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● The purpose of this project is:
○ To determine if a business is open or not. If open, then collect the business
● For this task:
○ You will be shown business details with a phone number to call.
○ Call the number and ask if the business is open. If open, then ask for business
○ Based on the call, select the best answer and add comments.
■ DO NOT search online for this information. Ratings should be based on
the phone call only.
● Tool:
○ You will be using the Data Compute tool on this task.
■ A job link will be provided to get the business details.
■ You will enter your answers on this tool.

Important! Please review the Call Script below.

1. Review the business details and call the phone number for the business:
○ Phone: +91 XXXXX XXXXX
○ Name: XXX Inc
○ Address: XXX Market Street
○ City: Delhi
○ Category: FOOD _ AND _ DRINK
○ Subcategory: RESTAURANT
2. What was the outcome of the call made? (Call Script: “Hello, I’m collecting
information that helps businesses show up on Google products like Google Maps
and Search. Is this <business name>?)
○ Could reach someone
■ A human gave all information - a human from the place in the
description picked up and gave me all the information I needed
■ Voicemail success - I reached the voicemail of the place in the
description and it provided all the information I needed
■ A human gave partial information - A human from the place in the
description picked up but they could/would not tell if they were open for
○ Could not reach anyone
■ Fax/Modem - the number seems to connect to a fax or modem
■ Disconnected - the number is not in service
■ No information - a human picked up but they could/would not give me
any information at all
■ Wrong number - I reached a different place from the one in the
■ No dial tone - or some other call connection failure
■ Number is temporarily unavailable, e.g., temporarily switched off or no
■ No answer - nobody answered but there was a ringtone
■ IMPORTANT: Try calling twice before selecting this option, to see
if you are able to reach a human or voicemail
○ A person answered the call or it went to voicemail.
3. Is this business open? (Call Script: "Are you open?")
○ Open for business/to the public in the next 7 days for at least one of: in-person
(walk-in, sit-down…), pickup, or delivery
○ Temporarily Closed - closed for more than 7 days, will reopen in the future
○ Permanently Closed - closed forever, not intending to reopen
○ Has moved to a new location
○ I don’t know - I could not get this information during the call
■ Note: this only appears if a “partial information” option is selected
■ Why were you unable to verify existence?
■ Hang up, e.g. callee not interested or refuses to give information
■ Callee asked to call back later
■ Generic voicemail
4. What are the business hours? (Call Script: "What day does your business open
and closes for customers?” and “What time does your business open and closes
for customers?")
○ ​Were you able to get the business hours?
■ ​Yes
■ No
■ If it's "Yes" and hours are provided, please enter the current
business hours provided for each day of the week.
■ Enter the operating time, by clicking on the drop-down arrow at the
side, it will show the list of AM and PM hours. Please carefully
select the appropriate hours.
■ You can enter different time if a business is open at two different
times per day.
■ For example First opening time and First Closing time.
○ If you confirm the business is open but you can't collect specific hours
from the call, then check the box for "No" and put additional comment.
■ Why were you unable to verify hours?
■ Hang up, e.g. callee not interested or refuses to give information
■ Callee asked to call back later
■ Generic voicemail
■ Got partial information
■ Hours not applicable
5. Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.
○ It is a good idea to utilize the text box to take notes during the call, like important
parts of the conversation, hours, etc
○ If the task is missing business details, then try to retrieve this information and
include it in your comments.
○ If you mark Call Failure, be sure to provide more details about the specific
reason, like busy tone, just rings no answer, the specific error message heard,

● If no one answers on the first try, please try calling the 2nd or 3rd time. As long as
within the goal time of 3 minutes.
● It is important that you still enter the business hours even if the Callee confirmed
the business hours provided in the task.
● When you're asking the business hours (Step 6), if the Callee says to call back,
please choose the option - "Callee asked to call back later". In the following cases,
please ask the Callee if they can call back to get additional information:
○ Someone answered and provided partial data (For example: Verified open but did
not know hours).
○ Someone answered, did not hang up but also did not provide any information.
● When making the call make sure that you are polite and casual.
○ Limit sharing information as much as possible. Do not say the name of Appen in
your call.
○ You must include this information during the call “Hello, I’m collecting
information that helps businesses show up on Google products like Google
Maps and Search.”
○ If someone asks if you are working in Google, you can say "I don't work directly
for Google, but the information I'm collecting could show up on Google
○ Do not continue the call if the person does not want to participate. Just end the
call and add comments.
● If you connect with Voicemail, then try to verify the business information from the
● Please note that you should not be collecting any personal information (anything when
used alone or with other relevant data that can identify an individual such as full names)
in your calls. You should also refrain from adding any personal information about
yourself to any task text you submit.


● Open definition
○ A business is considered open if it currently provides service to customers at or
from its place of business. For example:
■ If the business provides services like delivery or curbside pickup, the
business is “open.”
■ The business is considered “open” even if it requires an appointment.
■ The business is considered “open” even if it only offers delivery (and no
in-store experiences).
■ LSBs (Local Service Businesses), which do not have storefronts, are
“open” as long as they are providing non-online services, such as
plumbing repair, to customers.
● Temporarily Closed definition
○ The business is not currently providing service to customers at or from its place
of business for an unknown duration or at least 7 days, but previously had an
open storefront at this location and plans to reopen at some date in the future at
this location. Moreover the business must maintain the right to conduct business
(when allowed by public health laws) at the location.
○ In other words, temp closed is the same as permanently closed, but for a limited
● Permanently Closed definition
○ The business is not providing service to customers at or from its place of
business and is not planning to open again at that location.


● Pay special attention to AM versus PM. Remember 12am is midnight and 12pm is
noon. If it's a bar that closes at 2, they probably mean AM but you should always
verify if you are unsure.
● Remember to check each day individually. Weekends often differ from weekdays
● If there are breaks during the day, be sure to collect this information and record it
● Hours should be the times the business is open to the public (not when the
employee shift starts etc)Collect the current hours. Remember these might be
different during covid than standard operation.
● Note that some businesses may be open at two different times per day.
○ For example, if a restaurant says, "open for breakfast and lunch from
8:00am to 3:00pm, dinner and drinks from 5:00pm to 2:00am," then enter
both time ranges for that day.
● If any part of the business is open, then list that time as open.
○ For example, if a restaurant says, "kitchen closes at 1:00am, bar closes at
2:00am," then the business closes at 2:00am.

Productivity Expectations - IMPORTANT

● Goal task time: 180 seconds (3 min)
○ This is the speed you should be submitting each task on average
○ Use some of this time to also write comments
● 1 task = 1 call/rating
○ The Rate Per Hour goal is 20 calls/ratings per hour on average
● Minimum task time: 30 seconds
○ If you submit faster than this time, then the tool will automatically lock you out of
the job, and you will need to contact support to get back in.
● Maximum task time: 6 minutes
○ If you submit slower than this time, then the exceeding will not be invoice.
Submit your task within the Goal task time or the maximum task time.

Crowd Compute Rating UI

Created by: Mary Johann on 8/31/21 5:05 PM, Last Edited by: Mary Johann on 8/31/21 5:50 PM

Important! If you can't see images, then go to this page and Acknowledge. Then come back
and refresh this page.

Below is an example of the Rating User Interface (UI) on the Data Compute

● First, you will only see the Business Details, the first question will be a dropdown
menu for the outcome of the call, select an option:
● Could reach someone
○ A human gave all information - a human from the place in the
description picked up and gave me all the information I needed
○ Voicemail success - I reached the voicemail of the place in the
description and it provided all the information I needed
○ A human gave partial information - A human from the place in the
description picked up but they could/would not tell if they were open for
● Could not reach anyone
○ Fax/Modem - the number seems to connect to a fax or modem
○ Disconnected - the number is not in service
○ No information - a human picked up but they could/would not give me
any information at all
○ Wrong number - I reached a different place from the one in the
○ ? No dial tone - or some other call connection failure
○ ? Number is temporarily unavailable, e.g., temporarily switched off or
no credit
○ ? No answer - nobody answered but there was a ringtone
○ ? Voicemail partial information - Reached the voicemail of the place in
the description but it did not say whether they were open for business
○ ? Voicemail no information - I reached voicemail but it didn’t give me
any information at all
■ IMPORTANT: If you choose one of the answers with a ? in front,
you will be prompted to dial the number again, you should call at
least twice before proceeding

● If you select a "Could reach someone" option you see the next question
"Existence" (Call Script: "Are you open")
○ Open for business/to the public in the next 7 days for at least one of: in-person
(walk-in, sit-down…), pickup, or delivery
○ Temporarily Closed - closed for more than 7 days, will reopen in the future
○ Permanently Closed - closed forever, not intending to reopen
○ Has moved to a new location
○ I don’t know - I could not get this information during the call
■ Note: this only appears if a “partial information” option is selected
■ Why were you unable to verify existence?
● Hang up, e.g. callee not interested or refuses to give information
● Callee asked to call back later
● Generic voicemail

● If you select Open you will need to verify the business hours (Call Script: "What
are your current business hours?")
○ Enter the current business hours provided for each day of the week.
○ Enter the operating time, by clicking on the drop-down arrow at the side, it will
show the list of AM and PM hours. Please carefully select the appropriate hours.
○ You can enter different time if a business is open at two different times per day.
■ For example First opening time and First Closing time.
○ If you confirm the business is open but you can't collect specific hours from the
call, then check the box for "Can't Verify" and put additional comment.

Note: If you select Open all day (24 hours) you will not need to enter the operating time.
● If you select Open part of the day, you will need to enter the operating time, by clicking
on the drop-down arrow at the side, it will show the list of AM and PM hours. Please
carefully select the appropriate hours. If there is Second opening and closing time enter
it as well. Do this step on other days.

● If the Callee doesn't want to participate or provide an answer on your questions or

doesn't want to be contacted. You may click on "Callee asked to not be contacted again".
● Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.
○ It is a good idea to utilize the text box to take notes during the call, like important
parts of the conversation, hours, etc
○ If the task is missing business details, then try to retrieve this information and
include it in your comments.
○ If you mark Call Failure, be sure to provide more details about the specific
reason, like busy tone, just rings no answer, the specific error message heard,

Call Script
Created by: Mary Johann on 8/31/21 5:55 PM, Last Edited by: Mary Johann on 8/31/21 5:55 PM

Important! This Call Script is a guide. When you call, you should speak in the language of the
person who answers.

● Do whatever it takes to be understood. You do not need to force the conversation in a

specific language. Find a shared language to converse in. Use “Can’t Verify” if you can't
understand the person on the phone or if they don't want to participate.
● The goal is to collect the information, not to use the target language or exact script. Use
your local knowledge to determine the appropriate language and best script to collect the
● You should be in a quiet place when calling to avoid background noise. Your tone of
voice should sound natural, not like you are reading a script. Avoid speaking too slowly
or too quickly. Speak clearly and loud enough so your voice can be heard.
● You can ask your own questions as long as it is the same general message and sounds
courteous and polite, so you can generate confidence in the person on the other line and
they will be more open to providing the information.

Scenario 1: Someone answered the call, and the business

is Open.
● Step 1: Dial the number and if someone responds then ask the question:
○ Script 1: Call Script: “Hello, I’m collecting information that helps
businesses show up on Google products like Google Maps and Search. Is
this <business name>?”
● Step 2: If you have the correct business, then ask the question:
○ Script 2: Are you open?
● Step 3: If they offer those services it means they are Open, continue to the next
○ Script 3: What are your current business hours?
○ Enter the business hours provided for each day of the week. You may need to
ask for more information about specific days to make sure the full week is
● ​Step 4: End the call:
○ Script 4: Thank you. Goodbye.
● Step 5: Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.

Scenario 2: Someone answered the call, but the business

is Temporarily Closed or Permanently Closed.
● Step 1: If you have the correct business, then ask the question:
○ Script 1: Call Script: “Hello, I’m collecting information that helps
businesses show up on Google products like Google Maps and Search. Is
this <business name>?”
● Step 2: If it's Closed proceed to the nest step.
● ​Step 3: End the call:
○ Script 3: Thank you. Goodbye.
● Step 4: Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.

Scenario 3: Someone answered the call but says Wrong

● Step 1: Dial the number and if someone responds then ask the question:
○ Script 1: Call Script: “Hello, I’m collecting information that helps
businesses show up on Google products like Google Maps and Search. Is
this <business name>?”
● Step 2: If the answer is something like, “This is not the correct business, you have called
the wrong number,” then select Wrong Number then ask the question:
○ Script 2: Do you have the correct number?
● Step 3: If the correct number is provided, then enter it into the comment box.
○ If the correct number is not provided, then proceed to Step 4.
● Step 4: End the call:
○ Script 4: Thank you. Goodbye.
● Step 5: Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.
Scenario 4: Someone answered the call but does not
want to participate or cannot be understood, so you Can’t
● Step 1: Dial the number and if someone responds then ask the question:
○ Script 1: Call Script: “Hello, I’m collecting information that helps
businesses show up on Google products like Google Maps and Search. Is
this <business name>?”
● Step 2: Be polite and try to engage the person on the phone.
● Step 3: If they do not want to participate or can't be understood, then select Can’t Verify.
● Step 4: End the call:
○ Script 4: Thank you. Goodbye.
● Step 5: Put additional information in the comment box then submit the task.

Troubleshooting: Sample Questions that may be asked

during the call and how to respond.
Important! It is highly restricted to provide the name of Appen. Do not disclose the name of the

● Question 1: Who is this?

○ Answer 1: This is <first name>.
○ You may provide your real first name or not. It is up to you.
● ​Question 2: Why are you calling?
○ Answer 2: I want to ask if you are open and for your business hours. I'm
calling to verify that I have accurate information about your business.​
● Question 3: Where are you calling from?
○ Answer 3: I'm calling from <country>.
○ You may say that you are located in your country.
● Question 4: Who do you work for?
○ Answer 4: I am self-employed.
● Question 5: Are you calling on behalf of Google? Do you work for Google?
○ Answer 5: "I don't work directly for Google, but the information I'm
collecting could show up on Google products."

Do not engage in further questioning. Redirect the conversation back to the Call Script.

Do not provide any further personal information. Limit sharing information as much as possible.

Do not continue the call if the person on the phone is irate and does not want to participate in
the call. Just end the call and put the specific information in the comment box.

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