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Sandra Kakkarayil Jayakumar

S8 ECE Roll No:49

Simulation of BER of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) through a
AWGN channel. The BER is to be plotted for SNR values from -20dB to 20dB with
an increment of 5.
1. Set FFT size N = 64, number of cyclic prefix Ncp = 16 and number of bits to
transmit to be 1024. Note, since during each transmission only 64 symbols are
send you need to send 1024 symbols in multiple frames of transmissions. There
are a total of 1024/64 = 16 frames to be transmitted.
2. For each value of SNR
(a) Generate 1024 bits randomly and do BPSK modulation of the bits to generate
i. For each frame (Every 64 symbols of x)
A. Do an N = 64 point IFFT of x.
B. Add Ncp = 16 number of cyclic prefixes at the start of the frame to
generate xi (i th transmission frame).
C. Calculate the noise variance required for the current SNR (Since it is
BPSK modulation the signal power is 1).
D. Generate AWGN noise samples, n, which is distributed as complex
Gaussian and noise variance as calculated from step C. Generate as
many samples as the message symbols.
E. Transmit the message symbols and the received vector is given by y = xi
F. Take the FFT of y to generate r.
G. Do the demodulation of r.
H. Calculate the number of errors (currErr) and add the error number of the
current frame to that of the previous frame (err(i) = err(i) + currErr).
ii. Average out the number of errors to get the BER for the current SNR
(errSnr = sum(err)/numFrames).
(b) Plot BER vs SNR in dB in semilog-y scale.


Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier modulation

system where data is transmitted as a combination of orthogonal narrowband signals
known as subcarriers.
The data is first coded and modulated(such as BPSK modulation). These symbols
are loaded into equally spaced frequency bins and an inverse fast Fourier transform
(IFFT) is applied to transform the signal into orthogonal overlapping sinusoids in the
time domain.
The N samples at the output of the IFFT make up one OFDM symbol. A cyclic prefix
is then appended to each OFDM symbol, which allows for the computation of circular
convolution through linear convolution if the cyclic prefix is at least as long as the
channel impulse response. This allows equalization at the receiver to remove
intersymbol interference(ISI) through a straightforward complex scalar multiplication
applied to each OFDM symbol independently.


The BER for BPSK modulation with OFDM is

From the graph, it can be seen that the BER decreases with increasing SNR.
Initially, the decrease in BER is smaller, but as the SNR increases the decrement
becomes more drastic.
But compared to the normal BER, BER with OFDM is still higher.

1024 random bits are generated which is then BPSK modulated. It is then OFDM
modulated by converting the bits into 16 frames of 64 bits each, then by taking the
IFFT and then adding cyclic prefix, after which it was transmitted.
AWGN noise is added to it to simulate channel noise. At the receiver, the cyclic
prefix is removed, after which the FFT and demodulation of the signal are done.
Finally, BER vs SNR graph has been plotted.
From the graph, it can be seen that the BER rate decreases with increasing SNR.
Initially, the decrement is less, but at higher SNR it is more drastic.

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