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Project 3 Reflection

The purpose of the project that I created was to address two audiences in my proposed

solutions for the litter and waste problem in Albuquerque parks. The two audiences that I

selected were the community members in the Taylor Ranch neighborhood as the park I chose to

focus on was Mariposa Basin Park. The second audience was The City of Albuquerque as they

own this park and could help provide funding for the proposed solutions. I believe that my

proposal achieves this purpose by being direct about the reasons behind each solution, describing

the benefits, and also connecting to each audience. For each solution, I provided why that

solution would help litter/waste be removed from the park. I gave great detail about how the

community members could be involved which connects them to the park and gets them

interested. I also went into detail about how the cleanliness of the park benefits the community

members because they utilize the park often and how it can help local businesses thrive

economically. I also explained the benefits that the City of Albuquerque would receive as cleaner

parks help out with overall health and property values. Then I went into greater detail about how

clean parks create revenue through rentals which would make their money back to them. I think I

was able to successfully reach the purpose of my project because I focused on the needs, values,

and attitudes of both audiences.

When it came to the community members I focused my PowerPoint video more heavily

on that area. I felt as though this was a nice introduction to what the solutions were but I mainly

focused on the connection aspect. I included a picture of one of the parkgoers to provide

evidence that this park plays a significance to many which would hopefully intrigue this

audience into wanting to learn more which they then would read my proposal. I wanted my

PowerPoint to also be inviting so I used bright colors and lots of images to get people interested
because that was my goal for the video. For the proposal, I did focus on the community as well

because they are the main contributors to this project but I also kept my other audience in mind

with the tone and professionalism. It was important to me that the proposal looked as

professional as it could which meant the images were less fun and rather were there to provide a

visual explanation or evidence for my project. The elements that I chose in my video reflected

that purpose which was to bring attention to my proposal and the elements in my written

proposal reflected my goal of providing evidence that this project is important to the community.

I really enjoyed this project. I have previously done two other proposal projects where I

focused on a broad topic of drug use. I believe that this is a major concern for Albuquerque and

enjoyed working on those proposals but this one was interactive which I loved. I was able to go

to a park that I have always loved, talk to individuals about the importance of the park, and got to

take pictures. I like how active it made me feel in the process when I was coming up with

solutions. I felt passionate about this project which I hope is reflected in my work. Overall, I had

a lot of fun with this project and would like to work with this idea again in the future.

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