2.NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communication

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3, MARCH 2022 677

NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communication

Zhaolin Wang , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Yuanwei Liu , Senior Member, IEEE,
Xidong Mu , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Zhiguo Ding , Fellow, IEEE,
and Octavia A. Dobre , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— A non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) Thus, even the requirement of the communication-only system
empowered integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) cannot be satisfied. In this case, it is generally impossible to
framework is investigated. A dual-functional base station serves integrate the sensing function into the communication system.
multiple communication users employing NOMA, while the
superimposed NOMA communication signal is simultaneously
As a remedy, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) can
exploited for target sensing. A beamforming design problem is multiplex communication users in the power domain and
formulated to maximize the weighted sum of the communication mitigate the inter-user interference by exploiting successive
throughput and the effective sensing power. To solve this problem, interference cancellation (SIC) [9], which provides extra DoFs.
an efficient double-layer penalty-based algorithm is proposed Furthermore, NOMA can benefit ISAC by allowing more users
by invoking successive convex approximation. Numerical to be served than the conventional multiple access techniques,
results show that the proposed NOMA-ISAC outperforms the
conventional ISAC in the underloaded regime experiencing thus achieving higher spectral efficiency. However, to the best
highly correlated channels and in the overloaded regime. of the authors’ knowledge, the application of NOMA in ISAC
has not been studied yet, which motivates this work.
Index Terms— Beamforming design, integrated sensing and
communication (ISAC), non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA).
In this letter, we propose a NOMA-ISAC framework,
in which the transmitted superimposed signal is exploited
I. I NTRODUCTION for communication and sensing simultaneously and SIC is
exploited for inter-user interference mitigation. We formulate

R ECENTLY, the development of 6G wireless networks

has received heated discussion. Among others, it is
envisioned that the future wireless networks should be capa-
a beamforming design problem for maximizing the weighted
sum of the communication throughput and the effective sens-
ing power, subject to the minimum communication rate and
ble of simultaneous sensing and communication [1]. Toward radar-specific constraints. To solve this non-convex problem,
this trend, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) [2], we propose a double-layer penalty-based algorithm based
in which the radar sensing and wireless communication are on successive convex approximation (SCA). Our numerical
integrated to share the same spectrum and infrastructure, results verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
is proposed and have received growing attention from both
academia [3] and industries [4]. II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
Motivated by the advantages of ISAC like sharing spectrum A. System Model
and reducing cost, there has been a number of research
contributions recently [5]–[7]. Nevertheless, we notice that A NOMA-ISAC system is proposed, which consists of a
these works do not consider the impact of spatially correlated dual-functional base station (BS) equipped with an N -antennas
channels and overloaded regime on the ISAC system, which uniform linear array (ULA), K single-antenna users indexed
is more likely to encounter in the future wireless network due by K = {1, . . . , K}, and M radar targets indexed by
to the massive device connectivity [8]. For the conventional M = {1, . . . , M }.
multi-antenna technique employed in [5]–[7], the communica- 1) Communication Model: Different from existing research
tion users will suffer from severe inter-user interference when contributions [5]–[7], in this work, NOMA is employed at the
the channels are highly correlated or the system is overloaded BS for serving multiple communication users [9]. Specifically,
because of the limited spatial degrees of freedom (DoFs). the BS transmits the superimposed signals of wi si for ∀i ∈ K
to all users, where wi ∈ CN ×1 are beamformers for delivering
Manuscript received December 22, 2021; accepted December 31, 2021. Date the information symbol si to user i. Therefore, the received
of publication January 4, 2022; date of current version March 10, 2022. The signal yk at user k is given by
associate editor coordinating the review of this letter and approving it for  
publication was X. Lei. (Corresponding author: Yuanwei Liu.) yk = hH k wi s i + n k = hH
k wi s i + n k , (1)
Zhaolin Wang and Yuanwei Liu are with the School of Electronic Engi-
neering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London i∈K i∈K
E1 4NS, U.K. (e-mail: zhaolin.wang@qmul.ac.uk; yuanwei.liu@qmul.ac.uk). −1/2 
Xidong Mu is with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing Uni- where hk = Λk h k , ∀k ∈ K denotes the BS-user channel,
versity of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China (e-mail: Λk
and h k ∈ CN ×1 denote the large and small scale
Zhiguo Ding is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineer-
fading, respectively, and nk denotes the circularly symmetric
ing, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. (e-mail: complex Gaussian noise with variance σn2 . We assume that
zhiguo.ding@manchester.ac.uk). the users’ indexes are in an increasing order with respect to
Octavia A. Dobre is with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sci- their large-scale channel strength, i.e., Λ−1
1 ≤ Λ−1
2 ≤ ··· ≤
ence, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5, Canada (e-mail: −1
odobre@mun.ca). ΛK . Thus, user 1 is the weakest user while user K is the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3140271 strongest user. In NOMA, user k first detects and removes the
1558-2558 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Heilongjiang University. Downloaded on December 13,2023 at 05:48:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Remark 1: In contrast to the conventional ISAC [5], [6],

[11], where the inter-user interference is merely mitigated
by exploiting spatial DoFs, the NOMA-ISAC system further
employs SIC for mitigating inter-user interference, see (2),
(3), and (5). Therefore, when the available spatial DoFs are
limited (e.g., the underloaded regime with highly correlated
channels and overloaded regime), NOMA provides extra
DoFs to guarantee the communication performance, which
Fig. 1. Illustration of the NOMA-empowered ISAC system.
enables the feasibility of integrating the sensing function.
interference from all the weaker j < k users by exploiting This will be verified via the numerical results in Section IV.
SIC, while treating the interference from all the stronger users
j > k as noise. Thus, the achievable rate of sk after SIC at B. Problem Formulation
user k for ∀k ∈ K, k = K is Given our NOMA-ISAC framework, we aim to maximize
|hH w k |2 the weighted sum of communication throughput and effective
Rk→k = log2 1 +  k
. (2) sensing power, while satisfying the minimum communication
i∈K,i>k |hk wi | + σn
H 2 2
rate of each user and radar-specific requirements. The resultant
However, the symbol sk for user k also need to be decodable optimization problem is formulated as
at user j, for j > k and ∀k ∈ K, k = K, to carry out SIC,  
yielding the following achievable rate max ρc Rk + ρr P (θm ) (9a)
j wk |
|hH 2 k∈K m∈M
Rk→j = log2 1 +  . (3) s.t. Rk ≥ Rmin,k , ∀k ∈ K (9b)
i∈K,i>k |hj wi | + σn
H 2 2
|P (θk ) − P (θp )| ≤ Pdiff , ∀k = p ∈ M (9c)
Thus, the overall achievable rate of sk for ∀k ∈ K, k = K is  
 Pt 1N ×1
Rk = min{Rk→k , . . . , Rk→K }. (4) diag wi wi H
= , (9d)
At user K, the interference from all the other users is elimi-
nated by SIC. Therefore, its achievable rate is given as C̄ ≤ ξ, (9e)
|hH wK |2 where ρc ≥ 0 and ρr ≥ 0 are the regularization parameters; by
RK = log2 1 + K 2 . (5)
σn varying them we can obtain the performance trade-off between
communication and radar sensing. Here, (9b) guarantees the
Therefore, the
communication throughput of the K users is minimum rate of each user and (9c) ensures the similar
given by R = k∈K Rk . levels of sensing power in different target directions. The
2) Sensing Model: In the ISAC system, the communication constraint (9d) is the constant per antenna constraint [10],
waveforms can be exploited to perform radar target sens- where Pt denotes the total transmit power. Finally, the
ing, but need to satisfy the sensing requirements, which is constraint (9e) ensures a desired upper bound of the mean-
equivalent to design the covariance matrix of the transmitted squared cross-correlation. However, it is quite challenging to
signal [10]. The covariance matrix is given by obtain the globally optimal solution for problem (9) due to

Rw = wi wiH . (6) the following reasons. On the one hand, the expression of
achievable rate is neither convex nor concave, which makes the
objective function non-concave and the constraint (9b) non-
With the prior information of target, the objective for sensing
convex. On the other hand, the quadratic form of the covari-
system is to maximize the effective sensing power, i.e., the
ance matrix makes the constraints (9c) and (9d) non-convex.
power of probing signal in target directions [10], which is
In the following, we propose an efficient iterative algorithm
given as
to obtain a suboptimal solution by invoking SCA [12].
P (θm ) = aH (θm )Rw a(θm ), (7)
where θm , ∀m ∈ M are target directions and a(θm ) = III. P ROPOSED S OLUTION
2π 2π
[1, ej λ d sin(θm ) , . . . , ej λ d(N −1) sin(θm ) ]T is the steering vec- In this section, we develop an SCA-based double-layer
tor, where λ and d denote the carrier wavelength and antenna iterative algorithm. Firstly, we define Wk  wk wkH , which
spacing, respectively. We assume that similar levels of sensing satisfies Wk  0, Wk = WkH , and rank(Wk ) = 1. Then,
power is desired in the different target directions such that each the problem (9) can be reformulated as
target can be fairly tracked. Furthermore, the cross-correlation  
between transmitted signals at any two target directions θk max f (ρc , ρr , γk , Wk ) = ρc γk + ρr P (θm )
γk ,Wk
and θp is expected to be low such that the sensing system k∈K m∈M

can perform adaptive localization [10]. The cross-correlation (10a)

is given by C(θk , θp ) = |aH (θk )Rw a(θp )|, ∀k = p ∈ M. The s.t. Rk ≥ γk , ∀k ∈ K, (10b)
mean-squared cross-correlation of the M 2−M pairs of sensing γk ≥ Rmin,k , ∀k ∈ K (10c)
targets is given by Wk  0, Wk = WkH , ∀k ∈ K (10d)
M−1 M
rank(Wk ) = 1, ∀k ∈ K (10e)
C̄ = 2 C(θk , θp )2 . (8)
M −M (9c) − (9e). (10f)
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Furthermore, We define Hk  hk hH k . Then, for j ≥ k and s.t. (9c) − (9e), (10c), (10d), (14b), (14c). (16b)
k ∈ K, k = K, the constraint (10a) can be rewritten as
 However, the second term in the penalty term makes the
Rk→j = log2 σn2 + Tr (Hj Wi ) objective not convex. By exploiting the first-order Taylor
i∈K,i≥k expansion at point Wkn , its upper bound of is given by

− log2 σn2 + Tr (Hj Wi ) ≥ γk . (11) n
−Wk 2 ≤ W
  −Wk 2 − Tr vmax,k
n n
(vmax,k )H (Wk − Wkn ) ,
Fj,k (17)
The non-convexity of this constraint lies in the second term
where vmax,k
is the eigenvector corresponding to the largest
Fj,k . To address this, we invoke the SCA. By using the
eigenvalue of Wkn . Thus, the problem (16) can be approxi-
first-order Taylor expansion at point W1n , . . . , WK
), we have
mated by the following problem

Fj,k ≥ Fj,k  − log2 σn2 + Tr (Hj Win ) 1  kn
max f (ρc , ρr , γk , Wk ) − Wk ∗ + W
   γk ,Wk η
i∈K,i>k Tr Hj (Wi − Win ) (18a)
−  .
i∈K,i>k Tr (Hj Wi ) s.t. (9c) − (9e), (10c), (10d), (14b), (14c).
σn2 + n ln 2 (18b)
(12) The problem (18) is a quadratic semidefinite program (QSDP),
Then, we define which can be efficiently solved by the CVX toolbox [15].
 It is worth noting that the choice of parameter η plays an
k→j  log2 σn2 +
R Tr (Hj Wi ) + Fj,k , (13) important role in the objective function. If this parameter is
i∈K,i≥k chosen to be η → 0 ( δ1 → ∞), the rank of matrix Wk will be
which is a lower bound of Rk→j . By exploiting it, the definitely one. Nevertheless, in this case, we cannot obtain
k→j ≥ γk . Thus,
constraint (10a) can be approximated by R a good solution regarding the maximization of throughput
problem (10) can be reformulated as and effective sensing power, since the objective function is
dominated by the penalty term. To tackle this, we can initialize
max f (ρc , ρr , γk , Wk ) (14a) a large η to obtain a good starting point for the throughput
γk ,Wk
and the effective sensing power. Then, by gradually reducing
s.t. Rk→j ≥ γk , j ≥ k, ∀k ∈ K, k = K, (14b) η to a sufficiently small value via η = η, 0 < < 1,
RK ≥ γK , (14c) an overall suboptimal solution can be obtained. This procedure
(9c) − (9e), (10c) − (10e). (14d) is terminated
 when the penalty term is sufficiently small,
i.e., k∈K (Wk ∗ − Wk 2 ) ≤ ε2 . The overall algorithm
For this optimization problem, the non-convexity is only to problem (9) is summarized in Algorithm 1. The complexity
from the rank-one constraint (10e). Generally, the semidefinite of this algorithm is O(Io Ii (K 6.5 N 6.5 log(1/e))), where Io
relaxation (SDR) [13] is exploited to solve this problem by and Ii are the number of iterations of the outer and inner
omitting the rank-one constraint. Then, the eigenvalues decom- layers, e is the solution accuracy, and O(K 6.5 N 6.5 log(1/e))
position or Gaussian randomization is used to reconstruct the is the complexity for solving the QSDP (18) [6].
rank-one solution from the general-rank solution obtained by
SDR, which may lead to a significant performance loss and IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
not ensure the feasibility of the reconstructed matrix. To avoid
In this section, the numerical results are provided to demon-
these drawbacks, we attempt to transform the rank-one
strate the characteristics of NOMA in ISAC systems. As shown
constraints to a penalty term in the objective function [14],
in Fig. 2, we assume a BS equipped with a ULA with
which can also be solved by SCA. Toward this idea, we firstly
N = 4 antennas, serving K = 2 or 6 communication users and
introduce an equivalent equality constraint:
tracking M = 2 radar targets in θ1 = −40◦ and θ2 = 40◦ . The
Wk ∗ − Wk 2 = 0, k ∈ K, (15) overall power budget is Pt = 20 dBm and the noise power at
where  · ∗ is the nuclear norm, which is the sum of singular
values of the matrix, and  · 2 is the spectral norm, which
Algorithm 1 Proposed Double-Layer Penalty-Based Algo-
is the largest singular values of the matrix. Thus, when the
rithm for Solving Problem (9)
matrix Wk is a rank-one matrix, the equality (15) holds.
1: Initialize the feasible Wk0 , ∀k ∈ K.
Otherwise, as Wk is semidefinite, we must have that the sum 2: repeat
of singular values is larger than the largest singular value, 3: n ← 0.
i.e., Wk ∗ − Wk 2 > 0. In order to obtain a rank-one 4: repeat
matrix, we introduce a penalty term to the objective function 5: Update Wkn+1 by solving (18) with Wkn , ∀k ∈ K.
6: n ← n + 1.
based on (15), yielding 7: until the fractional reduction of the objective function value falls below
1 a predefined threshold ε1 .
max f (ρc , ρr , γk , Wk ) − (Wk ∗ − Wk 2 ) 8: Wk0 ← Wkn , ∀k ∈ K.
γk ,Wk η
9: η ← η.
10: until k∈K Wkn ∗ − Wkn 2 ≤ ε2 .

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Fig. 2. Simulation setup.

users is σn2 = −120 dBm. The channels between BS and users

are assumed to experience Rayleigh fading with the path loss
of Λk (dB) = 32.6+36.7 log10 (dk ). In particular, the path loss Fig. 3. Convergence of algorithm 1.
model is defined based on the 3GPP propagation environment
[16, Table B.1.2.1-1]. The fading model follows [17]
 = Hw R1/2 ,
H (19)
where H = h1 /h1 , . . . , hK /hK  and Hw is the normal-
ized Rayleigh fading matrix satisfying E HH w Hw = I. The
matrix RH is the spatial correlation matrix of H. Its (i, j)-th
entry indicates the spatial correlation between the channels of
user i and user j, the norm of which is t|i−j| for t ∈ [0, 1].
The users are equally spaced between the distances of 50 m
and 200 m from BS. We set Rmin = 1 bit/s/Hz, Pdiff = 10,
and ξ = 10. The initial penalty factor of Algorithm 1 is set
to η = 105 . Finally, the convergence thresholds of inner and
outer layers are set to ε1 = 10−2 and ε2 = 10−4 .

A. Convergence of Algorithm 1
In Fig. 3, the convergence behavior of the proposed algo-
rithm over one random channel realization is studied with
K = 6, t = 0, ρc = 10, and ρr = 1. We can observe that for
any values of the reduction factor , the objective value quickly
converges to a stable value while the penalty term converges
to almost zero after several outer iterations. It reveals that the
proposed algorithm is capable of finding a feasible rank-one
solution with high performance. Furthermore, it can be seen
that as the value of becomes smaller, the proposed algorithm
has higher convergence speed while achieves lower objective
value, i.e., worse system performance, which is a trade-off. Fig. 4. Trade-off between throughput and effective sensing power.
Thus, in the following simulation, we set = 0.2, which
achieves the suitable convergence speed and system perfor- C. Performance Trade-off
mance simultaneously. In Fig. 4, we demonstrate the performance trade-off,
i.e., the communication throughput versus the effective radar
B. Baseline sensing power, of NOMA-ISAC and the conventional ISAC.
For comparison, we consider the conventional ISAC system The results are obtained via Monte Carlo simulation over
without the employment of NOMA [5], where the achievable 400 random channel realizations. Two cases are consid-
rate at user k is given by ered, namely the underloaded regime (K = 2) and the
  overloaded regime (K = 6). As seen in Fig. 4, in both
k wk |
|hH 2 underloaded and overloaded regimes, the spatial factor has
Rk = log2 1 + 
. (20) no effect on the NOMA-ISAC system. The reason is that
i∈K,i=k |hk wi | + σn
H 2 2
the communication throughput is dominated by the strongest
The corresponding problem of maximizing the throughput NOMA user. However, the performance of the conventional

Rb = k∈K Rkb and effective sensing power at the sensing ISAC system is subject to the spatial factor, i.e., as the
targets can be solved using Algorithm 1 with the interference spatial correlation increases, the performance achievable area
term in (20). becomes smaller. Specifically, in the underloaded regime

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and the conventional ISAC can achieve the dominant peak

of the transmit beampattern in the directions of interest,
i.e., −40◦ and 40◦ . In the overloaded regime, the dominant
peaks can still be achieved by the proposed NOMA-ISAC,
while the conventional ISAC experiences severe power leakage
in the undesired directions, leading to the significant sensing
performance degradation. These results further emphasize the
importance of NOMA in terms of guaranteeing the sensing
performance when the ISAC system is overloaded and also
verify Remark 1.

A NOMA-ISAC framework has been proposed. A beam-
forming optimization problem was formulated to obtain the
communication-sensing trade-off, which was solved by the
proposed double-layer penalty-based algorithm. Our numerical
results indicated that the NOMA-ISAC framework outper-
forms the conventional one when the spatial DoFs are insuf-
ficient and can provide high quality communication and radar
Fig. 5. Obtained transmit beampattern by different schemes when the sensing functions simultaneously in the overloaded regime.
communication throughput is 13.5 bit/s/Hz.

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