and its effects

to their academic performance.

In general, this research study will be conducted to offer

awareness of what social media is, its uses and purposes, as well

as its pros and cons. It will also serve as a guide for students

on the effects of social media, especially to their academic



This study will aim to identify the effects of Social Media

to the Academic Performance of Grade VI Pupils of Colegio de San

Jose. More specifically, it will seek to find the answers to the

following questions:
1. What is the daily average time spent on social media by the

respondents when taken as an entire group and when classified

according to sex ?

2. What is the level of academic performance of the respondents

when taken as an entire group and classified according to sex ?

3. Is there a significant difference between the daily average

time spent on social media of the respondents when classified

according to sex?

4. Is there a significant difference between the level of

academic performance when classified according to sex?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the Social Media

Exposure and Academic Performance of respondents?

Hypotheses of the Study

There is no significant relationship between the Social

Media Exposure of the Grade VI Pupils and their Academic


The independent variables of this research study are age,

sex and time spent in using social media. The dependent variable

of the study is the academic performance of the pupils.

Research Paradigm

Independent variables Dependent variable

 Sex
 Time spent in Academic
social media achievement

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram showing the relationship among


Significance of the Study

Students. This study will offer awareness to the students about

the risks and consequences of too much exposure on social media.

Parents. This study will be able to help them understand the

effects of too much exposure on social media and that they will

have an idea on how to help their children regulate their time

exposure on social media.

School Administrators. Thus study may help encourage School

Administrators to regulate school activities that will enhance

student's physical skills and be free of social media once in a

while and that they would not only rely on an online basis of

learning but actually discuss lessons themselves.

Social Media Developers. This study may help these people to

create a more practical platform for pupils, especially young

ones, in a sense where it is designed more for learning rather

than just for recreation.

Future Researchers. This may serve as a guide and basis for the

topics related and may contribute to their existing studies. They

may also generate new firm theories that would explain the

relationship of social media exposure and academic performance.

Conceptual and Operational Definition

Social Media- a is a group of internet based application that

allows the creation and exchange of users generated content


In the study, it refers to Social networking sites such as

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. that are used by Grade VI of

Colegio de San Jose.

Social Media Exposure- the time a person consumes in accessing

social media.

In the study, it refers to the number of hours of exposure of a

student in a day in Social Media.

Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects (Ballotpedia).

In the study, it refers to the variable from which will be used

to measure the effects of social media.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus mainly on determining the effects of

Social Media to the Academic Performance of the Grade VI Pupils

of Colegio de San Jose for the academic year 2023-2024.

The researchers will aim to collect information regarding

the profile of the students including their age and sex, as well

as the time they spend in using social media. The effects of

social media will also be measured via a survey questionnaire

using a Likert Scale, with a total of 20 items.


Review of the Related Literature

Chapter Two discusses studies and related literature. It

consists of: (1) Social Media, (2) Academic Performance, and (3)

Related Studies. Part One, Social Media, discusses the usage as

well as its significance and impact to its users. Part Two,

Academic Performance, discusses the effects of social media

exposure to academic performance of students. Part Three, Related

Studies, discusses the studies related to the research conducted.

Social Media

Social Media is a group of internet based application that

allows the creation and exchange of users generated content

(Kietzmnn,2012). Adding to it, he pointed out that social news

site is also a social media site. Andreas and Michael (2010)

emphasized that social media is a group of internet based

application that builds on the ideological foundation and allows

the creation and exchange of users – generated content. It is for

the reason that Social media has become one of the major channels

of chatting through platforms such as 2go, BB chat, blogger and

wiki a. There has been an increase in the mobile social media

which has created new opportunity for browsing.

Social networking is a global phenomenon that has redefined

not only how individuals interact with each other, but also how

individuals perceive and conceptualize themselves as well as how

the present themselves to the outside world (Turner-August 2015).

Gerber (2011), emphasized that social media is a powerful

communication tool.

There have been many proof that the use of social media has

a wide variety of benefits to people. In fact, research has

identified a range of social, developmental, and emotional

benefits associated with social media use (Anderson &

Jiang, 2018; Duggan et al., 2015; GLSEN et al., 2013). A recent

study by the Pew Research Center on teenagers’ habits and

experiences of using social media indicated that a majority felt

more connected to their friends, interacted with a more diverse

group of people, and felt supported when they used social media

(Anderson & Jiang, 2018). Gender Minority groups (e.g., lesbians,

gay, bisexual, and transgender youth) may particularly benefit

from the use of social media and other online resources that

provide information, support, and feelings of meaningfulness, as

well as those social media outlets that may assist in identity

development and civic connectedness (GLSEN et al., 2013).

On the contrary, some researchers have linked social media

use to harmful and deleterious effects on mental health (e.g.,

Marino et al., 2018; Twenge et al., 2018). While the Uses and

Gratifications Theory (Katz et al., 1973; Ruggiero, 2000)

suggests that social connection may be a major motivator of

social media use, those who use social media for connection may

also experience social isolation and comparison, which can in

turn yield harmful outcomes such as loneliness and self-

negativity (Primack et al., 2017).

Furthermore, there have also been researches stating that

the use of social media has a negative impact of the academic

performance of students. Many researchers like Choney (2010), San

Miguel (2009) and Enriquez (2010) studies on students’ use of the

social media sites revealed a negative effect of the use of

social media sites on students’ academic performance. Nielsen

Media Research study conducted in June 2010 stated that nearly

25% of students’ time on the web is spent on social networking

sites (Jacobsen & Forste 2011).The American Educational Research

Association conducted a search and declared at its annual

conference in San Diego California (2009), that social media

users study less and generate lower grade (Abaleta et al, 2014).

San Miguel (2009), focused on the connection between time spent

on Facebook and therefore the academic performance of scholars .

The overall findings indicated “more time on Facebook equals

slightly lower grades”. In his study, the typical facebook user

had a GPA of three .0 to 3.5, while the non facebook user had a
GPA of three .5 - 4.0. Also, the typical facebook user study for

1 – 5 hours per week, while the non facebook user would study 11

– 15 hours per week Enriquez (2010), revealed that students who

multi-task between social networking sites and residential work

are likely to possess 20% lower grades than a student who doesn't

have a social networking site. This proves that social media has

a role on the academic performance of students.

Academic Performance

Students' Academic Performance is vital for assessing a

student's standing within a university. It makes it possible for

academic staff, educational administrators, and decision-makers

to precisely evaluate students taking various courses throughout

a semester. Additionally, it served as a cautionary tale for the

students to assess their performance level and make subsequent


Academic performance/ achievement is the extent to which a

student, teacher, or institution has attained their short or

long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA) (Talib &

Sansgiry, 2012). academically successful students have higher

self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels of anxiety and

depression, are socially inclined, and are less likely to engage

in substance abuse, i.e., alcohol and khat (Regier 2011).

The most research papers found in the literature, they

revealed that the student's factors which affect the student

academic performance are gender, high school grade, student's

parental education, financial background, medium of teaching,

student's family status, living location, students' previous

semester marks, seminar performance class, test grade, assignment

performance, attendance in class and lab work, general

proficiency, Interest in particular course, Study behaviour,

Engage Time and Family Support for study, previous schools marks,

admission type, accommodation type, parent's occupation, parent's

qualification. All of these attributes are divided into

categories such as personal, family, academic, institutional, and

social. The most significant personal attributes of the student

are taken into account, such as gender, age, interest in the

study, admission type, and study behavior (Shukor & Yousuf 2023,

Factors Affecting Students' Academic Performance: A review).



Directions: Please fill out the following and check the box for

your answer in the following information.

I. Personal Information:

Name(Optional): .

Sex: Male Female

Age: 11-12 13-14 15-16

II. Type of Social Media and time spent:

1. What social media platform do you usually use? If it is none

of these media what did you use? please specify below. (Kwaon ni

ky diman connected sa variable)





Others (please specify):_______________

Include other media which are educational …

2. Indicate the approximate number of hours in a day you

spent in social media by checking the appropriate box.

Less than 1 hour

1 hour
2 hours

3 hours

More than 3 hours

III. Effects of Social Media to Academic Performance

Directions: Indicate the degree of agreement that corresponds to

your answer. Check the appropriate column provided.


5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree

3 - Undecided

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

Statement 5 4 3 2 1
1. The use of social media help me widen my
knowledge and ideas about a particular
2. Social media help me in understanding my
lesson in school.
3. With the help of social media, I am
able to finish my assignments and school
activities quickly.
4. Social media helps me connect with my
classmates and teachers.
5. Social media help me answer questions
and curiosity that I may have in mind.
6. I prefer to use social media over
doing my school activities.
7. There are times that social media
gives me false information and is
8. Social media distracts me from the
important things I am supposed to do.
9. I sleep late at night because of using
social media.
10. The use of social media has caused me
anxiety and it affects my studying.

Calixto, C.L., (2021). Social Media Exposure of Public Elementary

Pupils: Its Influence on their Academic Performance. Retrieved

Keum, B. T., et. al., (2022). Benefits and harms of social media
use: A latent profile analysis of emerging adults. Retrieved at:

Sivakumar, R. (2020). Effects of Social Media on Academic

Performance of the Students, Vol. 8. Retrieved at:

Tadese, M., Yeshaneh, A., & Mulu, G.B., (2022). Determinants of

good academic performance among university students in Ethiopia:
a cross-sectional study

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