K Test 3 Units 5-6

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Units 5 & 6 Test 3

NAME: .........................................................................................................................................


1. Match the words. There’s an extra word.

1. go a. cards 1.

2. play b. a cartoon 2.

3. surf c. on 3.

4. watch d. the net 4.

5. try e. out 5.

f. a blog out of 5

2. Write the word.

1. It is a place. You can see concerts and other performances there. v..............................

2. Another word for sports shoes t..............................

3. Another word for fashionable t..............................

4. You watch films there c..............................

5. A place in a clothes shop. You go there to try clothes on. f..............................

out of 5
3. Complete the questions. Use the words (in brackets).

1. How much............................................................................? (be / the tickets)

2. Where...................................................................................? (show / Avatar 3)

3. What size..............................................................................? (be / these jeans)

4. ..............................................................................................? (be / big / enough / the shorts)

5. ..............................................................................................? (be / not / tight / the skirt / too)

out of 5
4. Read the dialogue. Tick (✓) the right options.

1. A: Do you like play // ‘m playing // playing computer games?

2. B: Yes, I play // ‘m playing // playing every day.
3. A: What do you do // are you doing // will you do this evening?
4. B: I play // ‘m playing // ’ll play computer games. Would you like to come and play with me?
5. A: Yes, why not? I come // ‘m coming // ‘ll come at seven. OK?
out of 5


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Test 3 Units 5 & 6
5. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the underlined adjectives (=mellékév).

1. She is really thin. But she is on a diet. She wants to be .............................................. .

2. Kate’s outfit is fashionable, but Mary’s is .............................................. .

3. It is really .............................................. if you have shoes on that are too big. But small shoes are worse.

4. These jeans aren’t .............................................. enough for me. I like baggier jeans.

5. My Mom’s cooking is very good. But my Dad’s is .............................................. .

out of 5

Marks for Use of English out of 25


6. Listening: Two calls – Give short answers to the questions.

First call Second call
1. What time does the disco start? ................................ 4. Where is Carmen? ................................
2. When are they meeting? ................................ 5. What time is it? ................................
3. Where are they meeting? ................................ 6. Why isn’t Mark there? ................................

out of 6

7. Reading: Teenage Fashion Tips – Tick (✓) T for true and F for false.
Fashion changes, and it costs a lot to change all your clothes with every new trend. Sure, you want
to look cool. But you can look cool if you have a classic wardrobe with some trendy pieces. Have these
classic basics: denim jeans, a black skirt for girls and a pair of black trousers for boys, a white shirt, some
simple T-shirts, and a hoodie. Mix these with some cool, trendy pieces like a pair of classy boots, T-shirts
in fun colours, items with interesting logos or prints. Girls can add colourful scarves, cool ear rings and
bright-coloured tights. A good belt can do wonders for both girls and boys.
Everyone wants to be comfortable in their clothes. First of all, buy the right size of clothes. The second
step is to buy natural materials, like cotton.
How long do your clothes last? This is important for everyone, but especially important to teen boys
who hate shopping. Also, it is often cheaper to buy good quality, because it lasts longer.
Take time to figure out the things you like. Be true to yourself! The best fashion look for you is what
you are most comfortable in.

1. You can look trendy with the help of little things.
2. Only have classic items in your wardrobe.
3. A white shirt is not for girls.
4. Don’t have clothes that are too big or too small.
5. Cheap clothes last long, too.
out of 6
6. Follow fashion designers. They know what is good for you.


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Units 5 & 6 Test 3
8. Writing: Carmen’s invitation – Read the email and answer it.
Include these points:
• Thank Carmen for the invitation
• Say yes Hi there!
• Ask about the band/programme
• Ask/Suggest when and where to meet Fancy some music this Saturday?
...................................................................................... There’s a rock night at the Jamboree.
It starts at 8 p.m.
...................................................................................... See you there, I hope.
XX Carmen

Content Language Organisation

Clarity Range Accuracy Appropriacy Format Paragraphing

/3 /2 /2 /2 /1 /2 /1

Total for
out of 13

Marks for Skills out of 25



Bloggers1_Tan.indd 100 2011.03.18. 11:09:49

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