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Pa skit lang po kase yung naiisip ko.

May mga bata na nagbabasa pero iba iba yung gamit nila.
For example, merong naka normal print and may naka large print(student w/ visual impairment).
Tapos ipapakita kung bakit magkaiba sila ng font size pero same text naman. Then yung reason
kung bakit malabo mata nya (nagbabasa sa madilim and excessive use of gadgets).

Possible causes:
-excessive use of gadgets
-illness(glaucoma, cataract)
-reading in dark places

Possible support:
-large print version of the text
-audio books

Scene 1: Before class starts some students are talking about something
Student 1: I just noticed that some of us have visual impairment like nearsightedness

Student 2: Yeah, I think because of that they are having a hard time coping in class

Student 3: Hey, I was wondering, what causes visual impairment anyway?

Student 4: Yeah, I've heard of a few things like reading in the dark, hereditary factors, and
spending too much time on gadgets.

Student 5: Those all sound like possibilities. I've heard that straining your eyes by reading in low
light can definitely cause some problems.

Student 6: My parents always tells me to make sure I have enough light when I'm reading so I
don't hurt my eyes.

Student 3: And what about hereditary factors? Like, can you inherit visual impairment from your

Student 4: I think so. I've read that some eye conditions can be passed down through families.

Student 1: And excessive gadget use... I guess staring at screens for too long can strain your
eyes too.

Student 2: Yeah, I've noticed that my eyes feel tired after a long gaming session.
Student 3: Wow, it's kind of scary how many things can affect our vision.

Student 4: But at least now we know to be more mindful of how we take care of our eyes.

Student 1:Definitely. We should all make sure to take breaks from our screens and read in
well-lit areas.

Student 6: And if we notice any changes in our vision, we should talk to a doctor right away.

Student 3: Thanks for sharing, guys. I feel like I've learned a lot today.
Scene 2: teacher will enter the room and discuss a lesson using only manila paper with small

Teacher: goodmorning class

Students: Goodmorning

Teacher: Today our lesson would be all about……

Teacher: do u hve questions about the lesson class?

Teacher: none? Then let us have a quiz…. Okay are u done answering? Let us check

Teacher: That is all for today’s class, do you have any concern or question?

(a student will raise a hand and tell a concern)

Student 3: Um, sorry to interrupt, but I will raise a concern.

Teacher: Oh? What seems to be the issue?

Student 6: Well, like me, some of our classmates have visual impairments, like
nearsightedness, and they might not be able to see what was written earlier on the Manila

Teacher: You know what, you're right. I appreciate you bringing that up. Everyone in our class
needs to be able to fully participate and understand the material

(The teacher takes a moment to think, then claps their hands together with a smile)

Teacher: I've got it! Instead of relying solely on the Manila paper, I will use a combination of
verbal explanations, printed material, and digital resources. That way, everyone can follow
along, regardless of their visual abilities.
[The class nods in agreement, impressed by the teacher's quick thinking.]

Teacher: Next lesson, we will integrate a PowerPoint presentation as well as other visual aids
and material such as large printed texts, lps and even audio material to make the class more
inclusive and accessible for all.

Scene 3: pwede ipakita na next lesson nag ppt na ung teacher and nagpamigay ng printed

Scene4: may mag classmates na nasaroom, sama sama sila nagbabasa/nagrereview for an
upcoming quiz or exam for example. Then may isang makakapansin na although they are
reviewing for the same subject they seem to use different kind of things to read or review like
normal text, large print text, and even audio books

Student 1: Alright, let's review these topics one more time before the quiz tomorrow.

Student 2: Sounds good. I really need to pass on this quiz.

Student 3: Agreed. But can we go through them a bit slower? It's hard for me to keep up with
the smaller text.

Student 1: Oh, sorry, I didn't realize. Sure thing, let's take it step by step.

[As they review, another classmate enters the room and joins them.]

Student 4: Hey, what are you guys up to?

Student 5: Just reviewing for tomorrow's quiz.

Student 4: Mind if I join? I also need extra practice.

Student 6: Of course, the more the merrier! We're going through the equations.

[Student 4 takes a seat and looks around the table, noticing the different study materials.]

Student 4: Hey, why do you all have studying material?

Student 3: I need this large print text because of my visual impairment. Regular-sized text is too
small for me to read comfortably.
Student 1: And I'm using this because it's what I'm used to. I find it easier to study from a
regular-sized book.

Student 2: And I'm listening to an audiobook because I am far-sighted and hearing the concepts
explained helps me understand them better.

Student 4: Wow, that's pretty cool. I didn't realize there were so many different ways to study.

Student 5: Yeah, it's all about finding what works best for you.

Student 3: Exactly! As long as we're all reviewing and understanding the material, it doesn't
matter how we do it.

Student 4: Let's continue with the review then

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