Aire River Campsite 11

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Parks Victoria

Address 10/535 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone +613 8427 2002

Thank you for your booking

This is a summary only. If you have provided an email address, full confirmation of your online reservation/transaction has
been emailed to you.

Please contact us if you require any changes to your booking.

Itinerary Summary

Booking details

Booking Date 9/11/2021 6:57:43 pm

Itinerary Number 9836893
Name Alexander Low
Email Address
Phone Number +61408344756

Booking Total $25.70

Total Paid $25.70
Balance Due $0

Itinerary Items
Aire River West Campground site 11 - Tent, $15.50
Caravan or Camp Trailer
Great Otway National Park
Adults 6
I acknowledge the Chief
Size: 7 x 9m. Car Accessibility: 2WD & 4WD. No Pets.
Health Officer’s
Facilities: Drop Toilets, Car Parking at: Site, Fire Pits,
recommendation that
Untreated Water Available, Picnic Tables, Jetty Access, Picnic
vaccination is strongly
Shelter, Boat Ramp. This campsite is situated within the Great
recommended. Yes
Otway National Park located on the banks of the Aire River
Vehicle 1 registration
Estuary. This area is home to a magnitude of native and
number: SXZ225
migratory bird species as well as an abundance of fish
If unknown, enter 'TBC' or
species making it a great place to go bird watching, fishing,
'to be confirmed'.
swimming and canoeing. There is a boat ramp making it
Add a second vehicle to
possible to launch small boats, canoes and kayaks which can
your booking? Yes
then be used to explore the rest of this world class wetlands.
Add a third vehicle to your
There is also beach access which is only a short 10 minutes
booking? No
walk along the banks of the river.
Vehicle 2 registration
number (if known): ZNT662
Operator Terms and Conditions
Vehicle 3 registration
30 days prior 50% cancellation fee. Less than 30 days prior 100% cancellation
fee. No Transfers.
number (if known):
Means-tested concession
card holder? No
Concession card type:
Card number:
Card expiry date: (dd/mm
School group booking? No
School name:
Education Group Activity
form complete? Yes
Licenced Tour Operator? No
PV LTO number:
LTO business name:
When was the last time you
have camped with us? d)
Other, please specify:

Booking Agent Terms and Conditions

d Parks Victoria General Terms n and Conditions<p> Parks Victoria<br>
a 10/535 Bourke Street<br> Melbourne VIC 3000<br><br>
g Campin
, accommodation general conditions<br> Camping Seasons<br> Peak period rates apply: for all weekends (Fri/Sat) commencing Melbourne Cup weekend to the end of February
Melbourne Cup long weekend, December/January school holidays, Labour Day weekend, Easter school holidays, and Anzac Day long weekend (when applicable).<br> Shoulder
period rates apply: weekdays November to the end of April, weekdays and weekends from the 1st of March to the end of April (except for Easter school holidays), and September
n school holidays.<br> Off-peak period rates apply: from the 1st of May to the start of o the Melbourne Cup weekend (except for September school holidays). <p> Accommodati
: Seasons<br> Peak period rates apply: for the December/January school holiday period, Labour Day weekend and Easter public holiday weekend. Shoulder period rates apply
from the 1st September to the 30th April, except for December/January school holidays, Labour Day and Easter school holiday period (except for the 4 day Easter public holiday
weekend), Queen’s Birthday weekend and July school holidays. Off-peak rates apply: from the 1st May to 31 August, (except for Queens Birthday weekend and July school
n holidays).<p> Bookings, fees and payments<br> Advanced bookings for campsites and accommodation can be made on-line or phone-assisted via the Parks Victoria Informatio
d Centre; All online bookings for campsites and accommodation require fees to be paidr in full at the time of booking; All bookings and payments are non-transferable; Credit ca
payments only are accepted for on-line bookings; For phone-assisted bookings, payments can be made by credit card, cheque or money order. If full payment is not received
r within 14 days the booking will automatically be cancelled; For all bookings made less than 30 days out from the date of arrival full payment is required at time of booking; Fo
school group camping bookings: School Group camping fees apply for bookings made by Primary and Secondary Schools for overnight camping, special camping places, and
overnight hiker permits. These fees are a 10% reduction on the seasonal fee for campsites. The relevant per site or per person school group fee applicable to each camping area
g is listed in the fee schedules. For all bookings made less than 30 days out from the date of arrival full payment is required at time of booking; Licenced tour operators conductin
organised activities are eligible for the applicable School Group camping fees where they have been engaged by a Primary of Secondary school to provide an organised activity,
and all participants of the group are from that Primary or Secondary School. To be eligible for school group camping fees, Licenced Tour Operators must provide their business
name, Tour Operator Licence Number, and name of the participants’ school at the time of placing their booking. Advance booking of campsites require fees to be paid in full within
e 14 days of booking; For all bookings made less than 30 days out from the date of arrival full payment is required at time of booking; All bookings and payments ar
4 non-transferable. For school group accommodation bookings: Advance booking of accommodation requires a 20% non-refundable deposit of the full applicable fees within 1
l days, with the balance of fees due 30 days prior to arrival date; For all bookings made less than 30 days out from the date of arrival full payment is required at time of booking; Al
g Bookings and payments are non-transferable. Booking fee – ballot / booked period A $11.30 administration fee applies for parks which conduct ballots and advance bookin
releases for defined holiday periods. The administration fee applies only for successful applicants on a per booking basis. Phone Booking Fee for special camping places and
overnight hiker permits A $11.30 phone booking fee applies for individuals making bookings for special camping places and overnight hiking. The phone booking fee applies on a
per booking basis; A $16.70 phone booking fee applies for groups of 8 or more persons making bookings for special camping places and overnight hiking. The phone booking fee
e applies on a per booking basis; The phone booking fee does not apply for bookings made by means tested concession card holders and Seniors Card holders. Administration Fe
– Phone Assisted Amendments for roofed accommodation A $11.30 administration fee applies for all phone-assisted booking amendments for roofed accommodation bookings.
l Additional vehicles Unless otherwise specified, fees for each campsite include provision for one vehicle in the permit fee. Additional vehicle charges apply for each additiona
1 vehicle per night for all permit fee categories in Schedule 1 1 car and 1 caravan 1 car and any trailer associated with that vehicle, including a trailer with a boat or dirt bikes etc.
, RV/Motorhome, and a small car towed by motorhome 1 Campervan Up to 3 motorbikes g Included in site fee (unless site dimensions or other limitations are stated when bookin
1 such as “tent only”): If the site/campground permits, extra vehicle charge applies when:
= <p> 1 car and (up to 3) motorbike = 1 additional vehicle<br> 2 cars and 2 caravans
l additional vehicle<br> 2 campervans = 1 additional vehicle<br>
a 4 motorbikes = 1 additional vehicle<br> 5 motorbikesn = 2 additional vehicles<br> 6 motorbikes = 3 additio
s vehicles<br> Campers must be able to contain their equipment e within the site dimensions, including vehicle if thisgis part of the site design. <p> Non-refundable fees and char
’ for cancellations, alterations or reduction of stay or occupancies: 30 days’ or more prior notice to the booking arrival date, 50% of the applicable fees per night; Less than 30 days
> prior notice to the booking arrival date, 100% of the applicable fees per night; <p> School r groups<br> Greater than 30 days’ prior notice - 20% of the applicable fees per night;<b
t 7 – 30 days’ prior notice, 25% of the applicable fees per night;<br> 1 – 6 days’ prior notice, 50% of the applicable fees per night;<br> During holiday periods where minimum nigh
bookings are required, no refund will be given for part of the booking period;<br> During holiday periods where a Ballot or Advance Booking release is conducted, the
t non-refundable fees and charges for cancellations will apply once the accommodation or campsite has been allocated.<br> <p> Concession card holders – discount for overnigh
camping fees only<br> A 10% per cent discount off the seasonal per night fee for campsites is available for holders of eligible means-tested concession cards. Eligible concession
r cards include:<br> Centrelink Health Care Card<br> Centrelink a Pensioner Concession card<br> Veterans Affairs Gold W Card for All Conditions<br> Veterans Affairs Gold Card
n Widow<br> Veterans Affairs Gold Card TPI<br> Veterans a Affairs Gold card POW & EDA<p> Refunds<br> Full refunds apply if the park or camping area is closed as a result of
emergency or other exceptional circumstance;<br> Requests for refunds must be made in writing within 60 days after the arrival date for the booking period covered by the park
d closure.<br> Code red fire danger rating days<br> If a park is closed as a result of a Code Red Fire Danger Rating being declared, a refund is available for the booking perio
applicable during the park closure. This applies to visitors whose scheduled arrival date coincides with a declared park closure, or visitors who are already on-site and their stay is
a shortened as a result of the park closure.<br> Requests for refunds must be made within 60 days for all or part of the applicable camping or accommodation fees.<br> Where
visitor’s stay has been shortened due to a park closure, they may request a transfer of the remaining booked period to an alternative date as agreed with Parks Victoria.<br>
Refunds are limited to camping and accommodation permit fees and exclude any booking administration fees or amendment fees.<br> Refunds or transfers for nights already
o stayed will not be provided.<br> Refunds will be issued in accordance with Parks Victoria’s h existing policy.<br> Fee exemptions for Traditional Owners<br> Traditional owners w
have native title rights under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) or recognised traditional owner rights under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010, which include the right to
r camp, are exempt from paying camping fees when exercising that right;<br> Traditional e owners will still need to book to reserve a site within their agreement areas.<br> Oth
e General Conditions<p> GST<br> All fees and chargeshare inclusive of the Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST)<br> t Privacy Policy<br> We are committed to protecting
privacy and security of any personally identifiable information (PII) you provide us. PII includes information that can be linked to a specific individual, such as name, address,
phone number, or email address. This privacy policy explains how Parks Victoria handles and protects your PII in accordance with commonly accepted privacy principles.<br>
Parks Victoria reserves the right to modify or amend this policy at any time and for any reason. Any material changes to this privacy policy will be posted prior to their
implementation. The organisational privacy policy of Parks Victoria may be viewed here. Questions regarding this policy should be emailed to or sent via
t postal mail to:<br> Privacy
a Officer<br> Parks Victoria<br>
h Level 10, 535 BourkeWStreet Melbourne VIC 3000<br> Phone: 13 1963<br><p>
information we collect<br> In an effort to keep our service as simple and easy as possible we do not create, use or store profiles of our customers. We only record PII and other
d information that we reasonably require to do business nwith you.<br> Parks Victoria collects PII when you:<br> Make a a booking<br> Your full name, address, email address
l phone number are taken each time you make a booking with Parks Victoria. <br> Contact Parks Victoria<br> Parks Victoria collects PII such as your full name, address, emai
s address and/or telephone number whenever you submit a query or suggestion, or request e assistance with a booking.<br> How we use your information<br> Parks Victoria us
your PII (personal identifiable information) for the purpose of responding to and fulfilling your requests for our products and services. Information collected on
e may be used to:<p> Purchase Parks Victoria products or services<br> g Information collected when you purchase from Parks Victoria is used to char
your credit card and deliver your booking confirmation electronically. We may also contact you about your stay for customer service purposes or to make any changes or
u cancellations to your booking. <p> Respond to your questions or suggestions<br> We o will use your address, email address and/or telephone number to contact you when y
o submit a question or suggestion.<br> The purpose of using your information for Parks Victoria research and future research is:<br> to act as a corporate performance indicator t
Government of Parks Victoria's community benefit;<br> to guide park management actions, such as priority setting and substantiation of investment for facilities and
infrastructure.<br> Previously the monitoring consisted of visits only, overnight stay data was not collected. The data from the online booking system will provide an opportunity to
e collect additional information on the overnight stays.<br> How you control and access your information<br> Parks Victoria believes that site visitors and customers should hav
r control over the collection and use of their PII. You have control and access to your information as follows:<br> <p>Booking information <br> If at any time you would like to alte
s the PII you provided to Parks Victoria in your booking, please contact us.<br> <p>General <br> If at any time you wish to enquire about any of your PII that is stored by Park
s Victoria please contact us.<br> <p> Validity of rates<br> Accommodation costs are fors room and or campsite only and do not include transfer, breakfast or other inclusions unle
otherwise stated. See the full list of categories here. Prices are inclusive of the Australian Goods and Services Tax. Prices over accommodation and camping block out periods
may alter from the prices advertised. Contact us for further details. Full payment is due at time of booking. Please proceed to our "Secure Payment" form to submit credit card
l details. <p> Disclaimer<br> All information on this web site is correct at time of publishing. Please note that fees and conditions are subject to change without notice. Al
companies listed are members of Parks Victoria. This web site may contain information about activities which by reason of their physical exertion or the degree of physical fitness
required may be unsuitable or dangerous for certain persons or it may describe activities which are inherently dangerous. Parks Victoria makes no representations of fact, nature,
quality and suitability about any or all of the activities promoted on this site and user agrees that the user shall be responsible for first satisfying himself/herself by independent
enquiry or advice as to the suitability of the particular activity. Any access of this site by the user is entirely at the users own risk and Parks Victoria shall not be responsible for the
propagation of computer worms or viruses transmitted from the site.<br>

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