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What is a Small Group?

 (Proverbs 11:13) A gossip betrays a

confidence, but a trustworthy person
A Dgroup, short for discipleship keeps a secret.
group, is a small group of people that meet
regularly, share their lives with each other, study HONESTY - I will be open and honest with my
the Bible together, and are accountable to each group leader and fellow members.
other, all in the pursuit of being more Christ-
like.  (Proverbs 12:22) The Lord detests lying
lips, but he delights in people who are
Why should you join a Dgroup? trustworthy.
COMMUNITY - It fosters fellowship and is a RESPECT - I will respect my group by
safe space to share lives with each other. regularly attending and participating in group
meetings. I will honor my group leader and area
 (Galatians 6:2) Bear one another’s pastor.
burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of
Christ.  (Hebrews 13:17) Have confidence in
your leaders and submit to their
CARE - It is a spiritual family where people authority, because they keep watch over
support, encourage, and pray for each other. you as those who must give an account.
 (Hebrews 10:24-25) And let us consider Do this so that their work will be a joy,
how to stimulate one another to love and not a burden, for that would be of no
good deeds, not forsaking our own benefit to you.
assembling together, as is the habit of INTERCESSION - I will regularly pray for my
some, but encouraging one another; and group leader and fellow members.
all the more as you see the day drawing
near.  (Ephesians 6:18)
CHARACTER - It helps build character SPIRITUAL GROWTH - I will have no other
through mutual accountability and building each purpose for joining a group except to grow
other up. spiritually and to help others do the same.
 (Proverbs 27:17) Iron sharpens iron, so  (Hebrews 10:24-25)
one man sharpens another.
TIMOTHIES - I will have it as my goal to
COLLABORATION - It is a place where disciple others and start a group.
serving God can be done shoulder to shoulder.
 (2 Timothy 2:2) And the things you have
 (1 Peter 4:10) As each one has received heard me say in the presence of many
a special gift, employ it in serving one witnesses entrust to reliable people who
another as good stewards of the will also be qualified to teach others.
manifold grace of God.

CCF Discipleship Covenant

CONFIDENTIALITY - I will ensure that
everything shared in the group stays only within
the group.

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