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MARKS (%) 80 60 – 79 50 – 59 40 – 49 39

DESCRIPTION Distinction Excellent Good Poor (Fail) Very Poor (Fail)
Abstract and Chapter 1:
Introduction to the Study 12 – 15 marks 9 – 12 marks 7– 9 marks 5 – 7 marks < 5 marks
Criteria to be considered  Abstract provides a  Abstract provides a  Abstract provides a  Abstract provides a  Abstract provides
are: precise and concise precise and concise good summary sufficient summary quite a confusing
 The quality of summary summary  Readers have a  Readers have a summary
presentation of the  Readers have very  Readers have a clear reasonably clear readable but barely  Readers do not have a
abstract (5%) clear introduction in introduction; research introduction; research sufficient readable introduction;
 The clarity of the which the research problems, objectives problems, objectives introduction; research research problems,
statement of the problem problem, objectives and research and research problems, objectives objectives and
(3%) and research questions are questions are and research research questions are
 The complexity and questions are logically and well logically presented. questions need more poorly stated or
difficulty of the topics logically well presented  The topic is not that clarity and to be more partially missing.
(3%) structured and very  The topic is quite difficult and is logically consistent.  It is easy to do
 Its novelty and relevance clearly presented. complicated but is manageable  It is easy to do a research on this topic
to current business and  The topic is generally quite difficult  Quite an interesting research on this topic  Not an interesting
management issues (3%) complicated and  An interesting and research problem and  Reasonably topic and has limited
 Others (1%) difficult to do quite practical has some practical interesting but not practical value if at
research for average problem value much practical value all.
 A very interesting and
practical research

Chapter 2: Review of the

16 – 20 marks 12 – 16 marks 10 – 12 marks 8 – 10 marks < 8 marks
Literature (20%)
 Number of good  Between 10-15 good  Between 5-10 good  Between 3-5 good  Less than 3 good  No references
references in the references references references references  Provide an inadequate
literature (5%)  Provide a current and  Provide a current and  Provide a current and  Provide a somewhat review of the
 Currency and comprehensive good review of the satisfactory review of dated and not too literature relevant to
comprehensiveness of the review of the literature relevant to the literature relevant satisfactory review of the topic
review of the literature literature relevant to the topic to the topic the literature relevant  Absence of research
relevant to the topic (7%) the topic  Research framework  Some relevance of to the topic framework;
 Research framework  Well justifiable generally relevant to research framework  Irrelevance of  No hypothesis
(5%) research framework objectives to objectives research framework  No discussion of
 Hypothesis (3%) relevent to objectives  Accurate hypotheses  Accurate hypotheses to objectives; research design
 Highly accurate and supported with and supported with  Hypotheses cannot be
hypotheses and theory or empirical empirical evidences tested
strongly supported evidences only  Insufficient
with theory  Appropriate research  Some discussion of discussion of research
 Very clear and design to objectives research design design
appropriate research
design to objectives
Chapter 3: Research
16 – 20 marks 12 – 16 marks 10 – 12 marks 8 – 10 marks < 8 marks
Methodology (20%)
 Research methods used  Research methods  Research methods  Research methods  Research methods  Research methods
are to be appropriate and used are appropriate used are quite used are quite used are quite used are inappropriate
justified (8%) and justified justified justified inappropriate  They have been
 The sampling plan design  They have been  They have been  They have mostly  They were not carried poorly executed
(4%) appropriately carried appropriately carried been satisfactorily out properly  Wrong sampling
 Questionnaire (4%) out out carried out  Inappropriate methods
 Analysis technique (4%)  Well explained  Sampling methods  Some sampling sampling methods  Wrong analysis
sampling methods to are complete to methods to achieve used techniques
achieve objectives achieve the objectives objectives  Inappropriate analysis
 Analysis techniques  Analysis techniques  Analysis techniques techniques
exactly appropriate to explained with minor explained with major
objectives mistakes. mistakes
Chapter 4: Analysis of
16 – 20 marks 12 – 16 marks 10 – 12 marks 8 – 10 marks < 8 marks
Results (20%)
 Amount of data collected  No major issues on  Only a minor issue in  Only a minor issue in  Some minor issue in  Major issues in the
(5%) the amount of data amount of data the amount of data the amount of data amount of data
 Manner of data analysis collected collected collected collected collected
has to be appropriate  Data analysis has  Data analysis has  Data analysis has  Data analysis is  Data analysis is
(5%) been carried out been carried out quite been carried out quite poorly carried out poorly carried out
 Interpretation of results appropriately appropriately appropriately  Interpretation of  Interpretation of
has to be carried out in a  Interpretation of  Interpretation of  Interpretation of results has not been results has been
professional and results has been results has been results has been carried adequately carried out
innovative manner (5%) adequately provided carried quite carried somewhat incompetently
 Others (5%) adequately adequately

Chapter 5: Findings,
Conclusions and 12 – 15 marks 9 – 12 marks 7– 9 marks 5 – 7 marks < 5 marks
Recommendations (15%)
 These should relate  Have related very  Have related tightly  Have related  Have some  Have no relationships
directly and fully to the tightly to the to the problems, adequately to the relationships to the to the problems,
problems, objectives and problems, objectives objectives and problems, objectives problems, objectives objectives and
research questions (6%) and research research questions and research and research research questions
 Extent of commendable questions  Commendable questions questions  Very poor or non-
recommendations or  Highly commendable recommendations or  Good  Poor existent
important implications to recommendations or important recommendations or recommendations or recommendations or
be spelled out clearly important implications have useful implications not too useful not useful
(6%) implications have been spelled out have been spelled out implications have implications have
 Others (3%) been spelled out been spelled out been spelled out

Format and References 8 – 10 marks 6 – 8 marks 5 – 6 marks 4 – 5 marks < 4 marks

 The Report format  Report format has  Report format has  Report format has  Report format has  Report format has not
should be in accordance fully complied with adequately complied reasonably complied minor issues in complied with the
to the Student Guide for the Student Guide. with the Student with the Student compliance to the Student Guide.
Project. (5%)  Referencing done has Guide. Guide. Student Guide.  No proper referencing
 Proper referencing fully complied with  Referencing done has  Referencing done has  Referencing done has was done, and has
should be done and in WOU Citation adequately complied reasonably complied minor issues in major issues in
accordance to the WOU Guideline. with WOU Citation with WOU Citation compliance to WOU compliance to WOU
Citation Guideline. (5%) Guideline. Guideline. Citation Guideline. Citation Guideline.

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