WC Assignment-21

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S8 ECE Roll No:23

Simulation of BER (Bit Error Rate) of BPSK modulation through wireless channel
with flat fading. The BER is to be plotted for SNR values from -20dB to 20dB with an
increment of 5.
(a) For each value of SNR
i. Generate thousand bits randomly and do BPSK modulation of the bits to
generate the vector x.
ii. Calculate the noise variance required for the current SNR (Since it is BPSK
modulation the signal power is 1).
iii. Generate channel coefficients, h, (as many samples as the message
symbols) which is distributed as complex gaussian with mean zero and
variance 1.
iv. Generate AWGN noise samples, n, which is distributed as complex
Gaussian and noise variance as calculated from step ii. Generate as many
samples as the message symbols.
v. Transmit the message symbols and the received vector is given by
y = abs(h). ∗ x + n
where .∗ indicates elementwise multiplication and abs(.) indicates the absolute
vi. Scale the received vector by norm of h, i.e, r = y / ||h| 2 .
vii. Generate the bits by demodulating r.
viii. Calculate the BER for this SNR.
(b) Plot BER vs SNR in dB in semilog-y scale.


Flat Fading
Flat fading refers to a type of fading where the entire frequency bandwidth
experiences similar levels of fading or attenuation. The wireless channel is said to be
flat fading if it has constant gain and linear phase response over a bandwidth which
is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted signal. It is also known as
non-selective fading.
● Signal BW << Channel BW
● Symbol period >> Delay Spread
The multipath structure of the channel is such that the spectral characteristics of the
transmitted signal are preserved at the receiver. But, the strength of the received
signal change with time, due to fluctuations in the channel gain caused by multipath.

BPSK Modulation
BPSK(Binary Phase Shift Keying) is a type of modulation used in digital
communication systems to transmit binary data over a communication channel.

In BPSK, the carrier signal is modulated by changing its phase by 180 degrees for
each binary symbol. Specifically, a binary 0 is represented by a phase shift of 180
degrees, while a binary 1 is represented by no phase shift.

Fading in BPSK
The BER vs SNR plot of a BPSK modulation with fading and AWGN is given below.

The BER for BPSK with flat fading and AWGN is
The theoretical BER with only AWGN channel for the same SNR is

By comparing the BER for flat fading and AWGN against BER for only AWGN
channel, it can be seen that the BER for AWGN channel decreases exponentially
with increasing SNR. But, the BER for flat fading reduces much less drastically with
increasing SNR.
So, the performance of BPSK modulation with flat fading and AWGN is less,
compared to that of BPSK modulation with only AWGN channel.

A 1000 random bits have been BPSK modulated and flat fading with AWGN noise
have been simulated upon it. The received bits have been demodulated and the
BER vs SNR graph has been plotted.
From the graph, it can be seen that the BER rate decreases with increasing SNR,
but this decrement is less compared to BER with only AWGN channel.

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