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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 1
What Is Classifying?
Fill in the blanks!

C means putting things into groups based on whether they

are a or d .

Things in the same group share common f .

We can classify living things into a ,p ,

f and b .

150 Additional Teacher’s Resources © 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd
Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 2
How Can We Classify Animals?
1. Animals can be classified into groups with common characteristics.
Fill in the blanks with the groups of animals described.

a. have feathers. have hair or fur.

and have scales. have moist
skins. have a hard outer body covering.
b. Female produce milk to feed their young.
c. and some have wings.
d. Most give birth to young alive. Most lay
eggs but some give birth to young alive. , ,
and also lay eggs.
e. Only have beaks.
f. The body temperature of and depends
on their surroundings.
g. have fins which they use for swimming.
h. live in water. They have gills to help them breathe in
water. can live both on land and in water.
i. have three main body parts, feelers and six legs.

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2. You are given the following information on bats. Study the
information carefully and answer the question that follows.

Bats are animals that have wings and can fly.

They are covered with hair.

Most bats eat insects or fruit. Bats have

sharp teeth to bite through the tough
outer covering of insects or fruits.

Bats give birth to their young alive. Newborn

bats drink milk produced by their mothers
until they are old enough to hunt on their own.

Are bats birds or mammals? Why do you say so?

152 Additional Teacher’s Resources © 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd
3. Tom grouped different types of animals as shown below.
Group W Group X Group Y Group Z

a. Write down the names of the different groups of animals above

in the boxes provided.
Group W Group X Group Y Group Z

b. The animals in each of the different groups have unique

characteristics that cannot be found in the other groups. Match
the unique characteristics below to the correct group of animals.

Unique characteristics Group of animals

• Have fins Insects

• Have hair
• Females produce Birds
milk for their young

• Have six legs

• Bodies have three Mammals
main parts

• Have feathers Fish

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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 3
How Can We Classify Plants?
Fill in the blanks with two words each.

We can classify plants into different groups.

Some trees and bushes are

while mosses
and ferns are .

Some plants grow ,

such as in deserts, while some plants grow
, such as in ponds.

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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 4
What Are Fungi?
Fill in the blanks with the correct letters.

A. Mould B. Spores C. Decay D. Food

1. Fungi cannot make their own

. They feed on plants
and animals, dead or alive.
2. Fungi growing on a dead
tree trunk will cause the tree
trunk to .
3. help fungi to reproduce.
4. can be found growing on bread.

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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 5
What Are Bacteria?
1. Tick (ü) the boxes next to the statements that are TRUE.
a. Bacteria can only be seen with a microscope.

b. All bacteria are rod-shaped.

c. Bacteria cannot live in the body.

d. Bacteria can cause diseases.

e. Bacteria are used to make cheese, yoghurt and medicine.

f. Bacteria help to decompose dead plants and animals.

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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Fun and Guess Who?

Ari, Min, Rita and Tom each have a pet. Use the following clues to work
out who owns which pet, and each pet’s name.

Match the pets to their owners and write each pet’s name below its

Clue 1: Min’s pet does not have wings. Read through all the
clues first. Which ones
are easy to solve?
Clue 2: Tom’s pet is not a mammal and does not have gills.

Clue 3: The pet called Gilbert likes to swim.

Clue 4: Ari’s pet likes to run around a lot. Its name is Timmy.

Clue 5: Rita’s pet is called Florence.

Clue 6: The tortoise is called Sheldon.

Ari Min Tom Rita

Name: Name: Name: Name:

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Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date:

Exam Practice
Process skills: Observing, Classifying, Comparing

Rita and Min went to the zoo and saw some animals classified as shown
in Table A below.
Table A
Mammals Birds Insects Reptiles Amphibians

Parakeet Ladybird Snake Bullfrog


Anteater Turkey Butterfly Chameleon Salamander

a. Rita and Min decided to classify these animals based on the number
of legs the animals have. Fill in the table below to show how the
classification would look. [5 marks]
Table B
0 legs 2 legs 4 legs 6 legs

158 Additional Teacher’s Resources © 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd
b. Name one common characteristic between the parakeet and the
butterfly. [1 mark]

c. Where in Table A should Rita and Min
What characteristics do Rita and
place themselves? [1 mark] Min have? Compare them with the
characteristics of the various groups
of animals in Table A.

d. Which group of animals in Table A does not contain vertebrates?

[1 mark]

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Chapter 2

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Sorting Living Things Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date: Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 1 Consolidation Worksheet 2

What Is Classifying? How Can We Classify Animals?
Fill in the blanks! 1. Animals can be classified into groups with common characteristics.
Fill in the blanks with the groups of animals described.
C lassifying means putting things into groups based on whether they

Additional Teacher’s Resources

are a like or d ifferent . a. Birds have feathers. Mammals have hair or fur.
Fish and reptiles have scales. Amphibians have moist
Things in the same group share common f eatures . skins. Insects
have a hard outer body covering.
b. Female mammals produce milk to feed their young.
We can classify living things into a nimals , p lants , c. Birds and some insects have wings.
f ungi and b acteria . d. Most mammals give birth to young alive. Most fish lay
eggs but some give birth to young alive. Birds , reptiles ,
insects and amphibians also lay eggs.
e. Only birds
have beaks.
f. The body temperature of reptiles and amphibians depends
on their surroundings.
g. Fish have fins which they use for swimming.
h. Fishlive in water. They have gills to help them breathe in
water. Amphibians can live both on land and in water.
i. Insects have three main body parts, feelers and six legs.

© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd

2. You are given the following information on bats. Study the 3. Tom grouped different types of animals as shown below.
information carefully and answer the question that follows.
Group W Group X Group Y Group Z

Bats are animals that have wings and can fly.

They are covered with hair.

Most bats eat insects or fruit. Bats have

© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd

sharp teeth to bite through the tough
outer covering of insects or fruits.

Bats give birth to their young alive. Newborn a. Write down the names of the different groups of animals above
bats drink milk produced by their mothers in the boxes provided.
until they are old enough to hunt on their own.
Group W Group X Group Y Group Z
Insects Birds Fish Mammals
Are bats birds or mammals? Why do you say so?
Bats are actually mammals. They are the only mammals that b. The animals in each of the different groups have unique
characteristics that cannot be found in the other groups. Match
have wings and can fly! Bats show the common characteristics of the unique characteristics below to the correct group of animals.

mammals: They are covered with hair; they give birth to their young Unique characteristics Group of animals

alive; and female bats produce milk to feed their young. Another • Have fins Insects

clue is that bats have teeth. Since birds have beaks instead of teeth, • Have hair
• Females produce Birds
bats are not birds. milk for their young

• Have six legs

• Bodies have three Mammals
main parts

• Have feathers Fish

Science SMART Teacher’s Guide Grade 3

Answers to Additional Teacher’s Resources Answers to Additional Teacher’s Resources

Sorting Living Things
Chapter 2

Answers to Additional Teacher’s Resources Answers to Additional Teacher’s Resources

Sorting Living Things Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date: Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet 3 Consolidation Worksheet 4

How Can We Classify Plants? What Are Fungi?
Fill in the blanks with two words each. Fill in the blanks with the correct letters.

Additional Teacher’s Resources

We can classify plants into different groups. A. Mould B. Spores C. Decay D. Food

Some trees and bushes are

flowering plants while mosses 1. Fungi cannot make their own
and ferns are non-flowering plants . D . They feed on plants
and animals, dead or alive.
Some plants grow on land , 2. Fungi growing on a dead
such as in deserts, while some plants grow tree trunk will cause the tree
in water , such as in ponds. trunk to C .
3. B help fungi to reproduce.
4. A can be found growing on bread.

© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd

Sorting Living Things Sorting Living Things

Name: Class: Date: Name: Class: Date:

Consolidation Worksheet Fun and Guess Who?

5 Games
What Are Bacteria? Ari, Min, Rita and Tom each have a pet. Use the following clues to work
out who owns which pet, and each pet’s name.
1. Tick (ü) the boxes next to the statements that are TRUE.
Match the pets to their owners and write each pet’s name below its
a. Bacteria can only be seen with a microscope. ✓ picture.

© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd

b. All bacteria are rod-shaped. Read through all the
Clue 1: Min’s pet does not have wings.
c. Bacteria cannot live in the body. clues first. Which ones
are easy to solve?
Clue 2: Tom’s pet is not a mammal and does not have gills.
d. Bacteria can cause diseases. ✓
e. Bacteria are used to make cheese, yoghurt and medicine. ✓ Clue 3: The pet called Gilbert likes to swim.

f. Bacteria help to decompose dead plants and animals. ✓ Clue 4: Ari’s pet likes to run around a lot. Its name is Timmy.

Clue 5: Rita’s pet is called Florence.

Clue 6: The tortoise is called Sheldon.

Ari Min Tom Rita

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Florence Sheldon Timmy Gilbert

Science SMART Teacher’s Guide Grade 3

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Sorting Living Things
Chapter 2

Sorting Living Things

b. Name one common characteristic between the parakeet and the
Name: Class: Date:
butterfly. [1 mark]

Exam Practice Both have wings.

Process skills: Observing, Classifying, Comparing Hint:

c. Where in Table A should Rita and Min
Rita and Min went to the zoo and saw some animals classified as shown What characteristics do Rita and
place themselves? [1 mark] Min have? Compare them with the
in Table A below. characteristics of the various groups
Mammals of animals in Table A.
Table A

Additional Teacher’s Resources

Mammals Birds Insects Reptiles Amphibians
d. Which group of animals in Table A does not contain vertebrates?
[1 mark]

Parakeet Ladybird Snake Bullfrog


Anteater Turkey Butterfly Chameleon Salamander

a. Rita and Min decided to classify these animals based on the number
of legs the animals have. Fill in the table below to show how the
classification would look. [5 marks]
Table B
0 legs 2 legs 4 legs 6 legs

Snake Parakeet Giraffe Ladybird

Turkey Anteater Butterfly




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Chapter 2:
Sorting Living Things

Abdomen The rear part of an insect’s body

Amphibian A cold-blooded animal that can live both on land and in water

Sorting Living Things

Bacteria (plural; singular: bacterium) A group of very small living things
that can be spiral-shaped, rod-like or spherical

Bracket fungus A type of fungus that grows on living or dead trees and wood
structures in bracket-shaped or shelf-like bodies and causes the
wood to decompose

Classify To arrange or organise items into groups based on how they

are alike

Cold-blooded Having a body temperature that changes according to the

temperature of the environment

Common characteristic Same feature

Decay To rot or break down slowly

Decompose To rot, decay or break down slowly by natural processes

Fin The thin part that sticks out from the body of the fish or other
aquatic animals and is used to move, steer and balance in

Fungus (plural: fungi) A living thing that reproduces by spores and

lacks chlorophyll and feeds off other living organisms or dead
organic matter

Gill The body part that fish and other animals that breathe in water
use to take in oxygen

Head The front or upper part of the body that contains the brain,
eyes, nose and mouth; or the corresponding part in an
invertebrate animal

Invertebrate An animal that does not have a backbone or internal body


Mammal A warm-blooded animal that has an outer body covering of

hair or fur, gives birth to their young alive and produces milk to
feed the young

Mould A type of fungus that grows on damp or decaying organic


Reptile An animal that is cold-blooded, lays eggs and has a body that
is covered with scales

© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd Science SMART Teacher’s Guide Grade 3 165
Scale One of the many small thin plates that cover the body of some
animals such as fish and snakes

Thorax The second or middle part of an insect’s body and has the
wings and legs

Vertebrate An animal that has a backbone or internal body skeleton

Yeast A type of fungus found in the soil and in the air that feeds on
sugars in fruits and vegetables
Chapter 2

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