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Hematopathology / β-THALASSEMIA TRAIT

Usefulness of Cell Counter–Based Parameters and

Formulas in Detection of β -Thalassemia Trait in Areas
of High Prevalence
Dinesh A. Rathod, MD,1 Amarjeet Kaur, MD,2 Vinod Patel, MSc,2 Kunjal Patel, MD,2
Raviraj Kabrawala, MD,2 Viral Patel, MD,2 Mohak Patel, MSc,2 and Pranay Shah, MD3

Key Words: β-Thalassemia trait; High-performance liquid chromatography; HPLC; Cell counter; Iron deficiency anemia; Hemoglobin A2

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Abstract Thalassemia is a genetic disorder affecting synthesis of

The present study aimed to retrospectively evaluate the globin moiety of the hemoglobin molecule. β-Thalassemia
the usefulness of cell counter–based parameters and is prevalent in a broad belt extending from the Mediterranean
formulas in β-thalassemia trait (BTT) detection. The basin to Southeast Asia. It is estimated that 1.5% of the
study included 170 BTT cases (hemoglobin [Hb]A2 world’s population carries β-thalassemia, ie, at least 80 to 90
>4.0% [0.04]) and 30 non-BTT cases (HbA2, 2.3%- million people with an estimated 60,000 new carriers born
3.5% [0.02-0.04]). Depending on the hemoglobin level each year. The Southeast Asian region (which includes India,
and iron deficiency, the BTT group was further Thailand, and Indonesia) accounts for about 50% of the
classified into classic BTT (n = 112) and BTT with iron world’s carriers, ie, around 40 million people and almost half
deficiency anemia (n = 58). The RBC count, MCH, of homozygous births, whereas in the developed world,
MCV, RDW, and Shine and Lal, Mentzler, Srivastava, Europe and the Americas jointly account for just 10% to 13%
England and Fraser, Ricerca, and Green indexes were of the world’s carriers.1 The prevalence of β-thalassemia trait
applied. For the first time in the population of India, (BTT) is about 3.3% in India. In various parts of India, the
these 10 cell counter parameters and manual formulas prevalence of BTT is different: 6.5% in Punjab, 8.4% in
were compared with high-performance liquid Tamilnadu, 4.3% in south India, and 3.5% in Bengal. β-
chromatography–derived HbA2 levels for deriving a Thalassemia has a high prevalence in some communities, such
cost-effective alternative method; and receiver as Sindhi, Luvana, Tribes, and Rajputs. The incidence of BTT
operating characteristic curves were applied. We found in Gujarat is 10% to 15% in these communities, whereas the
that the Shine and Lal, Srivastava, and Mentzler incidence in the general population is 2% to 3%.2
indexes, MCV, and MCH have better discriminative Because a majority of people with BTT are asympto-
function than the RBC count and red cell distribution matic, they may not be aware of their carrier state. BTT is
width and their related formulas. associated with mild or no anemia but with reduced mean cor-
puscular volume (MCV) mean corpuscular hemoglobin
(MCH) values and an elevated hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) level.
The prevention of this homozygous condition can be
achieved through the detection and education of heterozygous
carriers. One way of achieving this goal is to screen the popu-
lation at risk.3 The screening for BTT can be done by naked-
eye single-tube red cell osmotic fragility (NESTROF) test,
cell counter–based formulas, HbA2 by microcolumn chro-
matography, elution following cellulose acetate electrophore-
sis, and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2007;128:585-589 585

585 DOI: 10.1309/R1YL4B4BT2WCQDGV 585
Rathod et al / β-THALASSEMIA TRAIT

The NESTROF test has poor sensitivity and specificity and is classic BTT (n = 112) and BTT with iron deficiency anemia
difficult to standardize. Microcolumn chromatography is time- (IDA) (n = 58). The criteria to diagnose iron deficiency were
consuming and, therefore, not suitable for large-scale screening. a transferrin saturation less than 16% and/or a serum ferritin
Elution following cellulose acetate electrophoresis is not reli- level of less than 16 ng/mL.
able or accurate. HPLC is considered a standard method of Serum iron level,5 total iron binding capacity,6 and serum
screening, but it is costly and not available routinely. Screening ferritin level7 were done in each case. We applied the follow-
by cell counter–based parameters and formulas is rapid, auto- ing cell counter–based formulas: F1, Shine and Lal Index:
mated, inexpensive, and technically sound. At present, cell MCV × MCV × MCH/1008; F2, Mentzler Index: MCV/RBC
counters are widely used in routine practice, so screening can be count9; F3, Srivastava Index: MCH/RBC count10; F4, England
done without additional costs to medical systems.1,3 Successful and Fraser Index: MCV– (5 × Hemoglobin) – RBC11; F5,
prevention programs for BTT in Greece and Italy have relied on Ricerca Index: RDW/RBC count12; and F6, Green Index:
screening by RBC indices and HbA2 concentration.4 MCV × MCV × RDW/(Hemoglobin × 100).13 The RBC

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count, MCH, RDW, and MCV were applied in each case.
Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for each parameter
and formula. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves
Materials and Methods
were plotted for each parameter and formula to check discrim-
We retrospectively analyzed 200 cases that were sent to inative efficacy, for deriving new cutoffs, and to select the best
Greencross Voluntary Blood Bank, Pathology and RIA parameter and formula for BTT detection.
Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, for HbA2 estimation by HPLC
during January 2005 to March 2006. For the study, 3 mL of
venous blood was collected in EDTA tubes. The CBC count
was done on the Cell-Dyn 3200 (Abbott, Santa Clara, CA) fully
automated 5-part differential cell counter, working on the prin- The mean and SE were computed in all groups for hemo-
ciple of light scattering. The 2-level controls were run every day globin, RBC count, MCV, MCH, RDW, and HbA2 ❚Table
in the cell counter, and the counter was maintained according to 1❚.The Student t test showed significant differences in RBC
the manufacturer’s instructions. The HbA2 by HPLC was done count (P < .0001), hemoglobin (P < .0001), and RDW (P <
on the D-10 VARIANT (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA). .0001) in classic BTT vs BTT with IDA. HbA2 showed a mar-
It is a fully automated cation exchange HPLC system. The ginal difference (P = .035), whereas MCH and MCV did not
instrument was maintained according to the manufacturer’s show significant differences (P = .16 and P = .99, respective-
instructions, and the controls were run every day. ly). In all BTT cases and the non-BTT group, all parameters
Subjects with an HbA2 level of 4.0% (0.04) or more were except RDW showed significant differences (P < .0001). In
classified in the BTT group (n = 170), and subjects with an the classic BTT and non-BTT groups, the RBC count, MCV,
HbA2 level between 2.3% and 3.5% (0.02-0.04) in the non- and MCH showed significant differences (P < .0001). In cases
BTT group (n = 30). Patients with evidence of an acute or a of BTT with IDA and the non-BTT group, all parameters
chronic inflammatory disorder, malignancy, recent surgery, (hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, HbA2, and RDW) showed signifi-
pregnancy, or an abnormal hemoglobin level on HPLC were cant differences (P < .0001), except the RBC count (P = .08).
excluded from the study. Based on transferrin saturation (100 As depicted in ❚Table 2❚, F1, F2, and F3 formulas, MCV,
× serum iron concentration/total iron binding capacity) and the and MCH showed good specificity and sensitivity in both
serum ferritin level, the BTT group was further subdivided into groups of BTT. ROC curves were plotted to obtain new cutoff

❚Table 1❚
Laboratory Values in Subjects With or Without BTT*

Parameter All BTT (n = 170) Classic BTT (n = 112) BTT With IDA (n = 58) Non-BTT (n = 30)

Hemoglobin (g/L) 103.4 ± 0.15 (33-141) 115.4 ± 1 (97-148) 81.9 ± 0.2 (33-99.3) 119 ± 0.28 (97-148)
RBC count (×1012/L) 5.52 ± 0.07 (1.44-7.57) 5.63 ± 0.07 (3.15-7.57) 4.62 ± 0.12 (1.44-6.23) 4.2 ± 0.1 (5.67-4.28)
MCV (fL) 62.99 ± 0.52 (42.1-98.5) 67.72 ± 0.89 (42.1-96.1) 62.75 ± 1.16 (43.5-98.5) 85.3 ± 1.07 (73.7-96.1)
MCH (pg) 18.83 ± 0.20 (10-33.8) 20.93 ± 0.36 (10-33.9) 18.39 ± 0.48 (10.2-33.8) 27.9 ± 0.45 (22.7-33.9)
RDW (%) 15.58 ± 0.28 (11.1-31.0) 14.47 ± 0.28 (9.75-33.2) 17.65 ± 0.52 (13.2-31.0) 14.3 ± 0.85 (9.7-33.2)
Hemoglobin A2 (%) 5.84 ± 0.06 (4.0-7.9) 5.42 ± 0.12 (4.0-7.9) 5.76 ± 0.11 (4.2-7.7) 3.02 ± 0.06 (2.3-3.5)

BTT, β-thalassemia trait; IDA, iron deficiency anemia; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RDW, red cell distribution width.
* Data are given as mean ± SE (range) in Système International (SI) units for hemoglobin, RBC count, MCV, and MCH; hemoglobin A is given in conventional units.
Conversions to conventional units are as follows: hemoglobin (g/dL), divide by 10.0; RBC count (×106/µL), divide by 1.0; and MCV (µm3), divide by 1.0; conventional and SI
units for MCH are the same. To convert hemoglobin A2 values to SI units (proportion of 1.0), multiply by 0.01.

586 Am J Clin Pathol 2007;128:585-589 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

586 DOI: 10.1309/R1YL4B4BT2WCQDGV
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

❚Table 2❚
True-Positive Cases in the Classic BTT and BTT With IDA Groups and False-Positive Cases in the Non-BTT Group*

Parameters and Formulas (Cutoffs) Classic BTT (n = 112) BTT With IDA (n = 56) Non-BTT (n = 30)

RBC count (>5 × 1012/L) 107 (95.5) 24 (41) 1 (3)

MCV (<76.5 fL) 107 (95.5) 55 (95) 8 (27)
MCH (<27 pg) 111 (99.1) 55 (95) 2 (7)
RDW(<13.6%) 56 (50.0) 2 (3) 17 (57)
F1 (<1,530) 111 (99.1) 57 (98) 2 (7)
F2 (<13.0) 102 (91.1) 30 (52) 0 (0)
F3 (<3.8) 99 (88.4) 29 (50) 0 (0)
F4 (<0) 82 (73.2) 5 (9) 3 (10)
F5 (<3.3) 104 (92.9) 25 (43) 18 (60)
F6 (<72) 104 (92.9) 32 (55) 9 (30)

BTT, β-thalassemia trait; IDA, iron deficiency anemia; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RDW, red cell distribution width.

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* Data are given as number (percentage). For conversions from Système International units for RBC count, MCV, and MCH, see the footnote for Table 1. The formulas are as

follows: F1, Shine and Lal Index: MCV × MCV × MCH/1008; F2, Mentzler Index: MCV/RBC count9; F3, Srivastava Index: MCH/RBC count10; F4, England and Fraser Index:
MCV– (5 × Hemoglobin) – RBC11; F5, Ricerca Index: RDW/RBC count12; and F6, Green Index: MCV × MCV × RDW/(Hemoglobin × 100).

points with higher sensitivity and specificity for every formu- of BTT. An RBC count of more than 5.0 × 106/µL (5.0 ×
la and parameter, as depicted in ❚Table 3❚. After computing 1012/L) was observed in more than 95% of cases in the classic
multiple ROC curves and considering the area under the curve BTT group, 41% of cases in the BTT with IDA group, and
near to 1 as the best, we derived the best parameter and formu- only 1 case in the non-BTT group. The mean ± SE RBC count
la for the detection of BTT. in the BTT with IDA group was 4.62 ± 0.12 × 106/µL (4.62 ±
0.12 × 1012/L). If we apply correction in the RBC count by a
multiplication factor derived by comparing individual hemo-
Discussion globin levels with mean hemoglobin levels, the sensitivity of
In the population of India, IDA and BTT are common caus- the RBC count is increased for detecting BTT. An increased
es of a microcytic hypochromic blood picture. In the present RBC count despite a low hemoglobin concentration in BTT
study, an elevated RBC count with mild anemia was indicative has been reported.14,15

❚Table 3❚
Sensitivity and Specificity of Various Parameters and Formulas in Classic BTT and BTT With IDA Groups*

Classic BTT BTT With IDA

and Formulas Cutoff Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Cutoff Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)

RBC (× 1012/L) >5 95.5 90.0 >5 41.4 90.0

>5.28† 91.1 96.7 >4.81† 48.3 86.7
MCV (fL) <76 93.7 96.6 <76 94.82 93.33
<71.3† 93.7 100 <76.6† 96.6 93.33
MCH (pg) <27 97.3 100 <27 96.6 66.7
<22.5† 99.1 66.7 <22.2† 94.8 100
RDW (%) <13.6 46.4 56.7 <13.6 3.4 43.33
<12.4† 83.0 50.0 >12.5† 100 53.3
F1 <1,530 99.01 93.33 <1,530 94.8 70
<1,204† 96.4 100 <1,232† 94.8 100
F2 <13 92 100 <13 53 100
<15.2† 96.4 96.7 <16.4† 79.3 90.0
F3 <3.8 89.3 100 <3.8 51.7 100
<4.2† 95.5 100 <5.5† 82.8 86.7
F4 <0 72.3 96.7 <0 10.3 96.7
<7.08† 92.9 93.3 <18.8† 77.6 60.0
F5 <3.3 92.9 36.7 <3.3 41.6 40.0
<6.0† 86.6 66.7 >3.72† 43.1 80.0
F6 <72 92.85 70.0 <72 55.17 40.0
<62.8† 91.1 90.0 <71.9† 55.2 70.0

BTT, β-thalassemia trait; IDA, iron deficiency anemia; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RDW, red cell distribution width.
* For conversions from Système International units for RBC count, MCV, and MCH, see the footnote for Table 1. The formulas are as follows: F1, Shine and Lal Index: MCV ×

MCV × MCH/1008; F2, Mentzler Index: MCV/RBC count9; F3, Srivastava Index: MCH/RBC count10; F4, England and Fraser Index: MCV– (5 × Hemoglobin) – RBC11; F5,
Ricerca Index: RDW/RBC count12; and F6, Green Index: MCV × MCV × RDW/(Hemoglobin × 100).13
† Revised cutoff as per receiver operating characteristic curve.

© American Society for Clinical Pathology Am J Clin Pathol 2007;128:585-589 587

587 DOI: 10.1309/R1YL4B4BT2WCQDGV 587
Rathod et al / β-THALASSEMIA TRAIT

The BTT group had significantly lower values for MCV for the Shine and Lal Index,8 the Mentzler Index,9 MCV, the
and MCH (P < .001) compared with non-BTT cases. England and Fraser Index,11 RBC, and RDW. Madan et al18
However, in the classic BTT and BTT with IDA groups, the also noted superior discriminative ability of the Shine and
MCV and MCH values did not show significant differences Lal Index8 over the Srivastava Index,10 the Mentzler Index,9
(P = .99 and P = .16, respectively). In the present study, an and the England and Fraser Index.11 The Shine and Lal
MCV of less than 76.5 µm3 (76.5 fL) was reported in 95.5% Index8 is also a reliable method for detecting BTT status in
of the classic BTT cases, 95% of BTT with IDA cases, and the presence of IDA, followed by MCV, MCH, the
27% of non-BTT cases. An MCH value of less than 27 pg Srivastava Index,10 the Mentzler Index,9 RDW, the England
was observed in 99.1% of classic BTT cases, 95% of BTT and Fraser Index,11 RBC, the Ricerca Index,12 and the Green
with IDA cases, and 7% of non-BTT cases. Similar results Index.13 Similar observations were reported by Madan et al18
have been reported earlier.16-18 The BTT cases showed for the Shine and Lal Index,8 MCV, MCH, the Srivastava
reductions in MCV and MCH values. However, the values Index,10 the Mentzler Index,9 and the England and Fraser

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did not correlate with the degree of anemia.16,17 MCV and Index11 in BTT with IDA cases. MCV and MCH values and
MCH values were thus found to be important parameters for their related formulas showed better discriminative function
detecting BTT. than RBC and RDW values and their related formulas.
Owing to a high prevalence of IDA in our population, A higher prevalence of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12
lower cutoff values should be considered to increase the sen- deficiencies along with chronic disorders in the population
sitivity and specificity of BTT detection. The proposed cut- of India affects the blood parameters and indexes. Therefore,
offs based on ROC curve analysis were 71.3 µm3 (71.3 fL) the cutoffs should be revised (in the population of India)
for MCV and 22.5 pg for MCH. Lafferty et al19 have pro- using ROC curve analysis. The cutoffs also depend on the
posed a similar revised cutoff for MCV, which is based on principle of the instrument on which the relevant analysis
ROC curve results. was done. Kotwal et al21 have reported similar revised cut-
Six formulas were calculated in each case. The best for- offs in the population of India for MCV (≤76 µm3 [76 fL]),
mula was that of Shine and Lal,8 which identified 99.1% of RBC count (≥4.9 × 106/µL [4.9 × 1012/L]), and RDW
cases of classic BTT and 95% of cases of BTT with IDA. The (≥18%). Lafferty et al19 also proposed a revised cutoff for
Mentzler,9 Srivastava,10 England and Fraser,11 Ricerca,12 and MCV (<72.0 µm3 [72.0 fL]) by using ROC curve analysis. In
Green13 indexes identified 91.1%, 88.4%, 73.2%, 92.9%, and the present study, revised cutoffs for classic BTT and BTT
92.9% of classic BTT cases and 52%, 50%, 9%, 43%, and with IDA, respectively, were as follows: MCV, less than 71.3
55% of BTT with IDA cases, respectively. The poor sensitiv- µm3 (71.3 fL) and less than 76.6 µm3 (76.6 fL); RBC count,
ity of formulas in the BTT with IDA cases may be due to sig- 5.28 × 106/µL (5.28 × 1012/L) or more and more than 4.81 ×
nificant differences noted in the RBC count, hemoglobin 106/µL (4.81 × 1012/L); and RDW, less than 12.4% and more
level, and RDW in the classic BTT and BTT with IDA than 12.5%.
groups (P < .0001 for all). Madan et al18 observed 97.9%, None of the formulas and parameters can be 100% sen-
88.7%, 89%, and 83.4% sensitivity in classic BTT cases and sitive and specific, maybe due to atypical β-thalassemia car-
99.2%, 90.5%, 89.7%, and 80.1% sensitivity in BTT with riers, characterized by normal MCV and MCH values (α-
IDA cases for the Shine and Lal,8 Mentzler,9 Srivastava,10 and β-thalassemia interaction) and a normal HbA2 level
and England and Fraser11 indexes, respectively. This differ- (coinheritance of δ- and β-thalassemia, some mild β-gene
ence may be due to different cutoffs used by Madan et al,18 mutations, and γδβ-thalassemia). Cell counter–based formu-
which were 14 or less for the Mentzler Index, 4.4 or less for las and parameters are, therefore, important only for screen-
the Srivastava Index, and 8.4 or less for the England and ing in areas of high prevalence of BTT, and these cases
Fraser Index. If the cutoffs are changed, the results are com- should undergo further confirmatory tests. The order of pref-
parable with those of Madan et al.18 In the present study, the erence for detection of BTT using formulas and cell counter
Ricerca and Green indexes detected 92.9% and 92.9% of parameters are proposed ❚Table 4❚, with F1, MCV, and MCH
classic BTT cases and 43% and 55% in BTT with IDA cases, leading the list.
respectively. d’Onofrio et al20 observed 85.6% and 90.0%
sensitivity for Ricerca and Green indexes, respectively.
In present study, the Shine and Lal Index8 was the best
method for detecting classic BTT status, followed by MCV,
MCH, the Srivastava Index,10 the Mentzler Index,9 RBC From the present study, we concluded that automated
count, the England and Fraser Index,11 the Green Index,13 cell counter–based parameters and formulas are technically
the Ricerca Index,12 and RDW, in decreasing order of pref- good, rapid, cheaper, easily available, and reliable methods for
erence. Similar observations were made by Lafferty et al19 BTT detection. Cell counter–based parameters and formulas,

588 Am J Clin Pathol 2007;128:585-589 © American Society for Clinical Pathology

588 DOI: 10.1309/R1YL4B4BT2WCQDGV
Hematopathology / ORIGINAL ARTICLE

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589 DOI: 10.1309/R1YL4B4BT2WCQDGV 589

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