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Republic of the Philippines)

Province of Antique ) S.S.

Municipality of Pandan )


I, PSSg Jurico Keliste male, married, of legal age, Filipino and member of the
Philippine National Police (PNP), presently assigned at Pandan Municipal Police
Station, Centro Sur, Pandan, Antique, detailed as Station Drug Enforcement
Team/Intelligence Operative after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law,
hereby depose and say:

1. On June 22, 2023 PCpl Anjelo B Basanes (PCpl Anjelo for brevity), SDET of
Pandan MPS received information from our Confidential Informant (CI for
brevity) that Carlo Divino were engaged in illegal drug activities in Pandan,

2. That because of this information, our Team Leader PSSg Hilario Sapalaran
(PSSg Sapalaran for brevity) instructed us to verify the said report and we
found out thru our confidential informant that Carlo Divino is indeed engaged
in selling illegal drugs known as “SHABU” and that we further know that Carlo
Divino has a pending case for the crime of rape pending at Antique Provincial
Prosecutor’s Office, San Jose, Antique.

3. On June 24, 2023 at about 8:00 AM, while we are the Pandan Municipala
Police Station Pandan, Antique, PSSg Hilario Sapalaran called us and the rest
of SDET members and conducted briefing relating to the conduct of a buy-
bust operation against Carlo Divino.

4. PSSg Hilario Sapalaran tasked us to conduct an immediate Buy-bust

Operation against Carlo Divino considering that Carlo Divino is a native of
Brgy. Bagumbayan, Pandan, Antique. Besides he was only staying at his house
for a couple of days only and stayed at other places in order to evade

5. That I was designated as the Poseur/Buyer together with the CI and PCpl
Roland Balajadia as my back-up arresting officer. I was furnished by the over-
all team leader PSSg Hilario Sapalaran with the buy-bust money amounting
to Five (5) pieces One hundred (Php100.00) peso bills consisting of two (2)
pieces One Hundred peso bill (P100.00) bearing serial numbers DKO18492
and FA247100 as “Marked Money”. Other members of the operating team
will also serve as back-up and perimeter security. PSSg Hilario Sapalaran
reminded us to be very careful because the CI informed us that our Subject
Carlo Divino is always carrying a firearm. It was also agreed that during the
transaction, the CI will come out of the house as a pre-arrange signal that the
transaction was now consummated. After the briefing, the CI went to the
house of the suspect and transacted to buy a sachet of shabu however,
Suspect Carlo Divino was not around at his house at Brgy. Bagumbayan,
Pandan, Antique. He (CI) further informed us that Carlo Divino will home at
noon time for a lunch.

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6. At around 11:00 o’clock AM of June 24, 2023.The members of the operating
team was again called by PSSg Hilario Sapalaran for the final instruction and
led the prayer for God’s guidance. As agreed, the other members of the team
will went ahead and to discreetly pre-positioned themselves at the place
where I, our CI and Carlo Divino will meet. That we went to his house using
single motorcycles and walked heading to his house because it was thickly
covered with vegetation and there is no access road on motorcycles leading to
his house. The CI called up Carlo Divino several times wherein moments later
he opened the front door and signaled us to come in, while inside his house,
the CI introduced me to Carlo Divino as his friend and as a customer that
would like to buy a “bato” (Shabu). When Carlo Divino asked me if how much
I will buy wherein I replied Five Hundred pesos (500.00 Php). In that moment,
the CI excused himself to urinate outside the house and Carlo Divino while
sitting on a plastic chair, took a pouch color pink tucked on his waist, opened
it and took one (1) sachet of suspected Shabu and handed it over to me
wherein I take it and put it inside my pocket. In return, I also handed him
over the Five (5) pieces One hundred peso bills containing two (2) pieces one
hundred peso bills marked money and Carlo Divino took the buy bust money
and placed it also inside the pouch and tucked it again on his waist. As I went
nearer to him to hold his hand and announced my authority, in that juncture
PCpl Roland Balajadia, my back-up suddenly appeared from behind causing
Carlo Divino to sensed that he was transacting to a police officer, In that
moment, He (Carlo Divino) suddenly pulled out a revolver and shouted”
Putang-ina nyong mga pulis pala kayo!” (Son of a bitch, your policemen!)
and aimed his firearm to us and pulled the trigger several times while he is
sitting on the plastic chair.

7. That Carlo Divino pulled out his firearm and aimed it to us and pulled the
trigger putting our life in imminent danger, as a police officer I immediately
pulled my service 9mm pistol tucked and concealed on my waist and also fired
back against Carlo Divino while moving away from his line of fire. Besides,
prior to the buy-bust operation we are warned by PSSg Hilario Sapalaran to
be very careful because the subject is armed and that is the reason why I am
also prepared.

8. That after a short exchange of gun fire, the other members of the team came
rushing in and PSSg Hilario Sapalaran called for the Brgy. Medic for
immediate evacuation of suspect to the hospital however, due to the proximity
of the crime scene wherein vehicles could not gain entry, the arrival of the
medic was hampered. That after PEMS Stephani Alejano, Investigator-on-case
processed the crime scene, suspect was brought to Calixto Zaldiver Memorial
Hospital but was declared dead on arrival by the attending physician Dr.
Rebecca Cabrillos.

9. That I conducted inventory and markings on-site in the presence of Brgy.

Kagawads Jimmy M. Aranda and Brgy Kagawad Uldiolyn G. Jalique of Brgy.
Bagumbayan, Pandan, Antique, I, PSSg Jurico Keliste, Poseur-Buyer, P PCpl
Roland Balajadia, Back-Up arresting Officer and Pat Ducay, Photographer and
affixed their signatures into the Receipt/Inventory on seized articles. PEMS
Stephani Alejano coordinated with the Antique provincial prosecutor’s office
thru cellphone call to Mr. Vicente Yolbert Fruylan,DOJ representative and the
Antique provincial Crime laboratory office thru PCpl Elvin Cadiao.Also despite
coordination made by PSSg Hilario Sapalaran to the members of the media

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prior to the buy-bust operation, there were No available personnel from the
Media Sector present in the Municipality of Pandan on the said time and date.
The aforementioned seized articles/items broken down as follows: One (1) pc
heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance
believed to be Shabu later marked as “”ES-BB” 6-24-18 with signature
a) Recovered from the possession and control of the suspect were the
following items, to wit:

b.1) THREE (3) pcs heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet

containing white crystalline substance of suspected Shabu which later
marked as “JK-1, “JK-2”, “JK-3”, 6-24-23 with signature
markings respectively;
b.2) Buy-Bust money Two (2) pieces One Hundred peso bill
(Php100.00) bearing serial numbers DKO18492 and FA247100 as
“Marked Money” later marked as “JK-4” and “JK -5” with signature
b.3) Three (3) pcs One hundred (Php100.00) peso bills bearing
serial numbers Az559974, AT989175 and FA247100 later marked as
“JK -6”, “JK -7” and “JK -8”;
b.4) One (1) pc. Caliber .38 revolver without serial number marked
as “ES-9” consisting;
b.5) Two (2) fired ammo marked as “JK -10 and “JK -11” with
signature markings;
b.6) Two (2) live ammunition later marked as “JK -12” AND “JK -
13” with signature markings;
b.7) Two (2) pcs dud bullet marked as “JK -14 and “JK -15”;
b.8) Three (3) pieces cartridge case for .9mm marked as “ES-16”
and “JK -17” and “JK -18” with signature marking all placed inside the
b.9) One (1) pc. Pink pouch.
10. In the morning of June 25, 2023, I brought the recovered/confiscated suspected
illegal drugs to the PNP Regional Crime Laboratory Office, at PRO6 Camp Martin
Delgado Iloilo City for laboratory Examination while the recovered firearm will
be subjected for firearms verification at the National headquarters, Camp
Crame, Quezon City to determine its owner/licensee.

That I am executing this affidavit to attest the truthfulness of the above foregoing
facts to support our charges for Violation of Section 5 and Section 11, Article II of R.A.
9165 and RA 10591 against the said suspect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 25 th day of

June 2023 at Panda, Antique, Philippines.

PSSG Jurico Keliste

PNP ID No: 18G1234556

This is to certify that I have read the contents of this affidavit and has guided the
affiants in its preparation.

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Investigator on Case
PNP ID No: 22G123456

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 25th day of June 2023, at

Pandan, Antique, Philippines by affiant who has satisfactorily proven to me his identity
indicated below his name. Affiant are known to me and to be the same person who
executed the foregoing affidavit. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the
affiant and I am satisfied that they had freely executed the foregoing affidavit and the
allegations contained therein are fully understood by him.

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