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GRADE – 10

Total number of projects to be done: 1 (hand written)

1) COVER PAGE (must have the following details)
a. School Logo (at the top of the page)
b. Name of the subject (geography)
c. Name of the Project Topic
d. Your Name, Class, Section, Roll number (towards the end of the page)
e. Place for Internal Examiner (left hand side of the page) and External examiner (right hand side of the page)
(bottom of the page)
f. The page should have a border
3) INDEX - The index follows the acknowledgement page and should be in the form of a table with page numbers.
4) CONTENT (must follow the given format and have the following details)
a. Maximum number of pages should not exceed more than 15 pages for content and along with the cover page,
acknowledgement, index and bibliography should not exceed 20 pages.
b. A4 size paper must be used with borders (all pages) and the pages must be numbered neatly.
c. Photographs and pictures must be on the left-hand side and labelled and bordered accurately.
d. Content must be neatly written on the right-hand side with the following details:
i. Main Heading and Sub Heading must be in caps and should be underlined.
ii. There must be proper demarcation between paragraphs.
iii. Use ONLY black pen for writing the content.
5) BIBLIOGRAPHY- Wikipedia is not a source for research, please do not mention it in the bibliography. It can only
be used for reference.
6) The project must be submitted in a STICK FILE on 24th May 2024.
7) The final submission of the project is 2nd week of August (dates will be intimated later)- with spiral binding.
8) Marks will be given on the following basis
a. Preparation/Research
b. Procedure/ Testing
c. Observation
d. Inference
e. Presentation.
9) Topics
Candidates will be required to prepare a project report on any one of the following topics:
i. Land use pattern in different regions of India- a comparative analysis.
ii. Wildlife conservation efforts in India.
iii. Development of tourism in India.
iv. Development of road, rail, water and air routes.

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